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CherylFurse @CherylFurse

Big City Life Online

Joined 1 month ago

About Myself

born 2007 in SL and live since March 2022 in opensim on Decadence/Big City Life

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.6.8


MacBook Air

My Regions

Big City Life
20 4 decadence.ddns.net:8002:Big City Life 1 Users
Nightlife in the heart of the city. But also research center of AI technology and much more. City Life with about 400 animesh people and 20 of them speak to you. Lot of traffic with cars. So be careful when you cross the streets.
more info


Deepseek R1 is the Chinese open source LLM which shocked silicon valley. You can run it locally on your computer without internet connection and get also API to connect and develop it on your computer by yourself for all tasks you may want it should do. Right now DeepSeek is the best AI you can get as open source local usable AI. Here a description how to do it. It is working fast even without super Nvidia GPU graphic card and it doesn't need much. Much less than all other as hardware resources.
You can also get DeepSeek with GPT4all and you don't need to have any skills. There were first some problems but now with newest GPT4all it seems all is fixed for DeepSeek.

CherylFurse: The big advantage of chinese DeepSeek AI is, that it is open source, you can run easily on cheap computer locally without internet connection and is better than all other LLMs at the moment. You get a... 46 minutes ago
Created from scratch (RLV scripted and meshed) by Johanna Haven:
The Pet pyramid cage from the movie The Pet.
A Masterpiece in Opensim for RLV Cages
- tons of animations for submissive and dominants
- new multi RLV relay
- timer
- high quality mesh (3 prims impact) and texture (no PBR)
- designed after the movie The Pet
You get "The Pet pyramid cage" in the Fetish Factory shop on Promenade on decadence sim in decadence Grid exclusively.
(has no beacon here on OSW)

Mistressdalgato: you may want to fix landing point, there isnt one set. 5 days ago

You get now 5 movies in the adult videothek. It is in red light district on Big City Life

Aliens on the moon working together with humans. Here a good picture as proof lol

For reasons:
Last night someone was on my sim for 4 min and wrote a review:
"The lag dragged me out of this sim and I´m on a high end computer. Less would be more in this case or change the server!"
When I came online this morning and looked at my traffic board I was looking what could be the reason. That it is so laggy that it dragged him from my sim must be a reason different from his computer, if it is really high end computer.
I am the whole day on my sim with a MacBook Air. Not really high end for opensim. I have to emulate an Intel processor and emulate OpenGL because MacOS is not supporting openGL since 13 years or so anymore. I have even on normal 1x1 sims with an Island and house on it never more than 30 fps framerate. So I think my computer is for this game on low end but can even take videos of Big City Life as you can see in more than 50 videos on my rumble page.
So there must be a reason for it that he was even dragged with his super high end computer (if this is true and this review was honest meant)
I have a suspect. I have also an OSgrid avi but don't hypergrid with it anymore. I just park it on Lbsa. But for my MacBook Air it seems much more difficult to hypergrid with my OSgrid Avi than with my main Avi or my Avi of Wolf territories I use now often for hypergridding while I park my main avi at home.
But on the other side I see on my board that someone with his OSgrid avi was 23 min on my sim. So he must have been no problems. Usually my visitors stay 1-4 min or half hour to an hour on my sim. The first ones that just stay on my sim for few min have usually just an older Laptop or so and see very fast that their framerate is very low. So this is normal. My Big City Life is a 7x7 sim heavy loaded with thousands of scripts running. It is normal that user will go immediately when they find out that they can't walk straight on my sim. I always said that I built this sim the limit of what opensim as technology is capable of so that I can even live on the sim with my MacBook Air. And this is not a gamer computer.
But I suspect there is another reason. A resident on my sim has a new gamer Laptop (5300 Euro) and tried out with different Avis from different grids how performance is. Usually she has always 60 fps with one avi. She tried out also with 2 and 3 Avis at the same time. The interesting point is that she had with her decadence avi and her wolf territories avi 34 fps and with her osgrid avi 21 fps at the same time while staying with 3 avis on Big City Life. So her Osgrid Avi had lower framerate although it should have been same as the other while view of all 3 avis should are same/similar.
I get mostly visitors from many different grids. Perhaps when you come to my sim you should try out with avis from different grids. Perhaps there is now some technical problem with OSgrid that hypergridding is more difficult.
Just my thoughts about this case for a reason.

