GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..

Liked posts

NEW version includes Belleza (Ares) Jake hop://

Aurora Starchild: Eso eso, más ropitas pa los nenes, que siempre se nos quejan de que no hay! :D 5 months ago
After spending most of the day working with it, we won't be doing the Dreamgrid Smart Start after all.

After crashing repeatedly with three different versions of Firestorm, and finding with no Smart Start the crashes ended - as well as the very large and heavy regions we have not loading as they need to -- it's just not working for us. It's a great concept, however. With a pretty powerful dedicated 64 gig Server we should be okay.

I think this works well for some grids and not for others, depending on what has to be loaded in etc etc.

Many thanks to Mistress Delgado for all her advice and help trying this out! :)

Mistressdalgato: what we did was split them up, some on smart suspend and some on smart boot. you could have another issue causing it, wish i could have been more help. your welcome nonetheless 5 months ago
Are you a fairy, wizard, or other magical being in need of a beautiful wand? Check out Abby Willowroot's custom made magic wands. Beautiful wands adorned with a jewel will make any fairy smile. :) Many styles and designs to choose from!

Roland Francis: I wonder if those RL wands are as well scripted and if so, where I should put my HUD (?!) 6 months ago

Palaces! Roffello Kisses came and took some wonderful photos of the sim!

Essensual: very beautiful, IM so glad to see others using light to make there regions look more realistic 6 months ago

Is anyone still active here?

Jupiter Rowland: Yes, this could use some more activity. Maybe I'll write about some places again. 6 months ago

AresHalostar: This is a project that was completed with the assistance of the Neverworld Grid building team, with many generous beta testers, that had to deal with my many versions of scripts. A good team project.... 6 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/102/294/3827

Aurora Starchild: Oyyyys todas las cositas bonitas que me traeees 16 days ago
Hey, im driving again through the Kishaki Grid. Right now i got no Stops at the Stations because im still in Testmode but atleast i can cross regions allready! I will receive my new valve gear soon aswell.

Some asked me what happened to our Narrowgauge System.

Yes its still there and since we done with rebuilding the Mall, we connecting Region by Region through all the Grid to get a great Ride! I had to do the scripting from scratch so the region crossing will work and yes also with wagons! If you still want to do allready a testride, you can visit it on Blue Agave. Enjoy!

Amelia & Hertha

Venx84: cool. i been thinking of rezzing out a multi sim railroad on the canadian grid 1 month ago
I wanted to leave it at that - but thought I would bring at least 1 face skin + eyes to go with the skin tones!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Aurora Starchild: Damn...he too hot :O 5 months ago
Another sleepless night produced this beautiful pyramid with a reflecting pool and Sphynx (which isn't my build but it worked perfectly). Inside there is a huge room and a kind of a mini palace compete with statues, floor lamp torches, pillars and thrones. It turned out better than I had hoped it would and I hope you will enjoy it and use it for your "ancient" or "Egyptian" build. It comes complete with trees and statues and is the perfect addition or center piece for any ancient or even sci fi fantasy build. You can find it here at the mall in our "Ancient Builds" department. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Ankhsenaton: Thanks for your sphinx and your Pyramid!! :-) I like the Maya too, it's nice to see some originality! 5 months ago
It`s a script generated by AI Chatgpt that I wanted to share to opensim community // it actually rolls and with sound! It`s not exactly a greedy thing but its the closest of my sim that it fits so...
Hope u like it.
The work at the mall is completed (for now) and the new welcome center is very nearly completed and will be totally operational very soon - there we will have tutorials and videos for the "How To's" of navigating Open Sim including MY favorite...SHOPPING!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Psicotronic: Yay ! 6 months ago
We have decided to set up our mall on Riverdale. Riverdale is still a work in progress Project. You will find allready a beautiful handmade German styled city. Lot of Stuff is custom made with Blender. It got a working Tram System, Train Station, Harbour, Supermarkets, Libaries, Shops, etc. Right now im working on a narrow gauge train system to reach the central station. Have fun exploring! :) Btw. i always telling to people that no need to copybot something ... Just feel free to ask if you want something for your Region ;)

