Edward Ashford @Edward_Ashford

Flat Plane Earth Offline

Greetings, since I have the SSL/TLS connection setup on my regions with an extra Cert on WinAcme, it renews the Certs every few months, and then I have to import the private key it into the Windows Store, then export the PFX Cert again. Which is what the regions utilize for the SSL/TLS connection.

So you may not be able to teleport to my regions till I complete that. Will try to get that done soon, though you can still listen to my SHOUTcast stream from any region/parcel that you own or are renting, and/or listen to it through your favorite media player on your computer or mobile device which supports Stream URL's. Plus it is possible to listen to it on your web browser, though that is not ideal. If you use Brave on your mobile device, it has a setting now that can enable it to keep playing media when you switch to another app, but keep Brave open in the background.

http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 or

Edward Ashford: Teleporting to my regions is now possible again. Thank you. 1 years ago
Have my SHOUTcast stream up again. โ€ฆ Corbin Keep, Lorrie Morgan, The Cranberries, Patricia O'Callaghan, Chandelle Rimmer, Mumford & Sons, Rachel Platten and Meghan Trainor, then Brandi Carlile. (and after her the playlist restarts) โ€ฆ Just finished exporting the renewed Let's Encrypt Cert for the region again.

YichardMuni: The cranberries :-) 2 years ago
Does anyone like Robin Hood? Have a Robin Hood Soundtrack on my stream by Marc Streitenfeld, followed by Seal's album from 1994, listen on your media player at>>

or at my region>> hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/Flat%20Earth/52/52/23

RemmyRavenhurst: Was that the one with Kevin costner? 2 years ago
Greetings, have my SHOUTcast stream up with a playlist that's just over 30 hours long. (497 tracks currently) ...... Picked up a few stacks of CD's from a thrift store last year and a few years prior I had found a little stack of CD's from another store... which I don't go to often. Still haven't got them all copied onto my computer yet, and WinAmp is slow now with entering the track info, and it doesn't automatically find the track info anymore either.
Does anyone like Lorrie Morgan? an American Country music singer I have my stream up with an album from her titled, Watch Me it's country music ... I'm streaming an album from her titled, "Watch Me" ... Listen at>>

LilianaAubergine: See, if I'd been paying attention when this posted... I love Lorrie Morgan, and this was a good album. 2 years ago
Copy this key, click on your Beacon and paste it to activate. Alternatively, read how to save it in
"Copy this key, click on your Beacon and paste it to activate. Alternatively, read how to save it in a notecard. Always make sure you have the latest version of the Beacon."
The hyperlink on those words "read how to save it in a notecard." points to "http://opensimworld.com/faq#notecard" and the words, "latest version of the Beacon" points to "https://opensimworld.com/faq".
Neither of those links shows anything about a notecard nor a beacon, there's just a whole lot of posts from people trying to promote this, that, or the other.

What is this beacon, and does it work on Osgrid? Also when I edit my region listing, it has a place to enter the hg hop link, but when I select the grid Osgrid, the space to enter that hop link disappears, and also the "Region name" field is blank, even though I already added my region name before. Though after I enter my region name, and hit save, the region name is still blank.

Every time I hit "Edit Region" (which points to "https://opensimworld.com/addregion?id=88791") the "Select Grid:", "Grid Address:", & "Region Name" are reset to default values. Which shouldn't happen, of course.

Plus if I don't select a Grid name and enter the hg hop link under "Grid address" and hit "Save region" then under "HyperGrid:" in the " Status" area it shows "hop:80:" and if I click to copy, it copies "hop:80:" not the actual hop link I entered.

Additionally the actual picture I uploaded of the region doesn't show on the listing page, only the 360 degree image shows.

Also when I share the link for the region I added here, the preview on Discord is the default, "No Picture Yet ... Opensimworld" ... even though I have added both a picture and a 360 degree picture.

Thank you.

Plus my listing is apparently "1,487th" and when I got to the last page, which had "1,488th" on the last one, I see that my region isn't even listed there. https://opensimworld.com/dir?vm=live&grid=&search=&cat=&st...

OpenSimWorld: Thanks i have fixed those links to point to the correct page. The beacon works on any grid that is connected to hypergrid. You do not enter the hop link in the region settings page, we only need the ... 3 years ago