GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.


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Hey Jimmy, very very cool and I agree with Jared for the timing! Nice 4th of July addition in time for the holiday.
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That is a positive thing to do Lavia.
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Ah yes as expected, the uneducated, self-righteous, ignorant, racist, Nazi Commie Libtard Dorena RUNS AWAY like a coward failing to answer ONE single question, but cannot handle the answers I provided to her fat lardass. So you admit you are WRONG in EVERYTHING you ever said about ME and ALL Conservatives. You admit that your are WRONG for demanding censorship of all the answers you disagreed with and demands not being met.

Go ahead ADMIT IT, YOU LOSE. You are pathetic losers in everything you say and do. And Now you can expect that you picked the fight this time with the WRONG person and had to be exposed for the garbage you and all the Nazi Commie Libtards truly are.

That would include Nico, Felicity (The asshole started this and threatened to kill me in real life), Jaime, Charlene, Cooper, Hycanith, Xenon and Leonitas. All of you LOST with your attempt at a typical Nazi Commie Libtard tactic of bullying by avalanche. Just like you faggots tried in real life with your slps, sucker punching, spitting on people and then ran away when confronted face to face. COWARDS.

And the best part, Your fucking agenda, and that includes the tranny shit, is completely falling apart, Your DIE Affirmative Action falling apart, Your insistence of the world to be only YOUR WAY even through Lawfare, Censorship and complete bullying, is deservedly falling apart, because no one wants your garbage virtue signlalinng agenda.

Next time you want to pick a fight you faggot Nazi Commie Libtard shitbags, come armed with a brain and intelligenc so you aren't beaten down as much as you deserve to be.

BTW asshole Dorena, I carried a 100 pound power washer up to a roof on a ladder, my HEART is JUST fine, you AGEIST idiot. Now hit the fucking bricks until you ghet to that Libtard Utopia called North korea, Kim Jung Fat ass will leave the light on for you, and we will never have to read your uneducated garbage ever again, Nazi Commie Libtard coward.
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You ANSWER MY QUESTIONS BY ASKING QUESTIONS???? Fuck off Libtard Still waiting for YOUR answers. We will never be friends, you are a hateful Nazi Commie Libtard Garbage that I do not like, want to know or care about.

Yes you are being brutally given ALL THE HATEFUL INSULTS YOU GAVE US.

YES Because you uneductaed garbage IDIOTS deserve to be called exactly what you are, Garbage.

We will never have peace, because MY TOLERANCE OF YOUR INTOLERANCE IS EXCEEDED. Fuck you, you want it, you got it, and you DESERVE EVERYTHING dished right back x1000. You are too fucking stupid to vote, too fucking stupid to speak, too self-righteous to think anyone falls for your virtue signaling crap.

You will NEVER be forgiven for killing people, aborting babie and forcing the world to crumble by imposing your masks upon the world JUST TO CHEAT IN AN ELECTION. Fuck you forever for that.


Why do you support censorship and calling everything you don't agree with "Hate" "Dangerous" "Offensive" when it is clearly NOT?

Why do you support slaughtering millions of babies with your abortion?

Why do you support calling people racist who don't agree with DIE Affirmative Action?

Why do you support pedophilia, and putting porn books in schools for toddlers?

Why do you support Getting America fighting wars we don't care about?

Why do you support not paying your NATO bills and making my country fight for you?

Why do you support taxing me to death to pay for Illegal Aliens to walk in and take my shit and be paid for it?

