JukeBox opening with HG Safari
Where: Jukebox
When: 3 years ago [2 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

HG Safari 2022 week 08 - 21h00 european time

Get ready to be syncopated!
DESTINATION 1 Jukebox by Cherry Manga This brand new build is an exploration of classic Manga builds reimagined with a unique musical soundtrack. Make sure you have Advanced Lighting turned on or you will just ... feel very sad. Hint - the Jukebox is the teleporter.
DESTINATION 2 Coopersville by Koshari Mahana. This is an Edwardian themed build with lots of fun activities from the era. read more here https://coopersville.mystrikingly.com/

Welcome to JukeBox. Musical Landscapes...

When landing in the region, if you see a black box,please enable Advanced Lighting Model in preferences.
Use Shared Environement.
Turn on sounds to max too.

When ready, click on the jukebox and select a song.

Be curious, walk, touch...your avatar will trigger things ,and be animated automatically, if you’re stuck in a pose press Alt+Shift+A

Animesh glitch
It's not the first time I can see such a weird behaviour on a large animesh, is there any size(or else) limitation to a rig that may cause this?
Cherry Manga -opensim November 2021

craft-world.org:8002:2Lei in Virtual Worlds - Io Ti Nego, 2Lei in Virtual Worlds, Elimination of Violence Against Women
hg.osgrid.org:80:interstellART_exhibitions - My Protective Sanctuary
grid.copykat.ovh:12000:COSMOS - cosmic freebies
hg.osgrid.org:80:Cherry Freebies - art freebies

Après plus d'une décennie à ériger des châteaux de pixels éphémères au gré des marées numériques.
Modeler la matière organiquement, comme un appel primitif à célébrer le vivant.

Change EEP on touch or collision
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Kelso.Uxlay: Hello Cherry - The script works for me, but the viewer needs to be set to shared environmental settings. The script does nothing when the agent is using a viewer local environment. 4 months ago
Synchronize two scripts
Aloha :)
I am working on a visual show, and I'd love to have help to synchronize the two scripts used for it.
The first one is a rezzer by timer, which is used to rez the different scenes.
Second is to animate the audience, I use Paramour Line Dancing Floor by Aine Caoime.
What I would want is, that when I start the rezzer, the line dance starts at 1rst animation, for the whole to be synchronized.
I think it is possible to add some command in the script for one object to listen the other and "reset or restart" at beginning.
I am not a scripter at all, so if someone could help me, it would be fantastic. I am asking here, but I bet it would be easier inworld.
The visual show is for HIE.

Pagane: look this: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMessageLinked 1 years ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail : contact@francogrid.org
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail : fgagod@gmail.com
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email: contact@francogrid.org
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email: fgagod@gmail.com
WTF is happening with reviews those days?

Aloha, it seems opensimworld is being trolled, here are the reviews I can see on several of my regions and I guess others have too.
That's not a big thing but it pollutes the right infos...