Ellen @EllenTiratzo

Japan Offline

I want to make the world a better place. Even the virtual one.

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Weeeeee'rrrrreee heeeeere!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! It's Christmas! We still have a bit of construction so pardon our dust...but we couldn't wait to bring you another wonderful place to visit this year! The snow is cold so dress appropriately but hopefully, this little Christmas town will warm your hearts!

Slowhand: I have no access to this region, why??? 19 hours ago

🎅Wishing you all a happy start to the week.🎅

Tis that time of the year Happy Holidays from avirtualworld.

Gentle Dragonheart: very funny indeed. I do wonder where his young & handsome Mr. Christmas suit is, though ;) 3 days ago

News!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/121/136/3827

Weihnachten kommt in großen Schritten näher, bescuht den Christmas-Advent-Markt mit Euren Freunden und Familie, vielleicht findet Ihr sogar noch ein paar Weihnachtsgeschenke für Eure Lieben dort.

Stellen Sie sich Folgendes vor: ein Wunderland im Herzen eines malerischen Stadtplatzes, mit verschneiten Wegen und funkelnden Lichterketten, die verspielt in der frischen Winterluft tanzen. Der Duft gerösteter Kastanien liegt in der Luft, die Kastanien sind tatsächlich heiß, eingebettet in kleine Papiertüten, die knistern, wenn man sie Ihnen reicht, und ihren nussigen, gerösteten Duft verströmen. Sie stecken sich eins in den Mund und es ist eine Symphonie aus Geschmack und Wärme, ein herrlicher Kontrast zu der Kälte, die Ihre Nase erstickt, und dem süßen Duft von Karamell
Die frisch zubereiteten Crêpes brutzeln mit Zucker überzogen und jeder Atemzug ist ein
Ein köstlicher Cocktail aus festlichen Düften, der Ihre Nase kitzelt und Ihre Seele wärmt
Vergessen röstet Marshmallows über dem offenen Feuer, die klebrige Süße der schmelzenden Marshmallows weht durch die Luft, ein Sirenenruf für Naschkatzen. Während Sie sitzen und genießen, werden Ihre Wangen von den Flammen rosig, während Sie versuchen, den perfekten S’more zu kreieren.

Heiße Getränke und dampfende Becher mit Glühwein und gewürztem Apfelwein werden herumgereicht und die Wärme dringt durch die Handschuhe bis in die Knochen. Sie können nicht anders, als an dem duftenden Gebräu zu nippen, die Gewürze von Zimt, Nelken und Muskatnuss drehen sich auf Ihrer Zunge und hinterlassen eine wohlige Wärme. Und für die weniger Abenteuerlustigen gibt es heiße Schokolade, die so reichhaltig und cremig ist, dass man sie wie eine warme Umarmung fühlt von innen nach außen, garniert mit einem Berg Schlagsahne und einer Prise glitzerndem Zucker.

Die Standbesitzer sind ein fröhlicher Haufen, ihre Augen funkeln mit der gleichen Begeisterung wie die oben aufgereihten Lichter, man erkennt die Details, die diesen Ort so besonders machen. Girlandenstränge waren über jede Oberfläche drapiert, das Rascheln von Tannennadeln war zu hören frisch geschnittene Kränze, ab und zu eine Schneeflocke, die vom Himmel herabflattert.

Der Carpe Noctem Weihnachtsmarkt ist nicht nur ein Ort zum Einkaufen; Es ist ein Erlebnis, das Ihr Herz mit der Magie der Jahreszeit erfüllt. Es ist ein Ort, um mit Freunden und Liebsten Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die Freude am Geben und Empfangen zu genießen und einfach im Moment präsent zu sein.

