Marlenus von Cartabria @DieStadtAr

Cartabria Offline

Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft die das Rollenspiel und Farmsystem mögen!

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The benefits of a wearable animesh horse:
- can cross sims
- can teleport
- can rez a follower co-rider poseball
and has some additional features

Have a long stroll at Neiferleaf and its connected 4 3x3 Var regions.

RichardFairplay: Thank you! 3 years ago

The river was upgraded today, with a nice realistic looking flowing water.

and, a fresh Nepenthes

Venus Flytrap.....been on my list for a long time:)

Concours de peche
fishing competiton
les vainqueurs
the winners

Cabo da Roca is the westernmost point on the European continent, located at the tip of the Serra de Sintra, and is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic places in Portugal.

With a 22m tall lighthouse dating back to 1722, shrouded in fog or bathed in splendid sunshine, this inspiring scene has been part of the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms" program dedicated to peace since 1989.

It is also reproduced on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in yet another magnificent reproduction by Ernest Moncrieff.

Easy jet:

TheFactory: Looking forward to the opening tomorrow! 10 months ago

Have an awesome weekend everyone! hugs n high 5's :)

20190920 - Titan Village, embedded into the landscape at Neiferleaf

Hurra endlich bekomme ich wieder eine Farm!
Heute werden die Produkte "verdeutscht"!

Heute ist ab 20:00 Uhr Pyjama-Party angesagt. Also rein in die bequemen Schlafklamotten und auf die Tanzfläche. Die Musik machen DJ Richi und Plattenschubse Marina.

Kai Baer: Und wieder geht es ab hier. Sooooooooo geil :) 3 years ago
This is moon she works on one of the island as a farm girl. She works on the land, looks after the animals, cooks and brews. She even knows how to make candles to have light in the Darkness. She is always willing to help .

...and we have some unique ways of transportation here at Neiferleaf

Neiferleaf Castle, the citadel today, Sept 2019

Umzug auf das Weingut Carpua
Ich freu mich drauf!

Copper: Wäre mal nich schlecht das von einer registrierten (beacon) sim zu schreiben. Es gibt ja auch keine sim im OS wo das sein soll :-) 9 months ago

Wir kommen gut voran heute wird die Malzburg eingerichtet!

Janice Mills , velvet voice with heart and soul . Live in tosca
Where: Tosca
When: 4 years ago [15 May 2021 11:00 SLT]

Soul, living with friends feiert 1. Geburtstag

Samstag den 15.05.2021 um 20:00 Uhr begrüßen wir im Tosca die einzigartige, unvergleichliche Janice Mills zu ihrem ersten Live Konzert in Opensim.

Anschließend Djane Nasti mit den heißesten Rhythmen der letzten Jahrzehnte.

Play roulette and slot machine in my sim
Win real money

grid virtualife

To have an idea were to search her !!

Heute nimmt mein Herr mich mit in den Wald , und ich muss den Korb für Kräuter tragen! :-)

Tor des Südens , der Zugang zum Hafenviertel von Brundisium!
Southern Gate, the gateway to Brundisium Harbour!

While visiting Rayvn's Roost Concourse you can also access Christmas Dreams

DJ Macy and DJ Moonie open Rockin' the Blues 8th Annual Mardi Gras Street Party Friday at 6:00!
Where: Rockin' the Blues Mardi Gras Events Venue on Wyldwood Bayou
When: 6:00 tonight[12 Feb 2021 18:00 SLT]
Rockin' the Blues presents our 8th Annual Mardi Gras Street Party Extravaganza here on Wyldwood Grid this coming weekend, February 12-14 in the N'Awlins district of Wyldwood Bayou! Tonite, DJ Macy and DJ Moonie will open the festivities with sensational sets of Blues, Mardi Gras style on Friday Feb 12! Prepare to be wowed by the music, the glamour, the glitter and excitement that is exclusive to Mardi Gras New Orleans and we have it all here for you..and more!! This is Open Sim's biggest Mardi Gras event and one that you will not want to miss! Rockin' the Blues Mardi Gras Street Party is a must see, must do, must participate in event! It's time to get Jazzy!! Gather up your feathers and sequins and come in costume for the full immersive experience, or come as you are to the biggest event of the year! TPer will be at Rockin' the Blues! Catch DJ Macy at 6:00 and DJ Moonie at 7:30! Laissez les bons temps rouler! Bayou

(Some costumes, parts and pieces of costumes, masks, hats and other goodies are inside of Rockin' the Blues. Costumes are NOT mandatory, just fun! Click the poster in front of Rockin' the Blues for your ride to Mardi Gras!!)

Many styles to choose from, free/full perms Thank you very much for the tips I received it is much appreciated! Jewelry

This beautiful hand-crafted Christmas Tree is the item that you can win today at Novale's Advent Calendar Hunt.

New undersea features added. Swim rezzers and more wrecks and reefs!

Been so under the weather I need a STEP LADDER just to get above ground! haha! :o xD But regardless? I hope everyone is havin a great weekend. hugs n high 5's ya'll :)

Freitag gibt es wieder was auf die Ohren :-)

Brundisium und mein Herr , Ubar Callimachus

Heute sind alle sehr fleissig in Anango. Viel Spaß mit dem Farmsystem.

Ich fühle mich seit Tagen beobachtet und dieser Mann mit Anzug und Hut ist oft in meiner Nähe. Kann das ein Zufall sein ? Sehe ich schon Gespenster? Leide ich unter Verfolgungswahn?
Ich weiß es nicht...........
Hello! Power Of Green Academy opens its doors once more in two weeks. Free education on sustainable living, renewable energy and virtual tech hugssss finally getting the wind and solar back up :)

Laughs!! Again the last one leaving the taverne is me. Maid is cleaning and the music sounds different, time to search some fresh air .