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Gentle Dragonheart @GentleDragonheart
Explorer, music nutter, builder, designer of tattoos and textures for builders /clothing, DJ. I love to explore good builds, am addicted to shopping and am always working on making my own sim look even better. Come visit me sometime! |
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Coral Cove
3 0 friends-grid.com:8002:Coral Cove 0 Users
Home to Oasis, a social hangout and party palace, designed as a luxury but cozy resort for people to relax, enjoy good music, play games and make friends. It is located on Coral Cove on friends grid, all welcome to come check it out! Friends grid is an adult grid, so no child avatars please.
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![]() Friends Grid Christmas Party
in 8 hours
![]() Friends Grid Christmas Party
in 9 hours
![]() Coffee with Friends
in 5 days
![]() Thundering Thursdays
in 7 days
![]() Thundering Thursdays
in 7 days
This is truly breathtaking. So much work and love must have gone into this and it's an original build which makes it even more awesome. Absolutely smitten.
Sharing Is CaringBoth the build itself and all the things you can get here are well worth a visit. I had fun exploring and the owner is very nice and caring, indeed. Big thumbs up!
Cockatiels ParadiseSo much deco stuff! No matter what the occasion, be it easter, valentine's, St Patrick's, birthdays, weddings or simply amazing things to make your home look even more awesome, you can't afford to not have a look around here. I saw many things I haven't seen anywhere else on the grid. Big thank you to Thomas for sharing this with us all.
Chubelz_WeihnachtsmarktNot only is this a wonderful Christmas sim & market for decorations but there are a ton of Christmas/winter themed clothes to be found for both men and women, as well. I came expecting to wander around and enjoy the atmosphere but left with some really nice deco and a whole new wintery wardrobe. Thank you so much, this must have been a ton of work to create and it is much appreciated!
Soul-WeihnachtszauberSo many cute Christmas deco, Nasti has done it again and created a region you'll want to keep returning to. And it's all for sale so if you need Christmas decorations for your own home and want to get totally into the spirit already, this is a place you can't afford to miss. Thank you for sharing this with us all.
Ansjelagrid ShoppingTotally worth a visit, and again, and again. SO much stuff here and well arranged. A great find!
New-ChristmasThis looks amazing. If I wasn't a fan of Christmas already I would definitely be now, after visiting this place. You truly brought the magic of Christmas to Opensim with this wonderful build. Much much recommended.
DallasGreat mall with lots of little treasures to find and a friendly, helpful owner. Definitely a place I visit every once in a while to see what's new and amazing and it never disappoints. Thank you so much, Diamond!
Lafayette CemeteryThis is truly stunning. SO much work and so much love poured into crafting each and every tomb. Especially today, on Samhain/Halloween, this is a place to visit, wander, connect to those who passed. This may be a virtual world but the feelings a place like this brings about are so very, very real. Thank you for creating this, it brought tears to my eyes in both sadness and gratitude.
FriendsTruly a place to call home, and I'm so happy that I do, now. The owner Safine is one of the most warm, friendly, helpful, generous and FUN people I have had the pleasure to meet, she provided me with a great sim to indulge in my building/decorating addiction and the people here are super friendly and helpful. Did I mention FUN ? it goes for the people, the builds, the events. Everything about this...