Sodasullivan: So excited to hear that you are going to be Riverdale! There is a lot of talent there and I think they are going to be doing some great things and I am very excited to see it grow! 6 months ago
*EUROPA RANCH* Now opened for public. When at EUROPA (main region), look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick up as destination EUROPA RANCH :)
CHEZ UFO branch opened now at that sim with greedy table for all visitors. Alien-horses rezzers available as well.
Enjoy :)

Ginger Snaps (Snips): It's like an exotic resort ranch! 6 months ago
Region Greeter 1.0


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Sodasullivan: Does exactly what it says and it is so easy to set up that even I could do it. Thank you Val for all the work and love you put into your items. 6 months ago

Littlefield Grid's Annual 9-11 memorial service will be Wednesday 09/11/2024 at 9-11 Memorial Region starting at 5:46AM Pacific Time.

City Of Boston.

Our take on South Boston, home to the Saints and Sinners alike. Docks, Downtown, Dining, Horse Park, The Maze, The Aquarium, multiple parks, the Wetlands and Beaches, so much more. All this, and rentals too!

Come to the Boston Experience.

The peace and beauty of a private island at Caribbean Shores, The Paradise Islands.

500 prims, more negotiable.

Adult Island Region.

Come live in Paradise.

=OUT NOW: Apollo Skin Fatpack=
I think these skins will cater more for people who want a leanerlook.
The tones align to the 'Jupiter' skin scheme - so you can combine ears from those if needed!
Hope you enjoy it!
Uber: hop://
Hello peoplezz! The day after some 30 of u dropped by to pick up animesh critters....I found that the notecard was not included^^....sowwy.
So Im gonna make sure it will be visible at all times to anyone,as a screenshot:) If u have questions or anything, contact me!
Enjoy, Peter
Hey everyone just want to let you know that we changed name from SilverFox Designs Mall to SilverFox Mall.. the Landmarks you made will not work anymore. We also got a new Outside Design for the Mall and will work the next Days on the interrior ... Amelia got also new Decorations for you to share :) Happy Shopping!
As many of you know, Barefoot grid is having technical problem that were the result of the split asset server disconnecting. This has been catastrophic. More than one grid running Dreamgrid software were affected by this. Yes it is 100% a grid killer.

A quick solution could not be found due to multiple reasons:

1) The people that could fix it, were censored.
2) The people that could fix it were not able to have access to important server logs, DB or server root.
3) The people that could fix it, were neglected.

During this time, Amoa Beach region was completely disconnected and with restoration attempts with OARs and other methods, permissions were changed.

Amoa has been closed for access for over 1 week due to the technical crash and censorship by OSW to effectively provide updates to the over 300 consistent visitor and upwards of 900 who occasionally visited or blinked in and out.

3 days ago, a former staff member of Amoa stood at the landing for 2 days. And Also posted the condition and vunerability. No opportunity to report this to OSW or counter the claims or provide the status. Which leads to the next event.

During those 2 days, David Monday of Shasidyadynasty grid which is hosted by Outworldz, copied and placed the OSW beacon from Amoa to a region named "Nata Land".

Upon investigation, Nata Land with no named parcel, is owned by Nata Snow of Shasidydynasty grid.

Nata Snow is a child alt of David Monday, owner of such repulsive things as HuCows tit milking systems and virtually a desolate grid of his child alts.

Upon inspection of "Nata Land" was 2 avatars engaged in pedophilia acts. One was a full grown man, the other, a naked child perceived to be about 10. (Pictures have been taken for the daring to view).

Once discovered, the act ceased and eventually the region was turned off.

This either by direct or indirect actions of association, puts:

1) Stayr Aeon and OSW as a facilitator to the pedophilia for censoring the region admin from making ANY changes to the region page, or posting announcements regarding it.

2) Promotion of pedophilia

3) David Monday as a faciliatator and active pedophile for using alts on regions he created to provide pedophillic actions.