Fügen Sie Carpe Noctem zu Ihrer Winterreiseliste der zu besuchenden Orte hinzu. Zu finden unter:

hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Carpe Noctem 2/248/343/1995

Govani13: wäre ja gern vor bei gekommen . jedoch der teleporter am landepunkt wollet mich nur an der fasade sitzen lassen ... 5 days ago

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 4 days ago

Animesh Companion very funny, with all material layers, animations and colors hud


LeonitasLionheart: thank you! so funny 4 days ago
Do you want to build a snowman? When Friday the 13th falls in December! Free to Copy and Buy for 0 on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza for 24 hours:)

The mask if from Sketchfab and credited. The snowman stuff is from LK mostly with a texture from Pixabay. The knife is Nebadon's from his more recent collection shared at the OSCC a few years back.
new on escape to reality come on over and play with your friends when ya want ,,,and stay tuned for upcoming game tournements and events at the begining of the new year merry christmas & happy new year to all~S~

The new complete avatar Alix female body Legacy awaits you at Shop Agartha !

Just in time for the Christmas Parties, Vesti has released a new store called Seasons. Right now it has 10 new female outfits and 3 new male. Seasons is behind the photo studio beside Everyday InsTYle. Check it out hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Vesti

Essensual: one outfit has (X) on the poster, this outfit fits Xara/LaraX 9 days ago
**Dali Babe MAITREYA (ATHENA) Body Skin Megapack Now!**
Hi everyone, last on the line of Megapacks: Maitreya 5.3 (Athena) version of the body skins.
Same 3 styles and ALL addons - this one does come in 'only' 15 of the 22 tones, though.
As with LaraX one, it does not include any shape, so you can just use your default body one.

UBER: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20NE/104/...

Nay Kellyel: PERFECT 8 days ago

News!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/121/136/3827

At 2 pm grid time, I will be speaking on the VWEC panel at OSCC! I would love to see you there!

Today I came in to a message; someone asked how to get the antlers and candy cane I've been wearing. They are on a gnome in a small box in front of the calendar at the entrance. You can grab a set there. Happy holidays.
Hi folks, I have received a few questions today regarding the body skins I shared (i.e. do they work for EvoX, why no face, etc.)
There's a README inside the pack with some details but a few more details:

1. Body skins generally use the .skin type of item and they only contain Upper and Lower.
1.1. The textures are mapped to the body (especially in places like toes, butts, etc. - hence why those would look weird if used in another body).
2. Face skins generally use the .tattoo type, precisely so that you can 'bake/add' it ON TOP of the .skin of the body (of which [.skin] you cand only wear one).
2.2 The face textures are mapped to the head (Evo, EvoX or others).

In this sense, they are NOT connected (you could wear Legacy and....Catwa as head!), and seldom if ever do body skin come with a face skin (Have NEVER seen that, imagine they come with a Catwa head and you use EvoX, or come with Evo and you use a EvoX head!).

The can be 'related' as far as the skin tone goes (i.e. some body skin creators have a set of tones to which face skins creators try to adhere).
Either way, that's what the neck-fix included (only for EvoX, though) are for. If you can't 100% match the tone, add the fix or the face blender.

The .shape file is also important if you want the default shape. However, you can only wear ONE .shape.
If you 'add' it, it will replace the one you got with your face (and mess the shape).
So, in SL (or even here, if properly here), if you were to start a new avi you would get:

1. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the head. Let's say EON EvoX = You can almost ditch these ones unless you are going with the 'demo'/free face skin that comes with the head.
2. The shape [.shape] that comes with legacy body = You can also almost ditch this one, unless you are going with the 'demo'/free body skin of the body.
3. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the face skin. Let's say EROS (for EON EvoX) = These ones you keep, and will probably the ones you use.
4. The shape [.shape] that comes with the body skin. Let's say Jupiter Muscled TAN tone. = This you want to keep, but just for the values.

1 and 2 don't really have much 'value', they are: 'shape-you-can-use-if-you-dont-add-any-skins-from-creators'. EVEN if you wanted to stick to those, you would need to transfer the body shape values to the shape that come with the head.
ALWAYS combine them.
Why? Because the values (numbers) in the shape of the head are specific values that the face/head skin creator has added so that it looks like in the piiiicz.
Now, legacy creator couldn't possible know those...so if you rely on their shape of the head values...well...it will look BAD.
Body-values-on-head-shape is also because there are less amount of cells/numbers pertaining to body.

