FreyaJo8 @FreyaJo8

hop:// Islands 18/54/20/29 Offline

I am Freya Johansson, I am a resident of Aviworlds and am working hard on buidling a sim so stay tuned.

Liked posts

Funsize Dinkies ROAD TRIP on ICE at SilverFox Winter Region
The Dinkies always has so much fun on Wednesdays

JustCurious: Where can i find the christmas outfits for my dinkie? 27 days ago
Funsize Dinkies checking out its new Christmas Market and this years Christmas Event place on the Funsize Dinkies World Resort. Open for all Dinkies on Opensim to visit!!

----- NEW -----

New Dungarees Skirt for Ebody Reborn.
Not available in Secondlife (currently). Comes in a multitude of fun Hello Kitty and paisley textures, with an accompanying top.

Legacy Body only

For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 10 months ago
Sixties Pop and Rock with DJ Rich - Caribou SkyInn Today Tuesday12-14 SLT

18+ Avatars from All Grids always welcome in Caribou.


Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others LGBTQI+ of course

The best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

No groups just 18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne.

Safe Hot Amazing. 144 Regions. Free Private Homes, Islands, Hideaways for Caribou Grid Avatars. Other Grid Ask Jeanne. Full Owner Rights.

Advanced Adult Animations. Cuddle, Loving, Bdsm. All free to use.

Caribougrid AV:

Are you vaccine injured? Help is available, visit Awakening for links for assistance whether that be legal, medical or just to meet with people in your situation.

RemmyRavenhurst: I had a post deleted from this thread so am going to try to repost it here. The gaslighting and coercion that occurred during covid was disgusting. The emotional manipulation was disgusting. The gover... 10 months ago
The Prayer Garden or Reflections garden is a quiet sanctuary for visitors to retreat to after viewing Awakening Art Installation. A perfect place to watch some of the links or simply to pray in whatever way is relevant for you.
If you have a loved one you would like memorialized in the Haven of Memories, just message me. Whether the loved one be human or pet I will do my best to give them a beautiful memorial that you can cherish. Everyone gets a copy of the memorial before it goes out in the Haven of Memories. There is no charge for this service but donations are gratefully accepted. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
This memorial is a pet memorial and it's for my daughter's (Metal Tango's) dog whom we lost in July of 2023, he crossed the rainbow bridge of all days on the 4th gaining his independence to run free with his sister Blitz and several other fur babies that have crossed over before him. He is quite sadly missed, but he had a good and exciting life with travel all over the country and plenty of love from Gamma! He was Gamma's boy for sure.
Ukraine? Well regardless of how you feel about whether or not russia or ukraine is in the right, here is why it is wrong for America.
1.) Making russia mad at the usa, ends oil trade, oil goes up, everything going to any store also goes up in price, as the cost of gas to get it their has gone up. Example: gas, groceries going through the roof, restaurant costs (big mac meal for $17.00 now)
2.) Biden and his cabinet are VERY short sighted with what is best for america AND the ukraine. By the usa sending taxpayer (poor people) money to the ukraine, it means everyones income tax refund is going to be $300 less this year, thus affeccting mostly the poor people of the USA. Also, if the usa had not got into this ukraine/russia war, then it would have already been over, with far less deaths of ukraine soldiers and russian soldiers. Thanks to the usa for dragging out the war forever - now there will be many many more times dead on each side.
3.) Russia was a super power and they have left over super power weapons. So whether or not the usa got involved in this money pit, the outcome is always going to be the same. Russia will win. It was a stupid investment of american money b/c the end result is always the same. Ukraine loses.
**** With that said, I feel bad that ukraine was attacked by communists, but it's not my fault, none of my business, and none of my money should go to pay for it. It is a very bad investment of the american peoples hard earned money. We have people in the usa, who spend 7 days a week, 12 hours a day standing on hard concrete floors running a machine doing production work, who are so tired they can barely stand up, but they keep going back doing the same thing every day for THEIR kids. They work so hard to take care of their families, not see our government give our tax refunds away to a useless money pit we can't win anyway.

