Cataplexia Numbers✦ @Cataplexia
In virtual worlds since 2006- DJ, Designer, Artist, Builder, Reiki Master, Chakra Awareness Instructor. Owner of The Cats Meow, Textures By Numbers, Alternate Metaverse Grid |
Richard Lionheart: Nice look! 2 years ago |
Ellen: Your photographs are so hauntingly beautiful. 2 years ago |
If you come to this thing, we're sure you'll look a dish,
Not lookin' like Crustaceans, Octopus or Squid,
For we are living artists, not acting like a goon,
Welcome to Club Escotia to the land of King Neptune!
Our regular Monday show at Club Escotia is cancelled today as we mourn the passing of our band member LadyB. Our hearts go out to her partner Aussie Envee and all the friends and inworld family she blessed with her music and her love and laughter. Rest well my sister, you are so missed.
ClanEscotia: bit of salt and pepper - it will be fine 3 years ago |
Seahaven Saloon presents Beccca Baxton a live performer. Music is her heart and she mixes in her love for humor ,witt, and life-stories into her performances. She loves to change up lyrics & add audience members name's into her songs & as dedications She has been singing in RL for many years since she was a young age.(smiles) Always live never recorded
This one time.. at band camp... you know the line ;)
CLAN sings LIVE with Clan's Band and some acoustic specials from Clan you have not heard! Full main stage at Club Escotia turned into a giant campground for your amusement for the month of May! Watch out for the local wildlife, oh and the animals also. See you here!
Freut euch mit uns gemeinsam auf die wunderbare Khiron Ametza, die am 5. März ihr erstes Konzert bei uns im Pangea Grid auf SIM Mangrove Cove geben wird. Vor und nach dem Konzert wird uns DJ Marlon mit heißen Beats und sanften Klängen verwöhnen.
Angel Leo: рада видеть, что ты счастлив! 4 months ago |