NOW, if you got yourself (hopefully) an additional face skin (eg. EROS) and body skin (eg. Jupiter Muscled TAN), you want to merge and use those two.
Why? Because the values relative to the head in EROS will make it look like in the pic, and the values relative to the body in Jupiter, will make it look like in the pic.

- You add the shape of Jupiter just to take the number values on Body+Torso+Leg tabs.
- You switch into the EROS shape, and replace Body, Torso, and Legs with those values.

Result: Your face will look like in the skin pic you bought, and so will your body.

RECAP: .skin for body skins + .tattoo for face skins. Leverage neckblends. Ditch default body/head shapes. Use skin shape as basis, add body skin shape values.

Emma Lewis: Bonjour, pour moi tout va bien ça s'accorde parfaitement bien avec les skins de tête de chez Sdf ! Encore un grand merci pour ce travail hâte d'avoir Larax !!! 12 days ago

News!!! Danceroom hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/125/277/3462

----- NEW -----

----- NEW -----

Just keep in mind that every day brings a new gift. Some are treasures, some are fresh. They are only enjoyable.

Ellen: I could not enter with my AMV avatar and I love your gifts!!! 15 days ago

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/102/294/3827

Aurora Starchild: Oyyyys todas las cositas bonitas que me traeees 16 days ago

Awwww this is cute! Check the new SciattiShop at @SciattisiGrid
...actualkly only *just* found out this is the same one I was complaining about not having in Legacy version at @Pilar 's lol

SciattisiGrid: Thanks so much!!! 17 days ago

Next to @Pilar 's amazing stuff, but not wearing it and freezing to death instead, coz she brought it for Lara X only... LOL
Don't forget to visit her amazing new winter section!

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Aurora Starchild: Ay por dios que maravillosidades. Con lo que me gusta a mi todo lo navideño *.* 17 days ago

Visiting Rubeus Christmas market. :-)
dorenas-world.de:8002:Santas Winterwunderland

I am finally getting some time off from work. I am hoping to make more native clothing this week. I am particularly proud of how the moccasins came out :) The wampum belt is actually a very old design from the forming of the Haudenosaunee nation.


I welcome everyone to visit our Christmas market. :-)

Cheers to December. There is a free present at welcome for the month of December. That will only be in the current boxes once they have all been given out. After that, I'll remove them all. Therefore, be careful to pick up the gifts. Enjoy your holidays and have a great time! One a day will be given a look for the calendar and the elf on a box. :)
Die drei winterlichen Sims sind ja schon das Jahr über "geöffnet" - die Adventszeit naht - und an jedem der Adventsabende im Dezember gibt es wieder eine Lesung mit Rubeus in den Märchenzelten. Abwechselnd auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Dorenas World und in Rubeus`Santas Winterwunderland.
Ab 20:00 gibt es dann eine runde Stunde Geschichten und Musik zur Adventszeit zu hören - davor gibts auch schon ein wenig "festliche Klänge" zur Einstimmung. Am 1. und am 3. Advent treffen wir uns im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt
und am 2. & 4. Advent gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt im Winterwunderland
dorenas-world.de:8002:Santas Winterwunderland
Vorher und nachher könnt Ihr dann in aller Ruhe die Marktstände und Geschäfte auf den Weihnachtmärkten durchstöbern - da gibts bestimmt etwas das Euch und anderen Freude machen kann.
Another flower that I love that I've not seen in Opensim is the Fuchsia, they're so pretty. Well I took a shot at making them and the original basket was over 900 prims but I fought with Blender and got it down to 39, which is still primmy but not so bad when you see the detail involved, and they make a great decoration for a porch or balcony or even in a window. I put them in a hanging basket and you can find them at the greenhouse in or garden center here at the mall. They are C/M/T and free, stop by and get your basket. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Marpil Grafenwalder: thank you very much!!! it is truly beautiful and the details are very well done ♥ 19 days ago
„Das süßeste Fleckchen der Weihnachtszeit, wo süße Träume wahr werden und der Duft von Weihnachten zu Hause ist!"
"The sweetest spot of the Christmas season, where sweet dreams come true and the scent of Christmas is at home!"