Secondlifesux: you may also want to call you internet provider and have them run a diagnostic on your router. I had an an issue where things were , timing out , and ports would not allow traffic. After call in to m... 8 days ago
Central station
From here you get fast to Park Avenue/Central Park and old town red light district. Subway is still fake. Have to dig 4 km before a subway can run from Congress center over Park Avenue Plaza, Central station and Airport (perhaps expo center too) I should have done this first. Now it is more complicated with all the buildings.But ok.
if you come to Big City Life you need patience. lol First to load in cache and then to drive with public transportation like bus and train. (but you can drive with taxi or any other car too)
There are already driving 2 blue busses with each 40 min routes. The green bus is only driving close to shops and is in the city. This tour is just 7 min long.
The Maglev Tram brings you also to suburbs and country side. There are two trams. But one tour is 20 min long.
The Santa Fe is the fastest and just needs 15 min for a circuit.
The Sydney City train is slow and needs 23 min for a circuit.
So if you wait at bus stops or at railway stations, then take your time.
It could be that the Santa Fe is not driving. But then it has home at landing point railway station and you can start it by yourself. Just click on locomotive and you get blue menu. First you click "align" and then "start". That's it. (Listen if the Locomotive really says "align" and "starting". Align is important. If it has not said align then click once more align.)
It all depends how long the grid is running without a restart and how many people are on the whole grid. Usually if the grid is running one day all is working fine. But after two days it gets slower and if many people were on the whole grid the more. On Decadence Grid is also the biggest mall in opensim "Grimm". Grimm has usually always traffic. Just the Athena clothes building is 1 km long and you get all there.
But usually one day after restarting grid, all works perfect how it should.
Anyway there is no guarantee that all busses and trains arrive punctually, although I am German. lol Our Deutsche Bundesbahn is not anymore that punctually too. lol

But you can also fly with helicopter or planes. The planes start at airport, of course and fly in altitude about 200 meters. One starts at Hangar and one at Terminal 6. There was another at terminal 4 but this would have been too much. lol Be sure you have a good computer and can use 1024 distance draw. Otherwise you would not have fun.
For the 4 helicopters it is the same. But the blue helicopter is just flying at 60 meters altitude and you can reduce distance draw to enjoy. The helicopters land at different points. Just the emergency heli starts and lands on roof of the Broadway building. Here you can watch a flight with it over central park.
Hello all
I would like to explain, why it is better to use animesh instead of NPC. If you just need one or 4 NPCs on your sim then it is not really important to read this. But if you want to have a population on your sim like I have on Big City Life with 400 moving people then it is very relevant.
NPCs take a lot of performance of a sim. It is very resource heavy like the land itself (because of physics) or Avis. Animesh people you can calculate like trees you pant on your sim.
Many still believe you can't do much with animesh. Just put some animation in it to move or dance a bit. But that's not really true. We all know the animesh horses of Roland Francis and what you can do with it. It is similar with all other. Here a video to demonstrate that you can even have sex with it and let them walk around.
Usually everyone would use NPC for this. There is one advantage for NPCs, of course, because you can sit them on moving vehicles. But this is the only advantage of NPCs. My Jockeys at the horse race track are also NPCs. There is no easy other way to solve this with animesh Jockeys on the horses.
But for all other things you can easily use animesh people. If you need help for scripting stuff then you just need to ask any AI LLM today. They are already that good that they can script for you in OSSL a script to get all working what you want the animesh do.
For building good looking animesh people it is recommended to use the Ruth or Roth body as root prim and add all other to this body. It has just to be rigged. All stuff you attach to the body has to be rigged. Even if you want to let an Animesh man or woman ride a bicycle then the bike has to be rigged and you put in the matching animation with a route script. Very easy to do. All handmade.
But since newer times you have already really good option to let AI create your animesh. I don't talk about complicated routines you connect your LLM with Blender through Python script or such. There is now very easy solution everyone can do on a website. This is called Meshy AI.
Meshy creates your animesh just by telling him through text. You get first 4 examples as Statue and you choose the best you like. Then you can even give the AI an image to create texture for this figure. But you can let the AI decide what texture is the best. Just give him some hints what it should have. That's all. Then you can let meshy rig the animesh man or woman or monster or animal or whatever you want to have. Meshy knows usually where to rig at arms and legs etc. But for this the statue should be symmetric. You can also rig unsymmetric but then you have to edit a bit by yourself. Usually you get symmetric statue anyway and then every kid can create a rigged statue as animesh. Download this as blender file or any other file and put it in blender to convert it in dae file. Then upload this dae file and you have a new animesh inworld. Just put in the animation script with animation and it moves. We have in opensim now an expert for creating animesh with meshy AI. Ask Prince Amor. He is creating every day tons of new animesh for opensim. And all created with AI. Usually he is showing off his new creation now as Avi on Lbsa. Yes you can also use all this as Avatar too. The complexity is very low compared to usual Avis or NPCs.

