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Wolf Workspace Region has been renamed to Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area - all your old landmarks will still work.

A view from Wolf Software System's Office at our Wolf Workspace Welcome region. Region owners get a free office they can use to promote their regions in or just use.

Work continues on our welcome area.

Xenon Darrow: It's so amazing how quickly offices are filling up! 24 days ago

Wolf Workspace - Welcome Region at night

Xenon Darrow: Such a brilliant idea, Lone! Such gorgeous work, Jimmy! 27 days ago

Construction of the region continues with Garden Offices, in the distance is what will be part of our park that will allow you to go on massive horse rides over hundreds of regions

Xenon Darrow: Soooo excited to set up offices for Virtual Education Journal! It's amazing how this has taken OFF! 29 days ago

One of the tower blocks at Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Region - Home to Wolf Software Systems Ltd, a real life software company that makes web sites, mobile apps and more.

Luna Lunaria: I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me 1 month ago

Wolf Workspace has now become our Welcome area with offices and shops free to residents of Wolf Territories Grid, our plan is to grow this into a multi-region citiy

Ludo: I have to visit this place 1 month ago

More office space.

Ludo: Looks amazing 1 month ago

Wolf Workspace Region ... lots of offices already taken!

Pomodoro Working Session in Progress. Come and join if doing RL/In world work, 25 mins, 5 mins breaks then 25 mins break. I will discuss more at our community meeting on Sunday

Just a nice alien sunset at EUROPA RANCH....

LaviaLavine: Beautiful work as always Jimmy! 7 months ago
Someone requested this house in the "What Are You Looking For" group, so I've set it out at the OSW exclusive area. As some folks were having issues getting there, I've got a teleporter setup to your left when you're exiting the subway car. Look for the door with OSW on it and click to get there. Enjoy!

News! hop://

LeonitasLionheart: Indeed some fantastic selections. Marpil is blessing the Lara x crowd lately! Bravo! 10 months ago
At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 1 years ago

Jetson house and flying car at Madrigal - terraforming 12x12 region done by our ai region generator. Note at the moment the Tide is out.

360 degrees PIC of MAGABAGA MEGA MALL in Europa. All SCI-Fi stuffs and related can be found here for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy :)

Mystic Moonlight: great build jimmy and ty for sharing~S~ 1 years ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter where aliens, attempting to blend in at the shopping mall, mistake mannequins for undercover agents and engage in intense conversations with them about the secrets of human fashion.
NEW SCI FI MAGABAGA MALL AVAILABLE! TONS OF SCI FI RELATED STUFFS! ALL FOR FREE AND FULL PERM. Go to any interphasic taxi bubble totem and pick up as destination MALL (its in a space station, 1,500 meters up in the sky). Have fun!

Joe Builder: Hey Jimmy Nice region you have there :) Looks like Isil Designs from SL? Is it the same.. 1 years ago
Region owners can now to have tidal regions, where the water level will go from 19.5 metres to 20.5 up and down. It's the same level across the grid so all regions water level will be consistent. Just turn on tidal in the control panel no need to reboot.

Lone at the Madrigal Cafe!

Through the grapevine (thanks Jimmy) I am hearing of a script that is going around destroying assets and killing grids. I think it's at least attacked 2 grids that I know of, one of which we managed to rescue.

If you have this set to true in your Robust.ini you are vulnerable to it I think. I'm guessing as I've not seen the script itself.

; Allow all assets to be remotely deleted.
; Only set this to true if you are operating a grid where you control all calls to the asset service
; (where a necessary condition is that you control all simulators) and you need this for admin purposes.
; If set to true, AllowRemoteDelete = true is required as well.
; Default is false.
AllowRemoteDeleteAllTypes = false

This is in your Robust.ini

I know I'll probably get shouted down - this is just a hunch that this is what is causing this issue.

ZoeyRavenheart: Thanks for posting this. We are setting up the new grid now and I will check these things before we go public. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to make sure everything is secured lol 1 years ago

On 12/28/23 wed my darling beloved Jeremy. One happy lady and pray he shall always be as well.

LenaLastchance: Best wishes of a long, rewarding and easy virtual life! 1 years ago
*NEW RELEASE* FONY BAOBAB MESH TREE (Adansonia Rubrostripa),coming straight from Madagascar to your SIM, FULL PERM and FREE! Seasonal textures included // leaves with smooth animation - 01 prim only. // Available at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Darci Viper: Thank You Jimmy :) 1 years ago

Need help with Wolf Territories Grid? Wolf Territories Peace Keepers are a volunteer group that can help with most things. Just hit search to find out who is online!

