ContessaLacombe @ContessaLacombe

United States Offline

Queen of Brigantia.

Liked posts

Everytime I go to @RichardFairplay 's R.Lion store is like a going there for the first time, finding more and more stuff! Best store *by far* in OS!

PinDeluca: Yes I have to say R.Lion is one of my Go to stores ! Truly fantastic, there is everything and more! 1 month ago

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 1 month ago

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 4 days ago
„Das süßeste Fleckchen der Weihnachtszeit, wo süße Träume wahr werden und der Duft von Weihnachten zu Hause ist!"
"The sweetest spot of the Christmas season, where sweet dreams come true and the scent of Christmas is at home!"

MiguelTorres: So wundervoll.. Hoffe sie bemerkt nicht das ich geknabbert habe.. Lebkuchen mit Mett ganz neue creation. Ein Besuch lohnt sich. 22 days ago
**Dali Babe LEGACY Megapack out now!**
I know I've said I would focus on stuff for the guys but...I felt there was a gap on the basics for girls!
Out now the **Dalí Babe LEGACY **(Reborn & Lara coming soon) body skins megapack in 3 different body styles with ALL add-ons.
- Three body styles: Curvy Muse, Slim Muse, and Modelesque.
- Comes in 22 different tones.
- Each body style comes with 2 different cleavage add-ons each.
- They all include a ton of other add-ons for thigh creases, smaller butts, no-vag/no-nip, bombshell boob fix...and a long etc.!

UBER: hop://

KHIRONAMETZA: Woo, I'm looking forward to having Lara skin coming soon!! 14 days ago
Today we play a “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?” ..... ME!!!
if you have the latest version of Firestorm and you want to see or get a mirror for your house, you already have one in Tierra de Volcanes, you don't need ultra graphics, or anything special, just in preferences check mirror, and in detail Reflection: real time.
with this you can see your reflection even if you are in medium graphics... like me :)

Anjolie: I love the mirror the only problem i have with it is that its huge and for some reason i can not shrink the mirror so when its in my home it looks odd, but what a genius idea!!! ty 28 days ago

*** New on Camballa***
Small winter market on Camballa
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

News!!! Group photo ... it's photo time, what better than a beautiful photo of friends, or family, or whoever you want
Everyone say 'Chesse' or 'Whiski' or 'Patata'!!!!
hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Phleur: Belle photo de groupe 23 days ago
Hello everyone, our Mall has now been opened!

We have completely renovated the stores for a better overview and more space for new creations. We also rebuilded the Mall with Prims for better loading times and performance improvement. If we think back in time, we started 1 and a half years ago with a 32x32m store where we had some clothes, now we count 15 Shops, 170x70m on 2 floors with textures, clothes, skins, tattoos, botanicals and more. This is our birthday present to you, for your help, your feedback and your visit to us.

New Shops :

- Fox Jewelry (Jewelry for Males, Females & Unisex)
- Creative Box (more than 1283 new seamless Textures with Adv. Lightning Maps)
- ShoeFactory (Shoes for LaraX, Lara, Gianni, Legacy)
- BlueGents (Fashion for Gianni & Legacy)
- Venus Lingerie (Underwear)
- FoxSound Design (Enviroment Sounds)
- Botanic (Landscape Stuff for your Region)

Updated :
- Pureface (38 new Body Skintones, 6 Male EvoX Skins, 4 Female EvoX Skins)
- LovelyAmy (Lot of new clothes for LaraX, connected both Floors via Stairs)
- SilverFox Weddings (New Dresses & Shoes)
- DecoQueen (8 new things for Decoration)

We hope you like the things and that you find something nice for you!
You can also join our inworld Group for future updates.

