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*****Novale is finally ready to welcome winter lover visitors for the winter season! ***** Snow and Christmas ambiance are well installed throughout the region. The main attractions in December include the Christmas Market with Booths offering Dabici and Kelso original creations and the Advent-Hun...
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We offer three rides down with different level of difficulty
Sit on the departure block that suit your ability and experience

The Main Chairlift Station is nearby the Downhill Ski Station
It is will bring you at the mountain top

Did you ever experience downhill ski at Novale in Winter ?
You will find info and equipment at our Downhill Ski Station

North may be cold but it is so cool !

With my dog 'Oh_Ski' in my prefered trek of ou 7 km Tour in Cross-Country Ski.
The tour is scripted so even beginners can enjoy it !
Have fun !

Imagine 7km cross-country ski tour! Experimenting it is even better!!
The tour is divided in 5 treks bringing you through a variety of winter scenes.
You will find more Info, free equipment and first departure block near landing.

Dec. 6th : It is St Nicolas day ! If you want a copy of this traditional smoker, you will find it at Novale's X.Mas Market.

In remote areas, far away of the four Teleport Hubs, we have installed a few 'Morris Towers' so you can find you way back to the Hubs and avoid hypothermia :)

In the Greenhouse, the Teleport Hub situated near landing, you will have access to many teleport boards to discover many facettes of Novale in winter.

The Greenhouse near landing is one of the 4 Teleport Hub in Novale. Novale is a 4x4 var region and there is a lot to discover. Each hub contains teleport boards to reach many places and activities within Novale. They are precious help to navigate our winter.

Once you are out of the Welcome Snowglobe, follow the steps and use our high tech facilities, the laser bridge, and walk then toward the Greenhouse nearby.

Novale's welcome Snowglobe : landing is inside the globe. Have a look to the lightning info manel to select our winter full moon environment. Then click on the xmas tree panel to get out.

The destinations offer at our **Winter Worlds Travel Agency** has been updated. So far, 30 destinations of winter or Christmas regions are showcased.

falene hawks: bonjour trop bien Novale faut y aller visiter et faire du ski encore Bravo 1 years ago
Novale's Winter Worlds Travel Agency is located at the Christmas Market Place. Get inside to discover the destination's panels. You know a winter place that is not there yet, send me a message with an LM.

Winter Season is back at Novale !

La vallée hantée (the haunted Valley) of Novale

YARR ... Summer is there and the pirates are already back

Welcome to Novale's maple groove and Sugar Shack
Discover the sweetest ever tradition from Eastern Canada

harthelie: super je vais me faire une joie de visiter 2 years ago
Am 25. und 26. Dezember verwandelt sich die Novale-Adventsjagd in eine Weihnachts- und 2. Weihnachtsfeiertags-Schatzsuche.

Wenn Sie irgendwo auf den Adventsbaum klicken, der sich neben dem Gewächshaus in der Nähe des Landepunkts befindet, erhalten Sie eine Notizkarte mit einer vollständigen Liste der 24 Hinweise, die nacheinander zwischen dem 1. und 24. Dezember veröffentlicht wurden. Verwenden Sie die Hinweisliste, um Weihnachtskugeln zu finden, die in der Region verstreut sind. Alle Weihnachtskugeln werden aktiv sein und ihr Geschenk bei Berührung (vorausgesetzt, Sie stehen in einem Abstand von 5 m oder weniger von der Kugel) vergeben.

Wenn Sie den Advent ein paar Tage verpasst haben, ist dies Ihre Gelegenheit, Ihre Serie von 24 exklusiven Geschenken zu vervollständigen.

Von Dabici und Kelso

On Dec. 25th and 26th, the Novale Advent Hunt will transform into a Xmas and Boxing Day Treasure Hunt.

If you click anywhere on the Advent tree located near the greenhouse close to the landing point, you will get a notecard containing a complete list of the 24 hints that were released one by one between Dec. 1st and Dec. 24th. Use the hint list to locate Xmas baubles scattered in the region. All Xmas baubles will be active and give their gift on touch (provided that you stand at a distance of 5 m or less from the bauble).

If you missed a few days during the Advent, this is your opportunity to complete your series of 24 exclusives gifts.

From Dabici and Kelso
Meilleurs voeux de Noël à tous nos amis d'Opensim et en particulier à tous ceux qui ont visité les quatre saisons de Novale au cours de la dernière année. Au plaisir de vos revoir tous l'an prochain.

