Illinois Offline

Blues lover

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Dear Leisa Calling, me out of My name proves that you have been harassing me for the last four weeks using various avatars with the same first name. You have been banned from the other grid for the identical reason. "Grow the hell up!" is all I have to say. God is my soldier, and you are the devil in disguise, attempting to attract attention. Here's my handkerchief; go on. Most people recognize me as a decent person, and I've helped a lot of people who came to my grid from other grids. I don't support lying or grieving, regardless of who you are. You must stop destroying and move on to real life.
My point was made.

HoneyOG: This is bashing and defamation of character against you Adore and very unwarranted and just plain bullying! You, Adore are the reason I remained on OpenSim and your kindness and generosity are legenda... 6 hours ago
In the heart of the digital realm, where grids and codes intertwined, there existed a special place known as the Gentle Fire Grid. This grid was unlike any other; it was a warm, welcoming community where avatars from all corners of the virtual world gathered to share stories, create art, and celebrate together.

As Christmas approached, the Gentle Fire Grid buzzed with excitement. The avatars decorated their virtual homes with twinkling lights, digital wreaths, and pixel-perfect Christmas trees. The air was filled with the sound of cheerful carols and the scent of virtual gingerbread cookies.

One chilly December evening, the grid's founder, a wise and kind avatar named Santa Mint, decided to host a grand Christmas party. Invitations were sent out to all the neighboring grids, including the renowned OpenSim. The message read, "Merry Christmas from Gentle Fire Grid to OpenSim! Join us for a night of joy, laughter, and celebration with live singer's and DJ's"

On the night of the party, avatars from OpenSim arrived, their digital forms glowing with anticipation. They were greeted with open arms and warm smiles. The Gentle Fire Grid had prepared a feast of virtual delicacies, from pixelated plum pudding to holographic coffee.

As the night went on, the avatars shared stories of their adventures, exchanged gifts, and danced under the shimmering lights of the virtual sky. Santa Mint stood by the grand Christmas tree, watching the joy spread across the grid. It was a night to remember, a night where the boundaries of the digital world melted away, and the true spirit of Christmas shone brightly.

And so, the Gentle Fire Grid and OpenSim celebrated together, creating memories that would last a lifetime. It was a reminder that no matter where you are, the warmth of community and the magic of Christmas can bring everyone together.
The Whispering Water Community sounds like a wonderful place! Imagine a serene island setting with small houses nestled among lush greenery and surrounded by calm, whispering waters. Seagulls fly overhead, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

This community could serve as the perfect retreat for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. It offers activities that promote a friendly environment where neighbors know each other and work together to maintain the beauty and peace of their surroundings.

The price range is free (1000 Prims) for those who wish to experience community life. Amenities include a lovely community pool and a formal restaurant exclusive to residents. To find your home for rent, please contact the admin, greeter, or elder to get your tag today. You must be a member of the grid. Thank you, and we hope to see you soon! Please remember to read the rules to keep your home.hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Whispering%20Waters/128/...

Adore: you're interested in joining the Whispering Water Community on the Gentle Fire Grid! To get started, you can visit the Gentle Fire Grid website and sign up. They offer a friendly and caring environme... 9 days ago
A note to all Misfits residents

Due to your grid being allowed to roam freely in mine but my grid is not allowed the same curtesy, I have banned the entire grid from entering mine.

I have tried to contact Misfits grid and have gotten no response. Therefore the decision was best suited to protect my grid since i can't validate avatars in Misfits grid.

From what i have heard all but one grid is banned from Misfits grid

negative comments or calling me a Karen will get your comment deleted\, not trying to start a fight.

KrisTina: Isn't Misfits Grid just a closed to HG, pedo world? 2 months ago

The world shopping districts many shopping malls and places to see enjoy your time There always something nice for everyone!
Can't find what you want Just ask we are here to Help.

Would you like a balloon? There's a whole circus down there that was washed underground.

TrishiaOConnell: I hate clowns 3 months ago

I see a lot of people talking bad about others on OSW lately. Can't we come up with something more interesting than "bad mouthing" each other?

Welcome everyone to Dream of wishes 2 Disco, ballroom, surf waves, Beach, boat, jet ski, and more fun

I support Gay Rights, not Gay Wrongs. There is right and there is wrong, let me learn you the difference! Ask me for a free gay pride flag! (not for children, minors, miners, underage, or rugrats! Must be 18+ to come to my grid! No kids allowed!)

Blake Hayvenhurst: I support the human race and do not think in colors, types, tastes, sexual preferences etc. and wish more people did, but as long as we need flags and celebrations we're still far from acceptance. I ... 6 months ago
This 1 is for you and me, living out our dreams!
And We are All right where we should be!
With our arms out wide, I Open my Eyes...
and now all I want to see...
Is a sky full of Lighters!

By the time you hear this I will have already spiraled up
I would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world up
If I was you I would duck, or get struck, like lightning,
Fighters keep fighting, put your lighters up, point 'em skyward uh
Had a dream, I was king, I woke up, still king.

'Til nobody else even fucking feels me, 'til it kills me

Feel free, but from now on I'm refusing to ever give up
Only thing I ever gave up's using no more excuses
Excuse me if my head is too big for this building

I love it when I tell 'em shove it
'Cause it wasn't that, long ago when Leo sat, flustered lacked luster
'Cause he couldn't cut mustard, muster up, nothing
Brain fuzzy, 'cause he's buzzin', woke up from that buzzin'
Now you wonder why he does it, how he does it
Wasn't 'cause he had buzzards circlin' around his head
Waiting for him to drop dead, was it?
Or was it 'cause them bitches wrote him off
Little hussy ass, scuzzes, fuck it, guess it doesn't matter now, does it
What difference it make?
What it take to get it through your thick skulls
That this ain't some bullshit
People don't usually come back this way
From a place that was dark as I was in
Just to get to this place
Now let these words be like a switch blade to a hater's ribcage
And let it be known that from this day forward
I wanna just say thanks 'cause your hate is what gave me the strength
So let 'em Bics raise 'cause I came with 5'9" but I feel like I'm 6'8″!

I cried plenty tears, my daddy got a bad back
So it's only right that I write 'til he can march right into that post office and tell 'em to hang it up

I'll stop when I'm at the very top
You shitted on me on your way up
It's 'bout to be a scary drop

Every hour, happy hour now
Life is wacky now

Now I'm just the cat's meow, ow
Classic cow, always down for the catchweight like Pacquiao
Ya'll are doomed
I remember when T-Pain ain't wanna work with me
My car starts itself, parks itself and autotunes
'Cause now I'm in the Aston
I went from having my city locked up
To getting treated like Kwame Kilpatrick
And now I'm fantastic
Compared to a weed high

Y'all bugging out like Wendy Williams staring at a beehive
And how real is that
I remember signing my first deal and now I'm the second best, I can deal with that
Now Bruno can show his ass, without the MTV awards gag...

You and I know what it's like to be kicked down
Forced to fight
But tonight, we're alright
So hold up your lights
Let it shine
'Cause, this one's for you and me, living out our dreams
We're all right where we should be
With my arms out wide, I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighters
A sky full of lighters

This post is dedicated to those who refuse to stand idle and take everyone's shit. Those who fight for what is right and what they believe in. Those who do their best to enact positive change and enlightenment in the face of adversity. Yes i posted lyrics from a song...a very inspirational song with a positive message. Now all i want to see...is a sky full of Lighters!

Lillysparks: That face looks so much like your avi is that you? Pretty cool. Cheers. 7 months ago
With all the name calling that's been going on today I thought i would make a list of the dehumanising language both wings use to attack others. Name calling helps us to feel superior to others and to see others as not quiet human. Its disgusting behaviour and can lead us down a very very dark path. Lets try and keep Opensim a place we can get away from it.

Insults hurled at Right Wingers by the Left:
Basement Dweller
Christian Sharia
Starbucks Cup
Vanilla ISIS / Y'all Qaeda / YeeHawdists
Velcro Shoes
Wrong Side of History

Insults hurled at Left Wingers by the Right:
Blue Pill
Coloring Book
CTR (Shill)
Low Energy
Participation Trophy
Regressive Left
Safe Space
Tolerant Left

Feel Free to add more.

Pagane: Sounds 100% like my years is socialism era. Socialist leaders use all this against decidents:) Welcome in SOCIALICM! 7 months ago
For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 10 months ago
I found the root problem of the Opensim Community

It has become 100% apparent the one consistent problem of this community is criticism. Whether it be constructive, productive, observed or helpful it is automatically deemed an attack and the emotionally disturbed retaliate.

The severe lack of mental maturity is almost astounding but makes apparent as to why this website becomes a soap opera, every couple of days.

One person could post a new dress. Yes every sheeple will post ooh ahh and oh. Maybe it's an awesome dress? But if one person notices a defect, something missed or something out of place and says anything. AHHH OMMMaGAwwd!! The critiquer is immediately attacked, de-railed, accused of being uneducated and MUST have mental disabilities, a.k.a. un-hinged! The person is labeled a troll or a post hijacker, etc.

