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This Christmas, H&G is spreading holiday cheer with an array of exciting upgrades. While preserving beloved elements of the bullet homes, an entirely new Ubode Tested Homes region is in the works. But the improvements don't stop there - H&G Furniture is also undergoing a fresh new look. Both the homes and furniture updates are in progress, and will soon stand alongside the existing Homes and Gardens Regions, ushering in a Christmas filled with hope and renewal. Watch in the NEW Year For notices.

new xmas furniture made of wood and marzipan

free taxi hop://

SiennaSkye: I can't seem to enter, unable to verify my identity... Is there another way to get on your grid at all? 2 months ago

It's your birthday soon, little one. :-)

Stellen Sie sich Folgendes vor: ein Wunderland im Herzen eines malerischen Stadtplatzes, mit verschneiten Wegen und funkelnden Lichterketten, die verspielt in der frischen Winterluft tanzen. Der Duft gerösteter Kastanien liegt in der Luft, die Kastanien sind tatsächlich heiß, eingebettet in kleine Papiertüten, die knistern, wenn man sie Ihnen reicht, und ihren nussigen, gerösteten Duft verströmen. Sie stecken sich eins in den Mund und es ist eine Symphonie aus Geschmack und Wärme, ein herrlicher Kontrast zu der Kälte, die Ihre Nase erstickt, und dem süßen Duft von Karamell
Die frisch zubereiteten Crêpes brutzeln mit Zucker überzogen und jeder Atemzug ist ein
Ein köstlicher Cocktail aus festlichen Düften, der Ihre Nase kitzelt und Ihre Seele wärmt
Vergessen röstet Marshmallows über dem offenen Feuer, die klebrige Süße der schmelzenden Marshmallows weht durch die Luft, ein Sirenenruf für Naschkatzen. Während Sie sitzen und genießen, werden Ihre Wangen von den Flammen rosig, während Sie versuchen, den perfekten S’more zu kreieren.

Heiße Getränke und dampfende Becher mit Glühwein und gewürztem Apfelwein werden herumgereicht und die Wärme dringt durch die Handschuhe bis in die Knochen. Sie können nicht anders, als an dem duftenden Gebräu zu nippen, die Gewürze von Zimt, Nelken und Muskatnuss drehen sich auf Ihrer Zunge und hinterlassen eine wohlige Wärme. Und für die weniger Abenteuerlustigen gibt es heiße Schokolade, die so reichhaltig und cremig ist, dass man sie wie eine warme Umarmung fühlt von innen nach außen, garniert mit einem Berg Schlagsahne und einer Prise glitzerndem Zucker.

Die Standbesitzer sind ein fröhlicher Haufen, ihre Augen funkeln mit der gleichen Begeisterung wie die oben aufgereihten Lichter, man erkennt die Details, die diesen Ort so besonders machen. Girlandenstränge waren über jede Oberfläche drapiert, das Rascheln von Tannennadeln war zu hören frisch geschnittene Kränze, ab und zu eine Schneeflocke, die vom Himmel herabflattert.

Der Carpe Noctem Weihnachtsmarkt ist nicht nur ein Ort zum Einkaufen; Es ist ein Erlebnis, das Ihr Herz mit der Magie der Jahreszeit erfüllt. Es ist ein Ort, um mit Freunden und Liebsten Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die Freude am Geben und Empfangen zu genießen und einfach im Moment präsent zu sein.

Fügen Sie Carpe Noctem zu Ihrer Winterreiseliste der zu besuchenden Orte hinzu. Zu finden unter:

hop:// Noctem 2/248/343/1995
Created a Harvest Ring for those who celebrate harvest and being thankful. Grape clusters and rose leaves, diamond solitaire, in center of the store where I have the PBR jewelry. Jewelry

Amelie: so cute :)) 2 months ago

To all those in virtual that live in Florida, Virtual beach is sending prayers and hugs. please stay safe.

Pixey and Harmony (Jojo), owners of Pendle Hollow and Mermaid's Cove, send love and prayers to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton. Pixey is in Florida and has been evacuated to safer ground. Stay safe everyone!
News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Ellen: So adorable! I joined the group but cannot find the gift! 5 months ago
At landing, we have created gifts, even though everything is free here in Dallas. But these 99% are new items we have created, so come in and grab them all, but check daily or weekly because new ones will be added along the way.
=OUT NOW: Llewellyn Tightback Chairs & Ottoman (PG)=
Some of you have asked for some PG furniture (although you can simply edit-out the animations from the adult ones). Here is the set that goes with the Llewellyn Decor Set.

