TheFactory @ErnestMoncrieff

The Factory Online

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up - Pablo Picasso

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Ukraine shines bright

xishi: ok It's time we cleared up some of this. Those flags on the wall are all there for a reason. From the left - Ruritania might be only a little place but it never left the EU. Hence the blue and gold s... 3 years ago
I was told SUNFLOWERS are the national flowers of Ukraine hence FLORA offfers u a mesh pack (up til 90 of them for 1 single prim) for FREE and FULL PERM! Available at GARDEN AREA at BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Ps. And before someone starts complaining about pic sent, I`m not against Russian people but against this sh*t war....

River: lol, I love your picture 3 years ago

I stand by Ukraine my brothers who are fighting for their lives. Love from Australia

Flying the Ukrainian flag on the Brand New 100 Sim Fun Region.
Also standing with you at this terrible time.

I will be posting more about the new Completely modified Adventure Bay region
which includes FemDom City. Stay tuned. More to come.

Michelle Hartley: I have just updated the original picture to show the colors of the Ukraine covering the front of the Adventure Bay Welcome Building. 3 years ago

A donation - however small - to charities engaged in helping the victims is worth much more than sharing your dubious wisdom about the current situation in Ukraine. Be serious.

Thirza Ember: Thanks Satyr for suggesting these great ways to make a practical difference. Talk is cheap. 3 years ago
STOP WAR - Peace-Festival in Dorenas World
Wir planen für die Tage um die Iden des März (also 14-16.3.2022) ein Festival gegen den Krieg (oder für den Frieden - ganz wie ihr wollt).

Bis auf das o.g. Datum ist noch alles offen und wir bitten alle, die sich da mit einbringen möchten sich kurzfristig mit Anachron Young oder Dorena Verne in Verbindung zu setzen.
Wir machen uns sicherlich keine Illusionen, das wir mit dieser Aktion etwas ändern können, es kann nur ein symbolischer Akt sein uns eindeutig zu positionieren. Aber auch das ändert eben schon etwas - und sei es "nur" in unseren eigenen Köpfen.

Peace Festival
We are planning an anti-war (or pro-peace - whatever you want) festival for the days around the Ides of March (i.e. March 14-16, 2022).

Except for the date mentioned above, everything is still open and we ask everyone who would like to get involved to get in touch with Anachron Young or Dorena Verne at short notice.
We certainly have no illusions that we can change something with this action, it can only be a symbolic act to position ourselves clearly. But that also changes something - even if it is "only" in our own heads.

Ellen: Such a beautiful person and friend. I am heartbroken to lose you, Ladylove. 3 years ago

Ernest Moncrieff returns for an Encore presentation of The Rocky Horror Show Tribute! Last year Ernest filled the house with his Rocky tribute- It's so much fun and brings back so many memories! Come join us for this spectacular event @ SpeakEasy SwingHard ~ AMV Events ... its just a jump to the left!! Dress in your sexiest Transylvanian Transvestite wear or come as you are, just don't miss it!

Inspired by René Magritte
Le fils de l'homme / The Son of Man / Der Menschensohn (1964)

This free 3D-model was found by Avia Bone und fixed by Modee Parlez.

Now in my gallery '.inspired by René Magritte'.
Opensim | OSGrid | The Art Factory
( Art Factory)

Special thanks to

Avia Bonne - @Avia3D
Modee Parlez - @Modee

for their support!

“I think everybody should be nice to everybody.” (Andy Warhol)


Typically, I'm very modest in my dress. But I thought I owed it to the large "my butt cheeks are showing" fans to make an outfit for them. It has to be a large number of people judging from the multitude of "my butt cheeks are showing" clothes I see everywhere.

So, is this post just an excuse to say "my butt cheeks are showing?" Mmmmm...maybe. I should mention that modesty is preserved by "FINA'S 'CutebutPsyco' thong which is color-able. How in the hell they came up with that name, I don't know.

Oh HELLO. The shop that can boast of having at least one "my butt cheeks are showing" outfit with a cray-cray thong.
Listen to the good sounds on 648 kHz (medium wave)

Happy to see the Ross Revenge - the Radio Caroline ship - today from the top of my house on 'The Art Factory'. Ernest postet yestday a info. See here:

'MV Ross Revenge is a radio ship, the home of Radio Caroline, as well as having supported Radio Monique and various religious broadcasters. She was constructed in Bremerhaven in 1960, and initially served as a commercial trawler as part of the Ross Group fleet, notably taking part in the Cod Wars of the 1970s. Following her decommissioning, she was purchased by Radio Caroline and outfitted as a radio ship, complete with 300-foot (91 m) antenna mast and 50 kW transmitter. Her broadcasts began on 20 August 1983; her final pirate broadcast took place in November 1990. She ran aground on the Goodwin Sands in November 1991, bringing the era of offshore pirate radio in Europe to an end. She was, however, salvaged, and is now maintained by the Caroline Support Group, a group of supporters and enthusiasts.' (

New artwork in the gallery

.inspired by Rene Magritte
(2nd floor)

OSGrid | The Art Factory

Coming soon in my gallery
Antonia Ling Fine Art Gallery
Opensim | OSGrid | The Art Factory

Dec. 04, 2021


Your grid and users are not welcome here anymore. Your users have been harassing and messaging racist slurs at opensimworld users for years. You have harassed me personally and my family *in real life*. You keep doing it despite warnings and temporary bans

From now on you are permanently banned from listing and advertising anything from your grid in Opensimworld. Your regions are inactive anyway, they will be removed.

