GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..

Liked posts

News! Cybermart mini store building, inspired by sci fi, cyberpunk style, take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://
*EUROPA RANCH* Now opened for public. When at EUROPA (main region), look for a big glassy teleporter board and pick up as destination EUROPA RANCH :)
CHEZ UFO branch opened now at that sim with greedy table for all visitors. Alien-horses rezzers available as well.
Enjoy :)

Ginger Snaps (Snips): It's like an exotic resort ranch! 6 months ago

Lone standing next to a PBR version of our new logo. We even have t-shirts and mugs (RL) available at

Pagane: Since I'm blonde and obviously don't understand, just asking: What does PBR have to do with flat pre-rendered images? In my blonde brain, PBR should have an effect on the light shadows of the charging... 4 months ago
(1/2) As mentioned...stuff for men! The Jupiter skin comes with 3 styles (Fit/Normal/Muscular) in 33 tones! Includes all add-ons and neck fades!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://
Some few changes done on EUROPA and SIMs:
1- TP POINTS in all the 9 4x4s (excepted the EUROPA SANDBOX) will be at INTERSIM STATION (easily identified by the glassy pyramid);
2- Teleports inside available that building - the Bubble interphasic to go within a region and I have reactivated the MAGABAGA INTERSIM system;
3- INTERSIM MAGABAGA system now going to 8 regions - 32 passengers maximum.
Visit all other regions as:
EUROPA UNIVERSITY (still an undergoing project)
(*) Public access but used only for EUROPA members
I want to preface this with the following disclaimer:
I am not trying to shame anyone, nor am I trying to start a riot. I simply want to share this information with the community so that folks can make an informed decision as opposed to, "Well, I read I could do this, so I did it."

God Mode has helped many of us out, especially when it comes to adjusting, retexturing, or outright fixing a mistake. When an avatar leaves a grid or can't be reached to fix permissions on an item they've acquired from a reseller, God Mode makes the impossible, possible. After scripting a full fledged system and then "selling" my parcel with items without setting scripts to full perm, God Mode fixed it. When I accidentally deleted my original 3D model and didn't have the full perm version in my inventory, God Mode came to the rescue. In short: There are times when God Mode is useful and the use of it is justified. Though along the same vein, there are times when God Mode should not be your first choice.

The reason I bring all of this up is that it came to my attention today that an item I spent many hours over the course of many days scripting, adjusting and creating custom textures for, even watching a YouTube tutorial on how to make edits to the mesh in Blender for, and eventually sharing with no-mod script permissions and copy/mod object permissions, was made full perm through the use of God Mode. To add insult to injury, the script was then offered for sale on the Marketplace, where I had intended to sell a good portion of the script myself, sans the model and textures. To be clear, the mesh was not created by me, nor were the original textures, though the textures I included were my own modifications/creations. I take no issue at all with the fact that someone wanted a full perm copy of the mesh, nor do I particularly care about the textures. What I take issue with is the scripting that is now full perm, open source, able to be hacked apart and broken off for use in different ways, and (most infuriatingly) being sold from someone who apparently had no idea how to script to begin with.

As a scripter, and an active store owner in SL, one of the things I love about scripting is that I am secure in knowing that sending out something no-mod means exactly that. Objects, textures, sounds, animations - these could always be accessed or downloaded in some way, form, or fashion. Scripts, on the other hand, were the Fort Knox of creations that could be shared securely. In OpenSim, things function differently; this I find both refreshing and maddening all at once. I spend the majority of my time working on scripting projects and ignoring the builds on my SIMs, partly because I find it engaging and partly because it's something I can give back to the community.

I realize that it sounds very hypocritical to complain that my scripts were made full perm when I essentially did the same thing with the mesh model. I get it. I hear you. I agree with you. To that point: Unlike the case of the mesh model, which the original creator of is not willing to bring over to OpenSim (and yes, I did inquire), my scripts are being created here and shared with the community for free. I offer my scripting ability to the community because I realize that there's a lot of functionality that is readily accessible in SL that can't simply be Marketplaced for cheap, or in most cases for free, for OpenSim. I revel at the idea that something I've made is being shared and appreciated by those who have come across them and/or shared them. My only (simple) ask is that you respect the permissions of the scripts that I provide for use in OpenSim.

I tend to think of myself as a friendly, giving person and I strive to be helpful whenever I can. I'm readily accessible, both in and out of world, and am more than happy to provide you with full perms with nearly anything I create - you just have to take the time to reach out to me and allow me the time to provide you with it. In previous cases, I have never denied someone who has requested a full perm item, nor did it take me longer than 48 hours to respond to the request. Depending on the request, I may not be inclined to provide full perms for a script, but I am more than happy to adjust/change the functionality to suit your needs. This may be because I plan on selling all or part of the script on Marketplace, or because the script was made for a particular use/case, or because someone requested it and asked that I not share it, or simply because it's a script someone paid for and needed adjustments to but didn't know how.

With that said, from now on, I will be including a script/snippet in all of my scripting projects that I release. This will check the creator and permissions of any scripts that are included in the item; should it find that the permissions or creator have changed on the script(s), it will delete the scripts and you will be banned from accessing my regions. I really do hate doing this, but I feel it's necessary to ensure my kindness and time devoted aren't being taken advantage of. So, to reiterate: If you want something of mine full perm, please reach out to me here or in-world instead of using God Mode and alienating yourself from me, my SIMs, and my current/future shares.

TL/DR: God Mode can be your friend, or it can add you to my ban list.

[ Edited To Add ]
I appreciate those of you who came into the comments section with curiosity, concerns, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Quite a few of you have directly messaged me regarding this and I greatly appreciate the thoughts you've all had, ideas offered, as well as the thought provoking insights. At this time, I feel the conversation is getting off topic and becoming less productive and more of an entertainment source, so I feel it's best to leave this one for the archives and lock comments.

DuncanSteuart: Just to play Devil's Advocate, what would stop someone from rezzing the object, stopping all scripts, changing permissions, and copying the script text? Delete the detect-remove-ban routine, rinse, a... 6 months ago
Looking for a script? Need some kind of script functionality modified?

At this time I'm not looking to take on huge projects, as I'm working on a few of my own, but I welcome any small to medium scripting needs that you may have.

Feel free to drop me a message! I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

(To ensure I receive your message, please use OSW's messaging feature!)

Joe Builder: How about some weapons, Example a Tank firing a explosive that has damage.. 6 months ago
The work at the mall is completed (for now) and the new welcome center is very nearly completed and will be totally operational very soon - there we will have tutorials and videos for the "How To's" of navigating Open Sim including MY favorite...SHOPPING!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Psicotronic: Yay ! 6 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://
New! List Subscriber! GREAT FOR DJ'S!!! GREAT FOR SHOP OWNERS!!! People can click it to subscribe to your list! WAY MORE RELIABLE THAN GROUP MESSAGES! Then the dj can send a notice out to all the subscribers in the list, even if they are on many different grids! Great for parties! New in this version: Click once to be added to the list, click a second time to be deleted from list. Owner click will bring up the menu to enter or send a message to all the subscribers. :) New in this version: Saves the entire subscriber list to a notecard so your subscribers are never lost! :) Get yours now at I'll leave it here a few days before deleting it. :)
This build is "YUGE" as they say! Created for a mall type shop to be used as such, this giant shop boasts latticework entrance and doorways, fancy arched windows, brick exterior, decorative concrete pillars, and three fancy grillwork (teleporter) elevators. It's a unique blend of old and modern for a unique touch to any region. You can find it next to near "Fall's For You" beside "Skywind Designs" which are both by "Ezra's Antiques & Collectables". Stop in and check them out. And make sure to take your time an explore this ginormous 8x8 Mall. We are growing and adding new vendors so if you'd like to set up shop with us, we welcome you.
Blessings and much love - Lavia

Your Limo:

No ideal individuals were being prohibited from Dallas. When I checked my email this morning, I saw that someone had been blocked. Listen, I don't ban anyone. The only reason I do so is if they treat me disrespectfully. In that case, I'm unable to communicate with you, so I say goodbye. I only ask that you talk to me if you have problems with me and not criticize me behind my back if you don't know me. Hell, even though I don't do what I do for myself, I still do it because I enjoy being active, if not for myself in real life. In any case, I prefer to see others happy. Have fun and happy holidays! When I started using OpenSim, I remember that people greeted and helped each other. It's an open sim with too much squabbling, rumors about who took what, and so forth! If you ban me, I won't lose any sleep.
Since I've met more individuals here than I have in my 20 years in Second Life, we make a lot of things here rather than bringing them over. As I mentioned, I felt that people were more considerate and grateful when I first started OpenSim. What is going on? :(