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha :)

AnKaBi: wouw die mall ist ist super schön geworden ♥♥♥ 1 month ago

Bonjour! My name is Jacques and I´m a french baguette. Oui, you find me near the ice skating area ..:-)

falene hawks: yep super whit camenber bravo 1 month ago

*** New on Camballa***
Elas Anita-Athena Black & white
Boots and Dress
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

Aurora Starchild: Olvidate de la colmena. QUIERO SER UNA SETAAAAA! 2 months ago

News!!! Halloween Season hop://

Yinni Benelli: Very nice costumes ... Thanks !! =) 2 months ago


Jordan Melody: oooo yess i love blackout tatts!! Please make some for females 1 month ago

News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

Aurora Starchild: Jo, trae las cosas más cucas siempre 2 months ago
**Dali Babe MAITREYA (ATHENA) Body Skin Megapack Now!**
Hi everyone, last on the line of Megapacks: Maitreya 5.3 (Athena) version of the body skins.
Same 3 styles and ALL addons - this one does come in 'only' 15 of the 22 tones, though.
As with LaraX one, it does not include any shape, so you can just use your default body one.

UBER: hop://

Nay Kellyel: PERFECT 8 days ago

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/157/109/3827

**Dali Babe LARAX Megapack OUT NOW!**
Aaaand here comes the LaraX megapack of the Dali Babe body skin packs!
...which I thought was the last, but there's non-LaraX, Maitreya (Athena) 5.3 too..
This one does not come with a shape, so just use your body default one.
As with the others: Comes in 3 different body styles, 22 tones each, and TONS of add-ons!

UBER: hop://

Racci: Amazing, there is so much in it! Thanks so much. 10 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/165/123/3827

NEW Release

*** News at Camballa***
Eva Fee (Athena)
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

TailorNova: Wie immer sehr schöne Auswahl 2 months ago
Hi folks, I have received a few questions today regarding the body skins I shared (i.e. do they work for EvoX, why no face, etc.)
There's a README inside the pack with some details but a few more details:

1. Body skins generally use the .skin type of item and they only contain Upper and Lower.
1.1. The textures are mapped to the body (especially in places like toes, butts, etc. - hence why those would look weird if used in another body).
2. Face skins generally use the .tattoo type, precisely so that you can 'bake/add' it ON TOP of the .skin of the body (of which [.skin] you cand only wear one).
2.2 The face textures are mapped to the head (Evo, EvoX or others).

In this sense, they are NOT connected (you could wear Legacy and....Catwa as head!), and seldom if ever do body skin come with a face skin (Have NEVER seen that, imagine they come with a Catwa head and you use EvoX, or come with Evo and you use a EvoX head!).

The can be 'related' as far as the skin tone goes (i.e. some body skin creators have a set of tones to which face skins creators try to adhere).
Either way, that's what the neck-fix included (only for EvoX, though) are for. If you can't 100% match the tone, add the fix or the face blender.

The .shape file is also important if you want the default shape. However, you can only wear ONE .shape.
If you 'add' it, it will replace the one you got with your face (and mess the shape).
So, in SL (or even here, if properly here), if you were to start a new avi you would get:

1. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the head. Let's say EON EvoX = You can almost ditch these ones unless you are going with the 'demo'/free face skin that comes with the head.
2. The shape [.shape] that comes with legacy body = You can also almost ditch this one, unless you are going with the 'demo'/free body skin of the body.
3. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the face skin. Let's say EROS (for EON EvoX) = These ones you keep, and will probably the ones you use.
4. The shape [.shape] that comes with the body skin. Let's say Jupiter Muscled TAN tone. = This you want to keep, but just for the values.

1 and 2 don't really have much 'value', they are: 'shape-you-can-use-if-you-dont-add-any-skins-from-creators'. EVEN if you wanted to stick to those, you would need to transfer the body shape values to the shape that come with the head.
ALWAYS combine them.
Why? Because the values (numbers) in the shape of the head are specific values that the face/head skin creator has added so that it looks like in the piiiicz.
Now, legacy creator couldn't possible know if you rely on their shape of the head will look BAD.
Body-values-on-head-shape is also because there are less amount of cells/numbers pertaining to body.

NOW, if you got yourself (hopefully) an additional face skin (eg. EROS) and body skin (eg. Jupiter Muscled TAN), you want to merge and use those two.
Why? Because the values relative to the head in EROS will make it look like in the pic, and the values relative to the body in Jupiter, will make it look like in the pic.

