Marlenus von Cartabria @DieStadtAr

Cartabria Offline

Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft die das Rollenspiel und Farmsystem mögen!

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Many styles to choose from, free/full perms Thank you very much for the tips I received it is much appreciated! Jewelry

and, a fresh Nepenthes

Im Park von Turia zwitschern die Vögel :-)

Informationen über die Romane zum Rollenspiel auf German Gor im Drei Monde Grid.

This beautiful hand-crafted Christmas Tree is the item that you can win today at Novale's Advent Calendar Hunt.

Am Freitag lassen wir das Eis schmelzen. Partytime mit unserer Vor-Nikolaus-Techno-Eis-Party. Techno und Hands up Musik von DJane Loru und Plattenschubse Marina lassen die Hüften schwingen.

Hello! Power Of Green Academy opens its doors once more in two weeks. Free education on sustainable living, renewable energy and virtual tech hugssss finally getting the wind and solar back up :)

Seagulls looking for a meal in the northern islands.

New undersea features added. Swim rezzers and more wrecks and reefs!

Freitag gibt es wieder was auf die Ohren :-)

Have an awesome weekend everyone! hugs n high 5's :)

To have an idea were to search her !!

Laughs!! Again the last one leaving the taverne is me. Maid is cleaning and the music sounds different, time to search some fresh air .

...and we have some unique ways of transportation here at Neiferleaf

20190920 - Titan Village, embedded into the landscape at Neiferleaf

Alsium - Ancient Roman Role-play