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Gates @Gates

United States Offline

Joined 11 months ago

About Myself

I'm an Alternate Metaverse girl but been in and out of various VRs for 20 years. Maybe we've known each other at some point? Maybe not.

My Interests

Literature, Film Studies, Virtual Worlds, CGI

I'm Looking For

Good times, good tunes, female friends, all the good places to shop, and a plate of tacos?

Favorite Quote

"Love around and find out."

Music I Like

ALL of it...

Films I Like

The Sacrifice, The Mirror, Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky), Knight of Cups (Terrance Malick), Mulholland Drive (David Lynch), Persona, The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman), Baraka, Samsara, Chronos (Ron Fricke), Waking Life (Richard Linklater), Memento (Christopher Nolan), Shutter Island (Martin Scorcese), Water (Deepa Mehta)

Books I Like

Vurt (Jeff Noon), Palimpsest, Radiance, In the Night Garden & In the Cities of Coin & Spice (Catherynne Valente)

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Spinny Glowy Gaming Tower

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While I am new to this platform, I am not new to virtual worlds or the amazing builds that are possible in Opensim. I have never seen anything quite like Samsara. Every view has been carefully considered, and every object placed with reverence and respect to the cultures depicted in the film from which it was inspired. Not just a place of unspeakable beauty, but an opportunity for learning... I wi...

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