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Thank you Luna, the photo only represent a moment of the interaction between these two animesh characters. They indeed appear to interact. They are located in the meadow,near the bakery and the swamp, in front of the farm.
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Hello Jamie, we will have to close Novale-Autumn sooner to prepare for winter. Novale Fall will close on Novembre 12th. I left the hunt alive, you can still participate to it when your time permits.
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Bonjour Tristan, merci pour l'information. Je suis contente d'apprendre que l'on reverra le marché. Tiens nous au courant dès que l'on pourra le visiter. Bon travail.
Promis, je tiendrai informé personnellement tou-te-s ceux/celles qui le souhaiteront.
Officiellement, le Marché ouvrira le 1er décembre.
Avec un peu de chance et beaucoup de boulot.... peut-être quelques jours avant.
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pirouette en loup minor
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Falène, quelle tristesse. J'ai peine à croire qu'il n'y avait pas de fichiers OAR de ce marché de Noël tellement chouette et surtout du marché avec tous les ajouts que tu y avais apportés au fil des ans. J'adorais ce marché, son atmosphère, les trouvailles que tu y partageais et ton humour. Ce marché appartenait au patrimoine d'OpenSim.
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I try to landscape our region with the photographer perspective in mind.
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oh thank you Kris !
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Yes, we will let everything in place until around the 20th. Then we will close Novale for the season switch for about 7-10 days before opening winter. You can come when you can. However, unless you understand French, we will have the visit of the French speaking hypergridder between 1-3 SLT on November 3. Everything will then be invoice.
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We had intermittent issues with the books. They are working now. Sometimes though you may have to click 2 or 3 time to flip the first page. The pages must be heavy :) The book content : info about the origin of the book and the mission of hunters. Have fun!
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Bink, Bravo for completing the hunt ! Thanks for your comment and big thanks for the book.

All best
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We do not showcase a specific place of Eastern Canada but provide a diversity of habitats and activities that could give a feel of the seasons we experience in Eastern Canada. Quebec and Eastward.
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Ellen, you can come anytime. Our region Novale changes 4 times a year to showcase the seasons we have in Eastern Canada. It is not specific to a specific region but very likely to give the experience of seasons in provinces such as QUebec and eastward
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c'est un vieux post Max.
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Oh, Marianna, I was able to find your region and tp there. It is beautiful indeed. I guess, just your OSW beacon is not initialized.
let me check it. thank you!
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Hello Marianna, Iknimaya seems beautiful. Currently though, your grid appears to be offline.
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Neat assenblage of diverse natural habitats and Gnome paradise
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think twice, cleavage is inversely correlated to light weight
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What a great way to tell a story about Novale notwithstanding the well informed advise to hypergrider so to get the most of their visit. Vielen Dank !