Mona725: When I log into this site, there is always someone bitching about something, people are bickering back and forth. Feels like some people have no life on their own, they have to stir the pot to feel ha... 15 days ago
Hey, im driving again through the Kishaki Grid. Right now i got no Stops at the Stations because im still in Testmode but atleast i can cross regions allready! I will receive my new valve gear soon aswell.

Some asked me what happened to our Narrowgauge System.

Yes its still there and since we done with rebuilding the Mall, we connecting Region by Region through all the Grid to get a great Ride! I had to do the scripting from scratch so the region crossing will work and yes also with wagons! If you still want to do allready a testride, you can visit it on Blue Agave. Enjoy!

Amelia & Hertha

Venx84: cool. i been thinking of rezzing out a multi sim railroad on the canadian grid 1 month ago
Hey everyone! Just a little information update on the GRPG Welcome Center - This location has been specifically developed for folks who are brand new to Open Sim and the Virtual Life and do not have a clue about how to get around and do things in the virtual world that we love, called Open Sim. We have tutorials on how to move and use your camera even information on how to slow down your flying so you don't smash your head on ceilings and trees. We have three large tutorial buildings and the first is how to move and view, the other two are made available after the new comers finish the first tutorial on how to move and view. Those two tutorial buildings are how to build your avatar one building for the ladies and one building for the gentlemen. There will be forth coming tutorials on how to drive a vehicle, ride a raptor (just for fun thank you Ares Halostar) and how to ride a horse. I will be creating and adding "How To" video tutorials on various subjects including how to update your region page on the OSW Directory, how to do your settings in Firestorm (sorry not doing one for Singularity because I don't have it) and all of the videos will be available at the touch of a button in our GRPG Information Center in the GRPG Welcome Center. You will also find a large Teleport Board there that will take you to those regions that we have open for public visitation. I hope to see you there an I hope these videos and tutorials will be helpful to everyone. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Luna Lunaria: Maybe something on how to hypergrid also. Just had a conversation yesterday with someone who had been on an opensim grid for a year and had no idea there were other grids and that they were connected. 4 months ago
Another sleepless night produced this beautiful pyramid with a reflecting pool and Sphynx (which isn't my build but it worked perfectly). Inside there is a huge room and a kind of a mini palace compete with statues, floor lamp torches, pillars and thrones. It turned out better than I had hoped it would and I hope you will enjoy it and use it for your "ancient" or "Egyptian" build. It comes complete with trees and statues and is the perfect addition or center piece for any ancient or even sci fi fantasy build. You can find it here at the mall in our "Ancient Builds" department. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Ankhsenaton: Thanks for your sphinx and your Pyramid!! :-) I like the Maya too, it's nice to see some originality! 5 months ago

NEW version includes Belleza (Ares) Jake hop://

Aurora Starchild: Eso eso, más ropitas pa los nenes, que siempre se nos quejan de que no hay! :D 5 months ago

Palaces! Roffello Kisses came and took some wonderful photos of the sim!

Essensual: very beautiful, IM so glad to see others using light to make there regions look more realistic 6 months ago
Region Greeter 1.0


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Sodasullivan: Does exactly what it says and it is so easy to set up that even I could do it. Thank you Val for all the work and love you put into your items. 6 months ago

A new expo in my gallery: Relationships

*** There is a worldwide Internet outage (in case you hadn't noticed) of Windows Servers using Crowstrike software - for more details, we are unaffected *** (because we are running linux)

CyberGlo CyberStar: Well this has happened a lot through the years with microsoft. I'm not surprised. 5 months ago
"Keep Your Dragon Flapping" script has been updated by me. I created this script because I would go to tour a sim and see a dragon flying in the skies and it's wings would have quit flapping, so it's just sliding across the sky. Putting this script in with your script that animates the dragon will keep it flapping forever and you never have to reset it. This also works for flying cars, flying spaceships, birds, etc.

