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What a great way to tell a story about Novale notwithstanding the well informed advise to hypergrider so to get the most of their visit. Vielen Dank !
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Thanks for your comment and appreciation. You are welcome anytime
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great snapshot, thanks !
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great, take the time to read the notecard you received at landing . It gives info in tips to truly enjoy the region and discovering its many habitats and sites. Have fun !
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Oh great, it worked and you were able to visit.
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Ouais, cela donne de bons résultats pour les intérieurs.
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You are welcome anytime Roland !
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Falène, j'ai beaucoup de tes boîtes magasins. Si tu veux, je pourrais te les préparer prêtes à être copiées. Dis moi si cela t'intéresse et je vais te proposer comment j'aimerais procéder.
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Afternoon wandering through the islands in the North
Immersed in the spring tender greens
Enjoying the sounds of the awakening narure
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Bravo Roland, it is well done and does well show how beautiful the region is !
I alwas get that reflex to want to zoom. But that requires a true viewer, grins.
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thanks Marianna. Photoshop 3d was a great tool for builders. Unfortunatly, Adobe does not support it anymore. I use the cloud service of adobe and recent version are not even able to open old files. So sad !
I use Creative Cloud and used it today! It had an odd glitch and spoke to Adobe tech and I had to set a setting then it worked fine. I am on Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.2.2 20220304.r.325 49bf0ec x64 working fine
Thx, if so this is good news. What I have experienced was a message I got when trying to use 3d feature. It was saying that Adobe support to 3d feature will progressively removed. I will do further checking. I loved to use it.
Yes mine is working fine, you might want to reach out to Adobe tech and discuss what it is doing. Mine was slow to create and glitching I have new PC and Windows 11 so thought it was why, they had me set a setting in preferences called Technology Previews and I enabled "Deactivate Native Canvas" then it worked fine
I just read this at their site Dabici, you are right they will be discontinuing bummer, but Blender has an addon Image2mesh

This is what Adobe says " What if I absolutely have to use the latest version of Photoshop along with the 3D features that are being removed?
For a short time, a Technology Preview preference can be used to emulate the last known working state for 3D features. Go to Photoshop > Preferences > Technology Previews and check the box “Deactivate Native Canvas”, and restart Photoshop. Note that this operating mode is increasingly unreliable in modern operating systems, and we recommend using Photoshop version 22.2 (from February 2021) if you need more stable performance with Photoshop’s 3D features.
What will the future of 3D in Photoshop look like?
Currently, we don't have any concrete plans to introduce advanced 3D features back in Photoshop."
Hello Marianna, thank you so much for the hint on how to manage somehow the 3D features in Photoshop. I tried it and it works. Meanwhile, this had became a true incentive to me to learn Blender. I am progressing and does appreciate the effort made by blender to improving their interface. My previous attempt were done before 2.8. This said, I am still in beginner state. I know how to install add-ons. However, in the case of image2mesh, it appears to be still in development phase no addons widget to download but only code. Did you try it yourself? The good news is their are smart people working on developing this.
What you do is this: you go to the "Code" button and you save the zip file, do not unzip it, save it to your hard drive then you go to Blender Preferences and install addon from file and you install the unopened zip. Also it has to be the correct version of Blender to run and I believe it is 2.8 I played with it just a bit and was getting invisible back to the mesh so then went back to PS3D...I am just now trying the image2mesh also
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Vlad, je suis tellement attristée de la disparition de VD grid et surtout de la fin de cette communauté de joyeux lurons et luronnes qui aimaient explorer et rigoler ensemble. Merci pour ton leadership, ta gentillesse et ta capacité de rassembler. J'espère qu'une fois la poussière retombée, que tu aurons l'occasion de te croiser à nouveau, quelque part sur OpenSim.
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Chère Falène, c'est avec tristesse que j'ai appris les difficultés techniques rencontrées par Virtualdream Grid. J'espère que toutes tes billes n'étaient pas rattachées à une seule base de données. Au delà de la pertes d'inventaire, il y a aussi la disparition d'une belle communauté amicale et d'un beau leadership et de la caserne d'Alibaba qu'étaient tes SIMS et ton marché de Noël. C'est normal que tu sois sous le choc mais ce n'est pas le moment de baisser les bras. Bien des gens te souhaitent de te trouver une nouvelle grille d'accueil. Ce qui est certain, c'est que tous les gens qui, comme moi, ont bénéficié de ta générosité et de tes encouragements, seront prêts à te donner une copie des boîtes magasins que tu offraient. On pourrait faire un appel à ce sujet, quand tu seras prête, je suis certaine qu'il sera possible de reconstituer ainsi un proportion importante de tes avoirs, avant le crash de VD grid.

I just suggested to Falène that if she find a new home base, that many of us could contribute to assemble a large part of her data simply by giving her a copy of the « magasins boîtes », those collections of freebies that she was generiously sharing with many of us.
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Very unfortunate. Nothing worst than a wet avatar. Good that you did not met the funny Rudolf, it is even worst when wet.
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Vielen Dank, cher Rudi, alles Gute für dich une deine Familie, take care :)
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Indice : Who in the world is known for wearing big mits ?
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Ich habe totgelacht !
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The most beautiful fantastic and relaxing virtual winter environment ever. Vielen Dank Bink, Ich freue mich darüber, dass du wieder Stella Polaris zu Verfügung stehst. Frohe Weihnacnten !
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using the location mentioned here, I am arriving in deep Halloween !
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That Spitoon is soooo funny !
Lol thank you =D