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Enjoy and be surprised by your skying ability !

Dec. 6th : It is St Nicolas day ! If you want a copy of this traditional smoker, you will find it at Novale's X.Mas Market.

Un sapin de Noël très spécial
A very special Christmas tree

Ses décorations vous feront voyager dans des univers-bulle. Click the decorations to visit the bubble-multiverse.

Herme: les planètes sont époustouflantes 1 years ago

You solved the box. We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our pleasures.
--- Clive Barker

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
— Pablo Picasso

Marianna : 4 months ago

Tangled up with Nick Cage is a region where my scale reproduction of the Tangled / Rapunzel land has Nick Cage!

A demoness in paradise? Hmm...

Two new Horns for your avatar "SKULL & GARDEN"
Available in the Shop "BELLA DONNA" REBORN

LeonitasLionheart: snek! any decent snake and im sold :D 1 years ago

Is the sky falling or is the ground falling up?

@FredBeckhusen and @DebbieEdwards invite you to visit Mother Goose at Outworldz. I have been here this morning capturing images and exploring all that is created here. You will see the Zootopia character Jeremy here too. Make sure you take some time out today and check out their Outworldz sims.
The sky of Tierra de Volcanes was covered to celebrate this birthday, thanks to all who joined us, it was really beautiful
El cielo de Tierra de Volcanes se cubrio para festejar este cumpleaños, gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron fue realmente hermoso
I Am Not Dreaming (Unless I Am Dreaming Now)
My soundscape for the Cherry Manga art installation Paradoxical Dreams.

The installation opens Sept. 29 at 11:45 am OST. Join Cherry then for a tour. Have your graphics high, enable Shared Environment, and have your sound on to hear the music I created for Cherry's vision.

✦Streaming service generously sponsored by Suzi Avonside✦

North may be cold but it is so cool !

« The revanche of Igor »
One of the 11 caves where the Halloween Hunt takes place.

Lise: Attendez la prochaine éclipse solaire ! :] 2 days ago
This month's OSWF meeting is this Saturday, Sept. 28th at 12pm noon PDT (grid time). It will be held in the dome next to the landing area. Worlds Fair/998/983/24

IM Koshari Mahana, Kimm Starr or Cooper Swizzle if you want us to send you a LM

Hope you can make it!

Wolf Territories Grid Map

Get your spot from $6 a month.
