Gentle Dragonheart @GentleDragonheart

Nederland Offline

Explorer, music nutter, designer of tattoos and textures for builders /clothing, DJ. I love to explore good builds, am addicted to shopping and am always working on making my own sim look even better. Come visit me sometime!


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That would be awesome! Do you happen to have a Hypergrid address for that?
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HEY! That's MY stick that I copybotted from SL. How dare you???!!! :)
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I never said it was horrible, I just pointed out that choosing to be that will cause people to insult you. I saw Dorena get hurt because of those responses. As for "gatekeeping": the purpose of OpenSimWorld according to OpenSimWorld: "What is OpenSimWorld?
OpenSimWorld is a directory of 3D worlds that use the open source OpenSimulator software and are connected to each other via the hypergrid functionality. OpenSimWorld is not a Grid, and we don't host or rent regions, we only provide an easy way to discover amazing virtual worlds and to advertise your own region.". (see the FAQ under Help on the website) So, call me stupid but.. that's what I was expecting to find here, and I was simply pointing out that using the website to publish things that are not about that might not be smart, especially not given the audience here and their responses. But whoever wants to get on their soapbox: be my guest, I am, indeed, perfectly capable of scrolling.
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As far as I'm concerned, is about Opensim, about fun places to visit here, fun new creations by people, a directory of regions I use to explore.. etc. If I want discussions about topics such as politics, religion etc. then there are other platforms more suitable for that. I am on Opensim to relax and NOT deal with the heavy issues of life for a moment here and there. Yes, they are important, YES I will discuss them with friends and family, bot not here, not with strangers, and not in front of an audience that, no matter what you say, will feel a need to turn everything into nasty arguments. It's pretty tired to search for posts about new sims and new creations in a sea of ugly, bitter, fighting and hatred. Online, there are 3 things I don't want dangled in my face; your politics, your religions and your genitals. It really is that simple. And anyone feeling a need to do that regardless: ask yourself why you need the attention, in the first place.
I agree. Dingle dangling should be discouraged here.
I will not deviate from what I said in the video.
And that is your right. But it does mean you will be seen as an instigator, someone whose posts on this platform cause conflict and anger and as a result, people will continue to insult you. Which I think is sad because I don't know you but I think your heart is in the right place and you are an empathetic person, passiomate about who and what you believe in. It's easy enough for me to just avoid the responses to your posts, one does not need to be a clearvoyant to already know that's where shit gets thrown at each other. B
ut is that really how you wish to live your virtual life?
My grid is one of the oldest OpenSimgrids. I've seen many come and go. And Dorena's World is a lovely community that does its own thing, albeit on a small scale. I don't need this grinning Kaspar with his constant "oh, we're all in a good mood at parties".
And of course the ugliness is all mine... got it...
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Two things. I am a firm believer in "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." and: I don't think this is the forum for political posts, be they left, right, center or martian. I knew this was meant as satire the moment I saw it and it did make me giggle, but i also knew it would cause the next shitstorm here. Do we really need that? Can't we all just read the room, know what would be unwise to post, agree to disagree, happily go on with our virtual lives and not provoke people? I see several people here getting majorly upset, angry, hurt. Please people, calm down, enjoy your life. And watch this: Peace!
"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all", or, as my grandmother put it, "If you can't say anything nice, STFU". As far as Trump being evil? To all too many, that is a compliment!
We deal in reality. How anyone, anywhere can stand by and do nothing in the face of the spread of hate is beyond me. Those who do not stand up to evil are responsible for its triumph.
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I think that the people who resort to being rude, calling other people names, stupid etc. are the ones who are unhappy and unfullfilled in their life. Why else would anyone get so upset and so angry about stuff on an online platform. I agree that it is saddening to see but I also believe it is a reflection of what is happening all around us in the real world. Polarization, hatred and bigotry are not unique to openSim nor is it realistic to hope that those people are not on Opensim. Best we can all do is keep our cool, enjoy our online and offline life, be nice to people, shrug if someone gets hateful and feel sorry for that person and the personl their unsolicited anger is aimed at and yes, use that block button.. it's what it's there for. HUGS to all who want them, stay awesome and enjoy your weekend!
I haven't used the block once on osw, I simply I guess let them block me if they feel the need. Most people.though are to quick to use it instead of communicating.
Notorious trolls don't block you.

And even if they do, they unblock you at times, just to troll you again immediately afterwards and then block you again so you can't defend yourself.

Not to mention that they all have a whole pile of unused, blank-profile, blank-slate sock puppet accounts on OSW which they'll use once to attack someone and then never again.
I haven't, either. I've learned to pick my battles and someone behaving like a five year old throwing mud is just not worth the energy, nor do I have any illusion I can make them see reason and change their ways. So as soon as I see it's that type of post I don't even read it. Plenty of better, more fun, more positive things on the site to read.
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Same in the Netherlands. I missed it last year, I was in the shower.
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*grabs popcorn and a front row seat*
*brings a case of soda to share. Sits next to Gentle*
a case of Soda -- always a good idea =)
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Hey, only the best of the best get selected to be astronauts :) be proud!
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Sad, but so very true. Humanity is the biggest threat to the planet and a lot of people remain ignorant by refusing to see it and changing their ways. What they fail to see is the fact the planet will always overcome. It has shaken smaller pests out of its pelt and it will do so again.