Cataplexia Numbers @Cataplexia

USA Online

In virtual worlds since 2006- DJ, Designer, Artist, Builder, Reiki Master, Chakra Awareness Instructor. Owner of The Cats Meow, Textures By Numbers, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Second Style comes to AMV! Custom Works, Prefabs, Pools, Furniture, Gardens & More! hop://

The Cat's Meow - Ladies & Mens Fashions, Creations, Modifications & Fascinations by Cataplexia Numbers Exclusively on Alternate Metaverse Grid Located in the giant box the giant cat is holding by a up! :D Also on By Numbers: Textures By Numbers & Building By Numbers...a must see for builders! Numbers
NEW Building By Numbers - Mesh Building Supplies, doors, Windows, Roofs, Fences, Columns, Arches, Domes, Decorative meshes & So Much More! Located on the "By Numbers" region at Alternate Metaverse Grid next to Cats Meow - His & Her Fashions & Textures By Numbers

Builders Mesh, Building, Building Supplies, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Rails, Gates & Fences, Arches, Roofs, Decorative mesh, fancy architectual decor, moldings, , floors, walls, textures

NayaPinazzo: Te reciben muy bien, funciona perfectamente. Llevo más de 1 año y estoy encantada 28 days ago
Open Mic Thusdays 12:30-2:30 Hosted By Dave, Wintermyst & Whisper

Open Mic Thursdays! accepting talent by avatars throughout Alternate Metaverse & The OpenSim Hypergrid as well! Live Open Mic events are on Thursdays from 12:30-2:30pm, Hosted by Dave King, Wintermyst Tangerae & Whisper Carfield! We accept people in the order of which they sign up. Some of the talent will include:
Bands, Singers, Musicians, Poets, Storytellers, Comedians & Free-stylers! What hidden talents do YOU have?? Mic Arts (232, 43, 51)
AMV5B - Alternate Metaverse Grid Celebrates 5 Years!

All of you are invited to our 5th Birthday celebration on the Region AMV Birthday, A Co-Creation of Ted Junior and Chris McCracken, two excellent builders and landscapers! There are a few touches by the talented Lilie Finesmith and by Cataplexia Numbers as well. We will start off with a Short Grid Address to open and the Re-Inauguration of our Grid's Mayor, The lovely Taffy Star. After the Inauguration we will celebrate at the main stage with a Live Performance by Mavenn Live & Joao Frazao!

We will have 3 more days of parties & Events, and wrap it up on December 8th. Live Performers, DJs & Storytelling, Free gifts, and Free portraits by Zelle Mist are available throughout the 4 day event!

We are so fortunate...Cliff & be able to call so many incredible people Our friends and family! Love and Light to all of you and a most gracious THANK YOU for helping to make this grid the wonderful and diverse place that it is! Birthday (235, 174, 23)

Alternate Metaverse 5th Birthday Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 5th

9:30 AM - 10:30am - Grid Address & Inauguration At Cafe' Espresso Stage
10;30am - 11:30am Mavenn Live @ The Living Stage
11:30am - 12:30pm Joao Frazao @ The Living Stage
12:30pm-1:30pm DJ Baby Miller @ The Butterfly Stage
1:30pm-2:30 DJ Naya Pinazzo @ The Butterfly Stage
4 - 6pm Maldrul Smith @ The Butterfly Stage

Friday, December 6th

10am-11am DJ DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem @ The Butterfly Stage
12noon -1pm Storytelling by Yichard Muni @ The Garden Of Journeys
2pm-3pm Dave King Live @ The Guitar Stage
3pm-4pm DJ Anys @ The Guitar Stage
4-5pm Zoree Jupiter @ The Guitar Stage
5pm - 6pm Beccca Baxton @ The Guitar Stage
6pm - 7pm DJ Maia Antarra Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage
7pm - 8pm DJ April McKenna Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage

Saturday, December 7th

9am - 10am DJ Tyler Mathews
10am -11am Mr Mikie String @ The Living Stage
11am - 12noon Clan Escotia & Clans Band Live @ The Living Stage
12noon - 1pm Ernest Moncrieff @ The Living Stage
1pm - 2pm Icky Thump Live @ The Living Stage
4pm -5pm DJ Jordan Melody @ The Butterfly Stage
5pm - 6pm DJ Chris McCracken @ The Butterfly Stage


Sunday, December 8th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ The Butterfly Stage
11am -1pm Dave King & Wintermyst Tangerae's Video Party @ The Butterfly Stage
1pm - 2pm Ian Kitsilano Live w Mr M & The All-nighters @ The Guitar Stage
2pm - 3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Guitar Stage
Tonight's usual dance party at Club Wet has been cancelled due to Autumnfest. DJ Chris McCracken & DJ April McKenna will be tonight's Freak Night DJs at Autumnfest- you must be dressed but wear your freakiest sexiest craziest costume! The party begins at 5-7 with DJ Chis, then 7-9 with DJ April - Don't miss the freakiest party on the hypergrid! hop:// AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Ellen: The artwork is really beautiful! 4 months ago
Tonight's usual dance party at Club Wet has been cancelled due to Autumnfest. DJ Chris McCracken & DJ April McKenna will be tonight's Freak Night DJs at Autumnfest- you must be dressed but wear your freakiest sexiest craziest costume! The party begins at 5-7 with DJ Chis, then 7-9 with DJ April - Don't miss the freakiest party on the hypergrid!
Autumnfest 2024 @ Alternate Metaverse Grid October 24th-October 31st, 2024

A 9 Region Tribute To Autumn Celebrating Autumn & Halloween
AMV Autumnfest, AMV Welcome, Open Mic Arts, AMV Autumnfest Stage, Surreal Autumnfest, Autumnfest InTribute, Autumnfest Halloween, Meow Fashion, Autumnfest October

Autumnfest @ Alternate Metaverse Grid is hosting MANY of your FAVORITE Entertainers - Live Performers & DJs Live at the AMV Autumn Stage and several other venues throughout Autumnfest. Autumnfest features Live Music events From October 24th-October 31, 2024 There will also be Belly dancing, Storytelling, Dreamwalking Guided Meditation class, Freak Night Party, Free outfits for all, A Rocky Horror Show Tribute, Halloween parties, Open Mic, AND Karaoke @ The Autumnfest InTribute Venue! Be sure to check our events calender on the AMV Website @
Autumn & Halloween Portraits will be taken by our amazing staff Photographer, Zelle Mist throughout events!
Costumes are welcome and even encouraged at any of the events!
Visit our Cos-Play Store @ AMV Freebies Mall if you need one!