I could make a list alot longer, but go ahead ANSER some of those and don't give me this shit about you being a fucking German. You damn well cheered for Barry Ostupid and his fagballs husband Michael Robinson becoming the Fraudster in chief here that crushed my economy in 2008 that we are still paying for. You damn well know enough of THAT shit even though you are too stupid to admit YOU ARE A NAZI COMMIE LIBTARD.
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Oh NOW, I was called a "Toxic FREAK" by the idiot who started all of this, and then an avalanche of other de-ranged, emotionally disturbed, ignorant, racist Nazi Commie Libtards insults and attempts to bully me away into oblivion by having MY OPINION censored, but not THEIR HATEFUL garbage. Uh Huh like good little Brown Shirt wannabe Nazis, call ME a name after YOU picked a fight and then say I am toxic. Because in a Nazi Commie Libtard world, they are the professional victims that demand YOU SHUT UP and go away, or they will come and kill you. Well cry fucking harder, answer for your support of censorship, destroying the world supporting new wars, using fake ass Kung Flu bullshit to cheat in elections and attacking old people in streets because your an emotionally disturbed, ignorant TODDLER. Fuck all the way off back to your Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science basement and cry me the 7 seas.
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Jaime, Nice attempt and excuse for your lack of a brain and knowledge and trying to profess your self-righeousness. You failed miserably and continually prove what an idiot Nazi Commie Libtards like yourself truly are. You cannot formulate more than 140 characters, because your ADD limited brains grew up on Twatter. So when your stupid ass Libtard teachers taught you in school they required your reports to fill up a Post-It sheet. You and the rest of the Nazi Comme Libtards STILL have not answered a SINGLE question presented.

I know when I provide my educated opinion and reasoning, I will just be replied to with insults, bullying and more of your horseshit self-righteousness because that is what your Nazi Commie Libtard heros told you to do!

It hurts your small little emotionally disturbed heads to read it all. GOOD, Suffer and cry like the little faggots you are. I don't care, but I am entertained by your sniveling and whining and NOT GETTING YOUR WAY.

Censorship is wrong, always HAS been and you HAVE TO HANDLE THE FIGHT YOU STARTED. So fuck all the way off. Got it? Great. Learn to not be such a fucking candyass cry baby.

A great person said:
We believe that we do not have a free country if we do not have free speech, and very strongly believe that. We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of its many forms.

We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns. I wonder who that might be. Like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us and crushes the rights of its own citizens, which the Biden administration does.

We want government out of business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. This is what we want.

We believe that Marxism is an evil doctrine straight from the ashes of hell. Having Marxism in our government is intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us child abuse.

We believe that the job of the United States military is not to wage endless regime change, wars around the globe, senseless war. The job of the United States military is to defend America from attack and invasion here at home.

We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden’s rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people. I said, theft.

We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It’s the tolerance, communists, fascists, and thugs rights and liberties from within.

And above all else, we live by the words of the great American Patriot Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

Figure it out douchebag.
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As always, giving us your great wisdom Cyber! You rock dude and nice find.
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OMG Dorena, again living up to being the uneducated, emotionally disturbed, ignorant, Nazi Commie Libtard consistency of never admitting you are wrong and a perpetual loser, simply a glutton for punishment and self humiliation of being mentally beaten down at every accusations and factless claim. Still waiting for ANY explanations in something I would hope could be more than 140 characters. But with your limited vocabulary of such an amazing small brain, it is worthless to expect it.

Every single little blurbby post by you brain dead Libtards that profess to be oh so righteous and hypocritically virtuous, continue with nothing but bullying, insults and proof of nothing more than your convulsions in drool at being a loser and proven wrong about EVERYHTHING EVERY TIME. Aww too bad so sad. I am relishing in pleasure and happily enjoying your smashing the keyboards while sniveling into your tissues, that you have to be held accountable and suffer ALL THAT YOU HAVE DISHED right back. So sad, please cry even harder, it is entertaining.

What you and the rest of the Nazi Commie Libtards fail to comprehend and what would end this, is for you to explain why you firmly support CENSORSHIP and your destructive HATEFUL agenda against decent smart people.

But you cannot nor WILL NOT ever do that. You cannot accept being proven consistent losers in ALL endeavors. This will continue on and on because like all of your previous TEMPER TANTRUMS LIKE TODDLERS who mommy didn't buy a toy for in the store, you think you will get your way. You won't! Your parents and Josef Goebbels LIED to you that you are always a winner, and failed miserably at raising you. You suck as human beings.

SO please squirm, being angry and enjoy the pain and misery you pushed upon normal, decent people that didn't want YOUR shit shoved in your faces, down our throat and told to SHUT UP. How about YOU shut the fuck up? Can't do it huh? Deal with it you constipated cunts. You deserve in triplicate. Now you realize the repercussions of your immature, infantile Nazi Commie Libtard agenda being thankfully REJECTED.

