Crazyposeidon @Crazyposeidon

Peaceislands Offline

DJ - Minimal,Techno, House,EDM,EBM, Gothic,Wave and more

Liked posts

Wish everyone a happy time
and please stay healthy everyone.
Allen eine Glückliche zeit wünsche
und bleibt bitte alle gesund.​

harthelie: Merci Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noel et pleins de cadeaux 12 months ago

Wish everyone a happy time
and please stay healthy everyone.
Allen eine Glückliche zeit wünsche
und bleibt bitte alle gesund.​

Ich wünsche Euch und Euren Familien ein schönes gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest 🎄🎅 und für 2024 ein Jahr voller Glück und Harmonie, zufriedenen, fröhlichen Stunden, wundervollen Momenten und vor allem Gesundheit

I wish you and your families a wonderful and blessed Christmas 🎄🎅 and for 2024 a year full of happiness and harmony, content, joyful hours, wonderful moments and, above all, good health

Star Ravenhurst: Merry Christmas!! 12 months ago

Party im Bunker. Genie Fegte hat Geburtstag

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon

Luci☬Fer: oh great photo, love it! 1 years ago

Happy Christmas time!!!

Our Advent Calendar is opened again!
You will find behind every door another great gift.
Mare Grid wishes you all a great Christmas time !!!

KikiBaily: Wünsche dem Mare Grid eine schöne Adventzeit :-) 1 years ago

May peace, hope, and love be this season’s present to you personally!
Have a peaceful Advent Season

BELZE: Das ChuBelz Grid wünscht eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 1 years ago

*ORANGE TREE NEW RELEASE* MEsh tree, up to 2 trees into a single prim! Leaves with smooth animations and textures included! Available at FARM AREA!Enjoy :)

LeonitasLionheart: Orange you betting people will go bananas over this? 1 years ago

Animated Hearts -- Edit&Copy

hop:// Terra/226/50/25

Marga: No regions found with that name :-( 1 years ago

Moonrose Winter Shopping is open most of the items are copyable on 01.12 2023 there is again an Advent calendar .I wish you a nice time

Here is a new way to post Sims.
Take a look at it here:

Lone Wolf: Where do you get the terminal from? 1 years ago

Came to a stop ... ever get that hanging around feeling?

This corner is inspired by the Parisian tradition of "The Lock Bridge", by which for many generations thousands of lovers leave their locks on a bridge over the Seine and throw the keys into the river, manifesting with this gesture that their love is eternal. Putting locks is illegal nowadays in RL, but in iEchoes you still can put yours.
Come request it today and let's fill Opensim with love.
New Release!

We just released the Steven Formal Suit with Shoes for the Gianni Body.
A HUD is Included to change the Color / Texture of the Fabric, Shirt, Ties, Belt (also Hide and Show) and Shoes!

Hopefully you like it :)

Btw. : most of our Stuff will be updated time by time with HUDs to keep the Inventory clean! ;)

PinDeluca: Please sign me up for the inventory cleaning service ;P 1 years ago

Hey there and happy Sunday!

We added 17 new beautiful Clothes for Gianni and new Shoes as well in our Store! Feel free to check them out .


ToyBoy: Great looking clothing! Besides male clothing, women also are spoiled here Pin ;) 1 years ago

Hey also Gianni Stuff in our Store! More will come soon :)

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))


Adry: now 1 years ago


Sylvia-Koeln: So........ Uniform gebügelt für die Weltreise 1 years ago
Joint guided excursion on Sunday
Everyone is welcome, including Beginners. We bring everyone to their Destination.
Bikes are available at the Clubhouse or rezz your own Bike.
Come in and Ride out. Bikerworld

Gemeinsame geführte Ausfart am Sonntag
Jedermann ist willkomen, auch Anfänger. Wir bringen jeden ans Ziel.
Bikes stehen am Clubhaus bereit oder rezz dein eigenes Bike.
Come in und Ride out. Bikerworld

SoA .BAD: Today, Meeting Point from 11.30 a.m. at the clubhouse Heute, Treffpunkt ab 20.30 am Clubhaus 1 years ago
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 1 years ago