Come Join us! Paste to Map Autumnfest

Welcome Area for Alternate Metaverse Grid visitors & New Residents! Home of the Late Night & Morning wake up parties!
Watch our AMV Event boards for times and dates of these special events!
While at AMV Welcome Look for your favorite Live Performers & DJs and travel using our Explorer Board and HUD & Club Crawl Board and HUD! Welcome

Welcome area for AUTUMNFEST - A Multi-regional Tribute To Autumn Celebrating Autumn & Halloween, on Alternate Metaverse Grid!
Teleport from here to other Autumnfest Regions and explore!
Live Events, Portraits by Zelle, Spooky Castles & Decor, Graveyards, Cabin by the Lake, Beneath the Graveyard (A music halloween castle venue)

The Graveyard hop:// Autumnfest/552/272/40

Live Performers & DJs @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
Belly Dancing Pavilion
See the schedule below for details

hop:// AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Enjoy the beauty & majesty of Autumn in a serene park setting at October Park- - Virtual style! A Beautiful & Peaceful place to relax with someone special and enjoy the beauty of Autumn.
Storytelling, Guided Meditation & Greedy! Autumnfest October

Home of the spooky Skull Castle- Halloween Party at Skull Castle October 31st Autumnfest Halloween

What kind of Thrills & Chills await you at Surreal Autumnfest - Dare to come and find out and careful not to get probed and abducted!!
Live DJs
Live one man Rocky Horror Show Autumnfest

AMV's got talent Karaoke at the stage @ Autumnfest InTribute InTribute

Home of The Cat's Meow Fall Fashion Shows- We are not doing a Fashion show this time around but Meow Fashion is filled with previous fall fashions free for all! Come get yours!

hop:// Fashion/257/268/22

Hosted by Chrid Dayellis and Whisper Carfield,
Our Spooktacular Open Mic Night is always incredibly fun!


Schedule Of Autumnfest Events 2024

Thursday, October 24th

10a-11a Mavenn Live sings live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
11a-12n Joao Frazao Live Guitar & Vocals @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12:30a DJ Alex Harper -Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
4p-6p DJ Maldrul Smith Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
6p-8p DJ James Bogbat - Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest ???? TENTATIVE

Friday, October 25th

12n-1p Storytelling at October Park with Yichard @ AMV Autumnfest October
3p-5p Cataplexia Numbers sings live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage??? TENTATIVE

Saturday, October 26th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
11am-12noon Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
1pm-2pm Icky & Sum Dual Stream Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
2p-4p Open Mic with Chris D & Whisper @ OpenMic Arts
5pm-7pm DJ Chris (The Mighty) McCracken - Freak Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
7pm-9pm DJ April McKenna - Freak Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Sunday, October 27th

11am-1pm Ernest Moncrieff - Rocky Horror Picture Show @ Surreal Autumnfest
1pm-2pm Ian Kitsilano w Mr M & The All Nighters Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
2pm-3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Monday, October 28th

9am-11am DJ DragonLady Shinobiaaa @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon-2pm DJ Ted Junior - Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
4pm-6pm Dreamwalking & Guided Meditation at October Park @ AMV Autumnfest October

Tuesday, October 29th

10am-12noon Belly dancing @ The Belly dance Pavillion- @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon-1pm Mr Mikie String sings Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
4pm-5pm Beccca Baxton Sings LIVE @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Wednesday, October 30th

11a-12n Dave King Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon - 1pm DJ Baby @ Autumnfest InTribute
1p-3p Karaoke @ Autumnfest InTribute
5p-7p DJ Maia Antara @ Autumnfest Surreal

Thursday, October 31st

11am-12:30pm Zoree Jupiter Live - The Halloween Party, Skull Castle @ AMV Autumnfest Halloween

A Spectacular Fall Season & Happy Halloween To Everyone!
Sunday August 11th, 11am -3pm In Tribute Concert - Tribute Palooza 8
At Alternate Metaverse - AMV Summer Festival of the Arts
Pre Show by DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem 10-11 am

Our Performance will be a Fund-raiser for a New Mega Server for AMV
Please show your support & Generosity for our grid!
12 performers.....1 DJ.......29 Amazing Tributes!
In Tribute is Owned & Created by Cataplexia Numbers, Alternate Metaverse Grid


Sylvia-Koeln: That sounds good.... I'd love to come over there 6 months ago
Due to unforseen circumstances the Festival Of The Arts was
moved up two weeks, the following information is all correct
and updated - Thank you!


Festival dates are:
Thursday July 25- Sunday, July 28th 2024

Covering 5 VAR Regions on Alternate Metaverse Grid

The Arts
OpenMic Arts
AMV Special Events
Festival Of Arts
In Tribute

Highlights Include
Alternate Metaverse Carnival - (AMV Special Events)
Visual & Creative Arts: Photographic & Multimedia 2D Art, AI Art (Festival Of Arts)
Immersive Visual & Interactive 3D Artscapes (Festival Of Arts & OpenMic Arts)
Musical Performances by DJs & Live Performers (AMV Special Events)
Dinkies Do Summer (Festival Of Arts)
Storytelling By Yichard Muni (Festival Of Arts )
Live Performers & DJs (AMV Special Events & The Arts)
Zoree Jupiter's Live Burlesque Show (AMV Special Events)
Clan Escotia & His Band Present Live USO Show (Festival Of Arts)
Fashion Show- Summer Sizzle by The Cat's Meow (AMV Special Events - Runway)
Tribute Palooza 8 - A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians (In Tribute)
Lorin Tone's Soundscape Art (Festival Of Arts)
Power Trance Friday Straight from Prana Mountain (AMV Special Events)
Nyx Breen's Immersive Artscapes on Festival Of Arts & Open MIc Arts regions

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - July 25th through July 28th

Thursday, July 25th

10a-11am Boat Tour from Metasea Tour Office to The Arts for Burlesque Show
11a-12:30p Zoree Jupiter - Burlesque Show @ The Arts
12:30-1:30p DJ Alex Harper - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
1:30p-2:30p Dave King Live - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
4-6pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Main Stage
6-8pm DJ James Bogbat - AMV Special Events Main Stage

Friday July 26th

8am-10am Dinkies Do Summer w DJ Ted & DJ Sofee - Festival Of Arts
10am-12noon Cats Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show - The Runway at AMV Special Events
12n - 1p Elf Dream Storytelling - Festival of Arts Story Pavilion
1p-2p Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Special Events
2p - 3p Tommy C sings Live - AMV Special Events Main Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys - AMV Special Events Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night - AMV Special Events / Carnival

Saturday July 27th

11am-12n Clan Escotia & His Band USO Show - Festival of Arts
12n-1p Mavenn Live @ AMV Special Events Stage
1pm-2pm DJ Bela Cara @ AMV Special Events Stage
3p-5p Open Mic with Chris Dayellis & Whisper Carfield @ Open Mic Arts
5p-7p DJ Chris McCracken @ The Arts Main Stage

Sunday July 28th

10am -11am DJ Dragonladyshinobiaa / In Tribute
11am - 3pm In Tribute Concert Fundraiser / In Tribute
3-4pm DJ Veleroalf @ AMV Special Events Stage
4-5pm Ian Kitsilano Live - Mr M & The Allnighters @ AMV Special Events Stage
5pm-7pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Stage

Artists Will Include:

April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Clifford Hanger
Doc Nolan
DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctum
Jimmy Olsen
Lilie Finesmith
Lorin Tone
Lynnestra Parker
Maia Antarra
Maldrul Smith
Nyx Breen
Siren Song
Spirit Phelan
Ted Junior
Tina Parx
Wintermyst Tangerae
Zoree Jupiter

There are 2 large immersive artscapes by Nyx Breen

The first was done 2 years ago and is still a part of our festival
because we love it so much!
Located on Festival Of Arts


The SECOND is an Immersive display called The Expanse with 2 stories, a dance area and ridable tour orbs. This artscape is located at the OpenMic Arts Region.


