oh HELLO Offline

⦁ Club is almost complete.
⦁ Bring wine

Fast Facts About Collective Central
⦁ Hub region for the CopyKat Collective.
⦁ Home of the new Tribute Club.
⦁ Located on Friends Grid.

Fast Facts About the Tribute Club
⦁ A hang-out for friends old and new.
⦁ A place for funky time fun and frivolity.

My plans
⦁ Build club.
⦁ Drink wine.
⦁ Design Club Logo.
⦁ Drink more wine.
⦁ Design Region Logo.
⦁ Wine.
⦁ Organize opening event.
⦁ Dance dance dance!

⦁ Be kind
⦁ Be helpful
⦁ Be sharing

KatKakoola: You mean the guy who looks like he just sat on a recently unexploded cracker than now isn't? 11 months ago
The underlying message of too many big social media sites these days is "stop talking and start buying." The community these sites have fostered are being exploited for profit. Fortunately that isn't happening in OS. In fact, in contrast to big social media, we have a place in OS where the message is "stop buying but keep up the conversation."

That place is the Oni Kiri Tribute Region. There is nothing to buy there. But there is the opportunity to hang out with people from the community of Adachi fans and ex-residents of the CopyKat Grid. They are pretty much all like Oni. Helpful. Kind. Sharing. If you feel yourself to be part of that community, here is a HG Safari blog post written by Thirza Ember about Oni, Adachi, CopyKat and the Collective you might like:

The Oni Kiri Tribute Region is at Adachi on BlackSwan.
hop:// CopyKat in Blackswan

The community is all over OS. :)

Join the CopyKat Collective Discord Channel if you'd like:
UPDATE: The CopyKat Collective hosts the Tribute Club on their Collective Central Region: Central

Grand Opening of the Oni Kiri Tribute Region
Sat., July 1st, 12pm OS time
At Adachi in Blackswan

The home Adachi region has been recreated on the Blackswan Grid as a memorial to Adachi and a tribute to Oni. Adachi will continue to be a place to gather, dance, and share -- and make -- new memories.

Look for a comment here sometime soon about the region opening early for a sneak preview.

Please note: This Oni Tribute and Adachi Memorial is not a shopping region. The complete Adachi regions with shopping will be sponsored by CopyKat Collective members when we find an affordable server. The Collective members' shops and regions are now hosted on other grids. Visit these by way of the CopyKat Collective TP board at those locations and at Adachi.

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: Hey! Does anyone have an Adachi tee? It would be fun to have them at the grand opening! 11 months ago