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 1 years ago
Feeling low? Lost your enthusiasm? Try a little Cyber in your diet!
Cyber Punk Party @ The Mosh Pit
Freestyle Immersive Beats EBM
With DJ Synthetica

8 P.M. till 10 P.M. GMT
12 P.M. till 2 P.M. SLT

Dress Code Cyber Punk or come as you are.
All are welcome. Bikerworld

Carmen Jewel: What a great evening we had, ty Genie, great tunes! 1 years ago
Sunday, August 6, 12 p.m
Common Ride out, everyone is welcome, including beginners.
Meeting point from 11.30 a.m. at the SoA Bikerworld Clubhouse
Come in and ride out -- Bikerworld

Sonntag, 6. August, 21.00 Uhr
Gemeinsame Ausfahrt, Alle herzlich willkommen auch Anfänger.
Treffpunkt ab 20.30 am Clubhaus SoA Bikerworld
Come in and Ride out -- Bikerworld

AnaKathy: wenn ich es nicht vergesse, bin ich gerne mit dabei :) 1 years ago

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

come in and ride out Bikerworld

Slowhand: Tolle Strecke, lässt sich gut fahren. Danke :-) 1 years ago
Gleich um 20 Uhr gehts los!!!
Party auf der einzigartigen Römischen Region.
Gespielt werden Hits aus den 80ern und eure wünsche....
DJ Silver wird euch verwöhnen mit den besten Hits
und der Gastbeger Darkwolf stellt die tolle Locatin.
Also rein in eure Streitwägen und ab zur Party

Last Days!!

Jimmy Olsen: PARTICIPANTS AND VOTES (UPDATED MANUALLY by Jimmy Olsen 28JUL23 05.52pm SLT Doc Mercury: 65 VOTES April Mc Kenna: 47 VOTES Wintermyst Tangarae: 44 VOTES TreZZa LiLLiana:... 1 years ago

Celebrating friendships new and old ones renewed.
Sunday @ Sicario's
Open to all.
Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes.
Dress Code: Dress as you please but please dress.

Kashi Takeshi: The best to get on down in the Metaverse. 1 years ago

New Outfit !!!!
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Come and see the beautiful jewelry store "Belinda" in "MI AMOR"
Jewelry and necklaces for REBORN body and now also new ones have been added
When you get to "MI AMORE" use the teleport to "TOWN" and you will get to the right place
Ven a ver la hermosa joyería "Belinda" en "MI AMOR"
Joyas y collares para cuerpo REBORN y ahora también se han añadido nuevos
Cuando llegues a "MI AMORE" usa el teletransporte a "TOWN" y llegarás al lugar correcto

New For Mens
Pants and Shirt

Onelife - Sun Lounger
////////////// Menu ////////////////

**** Solo ****
The solo seats of the set is perfect to use alone or with others. It includes nice lounger sits and lays for seat 1 and 2, and sits on the ottoman or ground for seat 3. Both pg and adult masturbation animations for all.

**** Couples ****
Many sweet cuddles included in the lounger set.
- Sweet M/F cuddles for first and second seat.
- FF cuddles for seat 1 & 3.
- MM cuddles for seat 2 & 3.
New for this is that huggles that fits avatars with same size are included for seat 1 and 2 as well.

**** Adult ****
- Lots of high quality smooth hot animations included! There are foreplay, Lick, BJ, Ride, Other, and Finish categories.

**** 3 sitters ****
- FFM and MMF Cuddles for a sweet time.
- FFM Adult, a lot of hot 3some animations
- MMF Adult, sexy steaming sex animations.

DocMercury: Well that's a shame that I used to be able to get there and now I can't :( 1 years ago

New for Men
Trent Coat Black

La Cittadella Di Rachel: Fantastisch 1 years ago

** Men Dress **
Pants,Vest and Shoes

Come to Us

Carmen Jewel: what a blast we had , thank you very much! 1 years ago

The Location

DJ Booth
with Animations for 2
Dj on Work , Dance on Booth usw
Test on the Shop