Ellen @EllenTiratzo

Japan Offline

I want to make the world a better place. Even the virtual one.

Liked posts

Wie jeden Mittwoch
Nächster Termin : 20.11.24
15:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Early Morning Breakfast Party
Wed 20th Nov = 6:00 AM

Taxi: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV Welcome

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country, Mix
Taxi: hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/Harmony%20Isle/256/257/23

Illuminated arch tunnel (copy/mody) with sparkling lights. Wonderful to look at night.

Naish: Thank you for what you always give us, your things are very beautiful elegnti and denote the care with which you work and excite us. 1 month ago
Erlebe die Magie des Weihnachtsmarkts ?✨

Willkommen in einer Welt voller Besinnlichkeit, Freude und Liebe!
Tauche ein in den Zauber der Weihnachtszeit: Der Duft von Zimt und gebrannten Mandeln liegt in der Luft, sanfte Lichter glitzern wie Sterne, und liebevoll dekorierte Stände laden zum Verweilen ein.

Tainted Angel: Beautiful Region! Thank you! 1 month ago
I'm reposting these two trees, a Wichita Juniper with berries and a Douglas Fir because after fighting with blender all night I managed to get them from 10 prims down to 3, (May be much higher in ubODE regions). The original load, I guess was too much so I had to break it down into parts and re do it about 3 time before it finally loaded like it should but by golly they're here, they're beautiful, they are nice and full, and they are full perm and free, waiting for you so they can help make your region(s) gorgeous. You'll find them in the Garden Center of our Mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

FallenAngel Absent: both looks really nice. Thank you :-) 1 month ago

Now that all the mermaids have taken delivery of their latest mesh mermaid tails and the latest mermaid AO, I decided to open my underwater-level for a short period... have fun.

Europa Colony by Jimmy Olsen.

I have some friends in the Lovely region of OSG who are suffering from
Dancing Withdrawal Syndrome

So....we are gonna try to assist as long as needed.
Find an alt or make an account here, and come Party!

here is a note from Bobbi

Tuesday 11/12/2024 12pm


70s was a great decade
For all the music that got made
Disco funk n glam rock too
Not to mention real cool blues
Platform soles n velvet loons
Come n hear Henk play his toons

AND fiendish quiz from Bobbi xx

Location: Party Mountain on Friends Region

Zuzu Bahro: Come dance with us! 1 month ago
The store that is loved by so many people just got a whole lot bigger!

Texture Too - a new store for you by Zuzu Bahro and Safine Mahoe

the new building at Textures Trees and Scripts and it is full of textures to help your projects.

Ancient writings
sci fi
stained glass
and much more!

Come on out and find out why people are loving the new , second texture building. Just take the tp stone to Textures Too

Textures Trees & Scripts - the little store that everyone is talking about!

Thirza Ember: It's not the store we deserve, but it's the store we need! LOL thanks Safine! 1 month ago
My latest build is based on a picture of a building I saw, it was a very rustic forest home that had been abandoned. I instantly fell in love with the architecture which is very simplistic but beautifully put together, hence I decided to build it in world. This build is partial mesh which is very detailed especially the terracotta tile roof. This build is entirely mine from the very first prim to the last and I very much hope you will like it and use it to enhance your region or build. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

*** New on Camballa***
ANGELA XMAS BOOTS - green/ red
Athena -Reborn
FEMME FATALE HEELS Athena in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Sculpted pieces of snow for the Seasons Greetings @ avirtualworld.org:8002/Trails

OpenSimUser: Thank you Bobsolo, i finally made it there to get it. 1 month ago

*** New on Camballa***
A Little More Wintertime
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

Impromptu Party
Now till 6pm grid time.

equinoxgrid.com:8002:EQG Club Equinox

*** New on Camballa***
Small winter market on Camballa
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

Is the statue of the Mithraic God "arimanius" related to the 38,000 year old lowenmensch figurine? Both are LionMen figurines. Is it possible that remnants of some ancient religion anthropomorphizing lion/men figures filtered down through time into Mithraicism? You decide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arimanius

Pagane: Thank you for interests to Zoroastrism and other Arian peoples religion and culture! This one statue is Greek/Mithraic form of Arimanius located now in Louvre and is only 2500 year old. Zoroastrizm a... 1 month ago
baby its cold outside here at rock city come visit santa and elves have a bite to eat at the cafe and every sunday we have events dj illusions at 11 he spins the best and 12 dj ladyjo with a passion for music and sometimes a surprise singer


Pagane: Please come in an hour. Witches in Europe are now on winter time on the clock :) 2 months ago
In a town left to dust and whispers, Mari confronts the rugged stranger. What secrets lie beneath the weathered surface of this ghost town, and what does he know that she doesn’t? Every glance, every word, and every hidden detail could lead her closer to answers—or deeper into danger.

Abandoned Ghost Town, not for the squeamish of heart 🤠
three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Abandoned Ghost Town

Free gifts in the Mercantile


Sam and i are working on a huge area, depicting pre-contact New England and Canada. This panorama is of the estuary where the Saco River in Maine meets the sea.

