Liked posts

I love this jumpsuit from Loru! see you at the Klajaklu tonight!

KikiBaily: @ thedeeferry ...... Schau mal hier, (letzte Info von mir), wenn es die Region noch gibt, ansonsten ins Grid hüpfen und Loru anschreiben :-) 1 years ago
I am setting things daily, but I will not list them daily. Check centers: new items will be set in the circles for a week and then moved to the stores. Happy shopping, everyone. Please note I will be adding items to Iron Horse as well as Dallas. Small Fall trees,for any walk path with flying leaves.

Jared Seda: Thank you as always for all the awesome creations! 4 months ago
When we log into virtual worlds, we step into realms of magic and fantasy, leaving the real world behind, even if only for a few moments. These virtual spaces offer a magical escape, free from the politics and religion of the real world. Let's keep these issues where they belong, and preserve virtual worlds as sanctuaries from everyday problems. 🦄🪄💗

PapaJohnson: Well said! I agree... 5 months ago

**A sim to Dream about***

Lilly Pond: I loved the experience and I strongly recommend that you go there, with free time to enjoy all the beauty of the place! Ty Karin, you did a great job! 9 months ago

News!!! hop://

Bebe: and so much work and time behind the fun part :)) worth it though 10 months ago
*NEW RELEASE* FONY BAOBAB MESH TREE (Adansonia Rubrostripa),coming straight from Madagascar to your SIM, FULL PERM and FREE! Seasonal textures included // leaves with smooth animation - 01 prim only. // Available at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Darci Viper: Thank You Jimmy :) 12 months ago

Wish everyone a happy time
and please stay healthy everyone.
Allen eine Glückliche zeit wünsche
und bleibt bitte alle gesund.​

harthelie: Merci Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noel et pleins de cadeaux 12 months ago
This corner is inspired by the Parisian tradition of "The Lock Bridge", by which for many generations thousands of lovers leave their locks on a bridge over the Seine and throw the keys into the river, manifesting with this gesture that their love is eternal. Putting locks is illegal nowadays in RL, but in iEchoes you still can put yours.
Come request it today and let's fill Opensim with love.

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 1 years ago

New month, new items in ZZHOP!

News at Camballa
complett Outfit
Shoes -Tiara-Dress and Flexy parts
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

thedeeferry: Glamorous! Thank you! 2 years ago

New project, Next one will be better :) Stay tuned
(Nexus Textures, Joe Mesh)

Ellen: When is the private tour? 2 years ago

It's your birthday soon, little one. :-)

Stellen Sie sich Folgendes vor: ein Wunderland im Herzen eines malerischen Stadtplatzes, mit verschneiten Wegen und funkelnden Lichterketten, die verspielt in der frischen Winterluft tanzen. Der Duft gerösteter Kastanien liegt in der Luft, die Kastanien sind tatsächlich heiß, eingebettet in kleine Papiertüten, die knistern, wenn man sie Ihnen reicht, und ihren nussigen, gerösteten Duft verströmen. Sie stecken sich eins in den Mund und es ist eine Symphonie aus Geschmack und Wärme, ein herrlicher Kontrast zu der Kälte, die Ihre Nase erstickt, und dem süßen Duft von Karamell
Die frisch zubereiteten Crêpes brutzeln mit Zucker überzogen und jeder Atemzug ist ein
Ein köstlicher Cocktail aus festlichen Düften, der Ihre Nase kitzelt und Ihre Seele wärmt
Vergessen röstet Marshmallows über dem offenen Feuer, die klebrige Süße der schmelzenden Marshmallows weht durch die Luft, ein Sirenenruf für Naschkatzen. Während Sie sitzen und genießen, werden Ihre Wangen von den Flammen rosig, während Sie versuchen, den perfekten S’more zu kreieren.

Heiße Getränke und dampfende Becher mit Glühwein und gewürztem Apfelwein werden herumgereicht und die Wärme dringt durch die Handschuhe bis in die Knochen. Sie können nicht anders, als an dem duftenden Gebräu zu nippen, die Gewürze von Zimt, Nelken und Muskatnuss drehen sich auf Ihrer Zunge und hinterlassen eine wohlige Wärme. Und für die weniger Abenteuerlustigen gibt es heiße Schokolade, die so reichhaltig und cremig ist, dass man sie wie eine warme Umarmung fühlt von innen nach außen, garniert mit einem Berg Schlagsahne und einer Prise glitzerndem Zucker.

Die Standbesitzer sind ein fröhlicher Haufen, ihre Augen funkeln mit der gleichen Begeisterung wie die oben aufgereihten Lichter, man erkennt die Details, die diesen Ort so besonders machen. Girlandenstränge waren über jede Oberfläche drapiert, das Rascheln von Tannennadeln war zu hören frisch geschnittene Kränze, ab und zu eine Schneeflocke, die vom Himmel herabflattert.

Der Carpe Noctem Weihnachtsmarkt ist nicht nur ein Ort zum Einkaufen; Es ist ein Erlebnis, das Ihr Herz mit der Magie der Jahreszeit erfüllt. Es ist ein Ort, um mit Freunden und Liebsten Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die Freude am Geben und Empfangen zu genießen und einfach im Moment präsent zu sein.

Fügen Sie Carpe Noctem zu Ihrer Winterreiseliste der zu besuchenden Orte hinzu. Zu finden unter:

hop:// Noctem 2/248/343/1995

To all those in virtual that live in Florida, Virtual beach is sending prayers and hugs. please stay safe.

Pixey and Harmony (Jojo), owners of Pendle Hollow and Mermaid's Cove, send love and prayers to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton. Pixey is in Florida and has been evacuated to safer ground. Stay safe everyone!

For all autumn and nature lovers.."Peaceful autumn waterfall scene"

At landing, we have created gifts, even though everything is free here in Dallas. But these 99% are new items we have created, so come in and grab them all, but check daily or weekly because new ones will be added along the way.

Littlefield Grid's Annual 9-11 memorial service will be Wednesday 09/11/2024 at 9-11 Memorial Region starting at 5:46AM Pacific Time.

A hippo for any can find on the circle NEW

Hello peoplezz! The day after some 30 of u dropped by to pick up animesh critters....I found that the notecard was not included^^....sowwy.
So Im gonna make sure it will be visible at all times to anyone,as a screenshot:) If u have questions or anything, contact me!
Enjoy, Peter
A Virtual Beach Update

Hey everyone, so far everything is going smooth and looks good.

I will be going on a last minute camping music festival trip, I will be gone Wednesday evening to Sunday evening.

If there are any grid issues please send me a message or email but please keep in mind my internet will be limited. I will have best luck in the morning for internet.

Once I get back I will start planning the grand opening for the new welcome region
ATTENTION! If you rent/lease your grid or region through Masala Estates, I have a special offer for you! We have created a spot at the mall for the Masala Estate Partner Grids for you to advertise your grid by getting your own beautiful walk through portal like the one's in this picture. Unadecal is awesome and our goal is to help Masala Estates with unity among the grids and regions who deal with Masala Estates. If you would like to advertise your region or grid as a Masala Estates Partner Grid/Region contact me here in instant message or in world. These portals are beautiful and easy to use, just walk through. You determine where you want new visitors to land and we set you up with your very own portal. There is absolutely no charge or rental for this service, we just want folks to know how awesome it is to work with Unadecal and Masala Estates!!
My latest memorial is a very very special one. It is a memorial for my mother, a victim of cancer at the age of 50. She taught me so much of how to be a decent human being and to respect others. It took a woman like her to raise a kid like me and I'm grateful to God that she was my mother. She wasn't perfect by a long shot, but she was the perfect mom for me. So I wanted to have a memorial for her in the Park for Mother's day. If you have a loved one you would like to have memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just let me know, we can discuss the particulars and there is no charge, it's a free service because I care. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Καλή Ανάσταση ( Happy Easter) you are all welcome to a yard decoration i have made for my celebration of Christ is risen.

Week 11: Lets start building a home. pick a home you would like tobuild from the plans at and send the plans and exterior shots to Esse. This will be an ongoing build, with small lessons every Saturday, like Lighting, Planar texturing, and some scripting. Start time 10am
This THING. It's a globe of the sky which turns around the flat earth. A sun & moon also turn around the flat earth. The earth (map of your sim?) sits on the backs of 4 elephants which are standing on a turtle. I found this and it was very old and very broken. I fixed it. It is now at the school of magic on wizardry for you to copy. Note: The school of magic is not the magic store, it's the building you can fly over to beside the castle.

A brand new island has been formed and it is full of surprises... just beside the first Collectables island in the Wonder Region. Do not miss it, come for a visit. Hugs Bebe

New Shop: AI Creations

La Fontaine du Triton (Wishing well) Click on the edge of the fountain, accept and then add the coin, stand near the fountain, make a beautiful wish and throw your coin into the wishing fountain! yay!

***Explore the sim with the partner of your dreams***

It's taking a little bit longer than I would have liked as the other half of the Moons is not able to get online so I am doing this myself. So please bear with me whilst I work like a trojan to get it back online
Confronting and shocking but the truth needs to be shown. Use Media if you wish to listen to any of the videos - there are a few videos for viewing.
You can click on objects for notecards with links

A gift is located [use the teleport] along with a box of all the links to do your own due diligence.

If you have lost a loved one recently or you are injured due to mandates, AWAKENING will no doubt trigger you - that is understandable. There are a few displays that may be too difficult for people to see, especially if a loved one has been lost.

There are gardens to relax in, to pray, to take time out and just be.

Please know there is a global community out there waiting for you - reach out and open up and please know you are not alone.

United as One Humanity ♥
Welcome back...

Sometime soon there will be spring. I put in some sunflower people that are similar to my tree people. Right now yellow, but soon other colours and all the poses. These were originally a Ukraine Doctors Without Borders related charity item on SL, so my "please don't sell these for money" rule is extra strong here. All legal, original of course.



DJ Rosie at Hot Daddy's tonight at 6:00! Pop faves Pink, Prince and Adele!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
Event begins tonight at 6:00PM!!
Added by Harmony
Get ready for a night of pure dancefloor dynamite as DJ Rosie spins the hottest tracks from Pink, Prince, and Adele! Rosie's got the beats to make you sweat, shout, and shake it like nobody's watching! Pink's fierce anthems will get you pumped and ready to take on the world., Prince's electrifying grooves will make you wanna move like you've never moved before and Adele's soul-stirring ballads will have you singing along at the top of your lungs! Join us fo this fun evening tonight at Hot Daddy's!