GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..

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Second Lucky Chair Giveaway – Swing with Singles, Couples, & Adult Animations!

Get ready to relax and have some fun with our Second Lucky Chair Giveaway! This month, we’re giving away a fully scripted swing that’s perfect for singles, couples, and even adult animations. Whether you’re looking to unwind solo or share a romantic moment, this swing has it all!

How to Use the Swing:

First, touch the bottom of the swing to activate it.

Sit on the swing by clicking the bottom and choosing your preferred sit animation.

To start swinging, touch the red cylinder object.

When you’re done, touch the cylinder again to stop the swing and return to the original position.

Stand up and enjoy your day!

Bonus: The swing is Modify & Copy, so you can customize the cylinder to make it invisible or change its color to match your style.

Don’t miss your chance to win this versatile and fun swing! Take a seat on the Lucky Chair, and if the first letter of your avatar’s name matches the winning letter, it’s yours!


Frank Hurt: I'm dating myself here, but this post immediately made me think of this old classic Country song from my childhood: John Anderson "Swingin'" 4 days ago
Lucky Chair Giveaway – This Month’s Prize!

Get ready for some high-energy fun with our Lucky Chair Giveaway! This month, we’re giving away playable, scripted ping pong tables with different settings, perfect for thrilling matches with friends. Each table comes with 2 paddles included—so you’re all set for some friendly competition!

Prize Details:

Ping Pong Tables: Copy Only (No Modify, No Transfer)

Paddles: Copy & Transfer

How It Works:

The Lucky Chair will only allow you to sit if the first letter of your avatar’s name matches the winning letter being called.

If your letter is called, take a seat to instantly receive the prize!

Anyone whose name starts with the called letter can win—no limits, just luck!

Don’t miss your chance to win this awesome set and bring the fun of ping pong to your virtual space. Good luck, and may the best avatar win!

region Welcome =
Created from scratch (RLV scripted and meshed) by Johanna Haven:
The Pet pyramid cage from the movie The Pet.
A Masterpiece in Opensim for RLV Cages
- tons of animations for submissive and dominants
- new multi RLV relay
- timer
- high quality mesh (3 prims impact) and texture (no PBR)
- designed after the movie The Pet
You get "The Pet pyramid cage" in the Fetish Factory shop on Promenade on decadence sim in decadence Grid exclusively.
(has no beacon here on OSW)

Mistressdalgato: you may want to fix landing point, there isnt one set. 15 days ago

Finito nuovo avatar su richiesta

JamesSunderland: i love the skin lot's it is awesome 15 days ago

Additional upgrades to our E Grid system that weren't added Saturday going in tonight and through tomorrow.

Will be back up asap.

Milly Money: All set and up and running. These were unusual updates. Most of the time it will be Saturdays for downtime. Thanks for your patience! :) 15 days ago
Ufo Thoughts... According to the internet millions of ufo's have been seen all over the world. Unfortunately, no one could get a good photo. During the past few 50 years SETI - an american research institution that looks for aliens with row after row of hundreds of gigantic satellite dishes has found exactly zero aliens.

TheFactory: The Fermi Paradox describes the contradiction between the high likelihood of extraterrestrial life and the lack of evidence for it. There are many theories to try and resolve the Paradox but I tend t... 15 days ago

You get now 5 movies in the adult videothek. It is in red light district on Big City Life