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More proof of how utterly uneducated, brain damaged and emotionally disturbed you are Libtard. We have a Bill of RIGHTS. Something you Libtards HATE. But oh wait, you are against "hate". You "hate" me for opposing YOU and your stupidity. You beat me over the head with a "Peace" sign, like a good little Brown Shirt that wears black pajamas , wears a Che Guevara shirt and proudly walks around as a self-righteous professor of the Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science. You never look in a mirror and expect the world to obey your COMMANDS or be labeled and bullied by the other brain dead machines that scream in people's faces with a bull horn, smash a padlock on a chain over an old lady's head, or Censor and Banish them into Oblivion, because your pathetic, weak fragile little heart was upset and broken. Fuck you. Good, I am so glad you are offended and being exposed for the piece of dog shit you and all your virtue signaling projectionist, ignorant, racist Nazi Commie Libtards deserve.

You just cannot handle being rejected and your opinions being ignored, LIKE YOU DO TO CONSERVATIVES.

All you can do is sling more false, factless dog shit accusations in attempt to bully me to go away? Is that your goal? You never will answer that. Face the facts you constipated fat lardass cunt, you are and always will be a perpetual loser the world doesn't care about anymore.

I am being praised by the ones you seem to think I am embarrassing. I am being praised by the ones you think I damaged the reputation of. Because you and your brain dead SHEEPLE, are being called out and confronted on an EQUAL FORUM.

You have never answered ONCE any of the questions asked of you. Some of YOUR people, threatened to physically assault me, but yet when standing toe to toe, they ALWAYS run away like little girly faggots, because ALL Nazi Commie Libtards like you are fucking COWARDS.

You have insulted, my race, my gender, my service, my education, my reputation, my business, my history and EVERY FUCKING SINGLE ONE of your claims has been PROVEN WRONG. But yet, your selfish self-rightous fat lardass STILL thinks you are correct. Josef Goebbels would be so proud of you.

Do you know why I have to claim I am part German and Part Polish? Among Irish and Italian? Do you know why? BECAUSE YOUR STUPID ASSES kept attacking each other and moving the border. So yea I have to add part Weiner Schnitzel Head and Pollock to my list of heritage. Danke sie Zuper Dum Schiesse Kopf. So fuck all the way off.

Your agenda, is garbage and every single fact about it, failing on an epic scale like your Nazi Commie Libtards endeavors ALWAYS do.

You got me banned from Sceondlife because I refused to bow down to your racist fucking DIE Affirmatiuve Action Demands and didn't vote for potatohead Joe Shittypants. And Now we have wars, a crushed economy, overrun with 3rd world garbage illegal aliens murdering and raping citizens that yuounow want to VOTE in OUR elections with no citizenship? Well fuck the hell off, and I will fgind a way to vote for the AfD in Germany asshole. And go ahead ccall me "Far" right because I WANT FREE SPEECH. I want YOUR fucking ass held accountable for your slander, idiocy and demands. So blow it out your coward fat fucking ass, BECAUSE I AM IMMUNE AND PROVEN RIGHT EVERY TIME about YOUR accusations and you are consistently proven WRONG!

Now cry for me another 7 seas and have more tissues for your Nazi Commie Libtard issues, pampers, puppies and a pacifier while you clutch that Hitler and Stalin picture wishing your epic failures were back and tell Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and even that little Dutch Boy Paint dude Angela Merkel, I said Fuck you very much.
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Du bist nichts als ein wertloser Libtard, den ich nie kennenlernen möchte und hoffe, dass er nach Nordkorea ziehen würde, deine liberale Utopie.
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Read up if you are educated enough to comprehend English, from your stupid German post.
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Loru, that's fine because according to you and every other uneducated, emotionally disturbed, ignorant, racist, arm chair experrt of nothingness, self-righeous and perpetually wrong Libtard, you say I am a stupid Trump supporter who is a redneck. Well, I am educated enough to know your language too and MORE! So you too can eat a bag of dicks sitting on your Alpine hill cryings and flooding the farmland because your town was flooded with rapefugees your momm Merkel made move in.