That one person would then be subjected to the rest of the sheeple, trying to one up the other for glory points, clout, community appreciation, medal of dishonor? Take your pick, it probably has been awarded and true.

In the end, what has been accomplished? The dress is put into obscurity and ignored. The creator lifted on some social chair among the crowd for being a VICTIM. Oh the horror that someone noticed an error.

Rather than thanks, let me fix it and re-post? Which would be the BEST option and solution. Very rare chance.

It is pretty pathetic and this post will be attacked because it goes against the grain of the sheeple. You must agree and obey and follow without individual thought, logic or suffer the wrath of the emotionally disturbed!

And people wonder why I rarely post so much so, that even Swiss coocoo clockmakers, accuse me of making a first post, because of the space in time in between them.

Once this community can mature, and stop with the self-righteousness and take criticism constructively, will it thrive. Only time will tell, but I doubt it. Because in the years I have been here, and this is no different than toxic secondlife, it hasn't changed for the better.

Give it a try and be better.

For the record, as an experiment, I will not partake in this discussion.

Here is a great chart to compare: Difference-Between-Constructive-and-Destructive-Criticism

Nico Kalani: SheaButter: For some reason, I can't reply to your comments either. I don't have you blocked, so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm sorry that I left off the sarcasm thingy on my comment. Yes, he is... 11 months ago

~ Morgan Freeman

KatKakoola: Life can be like a frantic, hot kitchen - try to be non-stick cookware 11 months ago

Join us for the celebration of Xmas formal wear she awesome Dj with Great Music
Hope to you there tat 11 am Grid time

DALLAS MALL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK7oWW0xEB8&t=2s was great will be there :) 1 years ago

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 1 years ago


and then they talk bad about sl but they are the ones who cause the problems, after a year of being banned because of arkahm I'm here again, felix fuck you now, read on and lick the ass of your acquaintances to lash out at me as you did at the time with me, and I as a good idiot I fell for it and when I realised your dirty game you had me eliminated. Now I'm speaking to all the goody-goody hypocrites, here the creators can be counted on the tips of my fingers, I want to tell simphathy and felix that they always and only log in with darkstrom, that second life has already banned a copybot and soon darkstrom too, I want to see what you can create

CyberGlo CyberStar: Many many people do not like Felix. He also banned me after accusing me of hacking his grid many times. ( i didn't hack his grid, if i did,it would not be left standing...) I also got banned from t... 1 years ago

Bring that mean Green outfit and have a green Beer us with dj Tek

Like It? Buy It.
It's not complicated, right? Not like, let's say, solving this riddle. "If all Wibbles are Criggles, all Borkins are Kwumblins, no Hoggles are Borkins, and all Criggles are Borkins, is it true that all Borkins are Criggles?" While you think about it, come visit oh HELLO for this outfit and more than 160 others.

oh HELLO: Where none of our outfits are Criggles.


There are 7 of us, me who made the grid for the others, and 6 students, who rotate. We don't even change our avatar, we still have the same clothes, skin...

We like to go to the list of new regions to see what people have made new. If you don't want us to go, why advertise them on this site?

If you're afraid we'll rip you off, we dare you to find something on our grid that's not for sale. Even, when there is some special work, we post it and next to it we put a link to your grid (as in the case of Cherry Manga, Flora, Lani...).

We are not your competition in anything, we don't rent regions, we are not interested in users (although they are welcome if they prefer to be here).
As we said in another post, if someone wants something of what we do, ask us, we almost always forget to put it in copy or for sale).

In fact, the Welcome region, we have made it with links to this site and to places that we believe that anyone who comes to Opensim should know, because of their work.

On the other hand, we are disappointed with the people... it is sad, when they pass by you and even if you say hello, you do not receive the slightest sign of friendship. This is what hurts us the most (in our homes we are always forced since we were kids to say "hello" when you arrive and "goodbye" when you leave), indifference is punished with a "scolding".

We are so few and this is the relationship we are looking for... not even a "hello"... but a "don't come closer, I won't let you".

So, after this rambling, I leave you with the image of the endangered species of freshwater fish, which I'm sure we have stolen from Kittely or some similar site :))))

Long live freedom and death to the Troll!!!

Opensimulator is FREE but not a "free-for-all" **

I have noticed there are a number of people who use the Opensimulator server software but they do not fully understand the true concept of it's OPEN nature.

