Liked posts

rappel, comme tous les ans le marche fermera debut janvier , merci
Good morning,
Remember, as every year the march will close in January , thank you
Guten Tag,
Erinnerung, wie jedes Jahr schließt der Marsch zu Januar , danke

Govani13: hätte gerne mal ein spaziergang genacht ..aber läst mich nicht zu ... yesterday

With this cute outfit I would like to thank you all and wish you a merry and blessed Christmas season.

Finally out now the CLASSIC with full hud and normal/bumpiness layers...come and get it!!!

SparkaphatDoobie: Is there an Athena/Maitreya version with Material Layers? 8 days ago


The mall is accessible I had forgotten to open it again after the conversion

NEWS !!!!
My Contribution for the Holidays
for Bodys Reborn Lara X Legacy
have a wonderful and peaceful Time
Hugs Chrissy

New body release Classic 1.7.1 with complete HUD

New Body release Athletic 1.7.1 with complete HUD

News!!! Group photo ... it's photo time, what better than a beautiful photo of friends, or family, or whoever you want
Everyone say 'Chesse' or 'Whiski' or 'Patata'!!!!
hop:// De Volcanes/149/287/3828

Phleur: Belle photo de groupe 22 days ago
White hoarfrost on the trees
and the snow invites you to dream,
the branches glisten like frost
and the lake shines clear as cold,
the sun shines in the rich blue
of the sky and wherever I look
I see snow on the edge of the forest,
oh, you winter wonderland.

BeeDebevec: A Very Beautiful Region :)) 25 days ago

End-of-Month Tribute Party at Club Equinox
A single artist or group for two hours.
Today, Nov 23rd, beginning at 4pm thru 6pm, grid time. Club Equinox

We are Back and running!!!!

We will be Back very soon!!!!

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 1 month ago
You asked for it; LONGER, BIGGER, SMALLER!
I 've listened. Here's yet another VAL's Cock release, 5.0
now with 7 Sizes
- Customize your own size
- New “Flat” Cage, for those smaller cocks.


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Sodasullivan: I guess size DOES matter =) 2 months ago

Trick or Treat !
New Halloween Red Riding Avatar & Animesh Big Bad Werewolf !
Click the Teleporter up to the Halloween Platform to grab them !

Amelie: Original and fantastic outfits, avatar, thanks for sharing 2 months ago

Come Party at the Playground. lets get our spooky on. Steamy is turning tunes, so come listen, chat, and have some fun. 2PM at the Playground.

Next event!!!

Xenon Darrow: This is so spectacular! amazing!!! 3 months ago

News!!! Bikini Alyssa Dress compatible with Legacy-Apple-Reborn

News!!! Hailey Dress Lace Is 100% mesh, compatible with mesh bodies APPLE, LEGACY, REBORN.

Why so serious? :p

Just a reflective moment, a snapshot I thought turned out well. Remember to have fun and relax a bit, and treat each other with respect. Taking the time to hear someone out, does not mean you agree with their opinions. Treat people the way you would wish to be treated. Enjoy your week, everyone!

RemmyRavenhurst: We need more of it in this world for sure! :) :) 4 months ago

NEW!!!! Tamara SET For EBody & Maitreya

This time created with a completely different AI model on my laptop...

Mistressdalgato: I love it, so pretty. 4 months ago
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Jimmy Olsen: Another suggestion, I have on my SIM LIght and Sound Museum, on EEP sector, the EEP HUD where one can change EEP by touch (HUD).. guess it could be used to what u need.. Take a look script inside and ... 4 months ago
Important announcement:

I have updated all my Clutterfly Upgraded and Clutterflakes boxes. All furniture uses the recent SFposer version 0.91112 now.

This includes a number of bugfixes:

The Clutterflakes cuddle lounge chairs had all animations wrongly oriented because I had put them directly into the furniture instead of taking over the animation cube.

The Christmas firepit set had the animations wrongly oriented in one tree stump with blanket because I've discovered that one of them has the stump as the root, the other one has the blanket as the root.

So far, I have replaced all boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid:

RemmyRavenhurst: Awesome work!!! 5 months ago
Eventankündigung: „Blue Monday – Eröffnungsparty der neuen Region XYPartyzone“

Liebe Partyfreunde, es ist endlich soweit!
Die neue Region XYPartyzone öffnet ihre Tore und das feiern wir gebührend mit einem spektakulären Event:
„Blue Monday – Eröffnungsparty der neuen Region XYPartyzone“.

Wann: Montag, 22. Juli 2024, um 20:20 Uhr
Wo: Live aus dem Risa – Taxi:

DJ: Xenos
Thema: „Wir feiern die FPS und schauen mal, ob Ihr zufrieden seid“.

Da der Sommer nun endlich Einzug hält, bietet sich das RISA als perfekte Location an. Freut euch auf eine entspannte Atmosphäre bis ca. 22:00 Uhr.
Danach gibt DJ Xenos bis 23:00 Uhr, oder auch ein wenig länger, Vollgas im bekannten „Xenos Style“.

Vorprogramm: Ab 20:20 Uhr könnt ihr euch auf ein besonderes Highlight freuen: „Touch Yello – Virtual concert“.
Erlebt die faszinierende virtuelle Performance von Touch Yello, die euch mit ihren einzigartigen Klängen und Visuals in eine andere Welt entführen wird.

Wichtig: Beachtet bitte das neue Taxi!
Zappelbude, RISA, XY Club und AquaDance sind umgezogen!
Ab jetzt finden hier alle Events statt.
Wir freuen uns auf euch und auf einen unvergesslichen Abend in der neuen XYPartyzone!