You apparently cannot accept being proven perpetually wrong and lose in all of life's endeavors. You assholes have been ABUSING forums like this for 20 years. Quick BAN HIM because he said somethng I don't agree with! And then laugh as you need 100 other insane Libtards to make you feel like you were right and the conservative was SILENCED and BANNED. Fuck you and your censorship. You cannot handle being confronted and forced to answer for YOUR ABUSE and bullshit Virtue Signlaing. You are garbage and a bully that is now angry that your Marxist Censorship will not be enforced. GOOD CRY HARDER and COPE. The is No LIBTARD LABS here that will come save your precious little feelings. The ODDS ARE EVEN Dumb fuck. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD AND NOT YOUR NAZI COMMIE LIBTARD WAY. YOUR days of ABUSE are over. I could post tons of headlines from news of how MUCH your shitty, stupid, "trust the Science" propaganda is going down.

If i Demanded that you eat a Franfurter, Reese's peanut butter cups and drink a YOO HOO cocolate milk, while standing on your head woudld you do it or be LABELED A RACIST if you do not?

Now you know how we conservatives feel. Fuck you Nazi Commie Libtards.

Apparently I have "White Privledge" But yet I grew up in the South Bronx slums and had to put myself through the NAVY (DOrena is an idiot and doesnt know the difference of Soldier and Sailor) to pay for college and make something of myself anmd then work up the career ladder fighting "Affirmative-Action" and STILL SUCCEEDED.

But you stupid Libtards say I have "White Privledge" and have to go kneel down to black people I had nothing to do with except losing a job to because they were black and were fired within a month because they couldnt DO the job right. So tell be dumb shitbag Libtard, WHERE IS THAT WHITE PRIVLEDGE?? I'm still looking for it. But YOU SAID I AM THE RACIST for being against Affirmative Action and having my border laws enforced. Asshole hypocrite.

It has been 20 of you utterly insane and emotionally disturbed Libtards to spend days trashing and bashing me so ferociously because your pooow wittle feewings got hurt and cannot handle the TRUTH of how much you are losers and garbage that the world is fed up with. So yes, you too can eat shit with Dorena, Nico, Jaime, Felicity, Susan, Charlene, Copper and any other brain damaged simpleton like you that felt they needed to throw their 2 cent worthless and perpetually wrong and PROVEN wrong insults and bullying at just little old me. Awww and you STILL lost like everything Libtards achieve at. All you achieved was proving how RIGHT we conservatives are! Go cry more.

So unless you are educated and can prove that your brain dmagaed, disgusting, hateful, DEADLY agenda is great for the world and why we have to only do it YOUR way or die, don't attempt a battle of wits you WILL lose at. You sound like just another indoctrinated idiot of the Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science propaganda machine. So get back to clutching your Hitler and Stalin pictures and crying me the 7 seas or move to North Korea.

You and Dorena and the rest of the Nazi Commie Libtards are just virtue signalling, projecting, unedcated, emotionally disturbed, ignorant, racist arm chair experts of nothing ness, perpetual LOSERS.

Prove me wrong and tell us how you survived your mother's abortion attempt sinceyou support slaughtering babies so much. I remember the Hippies were mad that one small bad unti in Vietnam killed a few children and you labeled 500k soldiers "baby Killers' Yet last year in America, you Libtards slaughters 14 million babies in ONE YEAR! SO tell us how you survived? You can't and WON'T do it because you are a fucking piece of dog shit garbage Nazi Commie Libtard that deserves nothing but the VERY WORST. Dumb fuck.


I am so happy to see that Dorena has provided us with another perpetually worng assumption and she is virtue signaling to save face. That's fine, I am glad this old fat bag of ladrass wind will finally STFU and oll back into her East German cabbage field where she belongs. Though Klaud Schwab will be mad if she uses fertilizer because of her fake ass climate change. So sad she had to kill her cow because it farted too much. I guess she is still too much of a virtue signalling coward to move to Lefty utopia North Korea or glue her hand to the autobahn at night. Thus pproving she is just a coward like ALL Libtards. In her complete list of perpetually wrong insults and false accusations, she did achieve ONE correct one, yes I would love the SANE world to be rid of you and your Nazi Commie Libtard horseshit of baby slaughtering, bullying and insistence of everything done YOUR way or die, forcing everyone to be just like you that is full of hate, selfishness and utterly uneducated to the MAX. So yea fat old wind bag Dorena, here is your first medal ever in life .i.
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I saw that Dorena is angry (Thanks for showing me) that her Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science Schutzstaffel censorship is not being enforced. Aw too bad soooooo sad, and I will have another crate of tissues for your Libtard issues, pampers, puppies and a pacifier so you can refill the 7 seas AGAIN. You Nazi commie Libtards LOVE censorship of opposing views and comments. The world is sick of your one sided horse shit, your lack of an education, and lastly, your selfish insistent that the world must do EVERYTHING YOUR WAY!