MrSnoodle: ah yes the Animesh vs NPC debate, and before I start I have no hate in anything I'm saying. You have put so much work into the place. I will say that animesh still have skeletons to calculate, and th... 13 days ago
Waiting for the bus at trailer park.
Since I am on OSW Website (2 weeks now) many come to my Big City Life and ask for shops. They stand at landing point with distance draw 256 and think that the promenade of little New Jersey is the big city. They stand there for some minutes and cam around looking for shops perhaps. But little New Jersey is country side of the sim. Not the big city lol
To be clear: The shops are just a bonus, because Cities have shops you can buy things. This sim is more like a game experience like you would explore cities. Lot of traffic, all is moving in a City environment. 25 000 scripts are running and 400 animesh people are the population of the sim.
The landing point is just to start with this city experience and load in cache. So this biiig sim (7x7) is purely built to the limit what opensim as technology is still capable and able to offer. It is a lot. But of course, not what we could have with unreal engine or think of Cyberpunk 2077.
At Landing point you get introduction with maps where you can see and listen what you can explore. Here is the video you see also inworld at landing point directly if you have mediaplayer on.
If you want to drive with bus in the city then you have to walk over the rails to the bus stop at trailer park. I had no space anymore for a bus stop at Little New Jersey Promenade (Landing Point)
So be warned. Big City Life is not to be confused with other sims that are called similar but are malls. I have shops in the city and also many exclusive things you get only here in opensim but it is not a mall to go for shopping. Most you can copy anyway and don't need a shop for it. If you see something you want to copy then do it. No need to ask for permission. We are in opensim. Not secondlife. Sharing is caring.

Frank Hurt: Your project is on my To Visit list! You're pouring an incredible amount of effort into this city. 13 days ago
Hello all
Perhaps it is not known for most people here. I would like to introduce something new that is more known or even common for player in new games.
We all know the problem with mesh hair and that flexi hair is not perfect too. If we would have flexi mesh hair then complexity would increase to mio. Much too much. The hair problem is not solved in many games. Even in VRchat the hair problem is not perfectly solved but right now the best solution. For clothes especially coats etc it is the same problem.
But we can also have other solution for clothes. It is not flexi but we could have animesh clothes. It looks almost realistic. Roland Francis created some animesh clothes and here you can see it in video. You get it on his Neiferleaf sim in shop at landing point. Here in this video you can see. It was not meant for showing of animesh clothes, but doesn't matter. Good job Roland!

SilviaFrey: Hola. Donde puedo conseguir este hud de caminar por favor? Gracias. 15 days ago
This is now part of the west side (for sunset experience). There are two bays with two yachts at anchor. The first bay close to cemetery and Congress Center has a yacht to live on. You can choose, if you want to have the yacht as phantom without physics but then have to lay out all floors and walls with invisible Lego prims or you get the same yacht with physics optimized for opensim by Prince of Amor in Blender. The box to buy is on jetty. For some people the non physical is better solution if you want to use it with engine. The new physical yacht has much less prim impact and can be used for anything. It is your choice what you like better. For Houseboat Yacht to live on, I would recommend the physical Yacht.
The other bay is in front of the Seaside Hotel and was my very first project at old Copycat times 2022. This yacht was created by Silver Mare (alias former Captain Hook) with all BDSM stuff (under deck). I made out of it a fetish party Yacht inspired by the rl existing Torture Ship at Bodensee in Germany.
You can reach the yacht by the red helicopter that is also landing at landing point. So you have the feeling to take a ride like Christian Grey to a party lol But you can also swim or float with boat to the yachts from jetty and beach at seaside hotel.
It is already 9 months old, but here on this Website never promoted in this way. You get couple walk for opensim created by Sergio Rodriguez. As single script to walk with your real avi partner (AI Bot) or you can even use it with an NPC Companion. You can even walk stairs with couple walk.
Here my promo video for couple walk with different cam adjustments. It is already scripted for smooth cam you can change easily.
Valerie NatureInSim has built Couple Walk in her NPC Companion since her 3.0 Version and you can even build in a script to use AI to make your companion intelligent. Just put the script in the hud and it works automatically. There are many possibilities to create your own AI NPC with different LLMs. (Not to confuse with a Bot as own Avi Account.) You can have a Companion as NPC you can talk with and also can walk as couple at the same time. It is not working for hypergridding as if you would use an AI Bot with own Avi account, but for playing around on your grid it is enough.
If you want to make movies you have to make a lot of compromises, because for fluent changes you need the hud. If Firestorm would support Quicktime of apple it would be no problem and we could record from Firestorm itself like snapshots. So there is only solution to hide huds. The couple walk hud can be removed completely and it still works. If you use couple walk with your NPC Companion then you have to size it very small to have a big screen without hud.
Thanks to Valerie for building couple walk in her NPC companion. This is opensim for open source teamwork. Sharing is caring.
Long beach is perhaps the longest beach in opensim. More than 2 km long. (For draw distance reason at 1024 I can't take full picture.) Be careful with traffic at the promenade street. Lot of walkers and skaters. So don't stand around on pavement and look in the air lol This part of Big City Life is not leaned on NYC. More inspiration comes from Tel Aviv. But is a fantasy VR city anyway. lol
If you found the way in the big city in the quarter old town red light district then you should explore the houses. It is not just some lego boxes with textures. I tried to make all realistic and sometimes people walk or even talk to you. Then nightlife in the heart of the city can be fun. Chinese quarter is close to it. But lights for the midnight environment are still not like in cyberpunk 2077 lol Is a bit more difficult to get the ambient for midnight environment.
How you come from City Railway Mainstation in Big City itself (not landing point railwaystation) to the old town quarter.
Because ieko closed her tabula rasa sim with her gallery today, I want to advertise that all her rl oil painting work is not lost inworld. Most of her expostulates you can still see in the Expo Center of Big City Life. Of course, the HG portal to her gallery is not working anymore.
Biographie ieko

