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Glenys Bieler @GlenysBieler

Storybrooke Offline

Joined 8 years ago

About Myself

I Left OpenSim and Second Life for a while - but am now back.

Permenantly just turned 18 and petite (yes - many people ARE petite in RL and not everyone is a 7 foot Amazon godess!)

I own the Sub-Version.space grid which is more or less just my own playground now. User accounts are only given to close friends. Housing is once again available on a trial basis (we will see how it goes). All main regions on the grid are publically accessible. Please note that Sub-Version Grid is clothing optional throughout the grid.

My Interests

Hang out at my regions. Talk to friends, whatever else comes along that takes my fancy.

OpenSimulator Version Nessie Dev (Dot Net on Debian Linux)

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.6.17 (Have had problems with latest so reverted)

My Regions

2 0 grid.sub-version.space:8002:Farm 0 Users
Sub-Version FarmRegion A farm area - for those that love the countryside. There are several rental houses around the outside of the area with the farm in the middle. You can even rez a horse and go exploring the horse tracks - have a picnic - and just have fun.
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3 2 grid.sub-version.space:8002:Princess 0 Users
Princess Region Originally from Wolf Territories grid around 2022? Housing now available for rent to hypergrid users. Pink Owl Avatar Store and Re-Textured Petite store by Tansy Fields Pink/Pastel themed housing area with a princess vibe to it. Jewelry by Abbi Ashland (no longer in ...
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2 0 grid.sub-version.space:8002:Suburbs 1 Users
Sub-Version Suburbs Region We have installed rental boxes for some housing in this region only to start with. Anyone from any grid may rent housing here by interacting with the rental system. Please note: This is a trial - if people abuse this system it will be removed and again housing will...
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3 0 grid.sub-version.space:8002:MatchMaker 0 Users
Welcome to MatchMaker - a place where you can reach out to others of like mind and maybe find friendship, love or something else. While we don't like rules, we do have to have a few. 1. This is an adult service, provided in an Adult region. All visitors must be 18+ in both real and virtual ...
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Princess Region now re-worked and improved thanks to Tansy Fields.

All new "Re-Textured Petite" store and "Pink Owl Avatar Shop" by Tansy Fields!
Several items from other regions have now been combined onto the Princess region including a scripts store, a games area, skate park and car dealership.
Ashland Jewelry by Abbi Ashland is of course still available.

We have also now added 8 rental properties that can be rented by hypergrid visitors (of course you can't set home), using the fantastic "Vallands Rental System".
Good looking map tiles.
Hi all,

I'm looking for an easy way to generate good looking map tiles. The main usecase here is for textures for Val's awesome rental kiosks. For now - I have just grabbed the existing map tile (or just taken a screenshot of the map itself) but I have seen far better renditions elsewhere.

My investigations have led me to Warp3DImageModule with an understanding that it may have a memory leak and so not to use with refreshing tiles. As I have that set to never anyway and manually generate new images with "generate map" - that's not an issue for me.

However, as soon as I set that as the map module - the regions refuses to get past loading objects. It then just sits there forever (or at least too long). It seems that either the module is broken - or I need additional configuration that I can see no reference to.

Anyone know what's wrong with this module and/or have a solution for making a nice looking map tile?

Many thanks :)

MrSnoodle: Not sure I can help much, but what type of setup have you got? Dream Grid? Diva Distro? Osgrid? Other? Its pretty easy to get the Warp3DImageModule working on Osgrid, but when I tried to get it workin... 30 days ago
Free rentals now available on Suburbs region as well as two larger rentals on Princess Islands.

Please note the information boards at the landing area for what to expect and please check the TOS on the rentals themselves.

Additional rentals are planned for Princess and Autumn regions.

All homes are provided on an "as is" basis and the facility may be withdrawn if abused.
I've just added some trial rentals to Suburbs which replaces the "by invitation only" housing.

Please note that this is on a "trial" basis and will be removed if the facility is abused.

Note the information boards at the landing area for what to expect and please check the TOS on the rentals themselves.

If this works well - I plan to add more rentals to Princess, Princess Islands, and Autumn regions.
Profile Picks
I've looked but cant find anything - so appolagies in advance if I've missed it.