Because racist, vile, ignorant, simpleton, lard ass Dorena you should have stayed in school and studied your history and Political Science. YOU ARE A NAZI and your grandfather was most definitely one and probably Schutzstaffel to pass down the genes to your sorry RACIST and vile ass and demands that you live only the way the Reichstag tells you how or you must be killed. Fuck you. Nazis are Marxists lock step in with Democrats, Fascists, Liberals and Communists. But you are too utterly stupid, ignorant and ein dumbkopf, verstehen?? I don't expect a fat lazy lard ass like you to.

If Barry OStupid and his husband Michael Robinson, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Killary Cliton and Klaus Schwab told you that you could catch their fake ass Kung Flu, or maybe Aids or cancer through this computer screen, a Libtard moron like Dorena would believe it and run away from the computer screaming and call der Polizei on ME for using a computer. Ach Mein Kommissar!!!! Kommen Sie Hier!!!! Glenn Ist SUPER SPREADER!!!!! You fucking pile of retarded shit.

I know not all Germans are not Nazi, but you made them shut up and never speak against YOU being one. You can have all the faggot Antifa events at your region because you are a hypocrite virtue signaling your projection. You and THEY are Nazis, and so stupid you named it to be against YOURSELF.

Democraps claim I live in a "Democracy" NONE exist currently. Only Republics and Parliamentary. You support NEITHER of those. You vote for the party that will eliminate or render ANY form of common sense republic laws impotent, because you are a Libtard.

You believe and only want the STATE media. You have NO opinion other than what some fucking ex-commie Libtards tell you. Like Scholtz or whoever that retard that is currently your Chancellors name is. You call the AfD party "FAR-Right" and in your mind ANY party NOT Libtard, is automatically "FAR" right. Wow some uber tolerance huh? Idiot.

You want your 3rd Reich to return, You want the Soviet Union to resurrect and your town BACK into East German Stasi control. You want Democraps in America to resurrect the Confederacy and KKK to lynch blacks and abort every baby and whoever survived become a tranny. AND you want the state media to tell everyone who doesn't like it to SHUT UP or DIE.

You and ALL Libtards are a cancer to earth, you are all delusional uneducated garbage full of drugs an dreams of a world in rose colored glasses. You allowed Orwell's 1984 to become a handbook instead of Science Fiction. You and every Libtard could all drop dead from your "Safe and Effective" Kung Flu Vaccine so the rest of the normal world that WAS progressing with things like civil rights, economy, no war and more peace to explode intoa pile of dog shit because you are fucking immature, uneducated, ignorant, weak minded BRATS. Wah wah wah I will burn the citys down because of a mean tweet and I didn't get my way. I don't care if nucreal war breaks out, as long as Trump isn't president and you only say politically correct words and be nice to me without ANY criticism. Fuck you. Because of this, people have DIED. And more WILL die, because you brain dead fucktards didn't stay in school and learn. You thought smoking weed and only caring about Celebrity gossip, Soccer or other sports was wayyyy more important.