Performers & DJs Include:

DJ Alex Harper
DJ Anys
DJ April McKenna
DJ Bela Cara
DJ Cataplexia Numbers
DJ Chris Dayelis
DJ Chris McCraken
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Jordan Melody
DJ Maia Antarra
DJ Maldrul Smith
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Veleroalf

Live Performers

Clan Escotia & His Band
Dave King
Ian Kitsilano
Mavenn Live
Tommy C
Zoree Jupiter
Burlesque Show:

Zoree Jupiter - Live Music - Dancer
Jaelle Falodir - Choreography - Dancer
Cataplexia Numbers - Dancer
Lilie Finesmith - Dancer
Lynestra Parker - Dancer
In Tribute Show

DJ/Host /MC
Cataplexia Numbers

Tribute Performers
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Lynnestra Parker
Maldrul Smith
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
The Cat's Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show

DJ/ Host/ Fashion Designer
Cataplexia Numbers- Host/MC

Alexandra Samson
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Desy Graywolf
Gentle Dragonheart
Jordan Melody
Kat Cloudpunk
Lilie Finesmith
River Moonglade

Finale - Arabian Segment- Dancers & Silks Fashions


USO Show @ Festival Of Arts hop://
Dinkies Do Summer @ Festival Of Arts
Nyx Breen - Immersive 3D Art @ Festival Of Arts
Lorin Tone - Soundscape Art
3D Art Walk- Festival Of Arts
2D Art Displays @ Festival Of Arts
Storytelling By Yichard Muni @ Festival Of Arts
Landing Point @ Festival Of Arts
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - Festival Of Arts Side

Fashion Runway - Summer Sizzle Clothing Booth @ AMV Special Events
Power Trance Stage- Skating Rink & Bumper Cars @ AMV Special Events
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - AMV Special Events Side
Main Stage
Runway & Shops hop://

Arrival Boat Docks for Metasea Boat Tour To The Arts
Theater Of The Arts - Burlesque
The Arts - Party Pavilion
Live Performance Stage
Art Gallery & Inspiration Cafe'

Open Mic Stage
The Expanse- 3D Immersive Art by Nyx Breen

Live Performance Tribute Stage - Fundraiser for AMV

Textures By Numbers & The Cat's Meow Fashions have a NEW HOME on the region "By Numbers" here on Alternate Metaverse Grid Numbers

The LIVE Poets Society- Alternate Metaverse Grid

The LIVE Poets Society is an aArchive of Poets & Poetry throughout history, Old & New, Deceased & Living, including an archive of OpenSim Poets

This is my little contribution to the Arts & Literature in OpenSim, To keep the works of masters alive and available, and to provide free readable poetry to anyone in OpenSim who wants to curl up by the fire with a few good poems.

The Archive currently contains multiple poetic works by 40 Poets and many more to come soon!

I will be also adding poetry from writers throughout OpenSim so please send me yours!! The best way is via Email to, this way you can reach me from any grid, though my home and the archive are located at Alternate Metaverse.

The Live Poets Society is lovingly dedicated to my Real Life Partner Chris, Known here as Yeats Xi.
We first met over poetry and have lived together for 25 happy years!

I hope you will visit this fabulous Archive that Chris and I worked on creating together!

Sincerely, Cataplexia Numbers, A living poet (141, 168, 23)


Click the LM twice to avoid the preset landing point

Archive of - Well known Poets throughout History

Allen Ginsberg 1926 - 1997

Anais Nin 1903 - 1977

Anne Sexton 1922 - 1974

Billy Collins 1941 - Present

Carl Sandburg 1872 - 1967

Charles Bukowski 1920 - 1994

D.H.Lawrence 1885 - 1930

Dorothy Parker 1893 - 1967

Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892 - 1950

Emily Dickinson 1830 - 1886

Henry David Thoreau 1817 - 1867

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807 - 1882

Herman Melville 1819 - 1891

Khalil Gibran 1883 - 1931

Langston Hughes 1901- 1967

Margaret Atwood 1939 - Present

Maya Angelou 1928 - 2014

Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi 1207 - 1273

Ogden Nash 1902 - 1971

Oscar Wilde 1856 - 1900

Philip Larkin 1922-1985

Roald Dahl 1976 - 1990

Robert Bly 1926 - 2021

Robert Burns 1759 - 1796

Robert Frost 1873 - 1963

Robert Service 1874 - 1958

Rudyard Kipling 1265 - 1936

Ruth Stone 1915 - 2011

Sappho c.620 BCE - c.570 BCE

Sara Teasdale 1884 - 1993

Sarojini Naidu 1879 - 1949

Shel Silverstein 1930 - 1999

Sigfried Sassoon 1886 - 1967

Sylvia Plath 1837 - 1963

Tatamkholo Afrika 1920 - 2002

T.S. Elliot 1888 - 1965

Topak Shakur 1971 - 1996

W.H.Audin 1907 - 1973

William Butler Yeats 1865 -1939


Archive of OpenSim Poets

Cataplexia Numbers

Shaquita Johnson

Star Ruby

Potato Poetry (coming soon)

Grid Wide Campout At The Metasea Sat May 11 Thru Sunday May 12

AMV's First grid wide OVERNIGHT Camping Trip is coming!
Pack up that hiking fishing and swimming gear
for an overnight camping trip to the Metasea Region!
Tents, sleeping bags and more gear are provided.
Fishing, Swimming, Hiking, Canoing, Boating, Greedy
and Live Entertainment throughout the weekend!
Performances by:
11am Clan Escotia & Clans Band @ The Metasea Campground
12 Noon Cataplexia Numbers Sings Live @ The Metasea Campground
1-3p Open Fishing, boating, etc
3-5 PM Pilgrimage to Open Mic @ OpenMic Arts
5-7 Chris McCracken DJs Live @ The Metasea Campground
7-9 Open Dinner & Foodfight @ The Metasea Campground
9-10 Dave King sings live@ Fireside at Metasea Campground
10-1am DJ April McKenna Live @ The Metasea Campground
6am-8am DJ Tyler Mathews Live @ The Metasea Campground
11am The Seed Meeting - Fireside
1pm Ian Kistsilano Performs Live
2pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Metasea Campground
3-5p Open Fishing, boating, etc
5-7 PM DJ Maldrul Smith @ The Metasea Campground
7-9 Open Dinner & Camping Tales @ The Metasea Campground


The 2024 Great AMV Grid Wide Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday March 23rd through Easter Sunday March 31st 2024

Click LM to go or type in map if you cannot access the LM, each Region is named here for that purpose. There's a RIDICULOUS amount of Eggs & Prizes out there- the GOLD eggs have the best ones!

