Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

Nah i don't think I'll do that.

My Interests

Probably stalking you. :)

Favorite Quote

To all who come to this happy place. Welcome! -Walt Disney Disney opening

My Regions

Golden Sun
2 0 Sun 0 Users
Long live Golden Sun! under Construction' Shopping - Free Shop Rentals - Hangour - A Cool Beach
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1 0 0 Users
Sota Atoll is an Island Retreat Region created for adult, teen and kid avatars. A place for hanging out, dancing, playing and exploring. It has been set with several common public areas and a few areas defined as private residents.
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You cannot silence the truth. The truth is freedom and freedom is the truth, you can't silence something you can't see. To those who seek to nullify and mute those who speak the truth know this.

You will never be able to stop the freedom they have the thoughts and expressions they love so much. You're not stopping the cause you're helping it and unifying Ukrainians.

A weigh in on this war situation:

I stand by Ukraine my brothers who are fighting for their lives. Love from Australia