MiguelTorres: So wundervoll.. Hoffe sie bemerkt nicht das ich geknabbert habe.. Lebkuchen mit Mett ganz neue creation. Ein Besuch lohnt sich. 22 days ago
After building the glass house, it gave me an idea, a log home. This log home is partial mesh and partial prim the mesh is modifiable only in that you can re texture it. It has large glass windows to provide a beautiful view, a built in fireplace, cedar and tile floors, spiral steps, carved wood doors and stain glass windows and beautifully carved wood baluster for the kitchen area and a acacia wood and stained glass baluster for the loft. It's a home I could live in for sure. It's full perm and free here at the mall and you will find it next to the "Ancient Builds" which is listed on the Kiosk Teleporter. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

RemmyRavenhurst: You are a building machine!! 24 days ago

One of the revised places on Xanten

Xenon Darrow: Such gorgeous regions and so much NEW stuff (for me!) Thank you for doing this! 24 days ago
Imagine living in a house where you step out your back door and you are at the most amazing underwater world in Opensim! You always wanted to live next to the ocean, but somehow the underwater world was always missing. Instead of the usual backyard garden or patio, you’d have a direct connection to an oceanic paradise with more than 5,000 fish and animals.

You step in the water at your house and you are greeted by the soft sway of colorful coral reefs, schools of shimmering fish darting through crystal-clear waters, and the soothing sound of underwater currents. The vibrant sea life surrounds you, from playful dolphins and majestic sea turtles to curious jellyfish and exotic creatures you've only ever read about. This is now your back yard!

You could swim freely or explore in a variety of ways. Imagine taking a peaceful swim, discovering hidden underwater caves, or diving deeper to visit shipwrecks where you might uncover forgotten treasures. The world would be filled with endless opportunities for exploration, all from the comfort of your own home. Perhaps there’s even a stunning underwater garden filled with bioluminescent plants that glow in the dark or glowing creatures that light up the waters around you, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

For the first time, we are opening up our underwater worlds for 9 very lucky people who want to live there. There is an underwater home, a home with a cenote, a shack, a wreck and a few gorgeous homes. Although every house is different, the beauty of these homes begins when you step in the water. We are looking for residents who want to be active and make this their main home. These rentals are free....but we do not want land collectors, we want people who want to become a part of our community.

Just go to the Reef at friends grid and there is a large black tp board which will let you look at the houses in this very special location.


Contact Zuzu Bahro or Safine Mahoe for details.

and after exploring the sim you can relax inside the irish winter pub with beer, whiskey or absinthe. The irish follies will entertain you....

A snow bench with dim lighting and lovely trees. Take pleasure in the soft snowfall whether sitting by yourself or with a companion. In addition to being on display at the event center, you can pick up a copy in Dallas at the door.
login.aviworlds.com:8002:AviWorlds Events

NEW FULL AVATARS Seo-Jun and Ji-yoon are waiting for You at the * Shop Agartha *
NOUVEAUX AVATARS COMPLETS : Seo-Jun et Ji-Yoon vous attendent à la * Boutique Agartha * !

Bored by the Box? Don't even go there, Opensim has so much else going on! Here are a few items that might inspire and cheer you
The upcoming Film Fest organized by Loru Destiny
A new Japanese grid
Ieko Catnap's 'Last Ever Region'
The story of a mesh-maker, Taarna Welles
Nach Umzug in ein besseres Grid wurde meine Mall wieder eröffnet.

After moving to a better grid, my mall reopened.

*Lingerie *
*Beachwaer *

Ich freue mich über euren Besuch.
I'm looking forward to your visit.

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx Chris 26 days ago