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=Zion Hairbase for EvoX OUT NOW=
Another one (more one to come today!) matching the Zion skin look.
Comes in 9 different colours.
Uber: hop://

The wildest animal drummer in history!! New created NPC out of Froggies costumes

CyberGlo CyberStar: hhahaha! i love it. so funny! :D I laughed my butt off...! hehehee There it is ---> (__.__) 8 months ago

If you don't get hungry... that's Thaddius Taco... looks good in every dance club and annoys every vegetarian!!

LeonitasLionheart: He looks like he's fixin' to make a run for the border... 8 months ago
I promised a longer time ago to create more characters out of Froggy Ponds costumes. The first 3 new ones are ready! Voila may I introduce you to Gary Goatee, Larry Lobster and Lucky Ducky? If you are interested you can grab them on Lionbeach,next to the landing point.. Happy weekend all!!!