In real life, I have been contributing to FREE and Open sourced software for well over a decade and I rely on it for most of my day to day computing tasks. I have a full working knowledge of what open source is and the level of freedom it gives to the people who use it. Free software gives you the ability to see the source code, change it, make it better, share your changes with friends and some open source licenses will allow you to SELL your modified code. There are many versions of Opensim such as the OSgrid builds, Arriba, Sasquatch, Isthmus or Halcyon and there is nothing stopping YOU from making your own version. You cannot do this with closed sourced software legally. This is the extent to which Opensimulator is OPEN.

Opensimulator is FREE! Free as in Freedom. You are FREE to use the software in any way that you feel is morally or socially acceptable and there is no defined method on how you should use the software. I see people all the time saying things to the effect of: "You should let everyone in your sim." or "You have no right to block bad people or grids." or "You should give everything away free because that is what Opensim was made for." If any of those statements are true then PROVE IT! Go on http://opensimulator.org and show me where it says this. I can assure you that I have completely read the BSD license and it is SHORTER than this article I am writing right now. Nowhere does the license say anything on how you should use the software because that act alone would nullify the freedoms that the Opensimulator developers have given you. You will not find (and probably never will find) any documentation enforcing edicts on how they think you should use this software. They do however have guides on getting the most out of it's features, it is an invaluable resource.

What does all of this mean? FREEDOM FOR ALL but NOT a free-for-all. You have the right to impose RULES on your sims and Opensim software gives grid operators powerful OSSL code to deal with interlopers and troublemakers. Nobody should walk all over you and tell you how to run your grid, when it is your servers, your money and your resources. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Grid operators have the ability to block any viewer they want, it is built right in. You define how your grid operates and are under no obligation to obey anyone who hates you for using these features. Some may say "Because a feature exists does not mean you should use it." and they would be WRONG because these settings would not be included if the Opensimulator developers did not intend for people to use them.

I challenge anyone who disagrees with this article to visit http://opensimulator.org and show me any documentation which refutes anything I have said. I will only accept submissions from the aforementioned url because it is the OFFICIAL website for the Opensimulator project and they are the supreme authority governing it's use.

Feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

** A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are trying to get something for themselves and there are no controls on how they do it.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The great thing about this "live & let live" attitude, is it means we can EVEN encompass the grinches. 2 years ago


Halloween Tight Bodysuit in 3 colors Black, Orange along with a Green & Orange Stripe. Now Available in the Halloween Fashions Store.


3Piece Halloween Web Outfits Green, Purple & Orange Grab 1 or grab all 3 now available in the Halloween Fashions Store.

The first and only beer spa in Opensim. An experience of a special kind, after 5 minutes in the beer bath you get the smell of beer in your real nose. We are looking forward to your visit!
Even water becomes a noble drop when mixed with hops and malt!

BELZE: Hat richtig gut getan das Bad im bier 2 years ago
Sick of fishing!

LOL, actually, I went AFK to do some house chores RL and forgot I had my SF HUD on.

There is a person. We will call him 'devarious'. This person has literally thousands of alts. He uses them to change into a man or woman, then go have random sex with some unsuspecting person on their sim. He looks for sims with one person, tp's in there, sees who is on it, reads their profile, learns about him/her as a person. Then using the vpn, comes back as a totally different avatar, one who likes what you do, and depending on your sexuality one who fits your tastes. Then he/she becomes good friends and slowly tricks you into having sex with them, and after it's done disappears for months. Only to come back at some future point and try it all over again. But if that doesn't work - IT - will come back as yet another avatar with a whole different IP, country, look, and etc, already knowing a lot about you to get into your pants again. So take my advice. You will know him/her/it by his/her/its fruit. In other words, if this above has happened to you over and over, now you know why. The dude is a total fruitcake/nutjob. My advice, ban him. ban him on site. Kick him so far from your sim that he can never get back on, and when he comes back doing it again, you ban him again. This will put a stop to these extremely weirdo nutjobs that keep LITERAL books on the players in the game, their likes, dislikes, age, birth, city, and so on from continuuing to harm you both mentally and spiritually. Good luck.

Pagane: Lier! She always come in my grid with ugly female avatar! No man or at least transgender. 2 years ago

Mick on Tour morgen, 12.9.2022 ab 20 Uhr im Iceladygrid mit Classic Rock im HartRockCafe

This AviTron Shop Is Great--If You Want To Pay For Stuff That Should Be Free.
CopyKat Grid is home to Grimm, where you can get the pictured outfit, and many more, free and full perm. Or you can go to this AviTron shop and pay TR$10 for the item (changed to no transfer). You can see Jimmy, owner of Grimm, still listed as the creator of the item. (Oops). The shop owner got this--free--at Grimm.

