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Two new Horns for your avatar "SKULL & GARDEN"
Available in the Shop "BELLA DONNA" REBORN

LeonitasLionheart: snek! any decent snake and im sold :D 1 years ago

Ladybug, Bee, Dung Beetle, Praying Mantis, and Stag Beetle avatars! Come hang out in the garden as the bug of your choice! Gardens Thank you, Ferd!

Marianna: The house is phantom so the bugs can fly inside the house and look around. Inside you will see a beetle in a cereal box munching, ants in the sugar, and a beetle in the bathtub drain. Take some time... 1 years ago
On empire island we have released new fully mesh disco creations! Exclusive! New animations over 2500 BENTO MoCap dance animations sorted by couple, woman, man and unisex dances! Come and visit the temple of animations!

Auf Empire Island haben wir neue Disco-Kreationen komplett in Mesh veröffentlicht! Exklusiv! Neue Animationen über 2500 BENTO MoCap Tanzanimationen sortiert nach Paar, Frau, Mann und Unisex Tänze! Komm und besuche den Tempel der Animationen!

Sur Empire Island, nous avons sorti de nouvelles créations disco entièrement en maille ! Exclusif ! Nouvelles animations plus de 2500 animations de danse BENTO MoCap classées par couple, femme, homme et unisexe ! Venez visiter le temple des animations !
¡En Empire Island hemos lanzado nuevas creaciones discotequeras completamente en malla! ¡En exclusiva! Nuevas animaciones ¡más de 2500 animaciones de baile BENTO MoCap clasificadas por pareja, mujer, hombre y bailes unisex! ¡Ven a visitar el templo de las animaciones!

#disco #club #animation #dance animation #danceanimation #furniture #discofurniture #disco furniture #clubfurniture #club furniture #lighting #lights #club lights #equipment for clubs #equipment for club #intan #couple #discolights #pole dance #poledance #consolle #disco #club #animazione #animazione di danza #animazione di danza #arredamento #discofurniture #arredamento di discoteca #arredamento di discoteca #illuminazione #luci #luci di discoteca #luci di discoteca #pole dance #poledance #consolle

Druskus: With great pleasure and thanks to this post, I want to thank Thomas Etzel for giving me back some of my old discos that I had built on Clone Life and thought were lost, they are now available again fo... 1 years ago


Star Ravenhurst: I need that!! Thank you!! 1 years ago

There's no way to describe the immense scale at Luxor. It has to be experienced.

Joe Builder: Land of the Giants :) 2 years ago
Adult grid with open waters & Air, Copy your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with clubs, parks, beaches, Roleplay, Free Education, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Galleries, Clubs, Adult Getaways, Dinkies world, Game nights and countless places to explore & Enjoy! Join for free today - Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! WEBSITE

AbbiAshland: The website URL takes me to a page that said " Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.56 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80" 2 years ago

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
Automaton Mesh Body

@FredBeckhusen and @DebbieEdwards invite you to visit Mother Goose at Outworldz. I have been here this morning capturing images and exploring all that is created here. You will see the Zootopia character Jeremy here too. Make sure you take some time out today and check out their Outworldz sims.

Always make a home for Magic and Wonder

« The revanche of Igor »
One of the 11 caves where the Halloween Hunt takes place.

''The 11 Caves Hunt'' in Novale
At landing, click the little wood boat
You then call a boat for a ride to the Hunt site
Infos on the hunt are in books ...

Dabici132: We had intermittent issues with the books. They are working now. Sometimes though you may have to click 2 or 3 time to flip the first page. The pages must be heavy :) The book content : info about ... 2 years ago
Very much apprciated having 25 HG Safari group members visiting WesLorien at ViBel Grid & joining them to visit Hobbiton @ Fred Bekhusen's Outworldz grid.
We had a great time, made a few new connections with the Seconde Vie French community and enthousiatically talked about animesh scripting for wandering animals with the help and a gentle push in the back of a friend who provided the core functionality here

Read the full article by Thirza Ember on the HGSafari blog here:

Since I am creating moons this morning, how about Man in the Moon earrings-Free/Full perms-In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Hello everyone..excited we received 8 visitors today and got some great feedback. I am posting a few more pictures to tempt you to come and explore this unique experience in AI Art.

Kashi Takeshi: Great place with a lot of different art displayed. Worth visiting ! 2 years ago

RIP Torben.

KarinBecker: Rest in peace and condolences to all his friends and loved ones. 2 years ago

Join us as the Art Factory goes on HG Safari !

When: 28th of September 2022
What time: 12:00 PST - 19:00 GMT - 04:00 Japan
Where: Art Factory

CopyKat Grid, the home of my regions (and oh HELLO!), is off-line for database maintenance. I've been told that the expected return is 2+ days.

Destiny257Seranade: Hope you have it up and running in no time! 2 years ago