Brenden Joseph @BrendenJ


Not new, just a new account, been here over 2 years

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

Like meeting people. Mostly submissive guy and enjoy Femdom and cfnm,

Music I Like

Films I Like

The Phantom of the Opera, Dracula Untold, Van Helsing, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Twilight trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, Blair Witch Project, Unstoppable and many many others.

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


Things that are going on in the world today are causing division between friends and family, so there is no surprise that it is happening here in Opensim as well.

We can't always agree on everything in life and so I make no apology for standing for what i believe in. If that offends you even to the point that our friendships break over such things, so be it. There is nothing worse than lying to yourself to please others. If those friendships cannot stand a few disagreements every now and then, then they not really your friends in the first place and do not mourn their loss.

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My Reviews

Roxys Dark Club

Just visited this place, although it was empty when I visited (probably because it is so new) looks very nice and gothic. Looks pretty sweet, hope it all works out :)

SilverFox Mall

Great clothes and items. Very nicely laid out mall and nice people. Come check it out :)

Jackson Sq

Beautiful looking sim, very detailed. Well worth a visit!

Cross Track Bike

Region looks great and cool idea but couldn't see any way to rezz the bikes so was unable to ride around the track. But was able to use them at our home grid so at least was fun that way. Tried joining the grid group but still wasn't able to rezz a bike.

Lothbroks Farm

Fantastic looking region. A lot of work and effort gone into this place. Always amazes me what people can do in Opensim. :)


What an amazing and beautiful sim.


Awesome region, very well made and fantastic to go exploring or bring a lover on a date too :)

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