Chair in two styles (with and without blanket - slightly difference sequence).

Includes Texture HUD, materials, and props.

Uber: hop://

Sodasullivan: this looks very comfy! like you could curl up with a good book and just stay there all day! 5 months ago
New Project, Interior Decoration Ideas. Find The Beach House @

This time a Beach House, I made some modifications to it. Complete furniture & Decorated. Almost everything is copy for your own delight & creativity. Hope you like it
Hugs Bebe

Sodasullivan: Bebe, you are amazing and everything at Wonder is such a delight. 5 months ago

Littlefield Grid's Annual 9-11 memorial service will be Wednesday 09/11/2024 at 9-11 Memorial Region starting at 5:46AM Pacific Time.

We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Wickman Farmhouse Kitchen Set=
Happy weekend everyone. Available at the Odds&Decor store is this 8-piece set.
- Includes material layers and a Texture HUD with 4 metallic options.
- Cup stand and Coffee Maker dispense coffee mugs with animations and on-click steam.
- Stand mixer has the whisker animated on click ON/OFF.
- Microwave door scripted.

Uber: hop://

AnaKathy: OMG ich liebe es, vielen lieben Dank ❣️ 5 months ago
I am setting things daily, but I will not list them daily. Check centers: new items will be set in the circles for a week and then moved to the stores. Happy shopping, everyone. Please note I will be adding items to Iron Horse as well as Dallas. Small Fall trees,for any walk path with flying leaves.

Jared Seda: Thank you as always for all the awesome creations! 5 months ago

A hippo for any can find on the circle NEW

New: animesh hummingbird, as wearable and free roaming
Apologies to all who came to the shop in vain......I forgot to put the sellboxes in place^^...
Please come and pick your copy up now!

UPDATE; seems somehow the humz got broken for some people, deforming the avatar; I replaced the bird in the sellbox, if u have this issue, please return to pick up the new!

TabbyJinSeonMi: Great place enjoyed my exploring 5 months ago
Well after a hiatus due to RL, I am slowly rebuilding the sim, at the moment there isn't much in the way of goodies. However, I will be working like a mofo to get items brought to the store for you. Please be patient whilst I work on the sim (I am doing this on my own).

Hopefully see you soon, drop by and say hello!

Omy2024: Amazing concept Maisey can't wait to revisit 6 months ago

Thank you to all who came to the grand opening, it was a blast. Thank you IndegoQueen for the cool music.

Here is the winner of the contest, Congrats to Khaos Deverell from Wolf territories Grid.

Star Ravenhurst: I am glad it went well. I wanted to come but was unable to due to a scheduling conflict. I hope I can come the next time, tho nothing is as special as an opening. Indigo is a fabulous DJ so I am sure ... 6 months ago

Hey everyone, come to the grand opening of Virtual beach new welcome region. August 22 12-2 cst

DJ INDI~Q will be the featured DJ and spinning all your favorite tunes.

Plus there will be a costume contest for best tropical/beach wear! Winner will receive 1 free 12024 Piece of land 45,000 prims. Open to anyone and judged be me, and no you cant bribe the judge, I will 100% fair.

IndigoQueen King: Looking forward to DJing for you and your guests!! Gonna be a fun time :) Thank you Mistressdalgato!! Woohoo!! 6 months ago

Dash & AppleJack sitting on my knee watching "cat-tv" on my laptop. { cat-tv is a youtube channel that plays bird videos all day long...}

Star Ravenhurst: Those are great names you came up with for them. They are so cute and so lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them too. Love this photo!! 6 months ago
We are in Opensim to step away from the real-life grid for a bit, not to have it tossed in our faces soon as we open OSW. Opensim is an escape, and while I am here, I could care two fucks who you voted for or where you live. We are from Opensim. Leave your RL hate in the RL world, where it belongs. 

