GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.


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Darn I heard the coward insane Libtards are still trying to sound relevant with things like saying I need help and insane, yet when I posted something about Memorial day:

GlennXpletive 6h
It's Memorial Day Weekend in the REPUBLIC of the United States this weekend and people died for YOU shitbags to have free speech.

The Nazi Commie Libtard's superstar to defend their spitting on flags and hoping for a future of censorship and baby slaughtering, we get this (As given to me by another and yes screen shots were taken as well)

Supposedly Sane posts by Felicity the girly B.O. Smelly Bad teeth Brit fagballs:

Fudpucker McDuck 5h
You wanna see worthless, shitbag, fine, I fly out to the states next week on business, I can make a detour and execute you for the good of humanity, you pathetic, worthless, piece of shit
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Fudpucker McDuck 6h
I'm done with this scumbag piece of shit. Enjoy your gun-crazed, self-destructive existence, Glenn. You deserve the "Home of the Free." It cost enough innocent lives, murdered by your hands, to get it. Go fuck yourself and your piece of shit opinions
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Fudpucker McDuck 6h
Glenn's America, insanity, paranoia, and the fundamental, systematic slaughter of the Native American population so the inbreed psychos can infest the entire nation—your opinions make me sick, Glenn. Your America is a nation of murderers, and you stand proud of that fact? freak
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OMG such a virtuous, and mentally stable person that professes love and peace and end "Hate" yet trashes countries and physically threatens to slap people (Because he's a fag who can't even punch lol)

I even heard Fat Ass Lardball Neighborhood Dorena who idolizes Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and has a poster of Reinhard Heydrid on her walls, is still trying to feel relevant. Along with less than 140 character poster Xenon, the lowest of all the IQ. lol Keep trying though, I am only being made aware that you posted and not seeing the horseshit you posted. HAHAHAH
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I feel your pain and understand what it takes, so welcome back!
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I find it sadly comical, biased these Nazi Commie Libtards conveniently invoke THIER version of "Hate" speech. Their passive aggressive attitudes, self-righteous and ignorant tactics of saying what a conservative says against them is labeled as "Hate", but they can then call a conservative everything in the book, insult and bully him about his Sexuality, Religion, Political choice, COUNTRY, spit on him, physically attack him, kill hm, and that is considered a "misdemeanor"? Or allowed to flourish in shit holes like SecondLife?

So if you are against the Nazi Commie Libtards pedodphilia, slaughtering every baby, giving porn books to toddlers and criticizing THEIR choice that have actually AFFECTED YOU, you are called a racist, vile, hateful, angry, mentally deranged, unhinged, unstable idiot, moron and piece of shit. That would NOT be deemed "Hate" speech in a Nazi Commie Libtard agenda forum. You would be lauded, praised and bestowed with lots of "Love and Hugs", but ONLY if you said those things against a conservative against the Nazi Commie Libtards.

And god forbid you say a bad things about Fraudster In Chief Kenyan Barry Ostupid or Shakey Nancy, Killary. OMG, the avalanche of threats, cursing and censorship of you would be astronmical!
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Well said. What is written into LAW, is all that matters. Who decides what is "HATE" speech? The dictionary. Regardless of the politician the fact remains that unless you specifically say you "HATE" something, it is not this non-existent thing called "HATE". There are anti-discrimination laws, Bias laws, equal rights laws. Those apply, not these idiot Libtards that deem every single word they disagree with as "Hate".
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I am sure the many that thanked the deranged simpleton constipated Libtards, caused them to make another mess on themselves since it's obvious there is more blanks. Please keep thanking them for your life being miserable because they lack educated opinions and proving how much they are immature imbeciles with a limited vocabulary and can probably only spew what they learned at their Black Pajama Brown Shirt wannabe Boot camp for retard Antifa and Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science that only trained them to say flavor of the moment words they do not comprehend and a physical course on running like little faggots when confronted by real men. lol The best part, seeing their leaking asses leaving hershey trails down the sidewalks makes it so easy to track them. Or the very well known fact that Libtards are the most UN Hygenic and the stench is so horrendous from their lack of bathing, can be detected for up to 2 miles! Them forcing us to wear masks, was the ONLY benefit of it.
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And yet, one of the deranged, uneducated, ignorant, racist, simpleton Libtards are still suffering from constipation because it's obviously Felicity back at his less than 140 characters of idiocy? Probably. and amazing that Felicity and Nico or any of the others that are still at this, just cannot accept they are perpetual losers in all of life, their agenda is hated and rejected and their dream of censoring the world and making the rest of us live in misery because they lack intelligence to forsee the long term damage to the world their Libtarded Marxist Nazi Commie agenda fails on epic scales every time.

