Buzzy Cnayl @Cnayl_Rainbow

UK Offline

Developer of VivoSim Virtual Life

Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

Developer of VivoSim Virtual Life, an evolution of the awsome Satyr Farm system. I also host regions on the VivoSim grid.

My Interests


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Linux based

My Regions

8 5 0 Users
Lugo is an 'old world' residential and farming region with the Lugo castle estate containing a VivoSim shopping market.
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Julian Beach
3 0 Beach 0 Users
Sandbox region with BulletSim physics and XEngine scripting. * Large water area * Damage enabled * Two day return Has region crossing to Sandy Island (XEngine to YEngine / BulletSim to ubODE)
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60 27 0 Users
Visit the Farm shop with loads of new items for your VivoSim system then take a stroll to the Petting zoo and on through the nature reserve, art gallery and farm. Then head back for some delicious food in the cafe which you can use the VivoSim to eat it! Visit the ever growing Shop where all all...
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Sandy Island
4 2 Island 0 Users
Sandy Island is a large sandbox area with both land and water available for building, testing and playing. There is a 2 day return It's always 3pm on Sandy Island and the lighting makes for a great place to build. The region is also health enabled (or damage enabled if you prefer!) which allo...
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Our server (and hence regions) is currently not reachable due to issues at Contabo. Hopefully will be resolved soon...

HarperHeld: That can be nasty -ask me how I know! 😑I hope you're back soon. 5 months ago

Our server (and hence regions) is currently not reachable due to issues at Contabo. Hopefully will be resolved soon...

If you are looking for somewhere to set up for some farming/simulated living using the SatyrFarm/VivoSim system, there is now a rentals page that may help you find somewhere.
Quintonia now VivoSim
As VivoSim seems to have got over the expected teething issues, I will now be shutting down Quintonia on Monday (10 April) - If you have a quintonia account, it has been migrated to Vivosim (
Quintonia now VivoSim
As VivoSim seems to have got over the expected teething issues, I will now be shutting down Quintonia on Monday (10 April) - If you have a quintonia account, it has been migrated to Vivosim (
Quintonia is evolving!
It is migrating to its new home called VivoSim & at some point Quintonia servers will shut down. When that happens, you will still be able to continue using Quintonia items, but the HUD & Exchange will no longer function. However, I hope you will have decided to replace those with the new VivoSim replacements, which already offer some great new features with plenty more planned!

Mintor and other regions now at
Quintonia is evolving!
It is migrating to its new home called VivoSim & at some point Quintonia servers will shut down. When that happens, you will still be able to continue using Quintonia items, but the HUD & Exchange will no longer function. However, I hope you will have decided to replace those with the new VivoSim replacements, which already offer some great new features with plenty more planned!

Mintor and other regions now at
New animal rezzer available!

There is a new rezzer with quite a few new features and updates now available. Read the full info at

New shops in Lugo
There is a new store in Lugo ( that will be the place to pick up 'old world' style versions of the Quintonia SatyrFarm. Already one or two things there so feel free to take a look :-)

Quintonia regions down between 10am to 11am BST for general maintenance today.

Free home for your farm!

We have one free location on a first come first served basis for anyone looking for somewhere to have a farm. Go to and use the TP to head to Grimshaw.

Board definitions

It could be helpful if there was a way to have a 'definition' of what each of the boards is for and what is and isn't allowed in them like there is for groups, thanks.

OpenSimWorld: Sorry abou the events, i removed them. The forum titles are supposed to be self-explanatory. Opensimulator is supposed to be about discussing opensimulator specific issues , not for posting events. Th... 3 years ago
I have become aware that there are various grids saying they have or will stop the use of the SatyrFarm system due to issues with the animal scripts in the Quintonia edition. As soon as I was made aware of this issue I released an update (version 5.8 of the animal script) and you can pick up the rezzer/updater for this in Box 1 from the Mintor store. I would strongly recommend people to update their animals to this version as soon as you can so as not to get on the wrong side of your grid owners etc. Thanking you for your help in this.

Kris Patrick: odd.. 3 years ago

I know a lot of people have been running OpenSim 0.9.2 developer builds but now it's been released as the official build!

Regions have moved! Now can be found at

Regions have moved! Now can be found at

Please note Mintor & Aluga will be offline from 5pm (BST) today due to network maintenance. If all goes to plan they will be back up some time later tonight.

Please note Mintor & Aluga will be offline from 5pm (BST) today due to network maintenance. If all goes to plan they will be back up some time later tonight.

Lugo and other Quintonia regions are down for a network upgrade - should be back hopefully in about half an hour.