Your abusive accounts will be frozen. Do not attempt to create new ones , they will be removed.

Please advertise your grid etc on: Facebook, Twitter, Mewe, Discord, wherever, anywhere but NOT HERE . Enough is enough, you are not welcome here.

The city looks like this with a special light



Liebe Freunde and Starkies,

was wir heute ankündigen werden, fällt uns nicht leicht. Niki und ich, Mathilda, haben beschlossen, den Betrieb von Stark Islands nach dem 30. Juni 2021 einzustellen.
Wir haben uns viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, unter welchen Voraussetzungen wir Stark hätten weiterlaufen lassen könnten. Aber letztendlich hätte es zu viele Änderungen geben müssen und Stark wäre nicht mehr das gleiche gewesen. Außerdem haben wir uns außerhalb von OpenSim eine neue Aufgabe gestellt. Einerseits bedauern wir, Stark zu schließen, nach all der harten Arbeit, die wir in dieses Paradies investiert haben. Aber wir sind auch sehr stolz darauf, dass wir es bis nach ganz weit oben auf der Liste der beliebtesten Regionen von OSW geschafft zu haben. Das wäre ohne euch, unsere wunderbare Gemeinschaft, nicht möglich gewesen.
Deshalb möchten Niki und ich uns an dieser Stelle bedanken. Danke an alle Starkies für eure Unterstützung und Treue. Danke an unsere DJ’s! Jeder einzelne von Euch hat mit seinen mittlerweile legendären Sets zum Erfolg von Stark beigetragen. Danke an das Zeta Worlds Team, ohne dessen Unterstützung der stabile Betrieb einer solch leistungshungrigen Region wie Stark nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Danke auch an alle Besucher, die jederzeit herzlich willkommen waren und viele nette Kommentare und Likes hinterlassen haben. Wir wünschen euch allen von ganzem Herzen alles, alles Gute!
Für OpenSim wünsche ich mir, dass die Leute, die Grids, viel stärker zusammenarbeiten und nicht gegeneinander. Ihr seid ein Grid! Das Hypergrid! Nur gemeinsam hat OpenSim eine Chance.
Wir werden euch im Auge behalten und vielleicht, irgendwann, sehen wir uns wieder.

In diesem Sinne, lebt wohl!
Niki & Mathilda Stark

Holkham Beach Level 2


not sure if anyone will know what this is just by looking at this pic. Or if anyone else will Nerd Out like I did when I found it in my inventory. HOWEVER! Howls Moving Castle *in its original box Now in Vintique Antiques on Steamland.
Why there are people they give their avatars names like "Nazi German" and "Adolf Hitler"?
Why they visit a sim like Stark and say they hate gays and threaden people to find them in real and kill them?
Why are people so full of hate?
Why can't they stay away from Stark and let live people their (virtual) life in the way they want?
Lots of questions that I don't have an answer to!

But one thing is absolutely clear for me:


So please stay away and spread your hate somewhere else. Or better: Don't spread it anywhere!

And stop crying in the Stark OSW review section because we banned you several times. We would do it anytime again!

Tonight at the Eq Special Event club its A Monster Ball!!! thats right Dress up in your monster or best outfit for this special event only at Club Equinox Special event Club!

Club Equinox is having a Monster Ball Dance on Feb 28!!!! get out your gowns and tux and come to a Monster Ball!!!

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

Nice Minik from Stark Islands ZetaWorlds did another great edition as photographer with the beautiful Vanessa Mondar, her model and muse.

You can get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.



"Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!"
Grainger Village is back

The Social Mouse now has Winter Events at the Social Holiday region!

***Note: You must be a member of The Social Mouse group in order to access the full region. You can join our Discord group if you need help getting a group tag:

Visit our lodge and play our gacha - 5 prizes available! Also, don't forget to look under the Christmas tree for presents!

While you are there, feel free to explore:

* Residents' Decorated Area - Free items available
* NEW Animated PG/Adult furniture
* Ice Skating Rink
* Christmas Village

Available until January 1, 2021


Rhonda and I getting ready for the Event Tomorrow at noon. umm What is Art? Art is what comes from your own universe...yes you have one! hugsss and love to all you creators of Art

Oh my!

Great party with Viktor!

OUT NOW! The new Stark! magazine with the famous Nice Minik as photographer and model! I can promise, you'll see new sides of OSGrid's most popular photographer. Definately worth a closer look!

Get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.

Profession: Dj Perfomer since 2008.

Every Monday@@Stark Island Club-01.03pm (Germany) Opensim


Our new official advertising.

Halloween Fun at The Farm Factory!

Profession: Dj Perfomer since 2008.

- Every Thursday@Stark Island-12pm.02pm/21h.23h (Germany) - Opensim


Enjoy, and Share!
NovaZenit Region/teleport in Arkham City