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/148/122/3827

CyberGlo CyberStar: Oh Marpil. I'm so sorry, I went to tierra de volcanes on amv to try to get the male elf outfits you made that I love. But when I got there it teleported me away and says the region does not exist an... 17 days ago
For reasons:
Last night someone was on my sim for 4 min and wrote a review:
"The lag dragged me out of this sim and I´m on a high end computer. Less would be more in this case or change the server!"
When I came online this morning and looked at my traffic board I was looking what could be the reason. That it is so laggy that it dragged him from my sim must be a reason different from his computer, if it is really high end computer.
I am the whole day on my sim with a MacBook Air. Not really high end for opensim. I have to emulate an Intel processor and emulate OpenGL because MacOS is not supporting openGL since 13 years or so anymore. I have even on normal 1x1 sims with an Island and house on it never more than 30 fps framerate. So I think my computer is for this game on low end but can even take videos of Big City Life as you can see in more than 50 videos on my rumble page.
So there must be a reason for it that he was even dragged with his super high end computer (if this is true and this review was honest meant)
I have a suspect. I have also an OSgrid avi but don't hypergrid with it anymore. I just park it on Lbsa. But for my MacBook Air it seems much more difficult to hypergrid with my OSgrid Avi than with my main Avi or my Avi of Wolf territories I use now often for hypergridding while I park my main avi at home.
But on the other side I see on my board that someone with his OSgrid avi was 23 min on my sim. So he must have been no problems. Usually my visitors stay 1-4 min or half hour to an hour on my sim. The first ones that just stay on my sim for few min have usually just an older Laptop or so and see very fast that their framerate is very low. So this is normal. My Big City Life is a 7x7 sim heavy loaded with thousands of scripts running. It is normal that user will go immediately when they find out that they can't walk straight on my sim. I always said that I built this sim the limit of what opensim as technology is capable of so that I can even live on the sim with my MacBook Air. And this is not a gamer computer.
But I suspect there is another reason. A resident on my sim has a new gamer Laptop (5300 Euro) and tried out with different Avis from different grids how performance is. Usually she has always 60 fps with one avi. She tried out also with 2 and 3 Avis at the same time. The interesting point is that she had with her decadence avi and her wolf territories avi 34 fps and with her osgrid avi 21 fps at the same time while staying with 3 avis on Big City Life. So her Osgrid Avi had lower framerate although it should have been same as the other while view of all 3 avis should are same/similar.
I get mostly visitors from many different grids. Perhaps when you come to my sim you should try out with avis from different grids. Perhaps there is now some technical problem with OSgrid that hypergridding is more difficult.
Just my thoughts about this case for a reason.

Secondlifesux: you may also want to call you internet provider and have them run a diagnostic on your router. I had an an issue where things were , timing out , and ports would not allow traffic. After call in to m... 18 days ago
Central station
From here you get fast to Park Avenue/Central Park and old town red light district. Subway is still fake. Have to dig 4 km before a subway can run from Congress center over Park Avenue Plaza, Central station and Airport (perhaps expo center too) I should have done this first. Now it is more complicated with all the buildings.But ok.
Hello all
I would like to explain, why it is better to use animesh instead of NPC. If you just need one or 4 NPCs on your sim then it is not really important to read this. But if you want to have a population on your sim like I have on Big City Life with 400 moving people then it is very relevant.
NPCs take a lot of performance of a sim. It is very resource heavy like the land itself (because of physics) or Avis. Animesh people you can calculate like trees you pant on your sim.
Many still believe you can't do much with animesh. Just put some animation in it to move or dance a bit. But that's not really true. We all know the animesh horses of Roland Francis and what you can do with it. It is similar with all other. Here a video to demonstrate that you can even have sex with it and let them walk around.
Usually everyone would use NPC for this. There is one advantage for NPCs, of course, because you can sit them on moving vehicles. But this is the only advantage of NPCs. My Jockeys at the horse race track are also NPCs. There is no easy other way to solve this with animesh Jockeys on the horses.
But for all other things you can easily use animesh people. If you need help for scripting stuff then you just need to ask any AI LLM today. They are already that good that they can script for you in OSSL a script to get all working what you want the animesh do.
For building good looking animesh people it is recommended to use the Ruth or Roth body as root prim and add all other to this body. It has just to be rigged. All stuff you attach to the body has to be rigged. Even if you want to let an Animesh man or woman ride a bicycle then the bike has to be rigged and you put in the matching animation with a route script. Very easy to do. All handmade.
But since newer times you have already really good option to let AI create your animesh. I don't talk about complicated routines you connect your LLM with Blender through Python script or such. There is now very easy solution everyone can do on a website. This is called Meshy AI.
Meshy creates your animesh just by telling him through text. You get first 4 examples as Statue and you choose the best you like. Then you can even give the AI an image to create texture for this figure. But you can let the AI decide what texture is the best. Just give him some hints what it should have. That's all. Then you can let meshy rig the animesh man or woman or monster or animal or whatever you want to have. Meshy knows usually where to rig at arms and legs etc. But for this the statue should be symmetric. You can also rig unsymmetric but then you have to edit a bit by yourself. Usually you get symmetric statue anyway and then every kid can create a rigged statue as animesh. Download this as blender file or any other file and put it in blender to convert it in dae file. Then upload this dae file and you have a new animesh inworld. Just put in the animation script with animation and it moves. We have in opensim now an expert for creating animesh with meshy AI. Ask Prince Amor. He is creating every day tons of new animesh for opensim. And all created with AI. Usually he is showing off his new creation now as Avi on Lbsa. Yes you can also use all this as Avatar too. The complexity is very low compared to usual Avis or NPCs.

