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!NEW! Neva Outfit .... Turtleneck comes in four Colors

LGBT Dance Party im neuen Moonrose Club. DJ SILVER wird den Abend mit den besten Rock Classics und Euren Musikwünschen aufwerten.
LGBT Dance Party at the new Moonrose Club.
DJ SILVER will enhance the evening with the best rock classics and your music
wishes. Club Bikerworld

NEW!!! Neck Gems

Bald geht es los..... Hall

Moonrose Grid: Danke Mick:) 2 years ago
New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.

Virtual Life: complete new body with 5 pair feets, HUD and BOM system. A must have for the brand new ATHENA (Maitreya) clothes 3 years ago


Dance Classic Listen to Great Music with Three Awesome DJ from Gemany......

NEW 2 Outfits !!!!!

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago

New Fiona Suit !!!

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago
24 Türen sind zu öffnen hinter jedem ein Geschenk.
Auf der Einkaufsmeile stehen noch einige kleine Geschenkboxen. Wir eröffnen um Mitternacht den Adventskalender. Ihr könnt auch den Advents Kalender in der Germanworldgridmall finden. Für die Männer gibt es ein Kalender im

24 doors to open behind each one a gift. On the Shopping mile are still some small Gift boxes. We open at Midnight the Advent Calendar. You can also find the Advent Calendar in the Germanworldgridmall.For Male there is a Calendar at

NEW !!! Velvet Dress Fatpack

NEW !!! Celest Dress/ Boots Hud driven

We are Back

New Dina Outfit !!!

NEW Boots !!!

NEW !!!

New !!!

Halloween Sky!!!!
Teleport at Mall Landing Point

New !!!! Leather Pants

New!!!! Latex Boots

New!!! Sweater Dress Fatpack

New !!!! Augusta Dress

NEW Male Jumper

NEW @ Bodyshop Glitter Eyeliner

that will ruin my diet...

New to the sim, inside the Freak Show.."Axehead"..

I wish you all a good start into the week. I found this on Internet, eastern canada
, so peace and colorful..

"The pumpkin bridge" :-))

The sim is open for public now .For some nice soundeffects, remember to enable it at your sound button. The picture shows the view from the plateau. Have fun!

Hello dear friends . Summer is still going on but I was astonished how many people started to decorate their sim(s) for Autumn ,Halloween time. So I thought it is a nice idea to open my Autumn/Halloween place for public soon too. All things I found so far all over the hypergrid at one place . nice arranged, some modified . The sim has 3 parts.. on the Plateau you will find Autumn things for decorating your home. The horrible blood and gore part is inside the circus tent, surrounded by a more or less rotten ,abandoned funfair. Next to the Circus tent you find..well to much to tell and I want you to look yourself. Perhaps a one way stop for all your needs? And for all Freebie Hunters..there are 4 places on the sim where you can overindulge your massive shopping, lol.:
-Next to the landing point
-Inside the Magic Shop
- tons of boxed stuff inside the church
- the house next to the graveyard
Not everything is copy but most! (and it is really a lot!!!)
And to give it a name I call the sim "Autumnville -where good meets evil and in between"
The sim is fully decorated ,so please give it time to rez or relog . I will open soon my sim for public! Happy decorating!

Polly Pants

Tomis Shopping Mall

NEW !!!!


•✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠•
•✠• NOW: ♫• Mod Lazarus •♫
•✠• WHERE: • Ladys Happy Birthday •
•✠• WHAT : ♫• Mixed Sounds •♫
•✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠•
•✠• 20 Uhr German Time
•✠• hop://
•✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠• •✠•

UllsWater Action Day

24 H Lucky Letters Dresses & Furniture

Every guest can try their luck today

Great things are waiting for you