Now you see why you are fucking garbage and hates along with the faggots, illegal aliens and rapefugees. You are just sucky ass constipated cunts that are AWFUL that can never see the damage of tommorrow from your rainbow bright bullshit performed TODAY. So when are you going to glue your hand at night on the autobahn? We can only hope SOON, you fucking Nazi Commie Libtard
One more thing, I find it refreshing and applaud Satyr for allowing the odds in an argument to be even. For the first time since 2008 (When Barry OStupid the Kenyan Fraudster in chief was installed), you are being forced to answer for your false accusations, threats, slander, ignorance, racism and you never will. You are all stupid Libtard cowards that run when confronted. You will change the subject, you will scream MORE names, you will run away like Charlene did. I asked her one question and she ran away. How did she survive her mother's abortion attempt? Since it's now the law in NY state to kill a baby up to 30 days AFTER birth by a NON PRACTIONER. So Joe the janitor can snow slaughter babies. Or maybe it is the illegal alien with no identification they gave a driver's license to, because he was a black or spanish guy who crossed the non-existent border that Joe Shittypants wont enforce. He even lawfared Border patrol and told them they cannot stop them. Can I do that in Germany? According to YOUR law, unless I come from the Middle SandyShitpile or Crappy Africa I cannot emigrate to Germany. I need to have a living relative and the process is supposed to take me 7 years! But OOmFuFu and Akmed can just walk right in and you give them a house, food and money. THIS IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and then cry when you get gang raped or your niece is gang raped in Cologne during New Year's eve. Do I feel sorry? No because you asked for it dumb fuck. And I am sick of saying I TOLD YOU SO. But according to you, I am a dumb fucking redneck, xenophobic, racist Nazi delusionally in a few cults of Q and Anon and Trump that you hate because he made a mean tweet and corrected the damage your gay ass Barry Soetero and his tranny husband Michael Robinson did. All with the help of serial assassin Killary Clinton who called me a deplorable. So WHO CALLS NAMES? You deserve to be called all the names I and other conservatives have been called for the past 20 years x100000000000 because you are are the hateful garbage that calls everyone else hateful. So I hope you can eat a huge pile of dog shit, because I am going to keep slinging it right back at you every time you spit it out. Got it? Great!
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I heard Jaime and Dorena are whining in this. I used to have respect for Jaime, but that was lost on his self righteousness. As for dumb fat ass Nazi commie Dorena, she can fuck all the way off, and clutch her Hitler and Stalin pictures tightly. She thought she could be such a smartass and thought it was quite alright to insult and trash people who didnt agree with her political choices. So, have a crate of tissues for your issues, pampers puppies and a pacifier and get on the boat to North Korea your Liberal utopia and STFU. No one cares about your opinions anymore.
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thedeeferry is one of my most cherished members here. Such a wonderfully nice smart lady that I will always have the back of and be here for.
Thank you GlennX. Shine on you shiny diamond! Wearing my motorcycle helmet shouting slow down wheeeeee!
HAHAHAHA Just for you I will slow down ;-P
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Oh I guess our neighborhood Nazi Dorena Verne is still at it. She is sad that nobody can see her Libtard comments and upset the world does not want her agenda of slaughtering babies, putting porn books in schools, giving drugs to kids to turn them into trannys, lynching colored people, making everyone poor and censoring ANY and ALL speech unless she approves of it like her heros Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels.

Dorena is a 100% devoted student of the Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science! She wishes her fat ass could fit into the new Brown Shirt uniform of Black Pajamas and she could carry her red flag around, but sadly, she is stuck on her potato farm in Eastern Germany while she fights off the rapefugees her other idol Angela Merkel forced to flood her town.

We should have pity on this miserable piece of Libtard garbage, but I don't. I am sure she has made every single possible insult about me, because I am a staunch opponent to her immature idiotic nonsense. Her dead German ancestors who were smart are very disappointed in her for being dumber than Greta Thun Thun. lol

I think Dorena should go glue her hands to the middle of der autobahn in the middle of the night to do her fake ass climate change bullshit protesting.

I really was hoping she would just pack up her shit and go to her Libtard Utopia North Korea, since her 3rd Reich failed at least that other Marxist Lefty crap Communism still has a few spots for them existing.

But she won't she is just a coward like all Libtards.
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After actually reading what brain damaged, uneducated ranting that are on a scale of close to insane, by the Nazi Commie Libtard Felicity fagballs, with this statement HE made, I realized this moron doesn't know history AT ALL. Wow. British school system failure.

Is this any different than what the British did to the Irish and Scottish? Does this moron not know that Manhattan was bought and paid for? Did he not remember the sun never setting on the BRITISH empire? Why did Wellington need other countries to help him beat Napoleon? Why did Singapore fall with barely a fight against the Japanese? ZULU anyone??? HAHAHAH

As quoted by the insane retard:
Fudpucker McDuck 6h
Glenn's America, insanity, paranoia, and the fundamental, systematic slaughter of the Native American population so the inbreed psychos can infest the entire nation—your opinions make me sick, Glenn. Your America is a nation of murderers

