Rhowin Blackwell @CamdenJaxx

OSGrid, of course! East Coast in the real world. Online

A simple bro with a flair for scripting.

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself

An SL transplant, I participated in the original beta, but have since moved on to the Hypergrid for less drama, more creative outlets, (significantly) cheaper SIM hosting, and a love for OpenSim-specific scripting projects.

My Interests

- Freebie Shopping
- Scripting
- Building
- Exploring
- Conversing

Real World:
- Web Development
- Laser Engraving
- Netflixing
- Disc Golf
- Nature Escapes

Favorite Quote

“If you are a dreamer come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
a hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer;
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
for we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!”
― Shel Silverstein

Music I Like

While I have very eclectic tastes, but I'm not a huge fan of country or rap, though I do enjoy a little of both. I tend to enjoy anything from dance hall music to new age spacey stuff to singer/songwriter types as well.

Films I Like

A few favorites:
- Practical Magic
- Perfume, The Story Of A Murderer
- Sordid Lives
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Labyrinth
- The Net

Viewer Version

Firstorm, OS version, always up-to-date.

My Regions

4 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Brotown 0 Users
[Currently Under Construction] Brotown aims to be the spot for guys who are into guys. It will soon feature an active adult theater, dating agency, free shopping , and free housing opportunities as well. Keep an eye on this spot for the grand opening announcement and join our in-world group to st...
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comments 8 post likes 19
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Builds Ahoy

A huge selection of buildings, from houses to tiki huts, businesses to fake buildings. You're sure to find something here you'll want! Tip: Start with your draw distance down low before TPing in. There are a LOT of buildings to load and you don't want to try to load the whole place at once.


A huge selection of homes of every type, conveniently sorted and with teleporters to each area. Major kudos and many thanks!

Profile Comments

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