Ellie Venusa @DaphneVenusa

USA Offline

Be Yummy

Joined 8 months ago

About Myself

Owner /Builder of Club Nakkie, The Fantasy rooms, New Rome, and coming soon Club Nakkie's Womens Erotic Wrestling's Shamrock Arena

My Interests

Love building and seeing great things built by others... wish to learn blender better and learn to script...

I'm Looking For

Who says Im looking for any particular thing or things even? I find what i find and go from there...

Favorite Quote

I am the Great Cornholio you will give me TP for my bunghole...

Music I Like


Films I Like

Ready Player One

Books I Like

Stranger in a Strange Land ... by Robert A Heinlein

My Heroes

Monkey D. Luffy

Viewer Version

newest firestorm

My Regions

Club Nakkie
23 0 maze.bz:7002:Club Nakkie 1 Users
Nakkie an adult sim located on Carnal Island and is home to many great activities that are ever evolving! When you arrive you will be at the landing the beach will be to your west and runs North and south predominantly. There is a Nakkie social band dispenser there which allows visitors to kno...
more info


Club Nakkie Main the rebuild is so visually appealing

Aeris Irides: best grid ever 26 days ago

The Pitt... A Dystopian Cyberpunk/Arcane themed club in the heart of the Shamrock CNWEW Arena

Club Nakkie Poolside a relaxing place to chill and enjoy the scenery and peace of mind

Club Nakkie is Hiring DJs If you're interested, please Contact Ellie Venusa at club nakkie inworld or Jamie Smith Club Nakkies Lead manager ot DJ TaTTman the DJ manager of Club Nakkie We have Multiple Venues to choose from Nakkie Main, the Pitt, or Nakkie Poolside Each with its own vibe So come out and see what Nakkie is all about

Come ride the Jet skies and explore

Club Nakkie Main has a new Look We've given a few areas of Nakkie new Expanded looks and feels we've also added new exciting areas Such as the Dungeon A bd/sm Play area located in new rome behind the slave market and bath house. Nakkie Cart A fun way to pass time The Expanded beach is Large covering nearly half of the main Island and still expanding enjoy long Romantic walks on the beach We will also be adding a stable and horses for horseback riding and a tac shop for those into pony play Have fun and as always Be YuMmY... Ellie

Finaly they get what they give is this the beginning of the end for Sorin Todys and A-Life Virtual? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjyMEyVuyYA

We HaVe MoVeD .... We are NO LONGER ON OS GRID ... That's right due to the confusion of OS falling down we have relocated club Nakkie to a diff Grid you can now visit us here on the Maze Dream Grid

We HaVe MoVeD .... We are NO LONGER ON OS GRID ... That's right due to the confusion of OS falling down we have relocated club Nakkie to a diff Grid you can now visit us here on the Maze Dream Grid

More Details Soon....

Details to follow soon.....

It has Happened and here it is The Official Club Nakkie Song......

Something concerning to anyone seeing the Alife Virtual ads on OSW https://youtu.be/xq6YayhAwLk?si=hyjbvVqLDQS-S-Gu

the New Rome Bath House... Use shared Enviroment

Im so sorry Nakkie is down for the evening Due to a Internet outage in the area that houses our region. Please accept my humble apologies if this issue caused bumps on the roads you travel

Mix and Mingle today @ 3 pm

Mixxx & Mingle today 3 hour event
hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/Pirates Cove/1857/836/27

Cumming Soon @ Club Nakkie !!!!! The fantasy rooms 8 rooms of taboo to strange atmospheres these rooms will spice up your next encounter surround the hottest orgy bar in Open Sim see you soon @ Club Nakkie

The Hottest Adult Playground Club Nakkie

If you're from Second Life you might remember this MADMAN on the mic at many, many clubs throughout the years or maybe you've caught a radio show of his from Hunger radio, X-Radio, or even Neurotixxx Radio. DJ Tattman is now in OS and he brings his ThUnDeR with him with his marathon 4 hour High energy Rock sets... Catch him LIVE today 2pm - 6pm @ Club Nakkie Hope to see you there

comments 13 post likes 79
No upcoming events

My Reviews


Stunningly beautiful build and the people are super nice Recomend you see it for yourself so much creativity in this build...


AbSoLuTlY ThE CoOlEsT ThInG IvE SeEn In OpEnSiM


Great Club, Awesome DJ's, People here are nice. It was a Awesome vibes here to be had :)

Paradise Lagoon

Went for Alex's Birthday Great place Awesome music and very pleasant people Love this place ....

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