!!The last day of the hunt is Easter Sunday, March 31st, 2024- Good luck and HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Welcome


Safinemahoe2: ok.....I am gonna share some observations with you all. I am not sure if this is an easter Egg hunt or IQ test. If it is the later, the score is Cat 198.....safine......22 hahahahha but , ... 11 months ago
Valentines Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesday 1-3p @ Softly

Crystal, Cataplexia & Cliff bring you...Valentines Karaoke @ AMV's Got Talent
Love Songs & Couples Duets Light The night with Romance in this special edition Karaoke event!
4500 Karaoke tracks-Music is streamed to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. (383, 131, 21)
AMV International Day Thursday March 7th
Celebrating International Diversity on OpenSim. A new singer from all over the world every 30 minutes
International food and freebies court showcasing many flavors and gifts from around the world!
hop:// International/222/315/28

10 am Joao Frazao - Portugal
10:30 Khiron Ametza - Brazil
11 am Zoree Jupiter - Portugal / USA
11:30 Mavenn Live - Canada / USA
12noon Clan Escotia - Scotland
12:30 Icky & Sum UK
1pm Ian Kitsilano - Canada / UK
1:30 Nikita Anderson - Italy
2pm Zeno Stark - Italy
2:30 Putri - Indonesia
3pm Dave King - USA
3:30 Cataplexia Numbers - USA
Late Night Parties begin at 10pm-1am
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ April McKenna
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Dave King
DJ Clan Escotia
And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe'.
Greedy is available for anyone wanting to have a game!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :) Welcome
DJ Cataplexia Numbers 10am- 11a Tuesdays! Join me in Manipura, the beautiful Land Of the Golden Sun- Tribal & World beats & Sensual Eastern rhythms-All are welcome, Men & Women - Dress code silks or Warrior Kilts (men yup men do it too!). Free outfits available, come early and you will catch Cliff's Pre Show tunes!! (216, 142, 35)
Adult grid with open waters & Air, Copy your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with clubs, parks, beaches, Roleplay, Free Education, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Galleries, Clubs, Adult Getaways, Dinkies friendly, Game nights, Countless places to Explore & Enjoy! Join for free today - Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! WEBSITE
Koryphon Academy of Alternate Metaverse Grid is seeking BOTH Students and instructors for upcoming late winter and early spring classes! Please contact April McKenna, Dean of Education or Cataplexia Numbers / Clifford Hanger - Co-Owners for information.
AI Art Creation-MidJourney/Night Cafe' Cataplexia Numbers 1/15 11a-1p

Using text to create master works of art!
Cataplexia Numbers brings you art creation using the AI Software- Night Cafe' via their website and Midjourney via Discord. Learn useful prompts and techniques for getting the most out of your AI Renders. This class is suitable for beginners to advanced AI creators. Our server is equipped with real-time discord to Midjourney creation. Please join either BOTH Discord AND Midjourney or Night Cafe' before attending class @ Koryphon Academy, Wed 2-4pm

hop:// Academy (954,541,62)

Friday, December 22nd, 10am - 12n Build A Snowman Scene Event - Winterfest Fun

Come build a snowman Scene at our Winterfest Fun region!
Some supplies available or bring your premade snowmen please,
we want you to build it there!Build a scene around your snowman
and make it as elaborate as you wish! This is event is for fun,
not a contest! You may share your builds with the grid as decorations!

Winterfest Fun - Fun (17,37,23)
December 22nd, 2:30 pm - 5pm Create A Winter Scene Fun Build - Winterfest Fun

Come build a Beautiful Scene at our Winterfest Fun region!
Some supplies available or bring your premade scene please,
we want you to build it there! Build a scene to celebrate the season
and make it as elaborate as you wish! This is event is for fun,
not a contest! You may share your builds with the grid as decorations!

Winterfest Fun - Fun (17,37,23)
10am -12 Create New Years Eve Display - Fun Build - Winterfest Fun

Create a fun and Fascinating New Years Eve display for friends and
fellow residents around OpenSim to decorate with this New Year's Eve!
Some decorations are available to add to your build and you may
bring your own!

Winterfest Fun - Fun (17,37,23)
12noon - 1pm Storytelling with Yichard - Frozen Fantasies Palace - Winterfest

Yichard Muni of SL, Inworldz, Discovery, Enchanted, and now AMV.
brings us Elven & Sci Fi Tales written and told by Yichard Muni
& a few of his favorite writers! Stories are streamed over the radio!
Friday December 29th 12noon-1pm

Frozen Fantasies Palace - (217, 213, 184)
1pm - 2:30 DJ Alex Harper - Ice Skatiing Dance Party~Winterfest

Come join DJ Alex Harper & The Gang at The Frozen Gazebo & Skating Rink!
Alex will be playing a special Christmas Set for this spectacular Skate
& Dance Party. There is a Cafe' out on the ice to chase away those winter chills!

2:30pm - 4pm DJ Ted Junior - Ice Skatiing Dance Party~Winterfest

Come Join the very eclectic DJ Ted Junior & The Gang at The Frozen Gazebo
& Skating Rink! As always, Ted has a playlist that will knock the coal right
out of your stockings! He will be playing a special Christmas Set for this spectacular Skate
& Dance Party. There is a Cafe' out on the ice to chase away those winter chills!

Winterfest Frozen Gazebo - (241,1,23)
12noon -1pm Storytelling-Hot Chocolate Cabin, Christmas Market

Come sip hot chocolate by the fireplace as Yichard Muni of SL, Inworldz,
Discovery, Enchanted, and now AMV. brings us Elven & Sci Fi Tales
written and told by Yichard Muni & a few of his favorite writers!
Stories are streamed over the radio! Friday December 23rd 12noon-1pm

Christmas Market- Market (227,217,66)
8am - 10am DJ Sofee - Dinkies Christmas @ The Skating Rink, Christmas Market

DJ Sofee Supermarine will be playing the tunes at the Dinkies Christmas Skating Party
at the rink on Christmas Market! Sofee is a top of the line DJ and always plays great
music, even when shes freezing her popsicle toes off! Anyone can join in the fun,
Dinkies and Biggies alike!

The Skating Rink - Market (202,196,27)
Open Mic comes to Winterfest!