Jupiter Rowland: Why do I feel the urge to inspire the Argentoratum people to make an animesh Oumpah-Pah? 2 months ago
Tonight's usual dance party at Club Wet has been cancelled due to Autumnfest. DJ Chris McCracken & DJ April McKenna will be tonight's Freak Night DJs at Autumnfest- you must be dressed but wear your freakiest sexiest craziest costume! The party begins at 5-7 with DJ Chis, then 7-9 with DJ April - Don't miss the freakiest party on the hypergrid! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Ellen: The artwork is really beautiful! 2 months ago

Come Party at the Playground. lets get our spooky on. Steamy is turning tunes, so come listen, chat, and have some fun. 2PM at the Playground.

In the new Firestorm "Take Copy" on the menu has moved, TAKE is now a menu - which gives 2 options, take and take copy before we get any more tickets.

Thomas Etzel: wow, how could we survive for so long without this feature?!:-)))))) 2 months ago

No traffic bots.....No alts.......real People! Lets Party!!!!!!

PinDeluca: Thank you so much for being a part of a really great night. Was alot of fun 2 months ago

New Poster... be advised one area is being revamped into a lagoon with rideable/ driveable floats to go down the new rivers. The island is a skybox.. see landing point for tp.

Coffee dates with the strange and unusual: Lydia and Beetlejuice discuss the afterlife’s best brew at Soultrain Café

Jared Seda: Toooooo cute! 2 months ago

Mountains were created with our Terrain Generator. https://www.wolf-grid.com

wicked: I bet there is a youtube video for the terrain generator.. ;) Can't wait to see it. 2 months ago

Mountains were created with our Terrain Generator. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Greetings everyone. We've been down for a while and will be for a while longer. New things are in when the doors open. Just look around. But we will only be open to group members only. If you are not a member of the group, please ask us to add you. DALLAS SHOPPING MALL (Group)
🎵 AMV Presents: “Blues Groove” with DJ Yana 🎵

🍂 Date: October 24, 2024 🕒 Time: 5:00 AM - 8:00 AMgridtime 📍 Venue: Stage at Alternate Metaverse Grid

Get Ready to Feel the Blues!

Join us under the crisp autumn sky as DJ Yana takes the stage for a soul-stirring 3-hour blues journey. From smoky harmonicas to soulful guitar riffs, this session promises to ignite your passion and move your feet.

🎶 What to Expect:

Classic Blues Hits: DJ Yana will spin timeless tracks from legends like B.B. King, Etta James, and Robert Johnson.
Modern Blues Fusion: Get ready for contemporary blues-infused tunes that bridge tradition and innovation.
Soulful Vibes: Let the music wash over you—feel the ache, the longing, and the raw emotion.
🌟 Special Features:

Live Saxophone: A surprise guest saxophonist will join DJ Yana, adding velvet tones to the mix.

🔵 Dress Code: Costums Halloween themed

📣 Spread the Word: Invite your friends, share the event, and let’s create a blues community like no other. Remember, the blues isn’t just music—it’s a feeling that resonates deep within our souls.

Get ready to groove, sway, and lose yourself in the rhythm. DJ Yana’s “Blues Groove” awaits at Autumnfest! 🌟💙🎶

Taxi: hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV%20Welcome/172/176/26
Tomorrow night, time travel with us to the time of cheap petrol and epic and glam rock! Let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us on Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!

Trick or Treat!

Halloween Shack begins in about 15 minutes.
October 19th, 4pm to 6pm gridtime.
equinoxgrid.com:8002:EQG Special Events

Xaria Aubrey: Thanks to everyone who participated in this evening's Halloween Shack. 2 months ago

New the Witches Dance - Hud
Neu der Hexen Tanz - HUD

Use Teleporter to Halloween from welcome
Benutzt den Teleporter vom Willkommen zur Halloween Area

Pagane: AMAZING! Love it!!! 2 months ago
:) I am going to be tearing down the Magic Shoppe at Wizardry in the coming weeks. I wish to replace it with a forest, and an elven temple perhaps. So if you want any of the magical items there please get them now, also Savine has copies at her store which is where you will have to go to get the items. I just feel like the area would be better served as a more natural environment for a wizard. Without the old cluttered up shop on the hill.

Pounamu: Hello. I love your store. The End. 2 months ago
Welcome to Pendle Hollow!! This is Harmony speaking! LOL! We were going to open Pendle Hollow with a big birthday bash for Pixey and Harmony's rl birthdays, but Hurricane Milton had other plans! Pixey is in Florida and got through the hurricanes and has power but no internet and they aren't expecting it to be restored for another week or more, so she asked me to go ahead and open the region for al of our open sim friends! I am cleaning up after the storm of building and landscaping and will have this scary, beautiful region opened Friday with a little construction still going on and shops to fill!

Pendle Hollow is a Halloween themed region based on the Pendle Witches (Pixey, Harmony and Macy!) in England in 1612! We don't practice witchcraft and believe that witches are good and loving, at least we are! We will still have our party with DJ Macy spinning some spooky rock, country and other Halloween delights so please watch for our announcement!

JojoA: Thank you Marainna!!! I hope you'll come visit when we do open! Hugggs! 2 months ago
Something new is coming to virtual beach. Virtual Beach Memorial Gardens, there are plenty of empty plots if anyone would like one for there loved ones or friends. I wanted to create a space in world we could cherish and honor those we love. There is also a waterfall wall honoring veterans

If you would like one just send me a texture with a face or whatever you want on it.

three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Wednesday at Midnight

Marianna : https://soundcloud.com/d_eb-696561190/wednesdays-commercial?si=909952be4dbe4e379edb62de1b2f2687&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 2 months ago

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire
