EllieVenusa @DaphneVenusa

USA Online


Liked posts

When you are in the dark forest and you get the feeling that something dark and evil is standing right behind you...

Wenn dich im finsteren Wald das Gefühl beschleicht, dass was finsteres Böses direkt hinter dir steht..

Mona725: The question is, is it necessary, or useful to mingle with politics in the virtual world, unless you love to ruffle feathers. Many of us builders, and users, use virtual reality to escape the mundane... 1 month ago

LeonitasLionheart: If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody hears or sees it.... Is there some illegal deforestation taking place? 27 days ago

Galerie d'art où j'expose une partie de mes peintures / Art gallery where I show a part of my RL paintings

falene hawks: bonjour petit village sympatique loi des foules des shops et de party's, de l'art de la detente, du calme. bravo 1 month ago

I have created a AI Lifeguard using kindroid, I am going to test this out until the end of September, appearance of animesh subject ot change

All you have to do is type /Alex in local and it will talk back to you.

Script has been modified to know who its talking too.

Please test it out and tell me what you think

Also it knows where to send you if your looking for land, i think that's pretty cool.

For all who love animesh animals: I have added the first bunch of my creations to my shop!
Use the black sphere Teleporter at entrance to get to em
Have fun!! ☺

Caribia Zsun: Thanks again Peter =) 1 month ago
It will be done in SOLE LEVANTE DISCO JAPANESE! At start it will be a parade of the best dressed geisha girls at the ballroom while dancing and listening to traditional Japanese music.
(our DJ: Furia Nocturna from Spain)
Our escort sisters and dancers have to commit themselves to welcome guests and lead them siting on an original rickshaw up to the "massage house" through a tourist route to view the beauties of the new japanese skybox
In addition to the MASSAGE HOUSE for intimate encounters, we have created an area for GROUP SEX SHOWS in the basement of the ballroom.
Come with your friends and enjoy wih us
alba princess
Am 08.08.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch kann wie immer alles passieren.

Stream: https://laut.fm/radiorockt
Streaming URL: https://stream.laut.fm/radiorockt
Taxi: artdestiny.de:8002:MusicCallBay

Sylvia-Koeln: Ich freue mich auf diese Kult-Party in der deutschen Community ♥ 1 month ago

Fashion is all about expression, and the FUNSIZE Dinkies are turning heads with their unique style!

Join us on Friday, August 9th, starting at eight o'clock in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, for a Dinkies Fashion Show like no other.

You'll see the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies, and after the show, these fabulous looks will be available for purchase in the Marketplace, with some even up for grabs for free!

Don’t miss out on this chance to embrace fresh fashion and discover what these trendsetters have in store!

hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie only)

Omy2024: This looks so adorable Sofee - I hope the time difference will enable me to be there 1 month ago

📝 Beach party in Dorenas World on August 6th, 2024.

The video is a review of the party on August 6th, 2024, sorry for the wrong date in the post. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Start and end image edited with Photoshop. Background music fr...

Años 50 desde Konecta Radio:

Si quiere disfrutar de una expedición a la estación EOS, los miembros de la tripulación de Konecta Radio, le van a permitir disfrutar in situ de un mundo virtual fantasioso y muy real. Regístrese con nosotros y venga a disfrutarlo. Verá una nueva herramienta para disfrutar de la estación espacial KR EOS STATION.
regístrate a través del grid:https://www.wolf-grid.com
Gracias y a disfrutar del recorrido por la historia acompañado de la música de Konecta Radio:

If you want to enjoy an expedition to the EOS station, the crew members of Konecta Radio, will allow you to enjoy in situ a fantasy and very real virtual world. Register with us and come and enjoy it. You will see a new tool to enjoy the space station KR EOS STATION.
register through the grid:https://www.wolf-grid.com
Thank you and enjoy the journey through history accompanied by the music of Konecta Radio:

Se volete godervi una spedizione alla stazione EOS, i membri dell'equipaggio di Konecta Radio, vi permetteranno di godere in loco di un mondo virtuale fantastico e molto reale. Registratevi con noi e venite a divertirvi. Vedrete un nuovo strumento per godervi la stazione spaziale KR EOS STATION.
registratevi attraverso la griglia: https://www.wolf-grid.com
Grazie e godetevi il viaggio nella storia accompagnato dalla musica di Konecta Radio:

Si vous souhaitez vivre une expédition vers la station EOS, les membres de l'équipage de Konecta Radio, vous permettront de profiter in situ d'un monde virtuel fantaisiste et bien réel. Inscrivez-vous et venez en profiter. Vous verrez un nouvel outil pour profiter de la station spatiale KR EOS STATION.
Enregistrez-vous à travers la grille : https://www.wolf-grid.com
Merci et profitez du voyage à travers l'histoire accompagné par la musique de

Wenn Sie eine Entdeckungsreise zur EOS-Station unternehmen möchten, können Sie mit den Mitarbeitern von Konecta Radio vor Ort eine fantastische und sehr reale virtuelle Welt erleben. Melden Sie sich bei uns an und genießen Sie es. Sie werden ein neues Werkzeug sehen, um die Raumstation KR EOS STATION zu genießen.
Registrieren Sie sich über das Netz: https://www.wolf-grid.com
Vielen Dank und genießen Sie die Reise durch die Geschichte begleitet von der Musik von Konecta Radio:
𝗗𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗺𝗺𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 - 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 😎
Virtual Vista Metaverse - presents our Wednesday Night Party with Emma Florido! You're warmly invited to our casual Wednesday Night Party filled with good vibes and good company. Musical preferences: Partymix, EDM, Charts & Mainstream. Don't miss it, we look forward to seeing you! We start at 10 am OS Time
Taxi: virtualvistametaverse.com:8002:discofux
Virtual Vista Metaverse – präsentiert unsere Mittwochabend-Party mit DJane Emma Florido! Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserer lockeren Mittwochabendparty voller guter Stimmung und guter Gesellschaft ein. Musikalische Richtung: Partymix, EDM, Charts & Mainstream. Verpassen Sie es nicht, wir freuen uns auf euch! Wir beginnen um 19 Uhr OS-Zeit


Serenity Cabins Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Taxi: hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/Serenity%20Cabins/132/133/23


Join us for the VWEC Quarterly Meeting, Monday, August 12th, at 6:00 PM Grid Time.

Copy this link to go directly to Wolf Territory: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:VWEC

Or you can meet us at the Kitely Hub (10 min before 6:00) and teleport from there: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II/122/130/25

We will use Discord for talking: https://discord.gg/Rm97hyAdMf

*A reminder will be posted the day of the meeting*

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire