GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.


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Very nice work. Has a Victorian era feel if that what was intended. Really nice HQ graphics.
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The number is higher, just alot of us are not vocal or seen often, by choice.
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Very beautifully done!
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Elegant and classy with a Hindu touch. You got decorating skillz with a Z lol
It was an amazing group from the grid (including me !) lols.
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Absolutely beautiful job on that!
Thank you, Glenn. Stop by anytime , hugs!
Thank you, kindly. I try.. Hugs!
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This is about the 4th earthquake I felt in the tri-state area in my life. Felt 1 in Bronx, 1 in Manhattan, 1 in New Jersey and now this one in New Jersey where I live, maybe 20 miles south of Bedminster, I felt it. Heard a boom first then the floor shook a little. I thought it was a stupid Bucket loader dropping the bucket on the street at first, then I thought, maybe the Air Force booming me with an F-16 Top Gun Airshow like they do here sometimes, then realized, its an earthquake and it's over. it was so deep, and nothing, it was a baby. Knocked a hand grenade off my workbench lol. Some people panic now over the most minor crap. Unusual yes, but the tropical storm the other day was way worse.
Well having never felt it like this one before yeah folks did panic. I mean we are used to hurricanes, floods, rain, blizzards and all kinds of crazy ish. Earthquakes we have nothing in our wheelhouse for the earth moving. And our buildings in NYC aren't ready for any kind of earth shaking lol. This is my fourth one on the east coast one I didn't feel at all. This one was the strongest so far. My apartment building is old so it shook pretty bad. But glad it's calm now although some of the seismologists i do follow are saying for us to expect deeper stronger quakes here. They've been 98% right so far. They even predicted this one about a week ago. They didn't tell us the exact day but estimated and they were right even right with the magnitude strength.
About 15 years ago, 2 giant refinery tanks blew up on south shore of Staten Island, and the shockwave hit my house like a truck. THAT was something I felt. As for earthquakes, we actually get hundreds of them all along the Ramapo fault line. Most are barely detectable. It's nine miles deep. However I did learn something new, they built the Holland tunnel right IN the fault crack, because it was easier to dig through than the bedrock. Unless you are literally being thrown around the room, you don't have to worry. Even the old buildings like I grew up in in the Bronx, can handle as much as a 6.5. Subway surfing (Not on top) is way more movement than these baby quakes and tremors.

What was funny was idiots already were selling "I survived the NYC earthquake" T-shirts LITERALLY 15 minutes after it happened. But Adams and Hookies DIE office in NYC didn't send out any warning or notice until almost 2 hours AFTER. LOL What a comedy shit show that's making the movie Escape from NY seem more like a documentary now. lol
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I knew I shouldn't have eaten that eggs, bacon and bowl of Lucky Charms this morning. ;-p
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I have to say from experiencing it from others that "height" is not the issue. Robin is petite in RL, and had been ejecting in SL OS due to the height issue. SO I have to concur with others here, that it is not specifically the height, but more or less the disposition, attire, type of AO, childish attitude, etc. that determine if it is a petite adult or an intended, obvious child.

It boils down to what MOST lack these days, common sense.
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Well Deserved and Congrats.
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haha Good job. Reminds me of a slum bus I had everyone jump on and drove around Dusk beach in SL to create one of the funniest memories there. All you need to add to this carpet is the passengers twerking by swapping out the sit anim with a twerking one. lol then you really will have a good laugh and fun time as you fly around lol
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Outstanding! I too always uploaded tons and tons of textures, as needed initially by sim owners I was building the sims for. You can never have too many textures, even bricks! Maybe one day I will upload all of the textures I created to re-create Times Square in the 80's with all the porno signage, even dirty magazine covers. I still have them all zipped in case I ever bring that dump back to life.
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Agreed Vicki. As a corporate owner as well, I realized that even bad news was great for publicity. But when it is toxic and serious, it needs to be immediately addressed, handled and rectified. Speed and finesse is the key to the outcome. In LL's situation, they let the wound fester and it's now gangrene.

Tilla, being a larger company will run for the hills if they can. Caspervend will probably fade into the wind.

As I said earlier, Oberwager is an idiot. He hired some hippy dippy "lawyer" who doesn't have any work anymore since San Fagcisco defunded the police and the few cops left are just hanging around to collect a paycheck, but not enforcing laws. That "Lawyer" took time in between bong hits, to write a tin can, horseshit and sauerkraut statement for the quick pay. Oberwager, being a complete simpleton that might know Finance with his Bezerkley diploma, but lacks in the reading comprehension dept. thinks he is good as gold and this will all pass.

Nah, the proof provided by the ex employee, well written, evidenciary images, confirmed details covering all angles based on any defense will sink LL. They can pull all of the Libtard tricks of a criminal being caught all they want, it still exists on the internet. They cannot bury or hide it. They can try all the denial and gas lighting tactics of saying that YOU are the Pedo and not them, It won't work. Intelligent people know the truth. I have witnessed it in SL, I know just about everyone in SL has too. LL is going to burn to the ground in the business world. So much so, a national holiday should be established up that completion.

Let me finish this off by stating, all I just said is not a "Rant"as Libtards like to claim anything they disagree with as being, or the non existent "Hate" speech. There is no such thing other than saying "I HATE you". So just in case some blocked turds want to create alt accounts to jump in with their less than 140 characters of idiocy to reply to it. And that is my disclaimer up front.
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Sorry Arielle, their "Support Staff" is pretty much non-existent. I had only seen a blue dot 2 times in 15 years. The only time it was "Policed" was the day they banned me for defending myself against being attacked by 20+ insane uneducated political activists who read my profile and found me in an empty sim cleaning my inventory and felt the need to attack me for existing. But I was banned by the "police" because the attackers were losing their argument and particle/push/verbal attacks.

As for that economy. When they forced everyone to use "TIllia" it became a dictatorship. Even though I would not use PayPal now anymore because of their donating to racist BLM, I have an account since 2001. To force me to use DIE Affirmative Action activist Venmo, is dictatorial and a reason I stopped doing business activities in SL.

Long term backup? that's a joke. Continued development? Like having the whole grid crippled for a year to implement "mesh"?

Staging events that I refuse to be a part of like Doctors Without Borders? A political activist NGO funded entirely by George Soros, poster child of Anti-Capitalism and America who made his millions in the currency market in New York City to make himself a billionaire but wants you to suffer and stay poor? No thanks, and fuck the Breast Cancer bullshit crowd who never actually provides money to breast cancer victims and gives the money to execs, rehashes it to pay for more events to raise money to pay for the fees of the next event?

Consistency? The only consistent thing on SL is that there will always be stupid noobs who are easily offended. Idiots with emotional and mental baggage. Finally the most consistent thing on SL, Griefers.

SL is a self-righteous, virtue signalling, political activist and toxic pile of garbage that should die a slow painful death in the annals of business history.
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Very good words and wishes, however this is what it WAS like before 2016. The days of civilized debate, for the purpose of progress and good common cause, is long gone. SecondLife is a poster child example of the digression of society, common sense and decency and above all, progress. Banning and cancel culturing people who you didn't agree with, caused them to lose the many minds and money that initially helped propel them. Left behind was a bunch of uneducated sniveling whiners calling everything racist, phobic, etc. and without any revenue. But they sure had a fun time patting themselves on the back for laughs.

All of the friends I made there, I stay in touch with mostly. We still wish Merry Christmas etc. and pass along info through other friends. All that is different is, we do not meet on SL anymore. One stayed behind for a while because she wasn't American. She recently told me how boring it got, and rarely logs in there now. So there ya go as far as the Libtards succeeding in their politically driven mission of banning someone that liked mean tweets but had a better life.

As for Google, I Google NOTHING. Recent developments have finally proven what we said for years, but were told to wear a tin foil hat for and labeled a conspiracy theorist, that Google was BIASED. Yes their AI now thinks, George Washington was black like George Jefferson, and that Thomas Jefferson was a Black chick in Independence Hall in 1776! Seriously WTF? I was glad to see that last week, Google is being sued AGAIN for biasness and I do hope that Alphabet Inc. burns to the ground with it's brain damaged employees as well as other woketard companies like GoDaddy, Facebook Meta, Tyson Foods, Quaker Oats, etc. Gog woke, go broke good riddance.

Where do I do searches? or why is GGD second? They donated money to that idiot organization BLM which stands for Buy Large Mansions.

Lincoln the Republican said, a House divided cannot stand. This country is headed for a Civil War in November. We are beyond mutual respect and civility and the weaponized alphabet agencies are just inciting it more and more. What may alleviate this possibility? Companies like Libtard Labs being thrown into the Garbage can where it belongs and a new era evolving. That is what it will take to reach the Utopia dreams you seek.

I have to assume you are a teacher based on RL work. Well, your Union is massively to blame for this current situation in this country by masking kids over a fake Kung Flu hoax designed specifically to enhance mail-in ballots. Your union sacrificed a whole generation because they didn't like mean tweets. Your union subjected the world to a whole generation that is indoctrinated with immaturity, incorrectness, self loathing, false guilt, self righteousness and 100% mentally challenged and emotionally disturbed. The end result, is what you see in forums like this. Prime targets for Pedos. When people start looking at the end results of things down the road, and not just TODAY, will we ever achieve a reasonable society for positive results. This includes digital and online platforms like OpenSim and SecondLife.
I use yandex for searching ... it's pretty good. I'll have to try swisscows :)
I agree, Yandex at least isn't woketarded.
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Might as well throw this in as well:

You want links and proof so much, so I made sure to provide it.

As you can previously see, even Libtard Reddit tried to block the initial reports like good little MSDNC soldiers. Whether you are for or against age play, age issues, etc. the fact remains that SecondLife and Libtard Labs are primary outlets for pedophiles. Just a much as Instantgram and Craigs List, etc. I'll never forget the years of every single group in SL having a douchebag Pedo posting daily: "Any girls submissive when younger? IM me I have questions." The notorious Starman was his name who created well over 1000 alts, like Marc Sparx aka (unmentioned Libtard name) did here. Starman's shit started way back in 2009 and was still going on even after I was gone in 2019. If you complained about him, you were kicked from the group or suspended by Libtard Labs. How awesome is that inclusiveness and caring? They ran more cover ops for criminals that the DOJ does for Joe Shittypants and Hunter's drug and hooker hookups.

I am not debating the age play issue, it's a toxic subject to say the least, but I am posting with joy in the hopes that SecondLife dies a painful death and it's owners rot in Federal lockup where those elitist anti-capitalist shit bags that want more money and power deserve to be. Virtue signaling all sorts of self righteous horseshit, canceling everyone that disagrees while partaking in every single of the activities they supposedly condemn, like all Libtards do. I also hope every single staff member also eats a good pile of dog shit and chokes. Then we can recycle their blue hair, use the 600 tons of fat cells and repurpose their cheeto fingers to save the horseshit climate and change and kung flu bullshit. Because they were just as complicit and all to eager to be blue dot gods since they exist in miserable lives without purpose and never progress.
Thx for the interesting links though I had been following the reddit ones. I haven't seen any references though to actual authorities looking into it. Just threats of calling them. It is a bit of a wonder tbh.
The links regarding the police investigation are gone, who WERE contacted, but San Fagcisco cops really have too many more serious crimes going on to make this a priority. It's been reported, it's currently under investigation and the cops will always say they can't discuss for this reason as their excuse. I cannot confirm if it was sent to the Faggy Bureau of Idiots though because over state lines, it becomes a federal crime and the Dept. of Jerkoffs with Merritless Gayland running it is too busy trying to make up crimes to stop a man who made an angry Tweet that offended them from running in an election as a priority.

If it is on the books, then it will eventually be prosecuted. The question is WHEN.
no matter how much i defend the ageplay is two looking adult avatars, all everyone is going to think of is child looking avatars or ones with Adult avatars. that really hits us hard. I just call it what it is, pedophilia. Its one think to act a different age but its another to completely look like that younger RL age.

The issue is toxic for many because they believe that is what ageplay is and its not. but sadly most wont see it. I hope that for allowing stuff like that they get justice done. this is why things like happen, it is because some people allow it to happen. I understand grids want to be inclusive but if u allow child avatars then your going to allow the pedos in.

But its very hard to police everyone, that means including grids that are nothing but pedo related. I mean how do you shut a grid out from all of opensim, that would a big undertaking and who knows if it can be done.
To me age-play is a large discrepancy in ages so like an adult playing with one who acts and looks like a child. In that sort of scenerio there are two parties and in R/L it is the adult who is seen as the perpetrator but in Virtual it is seen as the child. Sort of like victim blaming.
but my point is, in rl its two adults that play a certain age and wear child like clothing but u can tell there still adults. that is what ageplay actually is. in virtual everyone seems to think its actual rl children because of how child avis tell them or portray themselves. Some people get blamed because of how they portray themselves. No one wants to face the reality that real actual age play is not two rl looking childdren, or two virtual rl looking child avatars.
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Oh I do agree with you on that part, though SL USED to be a great place to make friends, money and conduct business, etc. It devolved into a cesspool of uneducated, sexually challenged, gender bent, confused political activists who think they know everything and the whole fucking world has to do things their way or die. They want you to enjoy their misery they created.

So in short, what changed SecondLife? The minute it went political.

The intelligent people are gone, the money is going the Bud Light way, the fun parties that used to exist are gone, however through other places the people that we all met and mattered, all stay in touch and connect ELSEWHERE and deservedly so.