- You add the shape of Jupiter just to take the number values on Body+Torso+Leg tabs.
- You switch into the EROS shape, and replace Body, Torso, and Legs with those values.

Result: Your face will look like in the skin pic you bought, and so will your body.

RECAP: .skin for body skins + .tattoo for face skins. Leverage neckblends. Ditch default body/head shapes. Use skin shape as basis, add body skin shape values.

Emma Lewis: Bonjour, pour moi tout va bien ça s'accorde parfaitement bien avec les skins de tête de chez Sdf ! Encore un grand merci pour ce travail hâte d'avoir Larax !!! 12 days ago


**Dali Babe Megapack for REBORN body OUT NOW!**
As promised, here is the megapack for **REBORN **body. *(LaraX coming soon!).*
- **Four **body styles: Curvy Muse, Slim Muse, Modelesque...and Juicy Muse
- Each comes in 22 different tones.
- Each body style comes with 2 different cleavage add-ons each. Juicy comes with three (some seem to be a bit off, but they came like that!)
As with the Legacy version, they **all **include a** ton of other add-ons** for thigh creases, smaller butts, no-vag/no-nip, bombshell boob fix...and a long etc.!

**Uber:** hop://

EllenOptinett: ich sage mal lieb dankeschön es ist so hübsch 13 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Jordan Melody: aww no reborn :( 16 days ago

Illuminated arch tunnel (copy/mody) with sparkling lights. Wonderful to look at night.

Naish: Thank you for what you always give us, your things are very beautiful elegnti and denote the care with which you work and excite us. 1 month ago

*** New on Camballa***
A Little More Wintertime
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

News! Costumes HALLOWEEN Night Party Friday,25th October

*** News at Camballa***
Eva Fee (Athena)
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

NEWS !!!!
My Contribution for the Holidays
for Bodys Reborn Lara X Legacy
have a wonderful and peaceful Time
Hugs Chrissy

News!!! Group Gift
Hello everyone here you have this sweet and funny christmas hat, if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gift, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and get your group gift.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
¡¡¡¡We Lava U ♥!!!!
hop:// De Volcanes/174/261/3827

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/121/76/3827

Another amazing place in the OS HyperGrid that I love to visit, if you haven't been there already! Amazing @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes!

Jerralyn Franzic: Her outfits are wonderful, and I love the playground nearby. 1 month ago
OUT NOW: Pack Scars v2 and Plastic Bandage add-ons for EvoX
Another two pack along with the vibe of the previous two.
A face scars pack for EvoX with 6 different variations
A plastic bandage pack compatible with BOM

Uber: hop://

Marpil Grafenwalder: con tanta cosa bella para chicos estoy pensando seriamente en cambiar mi avatar a hombre 2 months ago
♥ Hallo ihr, es gibt neues auf Timeless für euch .♥
Auf gehts zum shoppen !!
Eure Nasti
♥Hello everyone, there is news on Timeless for you.♥
Let's go shopping !!
Your Nasti ♥♥♥

*** News at Camballa***
Hoodie Outfit in any Colors
Reborn and Maitreya
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

=OUT NOW: Bjorn Skin Overlay for EvoX (age marks)=
You have this addon available at the Starchild Shoppe: Beauty store.
Age marks overlay (does NOT come with the skin).
It comes in 4 different tones, and 25% or 50% for each tone:

Uber: hop://

MinordLoup: superbe, mais je n'arrive pas a utiliser le Uber, merci d'avance pour me faire parvenir le LM ou modifié le uber pour le plus grand nombre ;) 2 months ago
Weeeeee'rrrrreee heeeeere!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! It's Christmas! We still have a bit of construction so pardon our dust...but we couldn't wait to bring you another wonderful place to visit this year! The snow is cold so dress appropriately but hopefully, this little Christmas town will warm your hearts!

Slowhand: I have no access to this region, why??? 19 hours ago