So to whoever it is posting horse shit, please send them a thank you for your crushing taxes, illegal aliens and rapefugees, $5 gal gas and giving the world a few wars. Additionally please thank them for turning the Faggy Bureau of Idiots into the new Gestapo in their hopes of resurrecting their 3rd Reich which will fail epically AGAIN. Lastly, let us thank them for Joe Shittypants and his oatmeal brain and Hershey shit stains left in the Vatican and farts on Prince Charles wife. Let's not forget let's thank them for forcing us to wear masks, and being called Super Spreaders for questioning it, so they could steal an election and give it to this corrupt piece of shit that was just announced is too unfit to stand trial, but you let him have the nuclear football! So yea, Thank them and give them a hug for your misery and embarrassment.
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Hey good news, someone else told me it's actually that constipated Libtard Felicity who started all of this shit the other day. Amazing, how wasted all those spam posts were that never reached their target. So sad, but to be expected by perpetual losing Libtards convulsing in drool. It is the only thing they know in life. they cannot COPE with anything in life and just mess themselevs and throw temper tantrums and then think they are so awesome and godly. HAHAHA Wow, I can just imagine the immature bullshit that idiot Felicity posted that most had blocked his tranny faggot ass already for the shit the other day that caused this crap. So sad that you are a faggot and loser in all of life and never got laid. Your hormone meds affect your brain so much it's turned into mush and you have devolved into a toddler with a repulsive body. So sad that it is irreversible and you will most likely die or your ass will just become so loose you will leave Hershey trails on every sidewalk and never be able to please anyone ever again.

But of course, the uneducated, perpetually wrong, perpetually losing, ignorant, racist simpleton, will THINK he has accomplished something, but the proof and facts exist he couldn't even formulate more than 140 characters in the past, so that explains the blanks, from feeble spam. I am happy to have missed and not had to read anything that faggot ever posted since blocking it this morning. So Felicity the emotionally disturbed simpleton, please go eat another bag of dicks and just admit, you lost and are not loved.

PS thanks to who told me that it wasn't Nico this time.
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Oh are you telling the Faggy Bureau of Idiots aka the new Gestapo? ike a good little Libtarded Nazi, I would expect nothing less from an emotionally disturbed, ignorant, racist who support hanging colored people because as you SHOULD know, the KKK was started by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and you imbeciles voted against the Civil Rights Act. Darn those amazing facts exposing what a pile of ignorant dog shit you truly are. How did you survive your mother's abortion attempt? Please do tell us since you support no child left alive. Explain it all. We would love to know. I know you LOVE molesting little children as well and brag about it at your weekly wine mom meetings with fellow AWFULs. So sad, that you are threatening people. That is a federal crime doing it across state lines. But you'll probably go to prison anyway for being a pedophile and enabler. So sad, please continue to attempt to threaten and "bully" more while professing what a Holier-than-thou self righteous simpleton you are.
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Wow so you are spamming now? Great, let me know when your emotionally disturbed ignorant ass is done. I am working on code for a while tonight, so stay up and catch me if you can i between your fudgepackings and Antifa meetings and playing Barbie dress up girly man that can't get a woman and being a real man. lol It was too tough for you, we know. So sad that is the reason you dropped out of high school and clutched your Barry OStupid posers tightly. Please continue with I presume more less than 140 characters of uneducated opinion? lol wow. Any minute now the ambulance will get you to Bellevue. HAHA
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Right on schedule Nico, you are a glutton for punishment in your pursuit of fame and glory by the small pack of Libtarded emotionally disturbed gender benders. You seem to think this shit is new to me and that whatever it is you are saying which is usually some immature shit like clicks and likes? Links to Libtarded propaganda you think is some facts? A picture of your sad pathetic rental apartment? I can only imagine, you would think any of this shit is a new idea and concept, but as like all Libtards you perpetually lose in all endeavors. I have been dealing with you and your mentally deranged fags for a few decades now. Long before your single parent mom bubble wrapped you and left you alone while she did her meth and crack like Hunter Biden.