MrSnoodle: ah yes the Animesh vs NPC debate, and before I start I have no hate in anything I'm saying. You have put so much work into the place. I will say that animesh still have skeletons to calculate, and th... 22 days ago
Waiting for the bus at trailer park.
Since I am on OSW Website (2 weeks now) many come to my Big City Life and ask for shops. They stand at landing point with distance draw 256 and think that the promenade of little New Jersey is the big city. They stand there for some minutes and cam around looking for shops perhaps. But little New Jersey is country side of the sim. Not the big city lol
To be clear: The shops are just a bonus, because Cities have shops you can buy things. This sim is more like a game experience like you would explore cities. Lot of traffic, all is moving in a City environment. 25 000 scripts are running and 400 animesh people are the population of the sim.
The landing point is just to start with this city experience and load in cache. So this biiig sim (7x7) is purely built to the limit what opensim as technology is still capable and able to offer. It is a lot. But of course, not what we could have with unreal engine or think of Cyberpunk 2077.
At Landing point you get introduction with maps where you can see and listen what you can explore. Here is the video you see also inworld at landing point directly if you have mediaplayer on.
If you want to drive with bus in the city then you have to walk over the rails to the bus stop at trailer park. I had no space anymore for a bus stop at Little New Jersey Promenade (Landing Point)
So be warned. Big City Life is not to be confused with other sims that are called similar but are malls. I have shops in the city and also many exclusive things you get only here in opensim but it is not a mall to go for shopping. Most you can copy anyway and don't need a shop for it. If you see something you want to copy then do it. No need to ask for permission. We are in opensim. Not secondlife. Sharing is caring.

Frank Hurt: Your project is on my To Visit list! You're pouring an incredible amount of effort into this city. 23 days ago
It is already 9 months old, but here on this Website never promoted in this way. You get couple walk for opensim created by Sergio Rodriguez. As single script to walk with your real avi partner (AI Bot) or you can even use it with an NPC Companion. You can even walk stairs with couple walk.
Here my promo video for couple walk with different cam adjustments. It is already scripted for smooth cam you can change easily.
Valerie NatureInSim has built Couple Walk in her NPC Companion since her 3.0 Version and you can even build in a script to use AI to make your companion intelligent. Just put the script in the hud and it works automatically. There are many possibilities to create your own AI NPC with different LLMs. (Not to confuse with a Bot as own Avi Account.) You can have a Companion as NPC you can talk with and also can walk as couple at the same time. It is not working for hypergridding as if you would use an AI Bot with own Avi account, but for playing around on your grid it is enough.
If you want to make movies you have to make a lot of compromises, because for fluent changes you need the hud. If Firestorm would support Quicktime of apple it would be no problem and we could record from Firestorm itself like snapshots. So there is only solution to hide huds. The couple walk hud can be removed completely and it still works. If you use couple walk with your NPC Companion then you have to size it very small to have a big screen without hud.
Thanks to Valerie for building couple walk in her NPC companion. This is opensim for open source teamwork. Sharing is caring.
If you found the way in the big city in the quarter old town red light district then you should explore the houses. It is not just some lego boxes with textures. I tried to make all realistic and sometimes people walk or even talk to you. Then nightlife in the heart of the city can be fun. Chinese quarter is close to it. But lights for the midnight environment are still not like in cyberpunk 2077 lol Is a bit more difficult to get the ambient for midnight environment.
How you come from City Railway Mainstation in Big City itself (not landing point railwaystation) to the old town quarter.
Highly political. Joe Biden just stutters his memes in his wheelchair and Donald Trump asked me why I don't have the 5th Avenue in my Big City. Now the Trump Tower can't exist on my sim. I would have the Park Avenue and even Madison Avenue but not the 5th Avenue. He believes that the Trump Tower is the greatest of all and it would be a shame that it doesn't exist in my Big City Life.
Anyway. Elon Musk came by coincidence and congratulated me to my AI Research Center and suggested that I should become his consulting assistant for AI research. Trump was a bit astonished and made one condition. If I would build the 5th Avenue with his Trump Tower then it would be ok. lol (in virtual reality all is possible and we are all billionaires lol )
here my AI Research Center