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 1 years ago

Art Gallery at Wolf Territories Grid Wolf Mountain

[ U P D A T E ]

My apologies that Brotown has not been open to the many folks who inquire about it regularly. I took a break from the virtual world, but I'm back part time now and am working diligently whenever I have time to spare. Behind the scenes, I've been working to expand Brotown to a 3x3 var region, as well as adding in a few new commercial venues to check out. I spotted something the other day that I've been in touch with the owner of to see about receiving a copy so I can incorporate it into one of those said venues. Keeping it all hush-hush for the moment, as I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I do hope things will work out well. I'll be sure to let you all know when Brotown is available for visiting and appreciate all of you who keep my interest in it alive!

Wie gewünscht, ein Alter Mann Avatar
As requested, an old man avatar

Jerralyn Franzic: Haha... have to score this for an alt! Your Grandma approves... :D 2 years ago
Sky Harbor Museum of Flight has recently doubled our land size.
There is much shuffling and reconstruction taking place to bring you a better experience when you visit.
With added aircraft, exhibits and our new Skywalk viewing platform, and with the direct access to the rest of the NeverworldGrid mainland, we are excited about the changes.
Please be patient as we slowly redo all the teleport signs.
When construction activities are complete, it will be announced here.
See you soon.

Ellen: Wow!! Congratulations!!!!!!! I can't wait to come visit! 2 years ago
New! New! New!
C&C Worldwide Mall proudly brings you this weeks New release today 21.05.2023
The Sunroom
This beautiful selection is comprised of :
Lounger , Hanging benches all adult scripted and dining table and chairs with food giver & pg dining poses. Included also Lamp & Artwork.
Today we are doing a special music event with the release .
Hurry and collect these Items and hear DJ Crazy mix his Special Mashup and Dance sounds for you !
If you in a good mood join the Outdoor Party at the Mall Center Plaza - you are most welcome !
Don't forget to wear your Group Tag to shop . Worldwide Mall

Neu! Neu! Neu!
C&C Worldwide Mall präsentiert euch heute,
am 21.05.2023, stolz die Neuveröffentlichung dieser Woche
Der Wintergarten
Diese schöne Auswahl besteht aus:
Liege, Hängebänke, alles für Erwachsene gescriptet, Esstisch und Stühle mit Essensgeber- und PG-Essposen.
Im Lieferumfang sind auch Lampe
und Kunstwerke enthalten.
Heute machen wir mit der Veröffentlichung ein besonderes Musikevent.
Kommt vorbei in unserer Mall und holt euch das Release ab und hört dabei, wie DJ Crazy seine speziellen Mashup- und Dance-Sounds für euch mixt! Vielleicht habt ihr Lust auch das Tanzbein zu schwingen dann kommt zum Mall Zentrum zur Outdoor Party.
Vergesst nicht, beim Einkaufen eueren Gruppentitel zu tragen. Worldwide Mall


We are making a change for regions that are closed to group access only. While it is allowed to list your region here (if it is hypergrid-accessible), your region must be assigned to the category "Group Access/Private". You can go to your region's page to change that category.

The regions that are group-only will be marked with a [G] in the beacon and in the website listings

KrisTina: Thanks! 2 years ago
!! NEUHEIT IN OS !! BAAALD.. kommen die beiden Bodys Luna & Chonsu (based on Legacy) in den Laden. Dazu gibt es natürlich für Frau und Mann auch Kleidung. Darum ist es im Moment auch ziemlich still bei uns im Grid .. ich bin mächtig am arbeiten. Spezieller Dank für die Bodys geht ans Adult-life Grid, Moonrose Grid & das Mare Grid. Vielen Dank für Euer Vertrauen !

!! NOVELTY IN OS !! SOOOOON .. the two bodys Luna & Chonsu (based on Legacy) come into the store. Of course, there are also clothes for women and men. That's why it's pretty quiet in our grid at the moment. I'm really working. Special thanks for the bodys go to the Adult-life Grid, Moonrose Grid & the Mare Grid. Thank you for your trust !
Homestead Riverville & Homestead Riverville 2 - Free starter homes for Alternate Metaverse Residents in a beautiful river community.
A private lot and house for all residents without land in AMV. You must be a resident and must visit your lot within every 30 days. Prim Allowance is what each parcel states, usually 500-600 prims.
Autumn rain drain at Neiferleaf
In full motion it looks like this:

By the way, the animesh cloak for males & females is available for grabs (manual inside) it can co-exist with any AO and flutters in the wind while walking, running and while riding a wearable horse.

Lilly Pond: You guys are the BEST! I love your fantasy world and I ty for all you create! 2 years ago
Blue Lagoon
I put Gifts from the Tribe at the landing point!!
Clothes and accessories for Blue lagoon.
Polynesian Voyaging Canoe miniature and real size
NPC Cards of The Blue Lagoon
some stuff are Group gifts. Please Join our Group.