Hell even the Last of the Mohicans proved how much the British LOVED using Indians to CONQUER and NOT BUY land against the French. The U.S. Constitution is based on the Articles of Confederation created by FIVE TRIBES WHO STILL HAVE THEIR NATIVE LANDS. Dumb fucking idiot, you truly are a poster child of why Nazi Commie Libtard Marxism is a deadly failure. Please take your self-righteous and uneducated, leaking candy ass to North Korea and prove to us how well you will live in your Utopia. You won't because you are a worthless, fucking COWARD, LIKE ALL LIBERALS. You spent too much time being a faggot and shoving lightbulbs up your ass instead of learning and achieving ANYTHING in life. You dare to threaten to come to the U.S. on WHAT business? Faggotry? Being a drag queen for toddlers? You go fuck yourself hard. you cannot afford a ticket on British Airways CARGO class on your drag queen nightclub acting job. LOSER.
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That is really another impressive accomplishment Wolf. Seriously enjoying how you are positively using the generator.
thank you so much - really experimenting with how far we can push opensim and graphics cards etc. It forms the basis for the tools we roll out to our users on the hyper-converged infrastructure.
Yea but try to consider the low spectrum of those cards. Pushing it too much on your end may cause their end to heat up or never load. But I am sure you are on top of it. It's very impressive and I am looking forward to seeing what results the AI integration produces.
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Darn I heard the coward insane Libtards are still trying to sound relevant with things like saying I need help and insane, yet when I posted something about Memorial day:

GlennXpletive 6h
It's Memorial Day Weekend in the REPUBLIC of the United States this weekend and people died for YOU shitbags to have free speech.

The Nazi Commie Libtard's superstar to defend their spitting on flags and hoping for a future of censorship and baby slaughtering, we get this (As given to me by another and yes screen shots were taken as well)

Supposedly Sane posts by Felicity the girly B.O. Smelly Bad teeth Brit fagballs:

Fudpucker McDuck 5h
You wanna see worthless, shitbag, fine, I fly out to the states next week on business, I can make a detour and execute you for the good of humanity, you pathetic, worthless, piece of shit
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Fudpucker McDuck 6h
I'm done with this scumbag piece of shit. Enjoy your gun-crazed, self-destructive existence, Glenn. You deserve the "Home of the Free." It cost enough innocent lives, murdered by your hands, to get it. Go fuck yourself and your piece of shit opinions
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Fudpucker McDuck 6h
Glenn's America, insanity, paranoia, and the fundamental, systematic slaughter of the Native American population so the inbreed psychos can infest the entire nation—your opinions make me sick, Glenn. Your America is a nation of murderers, and you stand proud of that fact? freak
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OMG such a virtuous, and mentally stable person that professes love and peace and end "Hate" yet trashes countries and physically threatens to slap people (Because he's a fag who can't even punch lol)

I even heard Fat Ass Lardball Neighborhood Dorena who idolizes Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and has a poster of Reinhard Heydrid on her walls, is still trying to feel relevant. Along with less than 140 character poster Xenon, the lowest of all the IQ. lol Keep trying though, I am only being made aware that you posted and not seeing the horseshit you posted. HAHAHAH
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I feel your pain and understand what it takes, so welcome back!
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I find it sadly comical, biased these Nazi Commie Libtards conveniently invoke THIER version of "Hate" speech. Their passive aggressive attitudes, self-righteous and ignorant tactics of saying what a conservative says against them is labeled as "Hate", but they can then call a conservative everything in the book, insult and bully him about his Sexuality, Religion, Political choice, COUNTRY, spit on him, physically attack him, kill hm, and that is considered a "misdemeanor"? Or allowed to flourish in shit holes like SecondLife?

So if you are against the Nazi Commie Libtards pedodphilia, slaughtering every baby, giving porn books to toddlers and criticizing THEIR choice that have actually AFFECTED YOU, you are called a racist, vile, hateful, angry, mentally deranged, unhinged, unstable idiot, moron and piece of shit. That would NOT be deemed "Hate" speech in a Nazi Commie Libtard agenda forum. You would be lauded, praised and bestowed with lots of "Love and Hugs", but ONLY if you said those things against a conservative against the Nazi Commie Libtards.

And god forbid you say a bad things about Fraudster In Chief Kenyan Barry Ostupid or Shakey Nancy, Killary. OMG, the avalanche of threats, cursing and censorship of you would be astronmical!