TheFactory @ErnestMoncrieff

The Factory Online

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up - Pablo Picasso

80s Night at the Birdcage
Where: The Art Factory
When: 4 years ago [27 Jun 2020 14:00 SLT]

Kawaiis Fantasy Birthday Party
Where: The Art Factory
When: 5 years ago [20 Jun 2020 14:00 SLT]

This weeks line-up

14:00 DJ Kawaii
15:00 DJ Golbez
16:00 DJ Ernest
17:00 Fantasy Hour
18:00 DJ Eddison

Come celebrate Kawaiis big day!

Sock Hop & Twist Contest
Where: The Art Factory
When: 5 years ago [18 Jun 2020 14:00 SLT]

Join us at Jack Rabbit Slims for an End of Term celebration!

* The Best Music
* Twist Contest
* Kahuna Burgers
* $5 Milkshakes

Twist Contest at Jack Rabbit Slims - come join Vince, Jules and Mrs Wallace

A Tribute to Florian Schneider
Where: The Art Factory
When: 5 years ago [6 Jun 2020 14:00 SLT]

Todays last minute Line-up

14:00 DJ Golbez
15:00 Kraf-Twerk
16:00 DJ Ernest

Tonight a Tribute to Florian Schneider and the Birdcage