Arielle: We'll soon see if 'old man' Trump can get the hostages free and is able to resolve the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. I have more faith that he will do what many others haven't been able to,... 1 month ago
When you are sitting alone on your sim and you are not in mood for building stuff, it can be boring. Just waiting that someone visits you? Not really. To go on Lbsa, Darkhearts Plaza or AMV Welcome for socializing? Maybe if people are not afk and just parking their avi there. The 3 places are right now the most visited in opensim but no guarantee to have conversations. I like it to talk with Petula at the beach cafe drinking coffee. Right now on Big City Life the UFO over little New Jersey is theme for everyone in the big city. You can even see from the Park Avenue the UFO from far. So no wonder that we talk about it. But Petula seems not really trained for Ufos. lol Our talk here:
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: what do you know about ufos?
[09:42] Petula: Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.
[09:42] Cheryl Furse: Are ufos existing?
[09:42] Petula: I really couldn't say for sure.
The talk was over. Just short small talk and the bus arrived. lol

HarperHeld: Firestorm+Opensim is a LOT of overhead. If I want to talk to ai bots then I skip all of that and run my own SillyTavern instance or chat on Now, if you had the capability for the bot ... 1 month ago
An UFO crashed and military is securing the region around the crash. But then suddenly another UFO appears over little New Jersey to rescue their buddies. lol Critical situation now with all the military. But Dr Who speaks to the aliens. Hopefully the situation can be defused ...

Roland Francis: ... and the Men in Black came to investigate ! 1 month ago

📝 Explanation at landing point

There is a lot to explain, when you are coming to Big City Life. In this Video I explain ...

Just added a new Japanese Main Gate to Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area, or you can take the bridge directly across.

Included with the main gate are one straight wall section, one corner wall section, and a corner wall tower that are modify and copy so that you can create a perimeter wall of any size for your build. All parts have both pbr and standard textures for use with any viewer.

This is part of an ongoing full reconstruction of my Japanese area. Next on the list are revisions of my older tea houses and pavilions, a new temple, a larger more opulent home, and a castle.
Dali Babe Splash Cleavage Add-on
Out now is the Splash Cleavage add-on for Dali skin tones.
Only in 15 out of the 22 Dali tones.
Comes for Legacy, Reborn, as well as Waifu and Juicy cleveages (you can find Waifu deformers at LanaLabs: hop:// )

Uber: hop://

Sabrinastav: Muchas Gracias !!! uso esos AddOns...pero agradezco el trabajo que haces. Siempre tan generosa con tu trabajo. 1 month ago

An editorial from another world - Burlesque will be a feature in coming months at OMG

All I ever did when I was here was build, create magic huds, create oars, and try to help people. I was harassed a lot by a band of trolls, constantly picked on and lied on by others who will say and post and do anything. Even fake made up stuff. Many of you have asked me to come back and keep creating. I will think about it. I did have some more oars I designed and it would be a shame to see them languish on an old hard drive and not get shared. I'm not sure if they survived the last ssd failure on my system. But to date they have not been seen by anyone but me. Perhaps I will come back in a few weeks. I am thinking about it - in the very least to upload the other fantasy oars I have made if they survived.

JamieWright: Happy New Year Cyber. Do what makes you happy:) 1 month ago

Just added an island set with lil church and reception area.

Une cérémonie civile à la mémoire des amis francophones disparus d'opensim aura lieu le samedi 11 janvier 2025, 21h30 (Fr), 15h30 (Qc).
A cette occasion, nous partagerons, durant quelques instants, le souvenir de ceux qui ont eu une vie virtuelle et qui ne sont plus parmi nous aujourd'hui. hop://

'...At mine altars the youth of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice...'