Open Mic Arts
Is exactly as it sounds, an Open Mic Stage accepting talent by avatars throughout Alternate Metaverse & The OpenSim Hypergrid as well! We will be holding Live Open Mic events on Saturdays from 3-5PM which will be Hosted by our very own Chris Dayellis! We will accept people in the order of which they sign up. Some of the talent will include:
Bands, Singers, Musicians, Poets, Storytellers, Comedians & Free-stylers! What hidden talents do YOU have?? Mic Arts (222, 42, 50)
Welcome Area, Lounge & Starting Point for Alternate Metaverse Grid. A warm friendly ADULTS ONLY grid (No Child Avatars Permitted) with Sailable Open Waters & Air, Copy & Save your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, Super fast Land Creation & Customer Service, Several Large and reliable servers, Online since 2019, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with Parks, Beaches, Diverse types of Roleplay INCLUDING GOT & Adult, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Zoos, Galleries, Community Areas, Clubs, Luxury Cruise Ship, Spas, Several Malls & Stores, Raceway Island Regions, Amusement Park, Zombie Hunt, Adult Getaways, Memorial, Spiritual & Chakra Exploration & Education, Dinkies World, Game Nights and countless places to Explore & Enjoy! Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! The Home of Chakras In Motion, The Seed @ Magic, Mystical Paths, Prana, The Seed & Serenity Chapel, Koryphon Academy- Free Education, Friendly & helpful Staff! Join AMV, OpenSim's Greatest supporter of the arts! Visit our WEBSITE for info & to join one of the largest communities in OpenSim for free today!
& Aurora II Anniversary
TUESDAY 12/12/23
Our FIRST AMV Grid Awards!!
Don’t miss this exciting event
12/12/23 - 11 AM at The Elegance
Ballroom - The Aurora II Luxury Liner
Followed immediately by 2 hours of
Live Music Celebrating…..Aurora II
Anniversary Party-Elegance Ballroom
on the Upper/Outer Deck Of Aurora II
Following the grid awards 12/12/23
12 Noon - Mr Mikie String
1PM - Clan Escotia & Clan’s Band
Aurora II Luxury Ocean Liner @ SevenSeas-Alternate Metaverse

Awards Celebration and Alternate Metaverse Grid Awards day!
Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of The Aurora II Luxury Liner!

December 12th 2023
AMV Grid Awards - 11am-12 noon
MrMikie String sings Liver 12Noon-1pm
Clan Escotia & Clan's Band 1pm

At the Elegance Grand Ballroom Upper Deck!
11a-12:15n Clan Escotia & ClansBand Live The Runway @ Meow Fashion
A LIVE PERFORMANCE PRESHOW for The Cat's Meow Fashion Show!
Autumnfest @ Alternate Metaverse brings you Clan Escotia
Live from Scotland with ClansBand! Clan's sultry velvety
voice...and an awesome band too! Webby Escotia always whips
up a magical stage - This one will be an amazing fashion Runway
stage that becomes a fashion show at the end! Fashion (253,75,22)

Once Upon A Table - 3 Floors of Food, Drinks & Props! From Grills to Diner counters to home kitchen decor & snack machines! Come see why everyone is drooling over Once Upon A Table!

In Tribute - Tribute Palooza 6 - August 14th 2023
Alternate Metaverse Festival Of The Arts

Tribute Palooza 6 -AMV Festival Of The Arts 1p-6p

TODAY - August 14th 2023 1pm-6 PM
Tribute Palooza 6 - at the region "In Tribute"
A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians
By 1 DJ - 13 Avatars - Tributes to 24 incredible Performers!
Five hours of incredible tributes @ Tribute Palooza 6! Tribute (174, 132, 26

Tribute Perfomers:

Aloria Alisana
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris Dayellis
Chris McCracken
Clan Escotia
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Passion jumanji
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
Xenon Darrow

Tributes Being Performed TODAY:

Adam Levine
Ariana Grande
Britney Spears
Bruno Mars
Christina Aguilera
David Bowie
Dua Lipa
Ed Sheeran
Elvis SUNG By Clan (pre recorded)
Katy Perry
Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus
Norah Jones
Olivia Newton John
Ozzy Osborne
Steven Tyler
Tina Turner
Schedule For Tribute Palooza:

Clifford Hanger - David Bowie
Tyler Mathews - Bruno Mars
Clan Escotia - Elvis SUNG By Clan (pre recorded)
Clifford Hanger - Ed Sheeran
Cataplexia Numbers - Dua Lipa
Passion Jumanji - Cher
Clifford Hanger - Ozzy Osborne
Taffy Starr - Olivia Newton John
Lilie Finesmith - Tina Turner
Aloria Alisana - Ariana Grande
Jordan Melody - Miley Cyrus
~~~~~~~~INTERMISSION 10 MINUTES~~~~~~~~
April McKenna - Madonna
Xenon Darrow - Shakira
Chris McCracken - Britney Spears
Cataplexia Numbers - Pink
Lilie Finesmith - Katy Perry
Chris Dayellis - Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Xenon Darrow - Lady Gaga
Chris McCracken - Adam Levine
Apil McKenna - Beyonce
Cataplexia Numbers - Kerli
Passion - Christina Aguilera
Xenon Darrow - Pitbull

Clifford Hanger - David Bowie
- 1 Let's Dance 2 Golden Years 3 Cat People- Putting out fire

Tyler Mathews - Bruno Mars

Clan Escotia - Elvis SUNG By Clan (pre recorded)
-1 - You don't Have To Say You Love Me 2 - Trying To Get To You 3 - I Can't Help Fallin In Love 4 - I'm Leavin

Clifford Hanger - Ed Sheeran
-1 Thinking Out Loud 2 Gallway Girl 3 Bad Habits

Taffy Starr - Norah Jones
-1 - Sunrise 2 - One Flight Down 3- Don't know why

Cataplexia Numbers - Dua Lipa
-1 Blow Your Mind 2 New Rules 3 Levitating

Passion Jumanji - Cher
-1 Dark Lady 2 Gypsies Tramps & Thieves 3 Just Like Jessie

Clifford Hanger - Ozzy Osborne
-1 Crazy Train 2 Dreamer 3 Mamma I'm Comin Home

Taffy Starr - Olivia Newton John
- 1 - Xanadu 2 - Magic 3 - Hopelessly Devoted to you

Lilie Finesmith - Tina Turner
- 1 - Nutbush 2 The Best 3 Private Dancer 4 Proud Mary

Aloria Alisana - Ariana Grande
-1 - Into You 2 - Dangerous Woman 3 - Pink Champagne

Jordan Melody - Miley Cyrus
- 1 - Flowers 2 - Wrecking Ball 3 - Heart Of Glass

~~~~~~~~INTERMISSION 10 MINUTES~~~~~~~~

April McKenna - Madonna
- 1 Material Girl 2 - Get Into The Groove 3 - Express Yourself

Xenon Darrow - Shakira
- 1 - Objection Tango 2 - Wherever, Whenever 3 - Underneath Your Clothes

Chris McCracken - Britney Spears
- 1 - Gimme More 2 - Circus 3 - Till The World Ends

Cataplexia Numbers - Pink
- 1 - Get This Party Started 2 - God Is A DJ 3 - Glitter In The Air

Lilie Finesmith - Katy Perry
- 1 - I Kissed A Girl 2 Chained To The Rhythm 3 Firework

Chris Dayellis - Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
- 1 - Dream On 2 - Walk This Way 3 - I Don't Want To Miss Thing