Dorena Verne: If everyone who reacts and writes like crazy to my posts created a topic about OpenSim instead, my posts would be drowned in this flood.*lol 6 months ago
When we log into virtual worlds, we step into realms of magic and fantasy, leaving the real world behind, even if only for a few moments. These virtual spaces offer a magical escape, free from the politics and religion of the real world. Let's keep these issues where they belong, and preserve virtual worlds as sanctuaries from everyday problems. 🦄🪄💗

PapaJohnson: Well said! I agree... 6 months ago
Hello peoplezz! The day after some 30 of u dropped by to pick up animesh critters....I found that the notecard was not included^^....sowwy.
So Im gonna make sure it will be visible at all times to anyone,as a screenshot:) If u have questions or anything, contact me!
Enjoy, Peter
I just placed the Nature's Embrace Set out, Update** I fixed it, I had to make the stone really teeny and when I uploaded it in the meshmerizer I increased the size some and it worked. In the store Foyer, at Monentes Jewelry.

Star Ravenhurst: I tried to come see you the other day and the region was down. Is it down during certain times? These are STUNNING!!! 6 months ago


LaviaLavine: These things are positively amazing and go beautifully in my new build. Outstanding work, beautifully done! 7 months ago
A Virtual Beach Update

Hey everyone, so far everything is going smooth and looks good.

I will be going on a last minute camping music festival trip, I will be gone Wednesday evening to Sunday evening.

If there are any grid issues please send me a message or email but please keep in mind my internet will be limited. I will have best luck in the morning for internet.

Once I get back I will start planning the grand opening for the new welcome region
ATTENTION! If you rent/lease your grid or region through Masala Estates, I have a special offer for you! We have created a spot at the mall for the Masala Estate Partner Grids for you to advertise your grid by getting your own beautiful walk through portal like the one's in this picture. Unadecal is awesome and our goal is to help Masala Estates with unity among the grids and regions who deal with Masala Estates. If you would like to advertise your region or grid as a Masala Estates Partner Grid/Region contact me here in instant message or in world. These portals are beautiful and easy to use, just walk through. You determine where you want new visitors to land and we set you up with your very own portal. There is absolutely no charge or rental for this service, we just want folks to know how awesome it is to work with Unadecal and Masala Estates!!

VickiJoanne: There's a problem with the very concept of "hate speech" and that is WHO exactly gets to define it? In The Box we've seen the recurrent appearance of one or more people who are clearly either trollin... 9 months ago
My latest memorial is a very very special one. It is a memorial for my mother, a victim of cancer at the age of 50. She taught me so much of how to be a decent human being and to respect others. It took a woman like her to raise a kid like me and I'm grateful to God that she was my mother. She wasn't perfect by a long shot, but she was the perfect mom for me. So I wanted to have a memorial for her in the Park for Mother's day. If you have a loved one you would like to have memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just let me know, we can discuss the particulars and there is no charge, it's a free service because I care. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Charming little shop full of sweet gifts !
Looking forward to seeing you, your Nasti

PinDeluca: OMG ! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PLACE ! Bravo - stunning ! 9 months ago
This is the news everyone tried to guess what it was. Virtual beach region which is our current welcome region is getting a major upgrade!

I would like to thank Darci Viper and Lilly Sparks from OS grid for doing the complete rehaul and putting up with me. They have put a lot of effort in the region, I have done a few things but the credit really goes to them.

Also i want to thank Cuetulala artis aka bloom peters for working on a special project in there i cant yet reveal.

When it is finished, there will be a reveal party, stay tuned for details.

Lillysparks: I am SO happy and excited I just cannot wait! That will be a party spot for sure. xoxox. You designed a lot of it too, take credit where it is deserved. Hugs. 9 months ago

Καλή Ανάσταση ( Happy Easter) you are all welcome to a yard decoration i have made for my celebration of Christ is risen.

Week 11: Lets start building a home. pick a home you would like tobuild from the plans at and send the plans and exterior shots to Esse. This will be an ongoing build, with small lessons every Saturday, like Lighting, Planar texturing, and some scripting. Start time 10am

One of Putri's children is very sick and still has a few critical days to get through.....we can all just pray that the child gets well again quickly...Putri has canceled all shows for the time being

Passion Jumanji: Prayers Putri! SO MANY Prayers going up for you & your child! 10 months ago
This THING. It's a globe of the sky which turns around the flat earth. A sun & moon also turn around the flat earth. The earth (map of your sim?) sits on the backs of 4 elephants which are standing on a turtle. I found this and it was very old and very broken. I fixed it. It is now at the school of magic on wizardry for you to copy. Note: The school of magic is not the magic store, it's the building you can fly over to beside the castle.