=Dali Babe Stretch Marks & Cellulite Marks Addon FATPACK=
Hi everyone! Out at the store we have another customisation add-on fatpack for the Dali Babe tone range.
Available for LEGACY and REBORN bodies
Includes Belly, Cellulite, Legs, and Breasts addons
Each comes in the 22 tones of the Dali Range
Uber: hop://

EllenOptinett: The TP doesn't work for me either, I love your work, what's going on? 2 months ago
For fun i made this system to play with NPCs, if you want to play with it too come get it.
Inside there are all the commands i set and how to use them, you can use multiple NPCs just change the channel in the description
if there are bugs let me know


Lilith: amazing thank you👧🏾😁 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

**Sugar Belly Addon FATPACK (Reborn/Maitreya-LaraX/Legacy) OUT!**
Happy New Year everyone!
From the abs, we got into more sexy roles - because all shapes are SEXY! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Out now is this Add-on fatpack (more to come) for the Dali skin tones line.
It comes for REBORN, LEGACY, and Maitreya (Athena)/LaraX.
Remember you can find the new legacy and reborn bodies at SciattisiGrid and Exotic Realities!

**Uber:** hop://

Hicks: It is the imperfections of the human body that make it its beauty. By adding this kind of product you add diversity.bravo 2 months ago

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of one of our long time grid members Trizzy Hunter. All of us at Virtual Beach are devastated and sadden by this news, please bare with us while we grieve.

If you knew Trizzy or visited one of her many regions, you knew how much work she put into them. She took time to create stores and such for all to love. Trizzy was a great friend to all who knew her as well as helping someone in world when they needed it. She helped me a lot when i messed up my terrain or needed something in world. She will be truly missed.

Trizzy's memory will live on forever at Virtual Beach, please continue to honor her legacy by visiting one of her many regions listed below that is open all year long.

RRD Fashion Exclusives
Christmas Dreams
Dagger's Edge
Rayvn's Roost Concourse
Spooktacular Wood

After the New Year a memorial will be held in world starting at the cemetery and ending at daggers edge for a dance party to remember and honor her legacy. Date and details to be announced soon.

Micawood: I'm very sorry to hear that. She was someone who helped me a lot when I started in open sim. I hope she is calm and at peace wherever she is now 2 months ago
**Dali Babe Muscular Muse Fatpack Out now!**
And another 'muse' comes to join the pack for those wanting to show all that hard work at the gym: Muscular Muse.
- Like the rest of the 'muses' from Dali Babe, comes in 22 tones.
- Includes 2 particular cleavage add-ons tailored to that particular muse.
- Comes with a throve of add-ons for bums, thigh creases, etc.

Uber: hop://

Sabrinastav: Gracias Aurora, como siempre, trayendo los mejores artículos, de gran calidad y compartiendo con la comunidad de SL desinteresadamente. EXCELENTE !!! 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/101/137/3827

**Camden Skin FATPACK (for Candem EvoX head) OUT NOW!**
Hi Starchild Shopper! Another fatpack for the brand new EvoX Camden head, taking name after the head: The Camden Skin.
- Comes in 11 different tones matching the Jupiter body skin
- Includes ear, face shadows, etc.
I have added a HG landmark to @SciattisiGrid , where you can find the new Camden EvoX head!

**Uber: **hop://

Alex Leo: i love it 2 months ago

AppleBody Store #available #kingmancity

Here are 8 more complete heads, merry christmas to all of you from Sciattisi Grid. Now the holidays start and I will take a little break like all of you, but I will finish all 54 heads as soon as possible


Lilith: Does anyone know where I can find Juicy Rolls Reborn/add I'm finding clothes that need this reform but I don't have it 2 months ago
Things I come across...

The rebuilding and restoration of the Notre-Dame de Paris is taking place not only in real life, but also on the hypergrid, where artist Hicks Adder is working on a dazzling replica. The ornamentation, structural arches, and foundation are quite complex, and it is a joy to watch the progress.

To be continued.

Lise: Thanks, I did not want to give away too much yet and will write a more detailed post in 2025. 2 months ago
**Dali Babe MAITREYA (ATHENA) Body Skin Megapack Now!**
Hi everyone, last on the line of Megapacks: Maitreya 5.3 (Athena) version of the body skins.
Same 3 styles and ALL addons - this one does come in 'only' 15 of the 22 tones, though.
As with LaraX one, it does not include any shape, so you can just use your default body one.

