GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..


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I have met her. and yes I agree. Typhane is awesome and thanks for creating this.
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Wasn't clickable, RLV or removed.
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It was not physically pulled off it was told as if role playing. which I don't do. Would you like me to post the conversation in public? He was reported to every single grid, which included the original grid. Now let me ask why of all that was said is any of what I posted, stated or performed, questionable? I would really like to know. Please elaborate and explain your question better.
Ahh gotcha well from everything that you said nothing should be questionable. I think you have a very strong case
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In case anyone else wants info, anonymous source told me : the guy using the child avis is a registered sex offender out of leavenworth kansas (Which is a Federal Prison mostly for military convicts)
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This time looked like the Little Dutch Boy paint boy or Killary Clinton.
Hey if it looks like Hillary Clinton, I would like a copy. :P
lol i just threw up in my mouth a little.
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I have to agree with everything you said Hyacinth.
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Both most likely. But the track record is more likely. When your reputation precedes you in such a way, you have to do all you can to repair it. Putting the ads out there invited more damage to his reputation and more risk to losing any customers both existing or potential.
Agreed, even if he were to change to a new alias, we would recognize his patterns. SANE grid owners develop an ethical policy for their members and STICK TO IT. Alex's policies are tyrannical, they change at the flip of a switch. There are examples ah plenty on HypergridBusiness!
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Use DuckDuckGo or Swisscows. But I agree with Spax.
Yes DDG or Startpage are good options but I mentioned google because of it's popularity. Cheers!
DDG gets search results from, among others, it's partner Bing. If you like the results Bing provides, but also like privacy, use DDG. Startpage sends your search request as an anatomized query to Google. If you like the results Google provides, but wish to remain anonymous, use Startpage.
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Apparently, the beacon went offline for 24 hours yesterday as well. Geez. Anyway it is online and available.
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Drama makes me break out in hives, gives me diabetes, lukemia, rabies, scabbies, violent diarehea and lots of dry heaves. Much like what happens when I have to go into a clothing, hair or shoe store. With that said, I have to agree that all I ever see related to Avitron is nothing but the drama he should save for his mama. Rather than just focusing on making a good product, it always ends up being related to drama, infighting, whining, complaining, convulsions, tears moans and groans. Seriously, Alex and Avitron, you need to grow the fuck up or go on some medications. They say that even bad press is advertising. But when ALL press from Avitron is bad, it usually means it's too bad to even consider. So seriously, grow up.
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HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles!
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Thanks Cyberglow, that is all the info ANYONE needed and can ban from their grids and regions. Along with the lat Priscilla Kleenex. Now everyone can get back to jumping from store to store to store to collect everything and then log out. Without being annoyed by a spurting weenie.
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It has street names in it.
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Partly right. If you have been a programmer like me since the 80's, the IP is pretty much all needed and an address can be found pretty easily. There are lots of cool and neat things guys like me can do and have done or created. But will never release it, because there is always others out there that will abuse it. Even more now than ever before. They think "doxxing" is a new thing. It isn't. But the morons on social retard sites, seem to think they are all cool and stuff and internet hero wannabes. They get their feelings hurt or something and go and recruit some helpers and start "doxxing" for what purpose? Are they hoping someone will go there and punt their head like a football on the ground after they were sucker punched and knocked out by a chickenshit who can't fight so whacks them from behind with a bat first? That is what this immature, whiney ass chickenshit crap has devolved into. A bunch of immature, emotionally disturbed little wimps seeking revenge. Hence why I or others like me would never let GQ public about this stuff because of those that had their fragile witttle feewings hurt. I get it, griefer messes up region with weenies. Funny to some, annoying to others. Purpose of "posting documentation" aka "doxxing'? To feel like some internet tough guy battle winner at best. Sigh. I am not taking sides in this argument, but stating a big ole WTF and WHY to this immature wimpy bullshit.
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Popped in and loved the layout and items. Well organized.
Thankyou :) Glad you liked it.
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Infinity rocks! It is one of the coolest clubs if you are looking for one! I highly recommend it.
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I am curious to know what is VULGAR about Let's Go Brandon. I am a Navy Veteran and can curse like a sailor, plus being from the South Bronx I can double down on vulgarity if we should have a comparison. So let me provide an example of vulgarity based on what you think is: If you find Let's Go Brandon vulgar, then let me provide your small, weak minded, fragile soul with a crate of tissues for your fucking issues, pampers, puppies and a pacifier so you can fucking cry me the mother fucking Seven Seas. Got it? Good! (That is vulgarity) Now please cry harder.
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Wow, some of the most fantastic and artistic creations I have ever seen. I really have to say, I am impressed and thank you for providing these incredible creations for photography. Highly recommend visiting.
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Very impressive looking, outstanding work.
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Outstanding post as always, Jupiter.