I've recently noticed that profile picks are not working for me on Firestorm. They do work fine in SL just not in OS. It's not just my regions on my grid - but this is the case everywhere.

I've tried Singularity and they work fine on that - I can create profile picks and see others, but when I go back to firestorm I cant create or see them (just have a spinning cursor).

Like I say its not my grid - I've tried going logging directly into osgrid and have exactly the same issue. I've uninstalled and removed everything related to firestorm and reinstalled - same issue.

I've even tried on a different laptop - same issue.

Anyone any clue? Do profile picks just not work on the OS Firestorm anymore? (I would be very surprised if thats the case).

Copper: Last FS viewer profile works on regions using the At (now tested) it does not. So this looks as a problem also with OS versions. At OSG they test new OS software. So maybe that is sol... 2 years ago
Hi All,

I've decided to leave both OpenSim and Second Life. It's not for some sulky reason, someone offended me or anything like that. I've just decided my life is going in a different direction.

Big hugs to all those who I have come to know over the months or years and hope you all have great virtual lives in OS :)

CyberGlo CyberStar: Sometimes a cowboy comes to a fork in the road... 2 years ago


Input/Output error when using TLS with MINIO

Full bright avatar or not: Not full bright - no lighting = dark gray.

Part three comparing full bright and normal avatars in the dark.... This is full bright in the dark.

Ok - so I am "well" lit here with being full bright. No shadows = not realistic. Also notice how only I am "lit" - everything else is dark still. Also notice, my white top? No? Oh that would be because its not lit and its in the dark - and colour fades in the dark.......
Full bright avatar or not: Not full bright - with lighting = "illuminated"

Part two comparing full bright and normal avatars in the dark.... This is normal in the dark/midnight setting but with some lights on in the room. Notice that its not just my body that is illuminated but things around me. If I was illuminated but nothing else that would look "odd" Also due to being "lit" there are shadows - no shadows = odd (unless you are lit 360 degrees).
Full bright avatar or not: Not full bright - no lighting = dark gray.

Part one comparing full bright and normal avatars in the dark.... This is normal in the dark with no lighting.

Yes I look very dark and gray. However this is as it should be. When was the last time you saw people walking round at night - illuminated? How bright do you look in RL at night when you are sleeping? Dark in the dark... is what makes sense.

Some time ago - I lost the OAR file that had all my previous builds on - and all the mesh parts I had created (or at least modified from 3darchive). I've just found one of my original houses on an oar file on outworldz "OAR Wedding By Isis Ophelia" - Really pleased as although its not a great build - it does have some of my mesh windows etc which are handy to reuse etc :) Still got my original name from Digiworlds as creator too - Jessica Moonlight.

Bear in mind, that this was 2015 - so it DOES show its age! Still.... glad to have at least ONE of my houses back! There was a smaller cottage version of this, and some older, some newer houses.
Personal boards scripts.
Anyone know of any open source scripts for personals boards? Thinking along the lines of how the ones at Taboo Ties in SL work (not that anyone here has ever visited a place like Taboo Ties of course :P)

CherylFurse: Great idea. On the pony farm on littlefield you find such a board. For "little" adoptions to find a Daddy or Mommy it could be nice. In SL there is something like this too. I saw this some months ago.... 3 years ago

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

The Furniture Vault

Was very pleased to see this place back online - its been "offline" for a long time I think. Unfortunately nothing is set for sale and its "take copy". I say unfortunately as I find that "take copy" doesn't often work for me. I've tried on three accounts from three grids. Two grids of my own (one with the old 1.0HG like osgrid - and wondered it that was causing the issue), an OSGrid avatar, ...


Such an awesome place! The attention to details is amazing. I've only explored part of this place but have loved every moment of my time here. There are lots of npcs here, which sometimes I find overwhelming and don't really serve much purpose, but the npcs here really add flavour to the experience, shopkeepers, postmen, etc all going about their business making the whole place come alive. It ...


This looks seriously awesome! Sure the assets came from the wow client but getting them into a region in OS must have been a labour of love! The RP possibilities are endless! Great Job!

My Groups

Nude Life

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