UBER: hop://

Nay Kellyel: PERFECT 2 months ago
Hi folks, I have received a few questions today regarding the body skins I shared (i.e. do they work for EvoX, why no face, etc.)
There's a README inside the pack with some details but a few more details:

1. Body skins generally use the .skin type of item and they only contain Upper and Lower.
1.1. The textures are mapped to the body (especially in places like toes, butts, etc. - hence why those would look weird if used in another body).
2. Face skins generally use the .tattoo type, precisely so that you can 'bake/add' it ON TOP of the .skin of the body (of which [.skin] you cand only wear one).
2.2 The face textures are mapped to the head (Evo, EvoX or others).

In this sense, they are NOT connected (you could wear Legacy and....Catwa as head!), and seldom if ever do body skin come with a face skin (Have NEVER seen that, imagine they come with a Catwa head and you use EvoX, or come with Evo and you use a EvoX head!).

The can be 'related' as far as the skin tone goes (i.e. some body skin creators have a set of tones to which face skins creators try to adhere).
Either way, that's what the neck-fix included (only for EvoX, though) are for. If you can't 100% match the tone, add the fix or the face blender.

The .shape file is also important if you want the default shape. However, you can only wear ONE .shape.
If you 'add' it, it will replace the one you got with your face (and mess the shape).
So, in SL (or even here, if properly here), if you were to start a new avi you would get:

1. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the head. Let's say EON EvoX = You can almost ditch these ones unless you are going with the 'demo'/free face skin that comes with the head.
2. The shape [.shape] that comes with legacy body = You can also almost ditch this one, unless you are going with the 'demo'/free body skin of the body.
3. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the face skin. Let's say EROS (for EON EvoX) = These ones you keep, and will probably the ones you use.
4. The shape [.shape] that comes with the body skin. Let's say Jupiter Muscled TAN tone. = This you want to keep, but just for the values.

1 and 2 don't really have much 'value', they are: 'shape-you-can-use-if-you-dont-add-any-skins-from-creators'. EVEN if you wanted to stick to those, you would need to transfer the body shape values to the shape that come with the head.
ALWAYS combine them.
Why? Because the values (numbers) in the shape of the head are specific values that the face/head skin creator has added so that it looks like in the piiiicz.
Now, legacy creator couldn't possible know if you rely on their shape of the head will look BAD.
Body-values-on-head-shape is also because there are less amount of cells/numbers pertaining to body.

NOW, if you got yourself (hopefully) an additional face skin (eg. EROS) and body skin (eg. Jupiter Muscled TAN), you want to merge and use those two.
Why? Because the values relative to the head in EROS will make it look like in the pic, and the values relative to the body in Jupiter, will make it look like in the pic.

- You add the shape of Jupiter just to take the number values on Body+Torso+Leg tabs.
- You switch into the EROS shape, and replace Body, Torso, and Legs with those values.

Result: Your face will look like in the skin pic you bought, and so will your body.

RECAP: .skin for body skins + .tattoo for face skins. Leverage neckblends. Ditch default body/head shapes. Use skin shape as basis, add body skin shape values.

Emma Lewis: Bonjour, pour moi tout va bien ça s'accorde parfaitement bien avec les skins de tête de chez Sdf ! Encore un grand merci pour ce travail hâte d'avoir Larax !!! 3 months ago
Happy Holidays to all, here is a little group gift, there is blink for the light and it is holdable.
We lava U!!!
*** Remember if you are already part of Tierra de Volcanes Group come and get your group gift, open the group info ---> announcements, there open attachment and get your group gift.
If you are not yet a member don't forget to join the next time you visit us

Aurora Starchild: Oleeee ya lo tengo 3 months ago
Hi Starchild Shoppers! Some of you have recently given me feedback in terms of the scattered of the stores - which I was thinking about already.
Question is:
If I were to combine all stores in one region - which LAYOUT would work best for you?
A big mall on ground like @hertha201 's SilverFox Mall? Several TP-connected levels like R. Lion or @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!

SilviaFrey: R.Lion 3 months ago