Ellen @EllenTiratzo

Japan Offline

I want to make the world a better place. Even the virtual one.


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I love this hair! Tram I think!
I have no way of knowing. But if it is, I want more. :)
This is one of the free Tram updos on one of my SL avis (not an alt), I love this one!

I do think that's Tram. My SL stash is full of the Tram freebies, so ya. Good stuff.
Do you have Tram hair available?
Not in Open Sim, I don't run a store or sell stuff, sorry. I do think this hair is Tram, based on the model number assigned to it and the look is totally in line with the brand's aesthetic.
Check Grimm. Or somewhere in Adachi. I got this and a bunch of other model-number-named hair there. That might indicate they are Tram?
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This is the exact sort of ignorance I am referencing. I would never kiss a flag either. I honestly do not know a single American who HAS kissed a flag.
you are not America .. America is huge ..... you can't know everything either ...... ignorance is something to ignore where something has been ignored .. I only write my opinion and that's my right how it is your right to write..... and from my personal point of view some Americans are funny, but there are also funny German Swiss etc.... it's not my fault that you react to my text you could have "ignored it " but in that case you feel addressed and not only by the @Ellen ........
Your response is so amusing!!!
then it was already worth it ... I made your day (night) sweeter
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Cheryl, please, I beg you, please stop insulting Americans with your generalisations and prejudice! It makes you look small, weak, and uneducated.
Prejudice is an assumption or an opinion about someone simply based on that person's membership to a particular group. For example, people can be prejudiced against someone else of a different ethnicity, gender, or religion. (Reposted from Well Mind)
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Good for you! Enjoy your life!!!
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I agree with the sentiments behind these possibilities, though I would never quote a Second Life wiki or webpage. Maybe look a bit deeper into this subject?
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Again, I find it ironic that people are being told to "STFU" on a post where opinions are being requested.
I'm not telling the commenters here to STFU I'm telling those who want to complain about child avitars on "MY" grid, and believe me I've heard it a lot. People are free to express all the opinions they like when asked to, but i stand by what I say...."As for those who don't want child avatars around, if you don't like child avatars then don't come to our grid, ban them from your grid and STFU." Please do not misconstrue that as me telling those voicing opinions here to STFU. Then again opinions are like armpits, everybody has one and they usually stink. Don't like my opinions...ya know what to do. ;D
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Very lovely, Hella.
Thank you very much Ellen, you are welcome to visit :)
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What I find so interesting here is that Misty asked point blank and directly, "what are your thoughts"? Then many of you attacked people for posting their thoughts.
Well, actually the attacks started when someone stated that it's not a matter of thoughts but of law, because of the censorship in this person's own country. Like if it was applicable to others, and then closing any debate of thoughts.
Oh I am basing my comment on what I am reading here now, but thanks for the thoughts!
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Tsk tsk, Cheryl. Addressing ALL of the people from the same country as the same person. Isn't there a word for this behavior? Hmmm...help me here, what is the word I am thinking of...
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You always bring us beautiful items! Thank you Jimmy!
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Very cool stuff, Sylvia! Thank you for providing so many nice items for us all!
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Not 100 I want to hang out with!
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Pops popcorn and enjoys the show.
without a Drink O.O omgosh ....
Oh yes a drink is nice too. What fun!!!
thank you for the like ... but .................... I thought more that you would give me some of the popcorn :D
Oh pull up a chair. Here is your popcorn. You are going to LOVE this show!!! Best drama around!!!
you seem to have plenty of time to read.. ahh now i see it, no boys on LBSA at the moment....
Oh there are always boys at LBSA, Rulus! I am really not looking to hook up, partner, or make pixel porn! I just like chatting and building.
I assume that a woman like you will make a certain selection ........ not every type of pizza tastes the same
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Hi Zoree! Always happy to see your posts and events! I was wondering, what sort of music is Fado? Thank you!
Portuguese Music, bonitinho
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Very beautiful, Hella!
thank you Ellen :))
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Are you feeling any better?
I am struggling healthwise, but still around. Thank you. hugs :)
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Where did you get the child avatar I saw you wearing?
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Karaoke is Japanese.
The first karaoke machine was invented by Japanese musician Daisuke Inoue in Kobe, Japan in 1971 however Inoue admits to not creating the name “karaoke”. A Japanese entertaining group created the phrase after an orchestra went on strike and a machine was used instead to play the music. “Karaoke” translates to “empty orchestra”.
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I never could find this outfit!
there you have to go around the shops, which are all circular
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Good luck and health, Johnny.
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This response is only meant for Americans. Have a nice day!