Andromeda: Vladimir Putin is a nationalist dictator, who rules on a thirst for revenge 10 months ago
Hey Lovelies!
Look what I made! This is a working YouTube TV, though you can access other websites on the Internet like FMovies and other free sites. I used Media, so there are no scripts to lag your region. It is at my shop at Masala Al Kohav. Use the teleporter to choose Star Ravenhurst Designs to put you at my door. Maybe you will find something else you like? Original creations of items for finishing touches that make a house into a home.
Bookcases, China Cabinets, Armoires, Side tables, art, decor, Water Fountains, Fire Places, etc. Al Kohav

JustCurious: Where can i get your youtube tv? It may work better than what i have been using. 11 months ago
In the vibrant and enchanting world of Ireland where the rhythm of life pulses with every step, three spirited Irish dancing females grace the stage with their boundless energy and captivating grace.

Behold the beautiful Irish Step Dancers in their matching costumes rich with the herritage of their homeland. Each girl has a traditional step dancer hair-do and are adorned with an emerald crown.

The girls will be the hit of any Irish pub, land or party. They are a must have for Saint Patrick's Day!

The Irish Step Dancing Kit comes with:
3 Animated Irish Step Dancers
3 Blank Irish Step Dancers - add your own animations
A Song Ball with a full Irish Step Dance Song
Simple Instructions
Bad news: work has been keeping me away form making new clothes and hairs/ or even uploading my stuff from SL.
Good news: I put new, "100% Rat Free" beach changing rooms, and a real swim balls. Not the static ones that just move you around in one animation, the ones that are scripted as vehicles and you can control yourself!
I'm hoping, in spite of being busy, to finish all of the beaches that wrap around the whole region in these next two weeks!
Have fun with them.

Jupiter Rowland: Now I'm waiting for the first to take one of these to a race track. 11 months ago


NEW !!!
Jumpsuit Misha comes in 3 Colors
Reborn Legacy Lara X
Happy Shopping :)

Hey Everyone!
It's Country Day on my little corner of the tikertok! I'll be LIVE on TikTok today at 1:00pm- ish EST 12pm Central or 10:00am PST..
Come join in the fun and request a song or two!
Tune in here:

----- NEW LARA-X -----

Rogue Galaxy: nice!! 11 months ago
I'm *thrilled* to finally bring you this one. Has taken me a while because it's PACKED with cute props (90!) that make very nice static scenes, and very funny situations. If it wasn't enough, it was more than 1300 new animations (I bet you haven't seen most before!).
Uber: hop://
Other TP options:

Harleyjannys: Ufff thank you for posting this here, I went there today to get the bed, but the lag is excruciating here, I've never seen anything like it. To get this bed and a pier it took over 10 minutes. I thou... 11 months ago
Cyberglo has made an absurd and unfounded accusation against Silvia Frey. His post starts with a hysterical headline: PRISCILLA IS BACK!!! THIS TIME A NEW NAME/AVATAR.

I asked Cyber, "Answer just one question. In what way is Silvia Frey, who joined the Blackswan grid almost 8 months ago, and was known in the CopyKat Grid before that,"new?" So far, no answer. Obviously, she is not new.

Cyberglo identifies Silvia with a Blackswan grid address. Blackswan is home to a small group of friends who have been together in SL and now OS for over a decade. It looks like Silvia came to Blackswan in June 2023, when the CopyKat Grid closed. Maurice invited only a few trusted people from CopyKat to BlackSwan. It's doubtful that a guy responsible for keeping two grids safe would invite Priscilla Snot-rag to BlackSwan.

Several people have asked Cyber for evidence to support his wacko-nuts-cray-cray claim. One of them comments, "Hey Cyber. Almost a full day after you made this scaremongering and slanderous post. Obviously, you do not have any evidence. No logs, no screen caps, nothing."

Another person comments, "Why don't you allow Silvia to defend herself of your post? She is trying to access the comments and can't see the post". In other words, he has blocked her. Perhaps in his fevered imagination, he thinks she can take down his regions by just commenting on his OSW post. Did I say wacko-nuts-cray-cray already? It bears repeating.