Mintor and other Quintonia regions are down for a network upgrade - should be back hopefully in about half an hour.

Community meeting
Where: Mintor
When: 4 years ago [31 Jan 2021 10:00 SLT]

Open meeting for all interested in Quintonia farming etc. In the Geodome

Have you tried all the rides in the recently opened fun fair?! You can also make snow angels and fire yourself up the hill from the cannon!

Looking for beta testers - now using coins for trading and also a backpack for carrying things around.
You can test without affecting your main farm. More info at and Beta items in the Mintor shop (

Woke this morning to find the Quintonia servers in a mess - not sure if I've been hacked/attacked but trying to pick up the pieces... :(

If you have never used the SatyrFarm system before or not sure where to start, why not come along to this free workshop

Quintonia will be at the Opensim Fest this year showing off all the SatyrFarm Quintonia edition items. Do come say hello plus if you are interested in helping out at the exhibition please do contact me, Cnayl Rainbow.
Also if you speak German or Portuguese I'm looking for someone to check over some information about the exhibition. The people that have done other languages say it really is just a few minutes needed... Thanks!
The Q2 edition of the SatyrFarm is now available from the Farm Shop in Mintor.

There are many changes between this and the Q1 edition so we strongly recommend that you replace existing items with these new ones.

The first part of the documentation is also now available at

Release candidate 3 now available - still officially a 'test' version but I'm hoping all the previously reported bugs were the only remaining bugs so it will be perfect!

If you have some spare time on your hands and you fancy trying out part (or all!) of the Release candidate for the Q2 edition of the Quintonia version of SatyrFarm, you can pick up one or more boxes (there are 12 platforms plus the HUD!) at the Farm shop,

Fee free to take as many parts as you fancy testing!

The intention is that this is now the 'ready to go' system, but it is hoped people that wish to will check for any issues (items not set as full perms; missing items in crops etc)

There won't be any feature changes between this version and the release version, however there may be code changes and modifications to fix any issues found.
If you have some spare time on your hands and you fancy trying out part (or all!) of the Release candidate for the Q2 edition of the Quintonia version of SatyrFarm, you can pick up one or more boxes (there are 12 platforms plus the HUD!) at the Farm shop,

Fee free to take as many parts as you fancy testing!

The intention is that this is now the 'ready to go' system, but it is hoped people that wish to will check for any issues (items not set as full perms; missing items in crops etc)

There won't be any feature changes between this version and the release version, however there may be code changes and modifications to fix any issues found.
I'm exited to announce the first beta release of Satyr Farm Q2 edition. This is mostly to allow people to try out the new HUD (option to make it more like 'the sims for opensim'!) Pick up the pack at the Mintor farm shop I'm going to be adding more information on the Quintonia website soon but have a play anyway and see what you think!
I'm exited to announce the first beta release of Satyr Farm Q2 edition. This is mostly to allow people to try out the new HUD (option to make it more like 'the sims for opensim'!) Pick up the pack at the Mintor farm shop I'm going to be adding more information on the Quintonia website soon but have a play anyway and see what you think!
This could be your farm! I have two parcels (about 1/4 of a 512x512 region) available for free for anyone that wants to set up a Satyr Farm system. Charter at

The pig feeder is with all the other feeders on the Plants platform. But anyway the feeders are all the same, you just change the details in the config notecard.

Electrify your farm! I've just released the new Wind Power extension:
* Generate power with wind turbines to create a region wide power grid.
* Electric pump system with new water towers - one pump feeds all water towers.
* Power your kitchen oven with electricity.
* Electric Swan vehicle.
* Supports Multilingual & updater-box systems.
And more...!
All at
An updated Quintonia version HUD is now available, with my first go at having a 'provisions' store feature It allows you to store food, drink,booze and medicine, so potentially opens up some new avenues as sickness/medicine is something that hasn't had much made for it yet...
Full details at

You can get the new HUD by going to and then wear the existing one and you should get sent a new one (make sure to have the Quintonia group active first) You can also pick up in 'Pack 2' in the Welcome centre and Art gallery Cafe.

The way this first system works has pros & cons so very much interested in all feedback!

Just an update that there are some new items in the animals section of the welcome centre - come free shopping!

Mintor right now...

Tropical and arctic areas.

Mintor nature reserve

Mintor Art Gallery

comments 101 post likes 136 SatyrFarm points 2,000
No upcoming events

My Reviews


Well shame on me, I would have given it 5 stars but now, perhaps because I and others didn't, it has been replaced by something that probably has so many more textures, but with no map or navigation system it's impossible to find anything. It also looks a bit like a prison camp for textures now :-(

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