Kommt zahlreich und feiert mit uns den Sommerstart in der XYPartyzone!

Hypergrid :
Web: oder

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Saturday Cyber Ꭰꭺɴꮯꭼ Ꮲꭺꭱꭲꭹ @The Dome With DJ Andron!
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➤ Ꮃꮋꮻ: DJ Andron Rae ꭺɴꭰ ᎽᏫᏌ!
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼɴ: Ꭲꮻꭰꭺꭹ, Saturday July 20 2024
➤ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ: Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ 2:00 ᏢᎷ ᏚᏞᎢ (Ꮲꭺꮯifꮖꮯ)
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼꭱꭼ: Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ, Ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ ꮖꮪ Ꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ!
ꮋꮻꮲ://ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐꮖꮪꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ.fꭺꮇꮖꮮꭹ:8002:Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ
Simon Stålenhag display at: Lab

Simon Stålenhag a Swedish artist, musician, and designer specialising in retro-futuristic digital images focused on nostalgic Swedish countryside alternate history environments.
The settings of his artwork have formed the basis for the upcoming film The Electric State.
To Explore Simons Artwork at Mech Lab teleporter to: 02 STORE district.
You will find the fan Gallery celebrating the work.

Rocket Racoon: Absolutely an amazing image.... wow 6 months ago
It`s a script generated by AI Chatgpt that I wanted to share to opensim community // it actually rolls and with sound! It`s not exactly a greedy thing but its the closest of my sim that it fits so...
Hope u like it.
Speaking of horses, @RolandFrancis created Pegasus_Starry Fantasy horse and gave to me for Iknimaya. The color is so beautiful, I am not quite sure how he did it but it is the most beautiful horse I have ever seen, thank you Roland 🐴💗🐴
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 6 months ago

Re-thinking the region, adding new things, removing others...
To be PBR or not to be PBR, that's the question!
(well, to me no doubt PBR rocks ♥)

We are happy to announce the participation of “Yin Yang Town” in the NEOJAPAN event.
You can find some of her wonderful outfits and decorations at the event, see you today Thursday 6th at 14 hr PST grid time, (22hrs europe)

Sodasullivan: awesome to see people come together like this! Great event! 6 months ago
Upgrade Your land with a Free SkyBox!

*Location(on teleport kiosk): 04accesories, CitizenCrafts.

Turn your parcel into a private oasis with our FREE SkyBox! This unique shelter provides everything you need for relaxation and unwinding, all included at no cost!

Inside your SkyBox, you'll find:

A comfy bed for stargazing nights or movie marathons
A cozy couch for curling up
A refreshing shower to rinse off after a long day
A comfortable seat to enjoy
Don't miss out on this opportunity to create your own personal sanctuary!
~Mech Lab

Jamie Wright: That looks super cool. Does it come with the puppies? XD 7 months ago

I've updated the Hypergrid Teleport board for everyone to enjoy my favorite spots :)

IvyEdenflower: Thank you! :) 7 months ago
It's scientifically proven that laughter strengthens the immune response!

Hey hey hey it is (or will be) the 5th of May and ZW pushed the boat out for WORLD LAUGHTER DAY!!!!!! Another fabulous evening of entertainment.


10am - DJ TANYA
11am - HAZEL ITO
1pm - MATTIE

Do your body some good and enjoy some jokes and great music. It will be another night to remember so go Zeta go Zeta go Zeta rarara!

TailorNova: Great Party 8 months ago

Harmony Isle Events:Dj KrisTina
Starting Now Till 8pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock Night
Taxi: hop://

Just added 40 more avatars to the 200. Be a superhero or mech or spongebob. All free...never pay for things in opensim!

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it! Grabbed a few figures, including Beverly Crusher and the Peekachoo bot. Thanks again! =) 8 months ago
Today there will be one more special event for visitors to the GavezDois Art Gallery: an hour-long show by the excellent singer Putri , at 1:00 pm grid time (21:00 GMT), at Velazquez Bonetto Space.

Good music in a stunning space is what we have to offer to anyone who visits us today. We meet there.

Patinha: Certainly another great show! 9 months ago
Two of the most visited and important monuments in Portugal are represented on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in Osgrid.

Here you can see one of them, the Pena National Palace, which is located in the Sintra mountains. Eternally grateful to the generosity of Ernest Moncrieff who built this magnificent building.

It is now open to the public and can be found in Osgrid's Destinations Guide. There will be a grand opening party soon!

TheFactory: Lots of fun to build, look forward to the opening! 10 months ago
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The Doors Special Tribute Ꭰꭺɴꮯꭼ Ꮲꭺꭱꭲꭹ @The Dome 1pm SLT
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➤ Ꮃꮋꭺꭲ: The Doors Special Tribute Ꭰꭺɴꮯꭼ Ꮲꭺꭱꭲꭹ!
➤ Ꮃꮋꮻ: ᎠᎫ Chanel Hurricane, DJ Andron Rae ꭺɴꭰ ᎽᏫᏌ!
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼɴ: Ꭲꮻꭰꭺꭹ, Saturday March 02 2024
➤ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ: Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ 1:00 ᏢᎷ ᏚᏞᎢ (Ꮲꭺꮯifꮖꮯ)
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼꭱꭼ: Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ, Ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ ꮖꮪ Ꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ!
ꮋꮻꮲ://ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐꮖꮪꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ.fꭺꮇꮖꮮꭹ:8002:Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