Xenon Darrow - Lady Gaga
- 1 - You and I 2 - Born This Way 3 - Bad Romance

Chris McCracken - Adam Levine
- 1 Maps 2 This Love 3 Memories

Apil McKenna - Beyonce
- 1 Single Ladies - Put a ring on it 2 - Naughty Girl 3 - Halo

Cataplexia Numbers - Kerli
- 1 - Feral Hearts 2 - Diamond Hard 3 - Zero Gravity

Passion - Christina Aguilera
- 1 - Candyman 2 - Genie In A Bottle 3 - Aint No Other Man (4th song at Finale w Pitbull)

Xenon Darrow - Pitbull
- 1 - Dont Stop The Party 2 - Back In Time
Finale Song - 3 - Feel This Moment (Duet With Christina Aguilera

FINALE- ALL COME OUT for "Feel This Moment"

Our List of In Tribute Avatars

Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
Anthony Kiedids (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Aretha Franklin
Ariana Grande
Britney Spears
Bruno Mars
Christine Aguilera
David Bowie
Dua Lipa
Ed Sheeran
Jennifer Lopez
Jon BonJovi
Katy Perry
Lady Gaga
Lenny Kravitz
Norah Jones
Olivia Newton John
Ozzy Osborne
Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
Tina Turner


In Tribute - Performing avatars "In Tribute" to the stars of music!

Have you ever wished your favorite singers and groups were here performing in the virtual world? It's a fantasy I've always had myself!
Sadly that's very rare and so I have created In Tribute, a collection of avatars I have designed to pay tribute to some of our favorite performing artists.
In Tribute creates an avatar to represent the performing artist and has professional DJs play the musical backdrop to their stage performance here in the virtual world, as we dance and enjoy the visual show and concert

In Tribute takes many talented people to become the spectacular stage shows which are our goal! If you are interested in becoming a part of In Tribute or in booking us for an event please contact Cataplexia Numbers on Alternate Metaverse Grid or via email at:

We are located on Alternate Metaverse Grid @ the region In Tribute.. alternatemetaverse.com8002:In Tribute (174, 132, 26)
Our tribute performances are strictly for Open Sim connected locations.

What is expected of our performers?
You will be asked to wear a pre-made avatar to be a visual representation of a specific performer. you will have to dance and mimic singing live on stage while a DJ plays that performers music. People may call you rock star and hurl undies in your general direction. It's very fun :D If you are a DJ you may be asked to play the music as well as perform...this is even MORE fun :D It is best to know about the person you portray, the type of dancing or stance they do, instruments they play, their interaction with the crowd being mimicked adds a richer total tribute experience to the mix....
Cat Numbers

Festival dates are:
Thursday July 11- Sunday, July 14th 2024

Covering 5 VAR Regions on Alternate Metaverse Grid

The Arts
OpenMic Arts
AMV Special Events
Festival Of Arts
In Tribute

Highlights Include
Alternate Metaverse Carnival - (AMV Special Events)
Visual & Creative Arts: Photographic & Multimedia 2D Art, AI Art (Festival Of Arts)
Immersive Visual & Interactive 3D Artscapes (Festival Of Arts & OpenMic Arts)
Musical Performances by DJs & Live Performers (AMV Special Events)
Dinkies Do Summer (Festival Of Arts)
Storytelling By Yichard Muni (Festival Of Arts )
Live Performers & DJs (AMV Special Events & The Arts)
Zoree Jupiter's Live Burlesque Show (AMV Special Events)
Clan Escotia & His Band Present Live USO Show (Festival Of Arts)
Fashion Show- Summer Sizzle by The Cat's Meow (AMV Special Events - Runway)
Tribute Palooza 8 - A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians (In Tribute)
Lorin Tone's Soundscape Art (Festival Of Arts)
Power Trance Friday Straight from Prana Mountain (AMV Special Events)
Nyx Breens Immersive Artscapes


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - July 11th through July 14th

Thursday, July 11th

10a-11am Boat Tour from Metasea Tour Office to The Arts for Burlesque Show
11a-12:30p Zoree Jupiter - Burlesque Show @ The Arts
12:30-1:30p DJ Alex Harper - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
1:30p-2:30p Dave King Live - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
4-6pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Main Stage
6-8pm DJ James Bogbat - AMV Special Events Main Stage

Friday July 12th

8am-10am Dinkies Do Summer w DJ Ted & DJ Sofee - Festival Of Arts
10am-12noon Cats Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show - The Runway at AMV Special Events
12n - 1p Elf Dream Storytelling - Festival of Arts Story Pavilion
1p-2p Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Special Events
2p - 3p Tommy C sings Live - AMV Special Events Main Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys - AMV Special Events Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night - AMV Special Events / Carnival

Saturday July 13th

11am-12n Clan Escotia & His Band USO Show - Festival of Arts
12n-1p Mavenn Live @ AMV Special Events Stage
1pm-2pm DJ Bela Cara @ AMV Special Events Stage
3p-5p Open Mic with Chris Dayellis & Whisper Carfield @ Open Mic Arts
5p-7p DJ Chris McCracken @ The Arts Main Stage

Sunday July 14th

10am -11am DJ Dragonladyshinobiaa / In Tribute
11am - 3pm In Tribute Concert Fundraiser / In Tribute
3-4pm DJ Veleroalf @ AMV Special Events Stage
4-5pm Ian Kitsilano Live - Mr M & The Allnighters @ AMV Special Events Stage
5pm-7pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Stage

Artists Will Include:

April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Clifford Hanger
Doc Nolan
DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctum
Jillian2000 Quintessa
Jimmy Olsen
Lilie Finesmith
Lorin Tone
Lynnestra Parker
Maia Antarra
Maldrul Smith
Nyx Breen
Siren Song
Spirit Phelan
Ted Junior
Tina Parx
Wintermyst Tangerae
Zoree Jupiter

There are 2 large immersive artscapes by Nyx Breen

The first was done 2 years ago and is still a part of our festival
because we love it so much!
Located on Festival Of Arts

The SECOND is an Immersive display called The Expanse with 2 stories, a dance area and ridable tour orbs. This artscape is located at the OpenMic Arts Region.

