GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.


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Very impressive!
It is! It handles eeeeverything we have thrown at it. And Val has ben an ABSOLUTE STAR taking new requirements an implementing them overnight (literally overnight). 'Multiple admins? Sure... next day...2.0!'
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Even Star Trek Online alienated and lost alot of members. I was one of them, and the reason is they will not accept anyone using Windows 7 Pro anymore. Most likely because Windows 8 on up sucks and is spyware and crappier. But Activision was bought out by Microcrap and probably forced us to either upgrade to their garbage spyware or leave. MOST,like myself, left.

I do miss it, but it was getting lame. I have a whole fleet, but the PVP ground combat was almost non existent because a few douchebags ruined it for everyone with spawn camping.
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I remember building a few sims for them, before I was already done with Corcyrus, the whole RP community there was gone. That was a matter for about 3 weeks.
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You nailed it accurately Jupiter! Very well said!
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I don't think we've ever met, but what you say is absolutely the correct thing. I have had to deal with drama shit like this in the past, and before passing judgement, it's best to talk to the people involved before coming to a conclusion and decision. As it ALWAYS SHOULD BE. But sadly, some are drama queens, retarded, jealous, etc. and want everyone to enjoy in their misery. I'm not getting involved in this drama, but your response was the perfect common sense statement that deserved a clap. I hope it turns out for the better for you and this issue gets rectified in your favor as you seem to be a genuinely honest and sincere lady.
I don't think we have ever met before either. For someone that doesn't know me I thank you for that genuinely nice comment! ;) Thank You! ;) I am quite sure that all of this will turn out in my favor as a valuable experience. I have too many friends here in open sim that don't want to see anything go Ary for me. I have a few true & genuine friends who have my back and I have their backs as well. ;) It's always nice when I have friends that are ALWAYS there for me! ;) This bond of friendship that I have with others weighs out the ones that are out there & are negative Nilly's ;) I'm here for my faithful friends, where we have fun & joyous experiences together! ;) They are the ones worth sticking around for! ;)
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I thought my stupid NJ Senator Corey Booker was. He claimed it lol
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The problem is, the people are here, just too separated and spread out versus how SecondLife is a closed grid where everyone is in a central location.
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I committed constipation without representation. lol
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That would be fresh and unique!
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I completely agree. The minute you let someone start moderating, Free Speech is dead. It's NOT "Disruptive", because you can block them. Period.

Too many uneducated, ignorant and emotionally disturbed idiots, have been trying to control speech. Who would have thought that George Orwell's 1984 would become a blue print for the Libtarded Llamestream media. I figured maybe in a couple of hundred years. But we already have the Commie News Network and a whackjob named Jancowicz who wants to make the "Ministry of Disinformation". Sorry history never changes, only the ones who don't want you knowing it or learning from it. They only want you to know what they want, and you can only SAY what THEY want. Nah.

So leaving the toxic "look at me" attention seeking soap opera box un-moderated is the best option because there is a simple tool called "Block" and I have used it often.

Don't like what you see? Hit Block, ignore and move to read something else. It's what I do most times.
This isn't a free speech debate. The request for moderation is about people coming in here who are specifically seeking to disrupt the flow of what people do and share on this site related to virtual worlds. This alt of many faces keeps coming back and harassing anyone and everyone, especially those who engage them on ANY topic. Then it spirals into the box being held hostage by a nonstop abusive tirade. You were in the last one. Did you feel like that individual had anything to say about what their region was or what they so in the OpenSim? was just looking for bits and peices to blow totally out of proportion so they could call the Metro police. Before that it was Anonymous.....this is not about moderating free speech. It's about the function of the site itself and people who come in with the intention to make the box completely unusable. Sure we can block. But sometimes we're blocking 2 and 3 people a week when we just came in to say "Hey look I made a cool thing...come to X place if you want a copy."
Yes, Jamie, we need to try to stay on topic.
It would control free speech because as like on SL, if someone didn't like what you said, or agreed with it, they called it "Hate" speech (Even though there is no such thing) and then you were banned or ejected from whatever sim you were in.

As I said, all it takes is the WRONG moderator to inject THEIR version of what is acceptable to post, and free speech is done.

