Buzzy Cnayl @Cnayl_Rainbow

UK Offline

Developer of VivoSim Virtual Life


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It is quite a challenge to be able to do this well. There are various options such as the Outworldz system already mentioned, plus the diva distribution Running a region linked into OSGrid is also an option that lets you own and control regions whilst being part of the OSGrid infrastructure
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Which version of SatyrFarm are you using?
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The problem is that Kitely don't allow freebies to be 'sold'. I don't know if there is another market that does allow freebies? It would be possible to make the system available as IAR files though. Perhaps you can persuade your grid to allow you to hypergrid out even if they block people coming in?
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No it's online. Sometimes OSGrid behave a bit odd then you can go to island and then take the TP gate from there!
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I've searched through all the versions of the animal rezzer and I can't find a Dachsund in any of them! Please do feel free to drop one off in the drop off area in the workshops part of Aquino ( as I'd love to put it in the animal rezzer :)
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For the Quintonia G2 edition in the Plants box (box 2) there is the SF Flower Planter for growing flowers that you can put into vases and also the SF Physic Garden which has flowers you grow for (soon!) making medicines etc
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I have a good idea and I've taken steps to hopefully prevent it in future.
Glad to hear it! We're loving Q2 by the way. :)
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Yes, generally when you rez an item out it will be set to the same group you have active(but there are settings in some browsers that can force objects to always be rezzed under the land group). Also when you right click an object and select Edit, the screen that comes up shows about halfway down 'Group' and you can change that by clicking the spanner icon if you need to. Whatever group is shows for that item, your active group (Comms menu then Group or Ctrl Shift G) must be set to the same.
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I would read their privacy policy and terms of service carefully. If they explain they do this I would not use that service. If they don't mention it then you may be able to take legal action against them. For currency, unless it's a third party system like Gloebits, really it should only be a 'play money' system as running a legal real money system is quite a task.
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Also a modified one with lots of NPC's in one system at the farm shop on Mintor (
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There is a barn available in the Farm shop at Mintor (
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Does the water actually pour onto the plants? There is an issue I am aware of that with some NPC's the water doesn't go to the plant but they think it does and it gradually builds up a collection of buckets! If that's what you are seeing then hang on a little longer as I'm releasing a complete updated system very soon!
Hi Cnayl he gets a bucket and takes it to where ever he is going, but the bucket doesn't tip. Sometimes he still does the backflip but then move on to his next point and the bucket is still with him. If i can check that i have the settings right. I have them set to Auto water and Auto feed on. Which shows in the chat auto water =1 I guess this is correct ?
Yes the problem is that I changed the language so the menu now shows 'Water plant' rather than 'Water' You can fix this by editing the notecard in the plant (called en-GB-langP1) and changing
TXT_WATER_PLANT = "Water plant"

You will have to do this for every plant you want the NPC to water though.

The next release fixes this problem and is just days away now though...!
Thanks again Cnayl i am following him round atm and doing the job myself so i will wait until you have the update done :)
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If you have honeycomb from the bee hives, then you probably have the new 'bee-keeping' item (available at in the shop there) which should have come with a device called an extractor. You use that to get honey and beeswax from the honeycomb.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm suddenly i cannot get to yours. Keeps coming up saying, " Teleport failed, Could not verify identity" ??
I get that sometimes going places and usually find if I teleport somewhere else first (can take a few goes to find one that works!) it helps. Also if doesn't work, try
Thanks i tp'd to another region and then got there. Thanks again :)
Thank you Cnayl :)
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Hi there - there is the Quintonia version which is an update and extension of the original system and yes, it has monkeys amongst other things! There is a 'farm shop' at (Mintor) and a website at
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The pig feeder is with all the other feeders on the Plants platform. But anyway the feeders are all the same, you just change the details in the config notecard, no need to muck about with scripts!
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Tried to pick one up but says not for sale and also not copyable
On my end they are both for sale and copyable, but I boxed it anyway, hopefully that will help. :)
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Sorry had some maintenance issues - hopefully all okay now.
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This was my 'go to' place but alas it has been replaced by something that, although it has so many more textures (I think), there is no map or navigation system and it's a bit like a prison camp for textures now :-(
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I was just checking to see what the price to post was and sure I hit 'esc' but it went and published my random key strokes anyway and now no way to edit or delete it :-(
oh that is strange . what browser are you using?
yeah it s a little counter-intuitive but i hope ppl will get the hang of it - i dont want to add too many buttons
I changed it to something now as it cost me 5 coins!
Oh I see if someone comments and you look at the comments then there is an edit/delete option - not so intuitive for me at least...
if you click on comments or on the posts date you should see the edit button