Performers & DJs Include:

DJ Alex Harper
DJ Anys
DJ April McKenna
DJ Bela Cara
DJ Cataplexia Numbers
DJ Chris Dayelis
DJ Chris McCraken
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Jordan Melody
DJ Maia Antarra
DJ Maldrul Smith
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Veleroalf

Live Performers

Clan Escotia & His Band
Dave King
Ian Kitsilano
Mavenn Live
Tommy C
Zoree Jupiter
Burlesque Show:

Zoree Jupiter - Live Music - Dancer
Jaelle Falodir - Choreography - Dancer
Cataplexia Numbers - Dancer
Lilie Finesmith - Dancer
Lynestra Parker - Dancer
In Tribute Show

DJ/Host /MC
Cataplexia Numbers

Tribute Performers
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Lynnestra Parker
Maldrul Smith
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
The Cat's Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show

DJ/ Host/ Fashion Designer
Cataplexia Numbers- Host/MC

Alexandra Samson
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Desy Graywolf
Gentle Dragonheart
Jordan Melody
Kat Cloudpunk
Lilie Finesmith
River Moonglade

Finale - Arabian Segment- Dancers & Silks Fashions


USO Show @ Festival Of Arts hop://
Dinkies Do Summer @ Festival Of Arts
Nyx Breen - Immersive 3D Art @ Festival Of Arts
Lorin Tone - Soundscape Art
3D Art Walk- Festival Of Arts
2D Art Displays @ Festival Of Arts
Storytelling By Yichard Muni @ Festival Of Arts
Landing Point @ Festival Of Arts
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - Festival Of Arts Side

Fashion Runway - Summer Sizzle Clothing Booth @ AMV Special Events
Power Trance Stage- Skating Rink & Bumper Cars @ AMV Special Events
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - AMV Special Events Side
Main Stage
Runway & Shops hop://

Arrival Boat Docks for Metasea Boat Tour To The Arts
Theater Of The Arts - Burlesque
The Arts - Party Pavilion
Live Performance Stage
Art Gallery & Inspiration Cafe'

Open Mic Stage
The Expanse- 3D Immersive Art by Nyx Breen

Live Performance Tribute Stage - Fundraiser for AMV
Due to unforseen circumstances the Festival Of The Arts was
moved up two weeks, the following information is all correct
and updated - Thank you!


Festival dates are:
Thursday July 25- Sunday, July 28th 2024

Covering 5 VAR Regions on Alternate Metaverse Grid

The Arts
OpenMic Arts
AMV Special Events
Festival Of Arts
In Tribute

Highlights Include
Alternate Metaverse Carnival - (AMV Special Events)
Visual & Creative Arts: Photographic & Multimedia 2D Art, AI Art (Festival Of Arts)
Immersive Visual & Interactive 3D Artscapes (Festival Of Arts & OpenMic Arts)
Musical Performances by DJs & Live Performers (AMV Special Events)
Dinkies Do Summer (Festival Of Arts)
Storytelling By Yichard Muni (Festival Of Arts )
Live Performers & DJs (AMV Special Events & The Arts)
Zoree Jupiter's Live Burlesque Show (AMV Special Events)
Clan Escotia & His Band Present Live USO Show (Festival Of Arts)
Fashion Show- Summer Sizzle by The Cat's Meow (AMV Special Events - Runway)
Tribute Palooza 8 - A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians (In Tribute)
Lorin Tone's Soundscape Art (Festival Of Arts)
Power Trance Friday Straight from Prana Mountain (AMV Special Events)
Nyx Breen's Immersive Artscapes on Festival Of Arts & Open MIc Arts regions

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - July 25th through July 28th

Thursday, July 25th

10a-11am Boat Tour from Metasea Tour Office to The Arts for Burlesque Show
11a-12:30p Zoree Jupiter - Burlesque Show @ The Arts
12:30-1:30p DJ Alex Harper - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
1:30p-2:30p Dave King Live - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
4-6pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Main Stage
6-8pm DJ James Bogbat - AMV Special Events Main Stage

Friday July 26th

8am-10am Dinkies Do Summer w DJ Ted & DJ Sofee - Festival Of Arts
10am-12noon Cats Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show - The Runway at AMV Special Events
12n - 1p Elf Dream Storytelling - Festival of Arts Story Pavilion
1p-2p Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Special Events
2p - 3p Tommy C sings Live - AMV Special Events Main Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys - AMV Special Events Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night - AMV Special Events / Carnival

Saturday July 27th

11am-12n Clan Escotia & His Band USO Show - Festival of Arts
12n-1p Mavenn Live @ AMV Special Events Stage
1pm-2pm DJ Bela Cara @ AMV Special Events Stage
3p-5p Open Mic with Chris Dayellis & Whisper Carfield @ Open Mic Arts
5p-7p DJ Chris McCracken @ The Arts Main Stage

Sunday July 28th

10am -11am DJ Dragonladyshinobiaa / In Tribute
11am - 3pm In Tribute Concert Fundraiser / In Tribute
3-4pm DJ Veleroalf @ AMV Special Events Stage
4-5pm Ian Kitsilano Live - Mr M & The Allnighters @ AMV Special Events Stage
5pm-7pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Stage

Artists Will Include:

April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Clifford Hanger
Doc Nolan
DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctum
Jimmy Olsen
Lilie Finesmith
Lorin Tone
Lynnestra Parker
Maia Antarra
Maldrul Smith
Nyx Breen
Siren Song
Spirit Phelan
Ted Junior
Tina Parx
Wintermyst Tangerae
Zoree Jupiter

There are 2 large immersive artscapes by Nyx Breen

The first was done 2 years ago and is still a part of our festival
because we love it so much!
Located on Festival Of Arts


The SECOND is an Immersive display called The Expanse with 2 stories, a dance area and ridable tour orbs. This artscape is located at the OpenMic Arts Region.


Performers & DJs Include:

DJ Alex Harper
DJ Anys
DJ April McKenna
DJ Bela Cara
DJ Cataplexia Numbers
DJ Chris Dayelis
DJ Chris McCraken
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Jordan Melody
DJ Maia Antarra
DJ Maldrul Smith
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Veleroalf

Live Performers

Clan Escotia & His Band
Dave King
Ian Kitsilano
Mavenn Live
Tommy C
Zoree Jupiter
Burlesque Show:

Zoree Jupiter - Live Music - Dancer
Jaelle Falodir - Choreography - Dancer
Cataplexia Numbers - Dancer
Lilie Finesmith - Dancer
Lynestra Parker - Dancer
In Tribute Show

DJ/Host /MC
Cataplexia Numbers

Tribute Performers
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Lynnestra Parker
Maldrul Smith
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
The Cat's Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show

DJ/ Host/ Fashion Designer
Cataplexia Numbers- Host/MC

Alexandra Samson
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Desy Graywolf
Gentle Dragonheart
Jordan Melody
Kat Cloudpunk
Lilie Finesmith
River Moonglade

Finale - Arabian Segment- Dancers & Silks Fashions


USO Show @ Festival Of Arts hop://
Dinkies Do Summer @ Festival Of Arts
Nyx Breen - Immersive 3D Art @ Festival Of Arts
Lorin Tone - Soundscape Art
3D Art Walk- Festival Of Arts
2D Art Displays @ Festival Of Arts
Storytelling By Yichard Muni @ Festival Of Arts
Landing Point @ Festival Of Arts
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - Festival Of Arts Side

Fashion Runway - Summer Sizzle Clothing Booth @ AMV Special Events
Power Trance Stage- Skating Rink & Bumper Cars @ AMV Special Events
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - AMV Special Events Side
Main Stage
Runway & Shops hop://

Arrival Boat Docks for Metasea Boat Tour To The Arts
Theater Of The Arts - Burlesque
The Arts - Party Pavilion
Live Performance Stage
Art Gallery & Inspiration Cafe'

Open Mic Stage
The Expanse- 3D Immersive Art by Nyx Breen

Live Performance Tribute Stage - Fundraiser for AMV
Due to unforseen circumstances the Festival Of The Arts was
moved up two weeks, the following information is all correct
and updated - Thank you!