I will be posting here the UUid and Names of those witnessed and involved in the theft of Amoa's OSW beacon that CANNOT BE CORRECTED DUE TO CENSORSHIP by the OSW staff.

GlennXpletive is the person that administers Amoa and the Amoa region page on OSW. He is unable to communicate with STAFF because the STAFF DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO CONTACT THEM OR EDIT THE REGION PAGE.

This is the results of what happens with censorship over petty feelings being hurt. Entire grids can and will be lost. Entire communities disconnected, entire libraries disconnected.

This censorship and childish immature act of it, to spare the tears of one or two, is causing such things now as pedophilia to thrive and communities to lose large number of members possibly forever.

OSW website alone is crashing in traffic. OS as a whole is gaining new "short term" accounts that are being driven back off over drama and petty issues or complete technical breakdowns such as this.

I am also a grid owner and dealing with important real life issues and unable to effectively administer small tasks, let alone large ones such as complete asset server destruction.

I implore OSW to unban GlennXpletive and allow him to handle fixing these issues. There are not many left in this community that can actually correct large technical issues.

If OS is to flourish and continue in a postive direction, this censorship has to cease.




Come see our new Immersion Hypno Room


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.
Our Create A Scene Garden Center and our Holidays & Seasons Department are beside each other and we're beside ourselves with excitement as they are growing which allows us to provide you with beautiful plant, flower and tree arrangements and decorations of all kinds for your home, lawn and country side as you landscape your region. Stop in and check it out and we look forward to your visit! Blessings and much love, Lavia.

a little more

hello. I have some new things for you. Simple things but I hope you like them. is ready to be copied

(1/2) As mentioned...stuff for men! The Jupiter skin comes with 3 styles (Fit/Normal/Muscular) in 33 tones! Includes all add-ons and neck fades!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Several Restroom/Shower Facilities

Some few changes done on EUROPA and SIMs:
1- TP POINTS in all the 9 4x4s (excepted the EUROPA SANDBOX) will be at INTERSIM STATION (easily identified by the glassy pyramid);
2- Teleports inside available that building - the Bubble interphasic to go within a region and I have reactivated the MAGABAGA INTERSIM system;
3- INTERSIM MAGABAGA system now going to 8 regions - 32 passengers maximum.
Visit all other regions as:
EUROPA UNIVERSITY (still an undergoing project)
(*) Public access but used only for EUROPA members
Come join Littlefield Grid for our 12th annual Independence Day BBQ and Dance Party!
Live DJ, Rides, Free Party Favors, Swimming and fun for all!
Fireworks every hour on the hour!!

8pm Pacific Time - Saturdy July 6th 2024
Come join us now for fireworks and fun as Leonitas djs classic American Rock and other tunes! Your limosine: hop://

Come as you wish: usa, red white blue, casual, formal , naked, we dont care, as long as it is an adult avatar!
Join us Saturday, July 6th at 6pm Pacific (grid time) for an explosion of Awesome Patriotic & Rock and Roll tunes brought to us by the amazing, and amazingly charming, DJ - Maldrul Smith, our very own Elf NOT on a shelf! Maldrul will also be bring us his infamous "Something Completely Different" so be prepared to be surprised and delighted with Maldrul's selections of holiday tunes. Lets celebrate American Independence the right way at Al Kohav
Use the Mall Shops Teleport System and select "Grid Dance Event" when you arrive. Bring your friends and your friend's friends and let's have fun together!
DATE: Saturday, July 6th
TIME: 6pm Pacific (grid time) to 8pm Pacific (grid time)
DJ: Maldrul Smith
Hostess: Lavia Lavine
Taxi: Al Kohav
DRESS: casual but covered.
You are invited to join us for 4th of July festivities, including fireworks and movies, at the OpenSim Worlds Fair (the fair is still under construction). The 4th of July event will take place at 6pm grid time. Worlds Fair/980/1000/24 Hope to see you there! Let me know if you need a landmark. Bring friends, all are welcome!