LaviaLavine: Much like the media, some people lean to wild, paranoid, speculative accusations without a modicum of actual evidence to support their claims. These types are best taken with a grain of salt and forg... 11 months ago
Hello, Just sending out a message to anyone who has a free home in AVIWORLDS. As of today, Aenon Isles is closed. If you have a free parcel there, please contact me if you can not find the new lm I have sent to you for your new location. If there are problems with locating a new place, contact me. And thank you for choosing AVIWORLDS, A place where we our Residents come first. Thank you

#newbody #bodyelegancy #ultimatebom #arkhamgrid

Lilly Topas: eine wunderschöne Vikinger-Sim, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!!! 1 years ago

We wish all a Happy Thanksgiving today, although not everyone celebrates the day, it is wonderful to be and feel grateful for all we have every day. Enjoy your day ! Much Love from C&C

thedeeferry: And remember, never let the turkeys get you down. ;P 1 years ago

Body Shimmer "Gold&Black" For Reborn Body

hop:// Terra/226/50/25


To be opened on Thanksgiving Day 2023!

Gotham and New York City in the background.

Sunset over New York, New York.

To be opened on Thanksgiving Day 2023!

hop:// Terra/82/41/36

Don't forget to look in the shop, we have put some new things in there, you may have missed it

New Dress for REBORN BODY "Phantom Black"
Use the Stargate to "Town" in MI AMORE
hop:// Amore/126/241/3012

Did you know Wolf Territories Grid has over 1600 km sq of ocean (26160 second life regions joined together), islands rivers and much more to visit. FREE BOATS at welcome include Lone's brand new boat.

VERY fast region crossings.

Some of our most awesome residents are noobies!

PinDeluca: Awww I love him !!!!! Where can i get one ? 1 years ago

5 new outfits at Grimm for you to enjoy
Athena Legacy and Reborn Sizes

I love realism when it comes to things I use at home on the Virtual. The Arizona bed set in a great example of that: Even getting under the covers is possible with this beautiful set, just like in real life.

Come get your free set at Matrix, courtesy of the Vault collection.


Mike Chase: Actually more like courtesy - Bazar. 1 years ago
OverWatch Sentry v 37. A bug was found in the code by "theprinceofamor". It's on line # 481, instead of an if statement it should say "else if". This prevented the whitelist for dinkies and other approved 'shorties' from working. It is now fixed. Please get your copy at Wizardry in the grid, or just change line 481 yourself. Thank you.

Prince Amor: Always amazed at your skill sir 1 years ago
Who doesn't like vintage? I am one who loves vintage items because they always tell us stories. Through my journeys down old Route 66, I seen many old gas pumps, so we made one. You can sit in your garden or any place you like; it's vintage; it has spooky sounds coming from it; you can even sit on it; and it has many animations for all to share. Has set for bigger avatars and set for the dinkies :)

Clan's Band preparing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
All redheads will get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

Made for the Dinkies Everything we make i will also try to make for the Dinkies as well Have fun Pass them around just have fun

Xinashi Is Taking a New Direction.
I've stopped work on Xinashi and have taken all the builds back into my inventory. The CopyKat Collective hub region has also been packed up.

Here's the deal. I've been working on 20 Xinashi sims for about 3 years now. In addition, I've assembled 160 outfits for the oh HELLO shop in the past year alone. I'm finding it is all too much work. The fact is that less than half of the Xinashi sims have been fully set-up in all of this time. And, since the CopyKat grid closed and the loss of my inventory, I have been unable to assemble new outfits for the shop.

So, I'm sharpening my focus. Xinashi as a whole will be on hold for now. My work in OS will be devoted to assembling new outfits for oh HELLO and working with the CopyKat Collective team on a new project. You might want to join our discussion about the Collective's new project on our Discord server:

The harvest moon casts a warm and enchanting glow across the autumnal landscape. As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler, this celestial beacon takes center stage in the night sky, illuminating the earth with its gentle, amber light. NightFall
Littlefield Grid's Annual Halloween Island!! Many haunted attractions, rides, and gifts!! Updated regularly! Open until November 1st 2023!

Costume Party and Halloween Dance Halloween - Monday October 31st 2023 - 8pm PST.
Live DJ Walter Balazic, drinking, dancing, and Free Gifts!! Island

NineZero: This is a fun trip. I bobbed for apples. I went through the corn maze. I survived being lost in a cave. I danced with monsters. A corpse attacked me. And I'm not done yet. 1 years ago