Festival dates are:
Thursday July 25- Sunday, July 28th 2024

Covering 5 VAR Regions on Alternate Metaverse Grid

The Arts
OpenMic Arts
AMV Special Events
Festival Of Arts
In Tribute

Highlights Include
Alternate Metaverse Carnival - (AMV Special Events)
Visual & Creative Arts: Photographic & Multimedia 2D Art, AI Art (Festival Of Arts)
Immersive Visual & Interactive 3D Artscapes (Festival Of Arts & OpenMic Arts)
Musical Performances by DJs & Live Performers (AMV Special Events)
Dinkies Do Summer (Festival Of Arts)
Storytelling By Yichard Muni (Festival Of Arts )
Live Performers & DJs (AMV Special Events & The Arts)
Zoree Jupiter's Live Burlesque Show (AMV Special Events)
Clan Escotia & His Band Present Live USO Show (Festival Of Arts)
Fashion Show- Summer Sizzle by The Cat's Meow (AMV Special Events - Runway)
Tribute Palooza 8 - A Live Tribute to a wide variety of Musicians (In Tribute)
Lorin Tone's Soundscape Art (Festival Of Arts)
Power Trance Friday Straight from Prana Mountain (AMV Special Events)
Nyx Breen's Immersive Artscapes on Festival Of Arts & Open MIc Arts regions

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - July 25th through July 28th

Thursday, July 25th

10a-11am Boat Tour from Metasea Tour Office to The Arts for Burlesque Show
11a-12:30p Zoree Jupiter - Burlesque Show @ The Arts
12:30-1:30p DJ Alex Harper - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
1:30p-2:30p Dave King Live - The Arts Live Performance Gazebo
4-6pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Main Stage
6-8pm DJ James Bogbat - AMV Special Events Main Stage

Friday July 26th

8am-10am Dinkies Do Summer w DJ Ted & DJ Sofee - Festival Of Arts
10am-12noon Cats Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show - The Runway at AMV Special Events
12n - 1p Elf Dream Storytelling - Festival of Arts Story Pavilion
1p-2p Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Special Events
2p - 3p Tommy C sings Live - AMV Special Events Main Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys - AMV Special Events Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night - AMV Special Events / Carnival

Saturday July 27th

11am-12n Clan Escotia & His Band USO Show - Festival of Arts
12n-1p Mavenn Live @ AMV Special Events Stage
1pm-2pm DJ Bela Cara @ AMV Special Events Stage
3p-5p Open Mic with Chris Dayellis & Whisper Carfield @ Open Mic Arts
5p-7p DJ Chris McCracken @ The Arts Main Stage

Sunday July 28th

10am -11am DJ Dragonladyshinobiaa / In Tribute
11am - 3pm In Tribute Concert Fundraiser / In Tribute
3-4pm DJ Veleroalf @ AMV Special Events Stage
4-5pm Ian Kitsilano Live - Mr M & The Allnighters @ AMV Special Events Stage
5pm-7pm DJ Maldrul Smith - AMV Special Events Stage

Artists Will Include:

April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Clifford Hanger
Doc Nolan
DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctum
Jimmy Olsen
Lilie Finesmith
Lorin Tone
Lynnestra Parker
Maia Antarra
Maldrul Smith
Nyx Breen
Siren Song
Spirit Phelan
Ted Junior
Tina Parx
Wintermyst Tangerae
Zoree Jupiter

There are 2 large immersive artscapes by Nyx Breen

The first was done 2 years ago and is still a part of our festival
because we love it so much!
Located on Festival Of Arts


The SECOND is an Immersive display called The Expanse with 2 stories, a dance area and ridable tour orbs. This artscape is located at the OpenMic Arts Region.


Performers & DJs Include:

DJ Alex Harper
DJ Anys
DJ April McKenna
DJ Bela Cara
DJ Cataplexia Numbers
DJ Chris Dayelis
DJ Chris McCraken
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Jordan Melody
DJ Maia Antarra
DJ Maldrul Smith
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Veleroalf

Live Performers

Clan Escotia & His Band
Dave King
Ian Kitsilano
Mavenn Live
Tommy C
Zoree Jupiter
Burlesque Show:

Zoree Jupiter - Live Music - Dancer
Jaelle Falodir - Choreography - Dancer
Cataplexia Numbers - Dancer
Lilie Finesmith - Dancer
Lynestra Parker - Dancer
In Tribute Show

DJ/Host /MC
Cataplexia Numbers

Tribute Performers
April McKenna
Cataplexia Numbers
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Jordan Melody
Lilie Finesmith
Lynnestra Parker
Maldrul Smith
Taffy Starr
Tyler Mathews
The Cat's Meow Summer Sizzle Fashion Show

DJ/ Host/ Fashion Designer
Cataplexia Numbers- Host/MC

Alexandra Samson
Chris McCracken
Clifford Hanger
Desy Graywolf
Gentle Dragonheart
Jordan Melody
Kat Cloudpunk
Lilie Finesmith
River Moonglade

Finale - Arabian Segment- Dancers & Silks Fashions


USO Show @ Festival Of Arts hop://
Dinkies Do Summer @ Festival Of Arts
Nyx Breen - Immersive 3D Art @ Festival Of Arts
Lorin Tone - Soundscape Art
3D Art Walk- Festival Of Arts
2D Art Displays @ Festival Of Arts
Storytelling By Yichard Muni @ Festival Of Arts
Landing Point @ Festival Of Arts
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - Festival Of Arts Side

Fashion Runway - Summer Sizzle Clothing Booth @ AMV Special Events
Power Trance Stage- Skating Rink & Bumper Cars @ AMV Special Events
The Swan Ferry Water Taxi - AMV Special Events Side
Main Stage
Runway & Shops hop://

Arrival Boat Docks for Metasea Boat Tour To The Arts
Theater Of The Arts - Burlesque
The Arts - Party Pavilion
Live Performance Stage
Art Gallery & Inspiration Cafe'

Open Mic Stage
The Expanse- 3D Immersive Art by Nyx Breen

Live Performance Tribute Stage - Fundraiser for AMV

Late Night Parties begin at 10pm-1am
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ April McKenna
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sofee Supermarine
DJ Ted Junior
DJ Dave King
DJ Clan Escotia
And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe'.
Greedy is available for anyone wanting to have a game!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :) Welcome
For Starter builders and Advanced Builders

Advanced course starts Saturday 2nd September 2023 - 8 am Grid time
Starter Builder Course starts Thursday 7th September 2023 - 8 am Grid time

For More Information Please Contact Ted Junior to ad you to the list :)