Bobsolo @Bobsolo Welcome Offline

Joined 5 years ago

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AVW Welcome
27 6 Welcome 2 Users
AVW created 2009 with help from super good hearten folks wanting for other's as they have for them selves. Lots of Animesh & builds of all sorts to share for everyone..
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33 8 0 Users
avirtualworlds animesh collection, AVW
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Tis that time of the year Happy Holidays from avirtualworld.

Gentle Dragonheart: very funny indeed. I do wonder where his young & handsome Mr. Christmas suit is, though ;) 3 days ago
SG-1 Atlantis avirtualworlds most beloved build. Experience the fantasy of Syfy, based on the show and scratch built.

Sooner or later gona cutya down

Sculpted pieces of snow for the Seasons Greetings @

OpenSimUser: Thank you Bobsolo, i finally made it there to get it. 1 month ago

Walken them trails with the snakes and the snails Checken them pines for evergreen crimes

OpenSimUser: Oh but it is the end of the world lol 1 month ago


Avirtualworld's look at Skeletons we bring the fun in Halloween You bring your FEER BOOOOOO!

Shea Butters Skeleton region has what you never thought you needed to scare ya! Take a look Take a Hook Bring your FEAR BOOOO!

SheaButter: Nah! It's not scary at all. 2 months ago

"Large collection of Animesh Animals" From domestic to the wild. Start your zoo or animal shelter build.

victorialogan: excelente!!!! 9 months ago

Animesh @ AVW Open 24/7

Allow time for Delivery Allow time more time time an time again BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Haunted Builds

It's Time U Build here ya go all ya can get full copy
Open 24/7 Allow time if your a clicker time time time;-))

Hope to see everyone there. AVW we dance quit often repairing our soul from the inside out.

Happy New Year from your friends @ AVW the animesh headquarters

Trizzy Hunter: Happy New Year Bob 2 years ago

AVW We leave the light on 4 U

Time to stop! Time to think! who the fuc are we, Intelligent maybe, Just some are more animal than human. What makes that ant think he can move that rubber tree plant.

User Name: a world without war will be a world without suffering and questions. a world where everyone is equal in power and rights will be a world without emotion and motivation and meaning. war brings motiva... 2 years ago

Imagine having fun not pressing keys, Look around you just might find something good. Welcome

Thirza Ember: After staring for 30 seconds, when i looked at the wall I saw a ham sandwich. In my defense, I was very hungry, so I ate it. I hope that was not sacrilegious. Also, I may have been looking inside the ... 2 years ago

Just between the monitor and the back of the chair. AVW has taken all the work out of pressing keys just shop till you drop. Welcome

AVW Knows. AVW cares shares an open 24/7. What ya waiten for, do something fun, enjoy your life build opensim Dream some. Have a great day;-)) =

Dispensary setup @ trails free to copy fun to try some. Huge sale this week.
Legal in most grids, smoke some live some enjoy always @AVW

3.5 Million years ago Ugg could only imagine avirtualworld and here we are Liven a dream sweetheart. Live long prosper keep Dreaming.

Thirza Ember: I think I dated him back in the 90s 3 years ago

Someday's I have so much fun it's crazy (:-))

Oni Kiri: santa socks for me please? 3 years ago

Some day's I find so much fun it's crazy... Have some fun (:-))

Spax Orion: YEP, if you are flying that low to the ground in DEVELOPED parts of the world it would be bullets or WORSE! CHEERS! 3 years ago
The Day has arrived, With much anticipation and media coverage the one the only Presidential debate taken to the ring.
Watch President Biden V/S Former President Trump battle it out on AVW @ trails ( Watch which ever favorite you suck up to kick the liven shit out of each other properly bare knuckle and to the last breath. Copy by request only while supply's last (see Bob Solo or Shea Butter).. everything is full perm full copy 24/7 only @ the AVW opensim's animesh head Quarters trails.

AVW Welcome: Animesh super store @ Trails on AVW, all free all copy all the time Welcome


GREEDY SUNDAYS 10am grid time every sunday, play in the water with the frogs and a few folks to try your luck 10am start time. Just for fun. Map

SheaButter: HELP!! Bob's killing me here. 3 years ago
AVW Welcome. one of opensim's oldest established HG grid regions, AVW 24/7 with over 25 regions and years of hard work and collecting. Explore or shop we share we care, all copy all the time & wont cost a dime

AVW Welcome, est 2009 one of opensims oldest, all copy all the time. We invite explores for all our regions to share to care. Welcome

Greedy Sunday's @ AVW join in for a few games.. Zero Lag play. + Friendly folks
Map @ 10 am grid time starts in a few hey hey hey

Greedy Sunday's @ AVW join in for a few games.. Zero Lag play. + Friendly folks
Map @ 10 am grid time starts in a few hey hey hey

Greedy Sunday today 10am grid time @ AVW Moe.
Here we have a nice northern mountainous region with zero lag snow capped mountains, a greedy area over the hot springs, some wildlife around some of which no one has ever seen before (ever seen a Bear ? a Moose), well @10am grid time you can and use your skills playing greedy to boot.. Fun folks fun games and lots of stories. Use your MAP 10am grid time see you there arrive early save your seat.. bye
Avirtualworld Animesh Collection
AVW has placed all animesh & related Items in Vendors for a better experience & FR
All Free All Copy All the Time HOP: copy paste it to your map;-))

Galleria of animesh parts & pieces of everything imaginable all copy all free all the time

AVW Welcome
A place to hang your hat is a place to keep coming back.

AVW Welcome
Places to Explore