To be fair, I think about everyone has made the mistake of setting an item for sale and forgetting to change the default price of $10 to zero. But a full perm item someone else created, with the sale price already set--to $0 (https://gyazo.com/1cecf29be200eb98b2d1e2ba4f85336d)--doesn't change to a no transfer item sold for $10--unless the new owner changes it on purpose. This was no accident. And this "not an accident" happened to items from Grimm at least 20-30 times at this AviTron shop.

You will see many residents from the great grid of AviTron shopping at Grimm and the countless other quality freebe shops on the CopyKat Grid. Now I know at least one reason why. You never know what you will find on the CopyKat Grid--but one thing is sure. It's gonna be free.

Visit Grimm for your free stuff. Special sale for AviTron members--100% off of Grimm's already low low price of $0. grid.copykat.ovh:12000:Grimm

LATE EDIT: I have now looked at a random selection of other AviTron shops and find they are not charging for items. If you find any, let me know. But for now I'm changing the post to target just this one shop.

Sweetgrl: I love Grimm. 3 years ago
A new shop for all Dinkie-lovers.
Theme will be Harlequins and it is a little store inside the Castle, with all sorts of Harlequin Dinkies and their new outfits.

We offer BOM and Open Sim Dinkie Clothings.
The BOM boxes will also include some new dinkie avatars inside, which are a special gift to Open Sim by White Angel Deed.

AnaKathy: i love it so much ♥ 3 years ago
Happy New Year to all Opensim grid owners and users alike. I just want to add my thoughts as a few others have on the past year. We have all seen growth or maybe a decline in our grids and even so far as to have our grids banned by other grid owners. Isn't it bad enough real life has tossed us a pandemic to deal with. Losing Family & Friends we have cherished for years to a sickness we can't get control of. We all come online to escape real life even if just for a few hours, to forget our troubles and just have that bit of time to relax, have fun ... and maybe meet a new friend or two.

I recently had one of my users come to me and say why am I banned from such and such grid? My answer of course is "I have no idea no one has contacted me about any issues." I can tell you this ....if I have an issue with a user visiting my grid I am going to ban the offending user/users not the grid they came from. Banning the whole grid for the unfortunate actions of 1 or 2 users in my opinion is childish and very unfair to all the good users from that grid that have the same lets have fun and meet new people and share what each of us have to offer mind set. After all isn't Opensim supposed to be about offering a place to enjoy the free time you wish to spend online when you access a grid?

I and my partner have and will always try to offer a peaceful and enjoyable experience for users of our grid. If you have had an issue with one of our users please don't ban the grid ban the offending user/users and please feel free to contact me regarding any user from the grid. I am one of those No Tolerance for crap people that will not stand for a user tarnishing our grid by doing something they shouldn't. They want to do that crap it's time for them to move on find someplace else where it's acceptable or get their own grid. We have already banned and deleted one user for unacceptable activity and I am not afraid to do it again if needed.

I like to think and I'm sure I have shown to many visitors I am a very reasonable person to deal with. And I try to act on issues ASAP so the grid is enjoyable for users and visitors alike. See something you don't agree with message me and lets talk. Have a user issue message me and let me know so we can get any issues resolved quickly so we can get back to enjoying our grids and members.

Lets make 2022 a year of change for each of us in Opensim. Lets enjoy our online time helping each other, providing fun places and content for members and visitors to our grids, and working together to resolve any issues that arise in an adult manner.


Trizaria Hunter
Owner/ My Virtual Beach
Rayvn's Roost Designs

Blow Torch: I will say this i Have Never Banned anyone, unless it was really bad, i know some of you :) i use to run Eros island and it took a lot for me to ban anyone since i came to opensim i try to be same way... 3 years ago

merry christmas
happy new year

Weekendupdate with 5 new arrivals! Many of them have the MadHatters theme, which is my favourite, but also some "common" looks are available. Many female but there are male outfits as well.

Weekendstuff at Dinkietown at VWZgrid.
2 new outfits now available.
These outfits will only fit the Open Sim dinkies.
The BOM dinkies use another weight, so they won't fit .
Many outfits are made for Open Sim dinkies, be aware of this.

virtual-worlds.zone:8002: DinkieTown

New artwork in the gallery

.inspired by Rene Magritte
(2nd floor)

OSGrid | The Art Factory