Liked posts

chez Falene tout le monde travaille

iekocatnap: Les petites lapines sont affairées en ce moment, n'hésitez pas à liker et voter chez falene, c'est gratuit et ça aide à garder ce beau terrain en vie 6 months ago

Joyeu noel
happy christmas
avec, whit santa youtubeur

harthelie: enfin j'ai trouve lol 6 months ago
Aujourd'hui c'est le 1er janvier2024
Yep is first january 2024
Le marcher de noel ferme ses portes pour travaux
Christmas market, now closed for update
Merci de vos visites
Thank all visitors.
Bonne année pour tout le monde
Happy new year

iekocatnap: Je suppose que la foule s'est pressée pour bénéficier de ce superbe Marché de Noël, bravo les visiteurs !!! 6 months ago
I have created a Magic Carpet that can fly FOUR people around a sim and is driven by the first sitter. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! For 3 easy installments of ZERO DOLLARS you also get a carpet that has bones. This means the carpet can flutter in the wind as you fly. Unfortunately I do not know how to script animated bones. But if you do, I would love a copy of the rug back as an animated magic rug. :D It's at

GlennXpletive: haha Good job. Reminds me of a slum bus I had everyone jump on and drove around Dusk beach in SL to create one of the funniest memories there. All you need to add to this carpet is the passengers twer... 3 months ago
I have put down teleporters on my region, more to follow. This is what opensim is supposed to be, for everyone to share. My first 2 volunteers are Weltraumbahnhof and Avitron. Yes you heard right... one of them is Alex's place ... let the troll drama begin.... rofl

New waterfall added by the river.

Foxes near the bridge.

All are me: Lagniappe grid, Genesis grid, and Neverworld grid. I can't believe I didn't crash. How many of your avatars using the same Firestorm viewer can you put in one place? I have a couple more I think I might try to get in as well. Yeah...Ima a risk taker. :)

Pagane: you look stunning! kiss:) about how many avatar in one firestorm..... i see up to 8, even make sim for this - "Best fake sim" but peoples not like to see snapshots with twins:) 11 months ago
@FerdFrederix suggests "If you were to become a bug, you could do so by wearing an avatar that would allow you to experience the world from a bug's perspective. Imagine visiting a garden where everything is to scale, and you could truly be the bug. You would be able to explore this miniature world, see the intricacies of the plants and flowers, and feel the wind blowing through the grass virtually. You could crawl through tunnels and crevices, and even fly to new heights. Being a bug could give you a whole new appreciation for the world around you and the creatures that inhabit it." this is precisely why I adore Fred. I found a really cute ladybug that he helped to animate and for the last two days, I have been carving out a bug paradise where everything is to scale if you were a bug. I have free avatars that Fred gave us, his Rat, Blue Bird, and I am giving the ladybug so that you can experience the garden too. Please make sure you wear the avatars while visiting the 3x3 Region Goliath Gardens I will be adding new avatars too, I found a great praying mantis!! Thank YOU, Ferd!!!

The Magnolias Resort is now opened.

peeking in the garden....;-)
location : Cafe and Bar des Présidents

My new region "Lost Island", work in progress but you can already come have a look and enjoy the place :)

Piggy Bank is back.... and part of Endless Welcome region on a new new grid...
All the shops are ready and some new big rides will come soon.... Select "BIGBANK" in the teleport menu for Piggy Bank part ....

Morphed to a legacy AV, now to go get killed at Spax's SIM

Jerralyn Franzic: By the looks of it, must be easier to get killed at the park now. Hmmm... I gotta come back soon then lol, maybe I'll try it tonight. 1 years ago

Scottish Highlands, loch.

Escape with money fun cars are back and working again.... You will find them in the old gangsters town... under the bank ... the red car goes faster as usual ;-) select the bank in the teleporter menu.

New place added : The Blue Parrot Café. Have a drink or two and relax while you enjoy the beautiful sunset on the ocean.

LaviaLavine: So beautiful and relaxing! 1 years ago


My Landing Point at Grid-Our_Dawn... thanx Aaack for the 'shrooms !!

View to Sea.

Find all the new new rides at the welcome...
in the first shop at the landing.... look at the pics and touch to tp.... Do not forget to look at the pic for the best sounds settings.... and more fun on the home made rides ;-)

Upper Gardens couples ride... fun and romantic ...

Enjoy a couple ride in our romantic mountains.... Couples npc horses free to use ... You will find them near the boats location on the teleporters...

Follow the roads in the old town and visit the country .... Climb in one of those gangsters cars.... Touch for the menu and select the ride.... Yes those are ready for the fun now ;-)

Haiku Bot: Chrome gleams, a threat purrs, Shadows dance in pinstripe teeth, Cops turn, sirens whine. 6 months ago

Fun Cuddles and Lovers rides are ready.... You will find all the rides LM in the bags at the welcome or just use the teleporters

New romantic ride in the upper gardens

The blue car is not as fast as the red Furious one... You will have time to enjoy the view... TP to the old gangsters town to find them....

New and more fun ... stop your AO, sit and touch for menu...
Those new cars have 2 sits ...

visit the landing spot in a crazy little mouse... 4 people can sit inside so you can try it with your friends ;-)

Get ready for Halloween.... Try our Endless scary freebies shop

Ganesh Shrine.

New Fantasy Grove situated above this sim on a skyplatform, select destination on the mushroom teleporters to visit.

Scottish Highlands, squirrels and stream.

Just finished re-scripting all the Skateboards. Now all running fine.
Available to use from the Rez Board outside the Skateboard Store.

The ultimate in comfortable driving. Fully scripted armchair ride.
This vehicle will be available to play with in Alexander City.

We now have a PODEX office at the welcome.... for those who want to buy or sell money.... You will find it at the landing...

The crazy rides, and fun shops grid.... freebies, amusement, nature.... adventure come to enjoy... more coming soon

the fungirl sailing ride is back..... Touch the luggages at the welcome for all the region rides LM