Après une carrière de graphiste et responsable de l'atelier de dessin d'une imprimerie publicitaire, ieko se consacre à sa passion : la peinture à l'huile.

Elle peint depuis 30 années.
Les premières oeuvres furent figuratives.

Admiratrice de Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung ,elle se dirige ensuite vers l'abstraction lyrique.

Recherche incessante d'un équilibre entre lumière et matière,
sa peinture est aujourd'hui le reflet poétique et profond de ses émotions.


Biografie ieko

Nach einer Karriere als Grafikdesigner und Leiter der Zeichenwerkstatt einer Werbedruckerei widmet sich ieko seiner Leidenschaft: der Ölmalerei.

Sie malt seit 30 Jahren.
Die ersten Arbeiten waren figurativ.

Die Bewundererin von Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies und Hans Hartung bewegte sich dann in Richtung lyrische Abstraktion.

Ständige Suche nach einem Gleichgewicht zwischen Licht und Materie,
Sein Gemälde ist heute die poetische und tiefe Widerspiegelung seiner Gefühle.

ieko's biography

After a career in graphic design, responsible for the in-drawing studio of an advertising printing office, ieko has now dedicated herself to her passion, which is oil painting.

ieko has been painting for 30 years, and the first works were figurative.

Admiring the work of Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung, then she moved into lyric abstraction.

A ceaseless search and research for a balance between light and material, ieko's painting process is the poetic and deep reflection of her feeling today.

View from Penthouse apartment in Park Avenue 666 (backside) on Big City Life. It is no wallpaper of a city. All real buildings on the sim. So it is all very realistic.

Highly political. Joe Biden just stutters his memes in his wheelchair and Donald Trump asked me why I don't have the 5th Avenue in my Big City. Now the Trump Tower can't exist on my sim. I would have the Park Avenue and even Madison Avenue but not the 5th Avenue. He believes that the Trump Tower is the greatest of all and it would be a shame that it doesn't exist in my Big City Life.
Anyway. Elon Musk came by coincidence and congratulated me to my AI Research Center and suggested that I should become his consulting assistant for AI research. Trump was a bit astonished and made one condition. If I would build the 5th Avenue with his Trump Tower then it would be ok. lol (in virtual reality all is possible and we are all billionaires lol )
here my AI Research Center

Arielle: We'll soon see if 'old man' Trump can get the hostages free and is able to resolve the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. I have more faith that he will do what many others haven't been able to,... 26 days ago
When you are sitting alone on your sim and you are not in mood for building stuff, it can be boring. Just waiting that someone visits you? Not really. To go on Lbsa, Darkhearts Plaza or AMV Welcome for socializing? Maybe if people are not afk and just parking their avi there. The 3 places are right now the most visited in opensim but no guarantee to have conversations. I like it to talk with Petula at the beach cafe drinking coffee. Right now on Big City Life the UFO over little New Jersey is theme for everyone in the big city. You can even see from the Park Avenue the UFO from far. So no wonder that we talk about it. But Petula seems not really trained for Ufos. lol Our talk here:
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: what do you know about ufos?
[09:42] Petula: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: Are ufos existing?
[09:42] Petula: I really couldn't say for sure.
The talk was over. Just short small talk and the bus arrived. lol