I bet you voted for that Fraudster In Chief Kenyan Barry Ostupid and his tranny Michael Robinson. lol Knowing you, my guess would say yep. That is how predictable you and ALL Libtards are. Smart conservatives know what you try before you even try it. lol And yet you think you are always right. No, you are just sad and pathetic and in dire need of an enema and need some drugs to get through your day. All you are good for is proving what a perpetually losing Libtard poster child you are. Keep trying.
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Geez Nico, I have been multitasking and I take a few minutes to write more code to see this blank again. You just can't handle being a loser constipated Libtard huh? Even with all of your Libtard epic failures like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, they can sure count on low IQ simpletons convulsing in drool from the drugs they got abusing welfare, to march on. You probably have a Chairman Mao, Che Guevarra and Adolf Hitler poster on the wall below your Karl Marx statuette that is your most prized possession. And you do this to train for a job at the Commie News Network and a pat on the back from a fellow fag? Such a lifetime achievement!
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Maybe it was the local shit for brains Libtard Nico that we definitely knows has no life and merely lves on this website to criticize every single post ever made yet never made anything, achieved anything or contributed anything other than insulting other peoples work and creations or political positions. I think sadly it is you Nico. Have more pampers puppies and a pacifier to take into your safe space that you haven't left in years so you can cry so much to refill the 7 seas.
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Damn I guess whichever constipated cunt Libtard is posting never learns or failed reading comprehension to go with all the other failures in their life. A consisteny loser, a perpetually losing and wrong Libtard is at least one garuntee. Keep trying whoever it is, you fail epically everytime and it is entertaining at the very least. You lack the mental capacity to achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve, but keep on trying.
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Gee, I guess that didn't last long, another constipated Libtard idiot posted something in the hopes that someone would care and read it? LOL I now have to assume, since so many blocked them, their efforts have failed if they followed what I told them to do, you just keep making a blank box HAHAHA keep trying though, you pathetic perpetual losers might earn an E for effort.
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I think I figured it out now, any of the blocked cowards that create a new post wipes out the leading post. Awesome! One of you deranged, uneducated, uneducated, perpetually losing Libtards helped test my browser hacks to eliminate any and all of your immature, blithering sore loser posts that attempt to "bully" and "initmidate" me, lol It's nice to not having to ask a friend to test it. It is very satisfying proof that many of you are convulsing in drool and crying deeply, and for that I have gained deep pleasure. Now I just have to wonder how many new alts will appear, since their emotionally disturbed condition will never cease without being locked up in a padded room with a straight jacket. My guess, at least one more 3 minute inconvenience to come, as I have gotten a bit quicker to block them in and out of the site. lol THANKS Libtards.
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Amazing, now you just proved even more, thankfully, you sad and emotionally disturbed, constipated Libtards cannot handle being rejected. LOL You created an ALT! Thanks, it just adds 4 minutes of extra work to block this one. And you wen through all of this trouble for what reason? Eh don't bother answering we know, you have no life, cannot handle being proven wrong and mentally beaten down, so you resort to creating MORE alts in the hopes of "bullying" me? HAHAHA WOW, you have now officially become pathetic and a poster child of uneducated, ignorant, racist, constipated Libtard globally! That is the prize you achieved, and will be the highlight of your sad life of misery that thankfully doesn't include me to share it with. You really should try harder at getting educated before attempting to have a battle of wits unarmed. Please continue digging your pathetic LOSER grave in between getting your 500th booster clot shot and your virtual Antifa meetings you chickenshit wimpy ass excuse of a human. Look at yourself in the mirror before trying to call someone else that. WAh fucking wah, cry me the 7 seas now.
