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Some days are difficult

We deal with rl stress

And physical pain

Some days our hearts are broken

And some days we feel crushed by turmoil

Some days our emotions feel like they will explode

Some days everything we touch seems to break

Some days we make a mess of our projects

What you have to realize, even with all these things going on in your life, you have a group of friends who care about you!

Courreges Malatesta: I hope you're all fine, my dear friends. I was really busy RL those days , I'm sure I missed a lot ;) Be back soon ... xxx 1 years ago

Friends !

End of Region Party

Serina Sparkles !

Pretty Little Lilly

Megga Thanks for the tunes Reggie

Courreges Malatesta: Thank you for the pictures !!!! 1 years ago
END OF REGION EVENT - SATURDAY 4th FEB.... 12noon Grid Time.
Ok ... it's here ..... the moment we have been waiting for.... OBLIVION ! (HAHAHAHAH) soon our region will transform ... Come to the END OF PARTY !
SATURDAY 4TH FEB.... 12noon Grid Time
See you there !
Hello Beautiful friends.... our old region is coming to an end and we will be re-birthed soon. In light of that, we are thinking about an end of region party .... We would love Reggie to DJ if you are available, and of course have all the regulars together to say good bye to the old... and welcome the new ! QUESTION..... which weekend day is best and what time... So let us know in comments when you are available over the next 2 weekends if you would like to come and take part. It would be awsome for a friends wide participation. Does anyone want to build something special for the night ? Any particular music choices? Any dress code? etc.... let us know your thoughts . We will make it special XXXX

PinDeluca: Serina is build a cool little dance area on Friends Mainland. We welcome you all to join in and add bits and bobs to make it special i.e.. it could be decor, furnishing, plants or trees - lets all ... 1 years ago

Have an awesome day everybody! Enjoy building and relaxing....I will see you soon! hugggggs

Courreges Malatesta: Hello everyone !! I hope your week goes well, so far :) 1 years ago

Welcome Home Reggie!

your family missed you!

After much thought, I have a rough layout on the new area. Some regions may move slightly, but this is the plan. The new grid’s name is friends-grid

I have decided I wanted to give the 4 of you a special present…..but I really do not want to fight or argue.

This is the amount of land I am getting whether you accept your gift or not.

The next thing I want to mention is I believe and support creativity……but sometimes creativity is limited by the size of your canvas. Imagine being able to put up mountains that are 1-2 sims big…..or a lake that is 4 sims! Imagine being able to drive in high gear! These things are stupid impossible unless you have a decent size canvas.

Well, December and Christmas was pretty rough with all that happened with Hidden Dreams. You four stayed with me and have been active and involved. For that, I thank you!

Because of this, I am sending your Christmas a little early. You each will have a 4x4 to build, create, experiment, bulldoze and start over! I have put tentative names and themes on the map.

Before anyone says “omg, I cannot ever work with that much”, I want you to pause…..and realize what you could do:

F1 tracks for me to beat Pin’s ass

A fantasy area involving mountains and lakes without space issues

Mad max driving like a bat out of hell over the outback

Maybe a sci fi landscape

The bottom line… all have some serious canvas to be creative. Realize also that you may want water around or on your region, that can take up space. Use graph paper and plan it out.

Now, I also want to point out something. We are not on a time schedule….. we are not trying to have this done by May 1. In my opinion, this is probably 12 months, some areas earlier, some later. You may want to plan for two months, and you might build on day 1. I don’t care.

If anyone is worried about me not having space, I have about 82 sims to work on…..that should keep me busy for a few days.

Also, I do own 5-10 raw terrain files (islands). If interested, ask and I can show you some examples and you can decide if it would help.

I want to support creativity!

I hope this gift will be accepted in the spirit in which it is being given…..the spirit of friendship!

Lily Loire: I've never been offered such an opportunity before to be so creative. Thank you Safine for all you do for us and the encouragement to improve my skills and knowledge and the patience to put up with al... 1 years ago

Happy Valentines Day you lovely people XXX

It is Monday…..hope you all have a good week!

Information about Grid

This afternoon I had a very long and helpful chat with Sora and we have decided to move forward with the grid.

Here is a timeline
March 7 - no more building or land editing here
March 8 - oar and iars are made
March 12- friends-grid will be up . that is the new official name
March 17 we will be done at avitron

I apologize for the move, this was not available when we came to aviworlds.

I will be providing more details soon.

thank you
Right now we all need some lighter news, so I am putting the quiz answers here. Super fun to hear the songs we knew so well.


1. Dancing in the Street.
2. U2.
3. Kim Wilde.
4. Dire Straits
5. Pet Shop Boys
6. Acapulco
7. Blonde
8. Don’t You.
9. NWA.
10. The Police.

Congratulations Pin on getting 9 out of 10!

PinDeluca: YAY ! 1 years ago
Update on Horse Riding / Dance

I always want to help accommodate schedules
so let's try this

horse riding at immediately follow

and for those who miss first ride...will be riding after dance too.

Please note......todays dance will be in your web browser....not firestorm...we will give out link

Courreges Malatesta: almost-GMT people thank you so much :) 1 years ago
Horse Ride and Dance
Saturday Jan 21 3pm

Bring your horse or use one of mine

Come explore the trails on my island that have been made for you to enjoy

Afterward.....Lets dance!

We will meet at my horse barn.......just ask for tp

PinDeluca: Saddle Up and ride your Pony..... 1 years ago