יהי שלום עם ישראל

May peace be with Israel!

=OUT NOW: Apollo Skin Fatpack=
I think these skins will cater more for people who want a leanerlook.
The tones align to the 'Jupiter' skin scheme - so you can combine ears from those if needed!
Hope you enjoy it!
Uber: hop://
Amber Tanaka who used to be the owner of the failed kohaku grid, and changed her name to "user name" on this forum, had this to say to me in The Box on this very page today...
"User Name 6 hours ago
@Cyberglo it is sad that u need to tel yourself that u are awesome so often. (to me u are just another brain rotten woke fagot with way too much time on his hand wasting away on this forum)"
Right next to a post by copper, who had this to say about me, "Copper 5 hours ago
Cyberglow uses this platform to compensate his mental illnesses ( he stated that often here). His "advices" are for sesam street oskar trash can"
Obviously this just proves they don't know me, because I am awesome! :)

Misty_Falls: Amber is bitter, (can't say as I blame her), Mr West and other haters really did a number on her, (or did we all forget that scandal?). Today, she creates, becomes a victim of copybotters, and haters ... 5 months ago

a little more

hello. I have some new things for you. Simple things but I hope you like them. is ready to be copied

Two days ago I got another ban - NOTHING NEW.
Yes, but this time I was banned by an "admin" who first explained to me how beautiful and seductive I was, and after I ignored him and publicly announced that I was not interested in LGBT communication and guess what: I was banned for provocative clothing - yes, this same that was praised before… (Only to explain, no ban chat - was baned from access to region!)
Honestly, I have to admit that my avatar was quite young, not childish, but definitely young - but NO ONE gave me ANY remarks about that! They loved it!
Well, I don't need to explain any more. Why do I think the LGBT community is insolent and intolerant, why do I think liberal democratic values ​​are trans-gendered and reviled and ... Oh yeah, and why is the bunch of haters here screaming so hysterically at me. Does it make sense to explain?
I'm just leaving this trans-genderized and pedophile haunt.
Who is the person and the network?
Does it matter, since I'm almost sure that in almost all other networks I'm banned for the same reason - refusal of LGBT communication?
Does it matter since everyone has at least a dozen accounts on different networks and... maybe I'm banned by the same fag who occupied all the networks?

CyberGlo CyberStar: Pagane, please tell people it was not me and I had nothing to do with this... Why people always run to me and accuse me is just wrong. I have done nothing wrong. I did not do anything to you. I ha... 5 months ago
After spending most of the day working with it, we won't be doing the Dreamgrid Smart Start after all.

After crashing repeatedly with three different versions of Firestorm, and finding with no Smart Start the crashes ended - as well as the very large and heavy regions we have not loading as they need to -- it's just not working for us. It's a great concept, however. With a pretty powerful dedicated 64 gig Server we should be okay.

I think this works well for some grids and not for others, depending on what has to be loaded in etc etc.

Many thanks to Mistress Delgado for all her advice and help trying this out! :)

Mistressdalgato: what we did was split them up, some on smart suspend and some on smart boot. you could have another issue causing it, wish i could have been more help. your welcome nonetheless 5 months ago
Ooops! An error was found in OverWatch Sentry. Please upgrade to version 58. The error was that the banlistkeys should have been banlistkey to conform with the other files. The file would be recreated endlessly the wrong file. Now it's fixed. It was a well hidden bug. Get it now at

castles, crystal caves, and DRAGONS!!!!!! ;)

A wee village

Find your soul mate here and get yourself an ad or look for an ad that appeals to you. Everyone is welcome (NO CHILD AVATARS) First of its kind in opensim 2 years in the making and we finally said well lets get it advertised. Check out the poems along the walk way. Enjoy your visit Comments are encouraged. The boards are set to play money so they’re gems up there you can touch to get the play money. There is no cash value to the play money.

I’m a Spokesperson for Shall We Date. We Date (Put this in your viewers map)

PapaJohnson: Join our group in here Shall We Date stay upto date with us… 1 month ago

Race track region

Crazyposeidon: this racetrack is bullet or ubode physics? 1 month ago

Several Restroom/Shower Facilities