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Come on Copper you fake ass Christian Pastor, bring on some more posts and stop running away like the coward Libtards do. You told us you were laughing, so is it safe to assume you aren't laughing anymore? Of course, you are seething in your lazy boy in the middle of shitsville midwest hating yourself for picking a fight with me? You are a coward, You are an old piece of shit that would have a heart attack if I went Boo in your face. Yes you support these candy ass cowards that can only attack OLD PEOPLE LIKE YOU in a GROUP because it takes 100 of these little constipated cunts to take on 1 conservative. You are nothing but a disappointing piece of coward dog shit Copper. And you can Yaweh all you want, being a traitor to your country and people, is not acceepted in ANY society or religion. Sucks to be you old coward shit bag.
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I have and it's sad that that old piece of dogshit Pastor wannabe who tries to give everyone a sermon about god, would support and defend slaughtering babies, pedophilia, censorship, porn for toddlers, drug for teens and destroying the Republic of the US in favor of a Commie dictatorship. I haven't spoken to him for years, so for them to bring him in, means they just can't handle being called out and proven wrong. i have made ALOT of friends in 2 days than I have in a year of being quiet.
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You know what is even more comical, is that some people who have absolutely zero life and are socially challenged in all of life's endeavors, achieves only to be here on one website, ignorant of the world around them, never being invited to even a neighbors party or achieve one thing, to be seen and heard by a small group of other weak minded, simpleton socially challenged idiots. Hell I would have more respect if they actually got off their candy ass and didn't run away from me at real world political events. But they won't. They will sit here and just try and try to get that one pat on the back and hope the world becomes commie and they would get a higher position in the Politburo until their dear leader would have them shot for being useless. That is pathetic and sad and the only thing a constipated Libtard ever hopes for.
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Because enough is enough. They got away with this shit on Secondlife and had 300k conservatives banned. For years of everything against their Libtarded agenda ever spoken was censored and deleted so that ONLY the Libtarded sheeple comments remained. They constantly feel we need to have shit shoved down our throats and not criticized, like the CCP in China would do. Or the Nazi Party and Soviet Union would do. Sometimes you HAVE to take a stand and say ENOUGH, so here we are. I am fed up with their bullshit, I am tired of them telling I CANT SAY THAT. WHO SAYS I CANT? I am called a racist for saying "colored people" and the official name of the NAACP is North American Association of Colored People. But I can't say that??? Enough of this shit. SO they got made I said Faggot. Well if you're a faggot then the shoe fits. If your a douchebag, the shoe fits. ANd they cannot handle being called out. They say I "Hate" though they cannot show me where I said the word "Hate" and then they post this shit ass picture and cry and whine like little faggots that someone called them a little faggot. Then say I "Bully" but yet I am the one being attacked by 10 gender benders and sheeple. So yea, Enough of their shit, I will never apologize and they can learn to live with it, or block me, as I block them, because they are garbage and I don't give a fucking rat's ass about their opinions anymore. There is the reason.
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I find it comical that even fat old lardass Copper was brought in to try and "bully" and "insult" someone. A man who lives in his basement in the middle of nowhere, that I have not spoken to you in years, has to come and TRY to sound superior, defend the Anti-Christians, while he IS a PASTOR! So Copper condones leaving no child left alive and pedophilia, porn books for toddlers. Amazing! Who would have thought Copper the old piece of hillbilly dogshit, would be required to defend the perpetually losing piles of Constipated Libtards. You weak minded idiots will be cleaning up those messes under your asses you made from losing so much. The only word that comes to mind for you Commie scumbags is PATHETIC. Feel free to eat more dog shit and go get your 5000+ booster shots.