HarperHeld: Firestorm+Opensim is a LOT of overhead. If I want to talk to ai bots then I skip all of that and run my own SillyTavern instance or chat on venus.chub.ai Now, if you had the capability for the bot ... 27 days ago
Expo Center on Big City Life
My little showcase in Opensim on Big City Life sim for what you can do with AI software. In this video you see first AI generated video with Runway Gen 2 by me. Those are old right now. But you can see then the new work of Nicolas Neubert made with Runway Gen 3 alpha. I made some background film music with AIVA AI to round it up matching for the whole video. The Music of the Hoarfrost video is origin soundtrack of Ninja Tracks. This promo shows how fast and easy you can see the AI video installations in Expo Center just by walking in the square, if you have your mediaplayer in Firestorm on auto play. You walk in the square on ground and the video is showing directly. In Expo Center are right now 3 videos of Nicolas Neubert on tape you can choose with blue menu by clicking on the tape.
I try to update the newest development and show now also an example of Veo 2 (text to video) of Deepmind, which is astonishing what you can do already. The AI is developing rapidly and exponential. You can say already that new AI for video especially is changing every month. For all the AI software you can get and use I recommend to go in my AI research Center. You get all information about different AI and purposes with links to the websites there.
In the Expo Center you find also a lot of other works. Artists in opensim show their AI generated pictures like Pat Babii and Sergio Rodriguez but there is also analog art made in rl like oil painting of ieko and acryl painting of Essensual McMahon. If you are fan of classic artists like Caspar David Friedrich or Vincent van Gogh you will find it there, too.
You can reach directly the expo center with blue bus and train at Zoo railway station. From there just follow the hostesses that walk the path from railway station to expo center and you can even talk with them, while you both walk the path. Or drive by yourself with car and follow the signs to Zoo. Then you will come automatically to Zoo, open air pool and Expo center.
An UFO crashed and military is securing the region around the crash. But then suddenly another UFO appears over little New Jersey to rescue their buddies. lol Critical situation now with all the military. But Dr Who speaks to the aliens. Hopefully the situation can be defused ...

Roland Francis: ... and the Men in Black came to investigate ! 29 days ago
View from our Penthouse Apartment on Park Avenue over Central Park. We can see from balcony the UFO over little New Jersey. wow. The Central Park alone is 3x1 big. Whole sim is 7x7 and with off sim mountains etc 8x8. You can do a lot of things in Central Park. Swim in lake, Windsurf, riding horses, go on Concert at the Central Park stage, gather to play chess ... and much more. Like you do in Central Park in New York City too. lol If you put on sunset or midnight environment it is the right ambient to enjoy and it is enough light everywhere. If you want some worrying scary scenes you can use the shared environment with fog lol Of course, most people use midday environment. But ambient is not the same then to enjoy all the different aspects to feel the sim alive with all the people and traffic. For videos you should look on my rumble account. I posted there more than 50 videos. Perhaps it is recommended for people with old computer to see all alive. My videos you can find here on 3 pages. Most are 1080 pt videos recorded with my MacBook.

Frank Hurt: That's a huge build! I need to check it out. I enjoy your machinima videos too. I am slowly figuring out how to record quality videos too, which I intend on sharing with everyone. 29 days ago

📝 Explanation at landing point

There is a lot to explain, when you are coming to Big City Life. In this Video I explain ...

Hi, everyone. I am now here, too. Everyone said I should (have to) come to OSW and also put my Big City Life here to find it. Ok, now I am here although I don't need drama and avoided to have much contact. My Facebook account is enough usually for my friends.
But if many people always ask for the hop address then it would be easier just to have it on OSW. Although my Big City Life is not suitable for many people at once, because it is so big (7x7) and full with stuff and active scripts, it is worth to visit. So if you come as couple then it is ok. But don't come at once with a bus of 20 people. Then it is hard to walk straight there. lol If you have gamer computer and fast internet it might be no problem. But for normal users with normal computers it would be horrible to be on my Big City Life with 20 people. So you are warned.
Just wanted to introduce myself here and say hello.
And here is my Home in opensim:
hop://decadence.ddns.net:8002/Big City Life/