Die besten Weihnachtswünsche an alle unsere Opensim Freunde, insbesondere an alle, die Novale vier Jahreszeiten im vergangenen Jahr besucht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie alle im nächsten Jahr wiederzusehen.

Best Christmas wishes to all our Opensim friends, especially to everyone who has visited Novale four seasons over the past year. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Dabici Straulino & Kelso Uxlay

Home Sweet Home - Arriving just in time for Xmas

Snowy winter at the northern camp

Symphony: eets so pretty. 2 years ago

Nothing like line dancing with the elves on December 21st

Hoping for Santa to come soon . . .

Elsa and Anna are residents of the Frozen Mountain
You may encounter them along the cross-country ski path.

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh... now this is super cute lol 2 years ago
Here is a prototype of a binocular co-developed
by Aaack (ArcadiaShop) and Kelso Uxlay (Creanovale.grid).
Come and try it, it is situated at the Lookout Platform of the Frozen Mountain
It can be used as a long distance binocular and as a teleporter.

Ever visited Novale's Country Club?
This is the perfect activity to warm you up,
after you immersive experience of Novale's winter sports

Did you ever try our 7km cross-country ski tour ?
Get your ski gears at the kiosk near landing and sit on the block
The treck is in Sections, the block here is for the 2nd part of
the frozen mountain pathway, bringing you to the polar bear world.
The Ride is pre-programmed, just enjoy the landscape

Do not hesitate to visit the houses located on the plateau
surrounding the Christmas Market and discover
the diversity of Christmas and winter ambiances.

RobinSisson123: I was here recently and it's so beautiful! This picture is also stunning. 2 years ago

Winter Night with full moon,
when snowmen get alive and wave at visitors

Skating northward, beyond the montain ridge can be hazardous.
If you encounter a hungry polar bear or if you are facing low blizzard
look around for a refuge to spend the night.

Jack enjoys his life in his isolated and very humble house
Like he said : « Thanks God, I have everything I need: food, a good stove
confortable beds, light and even good music ! »

A lot of snow can be fun
But it can also be rough for roofs.
If you are lucky, you might find an Elf to help you
Or.. the other way around, if you find and Elf, you will be lucky :)

In each Novale's season, there is a dedicated Dancing Place
In Winter we are Dancing on Ice, near the Ice Palast

If you come to our xmas market,
make sure you take the time to visit the
houses on the plateau surrounding the market
we love adding details to let you imagine a their stories.

Oh my God, time flies ! Already a third of our Advent Hunt is over.
Still 16 treasure gifts to find.
A word of caution though, as indicated inworld :
Please do not use Santa's throne near Sant & Co. It is poorly scripted!
Joyeux deuxième dimanche de l'Avent
Schönen Zweiten Advent Sonntag
Merry 2dn Sunday of Advent
This traditional Advent Candles is available at our Xmas Market
There is a flame in its content so you can lightup candles every Sunday

Dabici132: If you came to get this centerpiece, I am sorry... for reason that I can't explain, it was impossible to take a copy. It is now set to buy for $0 and was checked with my alternate from another grid. ... 2 years ago
During Winter, Novale offers to hypergrid visitors 4 teleport hubs to facilitate their exploration of its diverse winter habitats. Here is the Winter Greenhouse, the Hub nearby the landing. Each hub contents Teleport boards to Novale's destinations. These Hubs can also help visitors to decode the Advent Hunts clues.
You will find over 25 Winter destinations at our Travel Agency
Those destinations are in different grids
Use the Novale Teleport Hub (the greehouse close to landing)
To find a tp board to the Christmas Market

Dabici132: Novale's Winter Travel Agency now offers36 Winter Hypergrid winter destinations 2 years ago

Did you ever visited our Travel Agency for Winter Lovers ?
It is situated at our Christmas Market Place

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My Reviews

Better World

Better World is what you will experience in this region. I have seen it in Fall and just visited it in Winter. A beautiful place to get the feel of natural habitat in winter - just sit near the river for a while, it looks so real ! Well done

Zweet ZurroundingZ

Very impressive, and beautifully immersive place. The perfect under cannope ambiance, great attention to both details (flowers) and big picture. The best I ever seen so far in Virtual world. Kudo. The creator is not only talentuous but really have a very fine sense of nature,


Shawn is a music lover and the well known Radio Guy in OpenSIm. The great thing about his radio offeing is that you ill find radio-objects for all circumstances, and some with special selction of music for hollidays. He has the best selection of radio and station listing and most importanly, he is updating them. If you are lucky enough he will visit you and do at your Sim delivery, transporting ...

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