Yes it's sad that we get a few insane morons a week in that box because they are socially and sexually challenged in all of life's endeavor and looking for some place to blast because they are jealous of something. Too bad so sad for them, blocked and I move on.
I'm going to focus on the topic. First of all it's likely been all the same individul doing this. They have some very obvious patterns. But it's not just about their blasting in the box. They're making some disturbing threats against folks here. And yes we can block. But if you happen to log in mid spiral and you don't know that you're about to be their flavour of the week terrorist they're threatening to kill that's a bit jolting. And I am aware they also stalk folks from here at events and get into IMs the same way. Which is not something OSW can do anything about but still, let's make one place where they can't keep coming back to cause damage.
100%!!!!! It's not a level playing field when it becomes people being silenced to avoid being targets!
And it's not just limited to the box anymore. It started there but now when they come in it's posts, region comments etc.
Sadly, yes.
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Super awesome for you to provide this Cyber. If more got educated, things would be more progressed and problems solved easier. Hi5!
Thank You. Mainframes are still used today to run the worlds financial systems. The entire U.S. ACH system runs on mainframes. Also transaction processing houses run on mainframes as well as the entire Federal Reserve Banking System. :) While there are as I mentioned other operating systems like IBM Unix (AIX) ( and many other flavors such as HPUX hewlett packards mainframe unix, ULTRIX (dec), SGI (silicon graphics unix), Solaris (sun unix) and others) Nothing is as prolific or important as the Zos family, which went from os/360 to mvs/370 to os/390 to Zos in it's iterations. Operating systems like os/400 were more suited to insurance companies and 401k managment than financial transaction processing. But they are all interesting to learn about.
Long ago, I had heard that financial systems were running on old systems. ... I friend of mine, working for a major airline about ten years ago, told me that the airline ticketing system they were using was written in cobol. But that they were in the process of porting it over to something newer. I guess that when you spend time and money setting something up, it is difficult, and costly to upgrade.

Just like the power distribution system. The one we're using has been in use for about 150 years. There are better ways of doing it, but the cost to switch would be large, and the will to upgrade is poor.
well, not at all. The Fed runs on mainframes built in 2018. The Zos operating system has gone through many updates every 10 years. The mainframes are brand new with 64 bit cpu's. 14 cpu's per board, 10 boards per rack. Fiber Optic Data Bus. They are faster and much more modern than personal computers.
ah well, then that sounds more promising.
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Outstanding work Jimmy!
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Very nice work. Has a Victorian era feel if that what was intended. Really nice HQ graphics.
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The number is higher, just alot of us are not vocal or seen often, by choice.
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Very beautifully done!
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Elegant and classy with a Hindu touch. You got decorating skillz with a Z lol
It was an amazing group from the grid (including me !) lols.
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Absolutely beautiful job on that!
Thank you, Glenn. Stop by anytime , hugs!
Thank you, kindly. I try.. Hugs!
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This is about the 4th earthquake I felt in the tri-state area in my life. Felt 1 in Bronx, 1 in Manhattan, 1 in New Jersey and now this one in New Jersey where I live, maybe 20 miles south of Bedminster, I felt it. Heard a boom first then the floor shook a little. I thought it was a stupid Bucket loader dropping the bucket on the street at first, then I thought, maybe the Air Force booming me with an F-16 Top Gun Airshow like they do here sometimes, then realized, its an earthquake and it's over. it was so deep, and nothing, it was a baby. Knocked a hand grenade off my workbench lol. Some people panic now over the most minor crap. Unusual yes, but the tropical storm the other day was way worse.
Well having never felt it like this one before yeah folks did panic. I mean we are used to hurricanes, floods, rain, blizzards and all kinds of crazy ish. Earthquakes we have nothing in our wheelhouse for the earth moving. And our buildings in NYC aren't ready for any kind of earth shaking lol. This is my fourth one on the east coast one I didn't feel at all. This one was the strongest so far. My apartment building is old so it shook pretty bad. But glad it's calm now although some of the seismologists i do follow are saying for us to expect deeper stronger quakes here. They've been 98% right so far. They even predicted this one about a week ago. They didn't tell us the exact day but estimated and they were right even right with the magnitude strength.
About 15 years ago, 2 giant refinery tanks blew up on south shore of Staten Island, and the shockwave hit my house like a truck. THAT was something I felt. As for earthquakes, we actually get hundreds of them all along the Ramapo fault line. Most are barely detectable. It's nine miles deep. However I did learn something new, they built the Holland tunnel right IN the fault crack, because it was easier to dig through than the bedrock. Unless you are literally being thrown around the room, you don't have to worry. Even the old buildings like I grew up in in the Bronx, can handle as much as a 6.5. Subway surfing (Not on top) is way more movement than these baby quakes and tremors.

What was funny was idiots already were selling "I survived the NYC earthquake" T-shirts LITERALLY 15 minutes after it happened. But Adams and Hookies DIE office in NYC didn't send out any warning or notice until almost 2 hours AFTER. LOL What a comedy shit show that's making the movie Escape from NY seem more like a documentary now. lol
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I knew I shouldn't have eaten that eggs, bacon and bowl of Lucky Charms this morning. ;-p